Can I create automatic Unit Tests for C++ - c++

When I create a program using C# and VS2008 , then I can create a test case just by Rightclicking on the method. But I am not sure If I can create the tests in the same way if it is a C++ project.

Due to the lack of reflection in C++, you propably wont be able to have these kind of unit tests, VS provides.

I'm pretty sure you can't. You can create a C++/CLI test project and tests manually though. The IDE will create a C++/CLI test class with stubs etc. for you.

I agree with the answers above, just adding...or use the boost library:

You might want to take a look at CppUnit or googletest for unit testing with C++. You won't have the IDE generation of test cases, but there are unit testing frameworks out there.


Concolic Testing of c programs

I have been given a project to create a concolic testing framework for testing c programs. i found that CUTE and DART implement concolic testing. But they are not available for download. I completely understand the way concolic testing works but I am not able to implement it at system level. Can someone help? I need help regarding on how to extract components/functions of a c program, test them concretely and symbolically and hit possible errors in the program.
CREST is an open-source implementation of concolic testing.
CATG and Jalangi are open-source implementations of concolic testing for Java and JavaScript programs, respectively.

Unit testing framework for C++ that doesn't need to preprocess the code

There are several major unit tests frameworks, but as far as I know all of them needs to process the source code in some way.
For example, I am using cxxunit, and it requires the unit tests to be processed using some python script. The problem with this is that it increases the build time.
Does anyone know of a unit testing framework for C++ code that doesn't preprocess the unit tests code?
PS: I need it for linux, but it is ok if it is multi platform.
You could use Boost.Test. I've had good experiences with it. It does not require any special preprocessing.
You could use google test framework. You need just build library source code one time. Then you can create your tests as .cpp files, then compile and link them with gtest and needed project libraries as ordinary c++ sources.
Besides that, it is multiplatform.
I'm happy with googletest.
CPPUnit is my personal choice at the moment, and is in plain C++.
I've been using TestDog. You construct your tests using the code to test and it produces HTML output summaries.
I'd recommend considering Andrew Marlow's FRUCTOSE in your evaluation too... he's a very thorough and professional developer who compared existing offers carefully before crafting his own. See also an ACCU article disucssing the library:

Automated Unit Testing of C++

Is there any way to generate automated unit test cases for c++ code written using VS2005. I do some basic R&D and found that there is a support for automated testing in VS2005 but its only for Managed Code, so i am looking for something specific to:
"Automatic generation of Test cases of Native C++ Code"
It doesn't matter whether its a plug-in that works with VS2005 or any standalone application. But it is preferred to have some plug-in sort of solution.
I can't tell if you are asking about a unit testing framework (if yes, try cppUnit), or if you really want tests code-generated. If the latter, I imagine the answer is no. Usually a capability like that is linked to reflection and/or built-in design-by-contract capabilities (e.g Eiffel or C# with .net 4.0).

Universal Unit Testing Framework

I have a universal C++ project for Windows, Mac and Linux. Now, I need to do unit testing, what's the best testing framework or techniques I should use?
there are lots of c++ testing frameworks can you tell us more about your project's requirements? Personally I use saru as its very light weight and easy to use

unit testing framework for Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0

Is there a unit testing framework for Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0?
I'm not a C++ programmer, but I think CppUnit does the trick. I'm sure there are others.
You can read this article for list of all C++ unit testing frameworks, and check which one is working with VS6.0
There's a VC6 port of Phil Nash' Catch test framework.
Catch is easy to start with as it is packaged up as a single header and has no external dependencies other than the C++ standard library.
Test cases are written as self-registering functions or methods, optionally divided into sections. Catch needs only one core assertion macro for comparisons, using standard C operators for the comparison - yet decomposing the full expression and logging both lhs and rhs values.
CppUnit requires more work than necessary, particularly the work it takes to create a new test case. The original author, Michael Feathers, published a simplified framework which has been used as the basis for others. I've used UnitTest++, and am very interested in googletest. Either one will let you create a new test case without having to declare it and manually add it to a suite; the frameworks do that for you.