packet fragmentation for raw sockets - c++

If I am using raw sockets to send a UDP packet of size 3000bytes, do I need to handle packet fragmentation myself in the code, or should the raw socket handle fragmentation similar to DGRAM socket?

Well, if you are using UDP, you aren't really sending RAW. RAW would be no IP at all, in which case yes you have to handle fragmentation yourself.
With UDP you get IP's fragmentation support, which is IMHO plenty good enough for short-haul networks where collisions should be minimal. Make the link between the two systems a dedicated subnet, and it isn't an issue at all.
What TCP buys you over UDP (among other things) is the stack's ability to just have to resend one fragment if it gets lost or hosed somehow. With UDP if that happens the entire message must be discarded. There's overhead with that though, and for most modern networks you can probably live with that trade-off.

Nope, packet fragmentation is handled at a lower level. You should see exactly what you put in the packet come back out. That is to say UDP guaranties message boundaries.

The underlying protocol, IP, still handles fragmentation. As long as you're not setting the DF (don't fragment) bit you should be fine, I think.

Depending on your system this can be handled quite differently. For example on Linux you can ask the lower layers to handle path MTU discovery and give an error (EMSGSIZE) if you try and send something larger than the (known) path MTU.
How "raw" is the raw socket you're talking about? Other systems could just let you control the DF bit (or you might be constructing most of the IP header yourself) in which case the behaviour will also depend on this.
As a rule if you transmit with DF set you will usually get a choice of seeing an error in userspace, or having the lower levels on your host handle PMTU discovery and stopping you sending something too large. If you don't set DF then you (probably) will see appropriate fragmentation from router(s) along the path.

For Linux, the answer is yes. If you take a look at Linux's raw socket implementation, there is no reassembly happening for raw sockets.

Yes, SOCK_RAW dont handle Fragmentation and reassembly. RAW socket treated your complete data buffer is treated as L2 protocol's data/payload, and it doesn't know about L3 and above.
In case of SOCK_DGRAM or SOCK_STREAM, your data buffer will be treated as data/payload to L4 protocols. so L3 handling(frag/reass) will done by linux stack.


How can I recv TCP socket data in one package without dividing

Since I create a TCP socket,it is fine when sending small amount fragment. all data came in one package. but when data becomes bigger and bigger. TCP package has been divided into pieces.. it`s really annoying. Is there any option to set on socket, and the socket will automatically put pieces into one package for me ?
It's a byte stream. All the bytes will arrive correctly and in the right order, but not necessarily when you want them. If you need to send anything more complex than one byte, you need another protocol on top of TCP. That's why there are all those other TCP/IP protocols like HTTP, SMTP etc.
No there is not. There are even situations where you might receive 1 byte.
Consider using higher level messaging libraries like ZMQ. It handles all the message packing and unpacking for you.
TCP provides you reliable bi-directional byte stream. It takes care of sequencing, transport-layer packetization, retransmission, and flow-control. Decades of research went into optimizing its performance. Pretty nifty. The small price you pay for all this convenience is that you have to write and read the stream in a loop, watching for a complete application protocol message you can process when receiving, and flushing yet unbuffered bytes when sending.
Welcome to socket programming!
I'll chime in here and say that there's pretty much nothing you can do to solve you issue without adding extra dependencies on libraries which handle application protocols for you. There are some lower level message packing libraries (google's protocol buffers, among others) which may help.
It's probably the most beneficial to get used to reading and writing TCP data in a loop. It's proven and very portable.. even if you pay a small price in actually writing the streaming codecs yourself.
Try it a few times. It's a useful experience which you can re-use, and it's really not as difficult and annoying once you get the hang of it (like anything else, really).
Furthermore, it's fairly easy to unit-test (rather than dealing with esoteric libraries and uncommon protocols with badly/sparsely documented options)..
You can optimize sockets reads to return larger chunks, on platforms that support it, by setting low watermark using setsockopt() and SO_RECVLOWAT. But you will still have to handle the possibility of getting bytes less than the watermark.
I think you want SOCK_SEQPACKET (or possibly SOCK_RDM). See socket(2).

Windows lowest level socket programming?

I'm having a little bit of confusion regarding how low-level winsock is? I am wanting to write a VERY basic client-server program on windows. I don't really wish to use a bloated TCP or even UDP, just something extremely basic and low latency. Would winsock be ideal for this? Or is winsock the same as the windows network functions, just all packaged up (and possibly slower)? Would I be better just using PInvoke on the native windows networking functions?
Winsock, TCP, UDP, and any well received networking library built on top of these are all going to be comparable performance wise.
Use whichever one is easiest to get your work done.
First of all, it's possible to write completely new protocol w/o implementing network driver. For this you have raw sockets. On desktop Windows they are very limited (find "limitations").
It's possible, but not recommended. Don't reinvent the wheel and choose between UDP and TCP until you're completely sure you need something more sophisticated (but not simpler).
To send data over network (as opposite to direct cable link between two computers) you need IP protocol. To dispatch your data to right application you need transport protocol (UDP, TCP and others). UDP is almost the simplest possible one because that's was its main design goal. UDP provides additional addressing (port number in addition to IP address to deliver your data to right socket), packet boundaries ("length" field) and optional checksum. That's all and that's the minimum feature list. Take it and implement everything you need over UDP.
Next, if you need to be sure that your packets are delivered instead of silently dropped somewhere on the way (reliability), delivered in right order, if you'd like to know that somebody still listen to you on opposite end (connectivity) and other things implemented by best specialists, with hardware adapted to this implementation, tested by millions during decades, with lots of documentation, available on almost all possible platforms - use TCP.

Sockets: large message performance

I have a doubt regarding the use of Berkeley Sockets under Ubuntu. In terms of performance and reliability which option is best? To send a high amount of messages but with short length or to send a low amount of messages but this ones with a large size? I do not know which is the main design rule I should follow here.
Thank you all!
In terms of reliability, unless you have very specific requirements it isn't worth worrying about much. If you are talking about TCP, it is going to do a better job than you managing things until you come across some edge case that really requires you to fiddle with some knobs, in which case a more specific question would be in order. In terms of packet size, with TCP unless you circumvent Nagel's algorithm, you don't really have the control you might think.
With UDP, arguably the best thing to do is use path MTU discovery, which TCP does for you automatically, but as a general rule you are fine just using something in 500 byte range. If you start to get too fancy you will find yourself reinventing parts of TCP.
With TCP, one option is to use the TCP_CORK socket option. See the getsockopt man page. Set TCP_CORK on the socket, write a batch of small messages, then remove the TCP_CORK option and they will be transmitted in a minimum number of network packets. This can increase throughput at the cost of increased latency.
Each network message has a 40-byte length header, but large messages are harder to route and easier to lose. If you are talking about UDP, so the best message size is Ethernet block, which is 1496 bytes long, if yiu are using TCP, leave it up to network layer to handle how much to send.
Performance you can find out yourself with iperf. Run a few experiments and you will see it yourself. As for reliability as far as I understand if you use TCP the TCP connection guarantee that data will be delivered of course if the connection is not broken.
"In terms of performance and reliability which option is best"
On a lossy layer, performance and reliability are almost a straight trade-off against each other, and greater experts than us have put years of work into finding sweet spots, and techniques which beat the straight trade-off and improve both at once.
You have two basic options:
1) Use stream sockets (TCP). Any "Messages" that your application knows about are defined at the application layer rather than at the sockets. For example, you might consider an HTTP request to be a message, and the response to be another in the opposite direction. You should see your job as being to keep the output buffer as full as possible, and the input buffer as empty as possible, at all times. Reliability has pretty much nothing to do with message length, and for a fixed size of data performance is mostly determined by the number of request-response round-trips performed rather than the number of individual writes on the socket. Obviously if you're sending one byte at a time with TCP_NODELAY then you'd lose performance, but that's pretty extreme.
2) Use datagrams (UDP). "Messages" are socket-layer entities. Performance is potentially better than TCP, but you have to invent your own system for reliability, and potentially this will hammer performance by requiring data to be re-sent. TCP has the same issue, but greater minds, etc. Datagram length can interact very awkwardly with both performance and reliability, hence the MTU discovery mentioned by Duck. If you send a large packet and it's fragmented, then if any fragment goes astray then your message won't arrive. There's a size N, where if you send N-size datagrams they won't fragment, but if you send N+1-size datagrams they will. Hence that +1 doubles the number of failed messages. You don't know N until you know the network route (and maybe not even then). So it's basically impossible to say at compile time what sizes will give good performance: even if you measure it, it'll be different for different users. If you want to optimise, there's no alternative to knowing your stuff.
UDP is also more work than TCP if you need reliability, which is built in to TCP. Potentially UDP has big payoffs, but should probably be thought of as the assembler programming of sockets.
There's also (3): use a protocol for improved UDP reliability, such as RUDP. This isn't part of Berkeley-style sockets APIs, so you'll need a library to help.

Networking Method

Hey guys, Iv'e noticed that when I send a complete packet (collect it's data in a buffer and send) it is much slower than sending the packet byte by byte.
Will it be okay if I make an online game using this method?
Sounds like a naggling-related problem.
You have to disable naggling for latency-demanding applications. (See setsockopt, TCP_NODELAY).
TCP stack behaves differently for small chunks, trying to combine them in bizare ways on the way to IP datagrams. This is a performance optimization suggested by J.Nagle (hence nagling). Keep in mind that enabling NODELAY will make every send() call a kernel-mode transition, so you may wish to pack streams into chunks yourself by means of memory copying, before feeding them into send() if performance is an issue for what you are doing.
I think you need to define what are your measurement points (what exactly are you measuring). By the way is this TCP or UDP?
Anyway Winsock has its own internal buffers that you can modify by calls to setsockopt.
That sounds bizarre. There is much more overhead in sending data byte by byte. Your transport headers will far outweigh the payload! Not to mention O(n) send calls (where n is the number of bytes).
You're doing something wrong if that's what you experience.
What I didn't really measure anything, I'm pretty sure it has something to do with sending data and not collecting it..
I'm using C# for server-side and C++ for client side, in the server side I wrapped the socket with a BinaryWriter and BinaryReader, and in the client I just used send and recv
to send every byte.

What is the optimal size of a UDP packet for maximum throughput?

I need to send packets from one host to another over a potentially lossy network. In order to minimize packet latency, I'm not considering TCP/IP. But, I wish to maximize the throughput uisng UDP. What should be the optimal size of UDP packet to use?
Here are some of my considerations:
The MTU size of the switches in the network is 1500. If I use a large packet, for example 8192, this will cause fragmentation. Loss of one fragment will result in the loss of the entire packet, right?
If I use smaller packets, I'll incur the overhead of the UDP and IP header
If I use a really large packet, what is the largest that I can use? I read that the largest datagram size is 65507. What is the buffer size I should use to allow me to send such sizes? Would that help to bump up my throughput?
What are the typical maximum datagram size supported by the common OSes (eg. Windows, Linux, etc.)?
Some of the receivers of the data are embedded systems for which TCP/IP stack is not implemented.
I know that this place is filled with people who are very adament about using what's available. But I hope to have better answers than just focusing on MTU alone.
The best way to find the ideal datagram size is to do exactly what TCP itself does to find the ideal packet size: Path MTU discovery.
TCP also has a widely used option where both sides tell the other what their MSS (basically, MTU minus headers) is.
Alternative answer: be careful to not reinvent the wheel.
TCP is the product of decades of networking experience. There is a reson for every or almost every thing it does. It has several algorithms most people do not think about often (congestion control, retransmission, buffer management, dealing with reordered packets, and so on).
If you start reimplementing all the TCP algorithms, you risk ending up with an (paraphasing Greenspun's Tenth Rule) "ad hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of TCP".
If you have not done so yet, it could be a good idea to look at some recent alternatives to TCP/UDP, like SCTP or DCCP. They were designed for niches where neither TCP nor UDP was a good match, precisely to allow people to use an already "debugged" protocol instead of reinventing the wheel for every new application.
The easiest workaround to find mtu in c# is to send udp packets with dontfragment flag set to true. if it throws an exception, try reduce the packet size. do this until there is no exception thrown. you can start with 1500 packet size.
Another thing to consider is that some network devices don't handle fragmentation very well. We've seen many routers that drop fragmented UDP packets or packets that are too big. The suggestion by CesarB to use Path MTU is a good one.
Maximum throughput is not driven only by the packet size (though this contributes of course). Minimizing latency and maximizing throughput are often at odds with one other. In TCP you have the Nagle algorithm which is designed (in part) to increase overall throughput. However, some protocols (e.g., telnet) often disable Nagle (i.e., set the No Delay bit) in order to improve latency.
Do you have some real time constraints for the data? Streaming audio is different than pushing non-realtime data (e.g., logging information) as the former benefits more from low latency while the latter benefits from increased throughput and perhaps reliability. Are there reliability requirements? If you can't miss packets and have to have a protocol to request retransmission, this will reduce overall throughput.
There are a myriad of other factors that go into this and (as was suggested in another response) at some point you get a bad implementation of TCP. That being said, if you want to achieve low latency and can tolerate loss using UDP with an overall packet size set to the PATH MTU (be sure to set the payload size to account for headers) is likely the optimal solution (esp. if you can ensure that UDP can get from one end to the other.
Well, I've got a non-MTU answer for you. Using a connected UDP socket should speed things up for you. There are two reasons to call connect on your UDP socket. The first is efficiency. When you call sendto on an unconnected UDP socket what happens is that the kernel temporarily connects the socket, sends the data and then disconnects it. I read about a study indicating that this takes up nearly 30% of processing time when sending. The other reason to call connect is so that you can get ICMP error messages. On an unconnected UDP socket the kernel doesn't know what application to deliver ICMP errors to and so they just get discarded.
IP header is >= 20 bytes but mostly 20 and UDP header is 8 bytes. This leaves you 1500 - 28 = 1472 bytes for you data. PATH MTU discovery finds the smallest possible MTU on the way to destination. But this does not necessarily mean that, when you use the smallest MTU, you will get the best possible performance. I think the best way is to do a benchmark. Or maybe you should not care about the smallest MTU on the way at all. A network device may very well use a small MTU and also transfer packets very fast. And its value may very well change in the future. So you can not discover this and save it somewhere to use later on, you have to do it periodically. If I were you, I would set the MTU to something like 1440 and benchmark the application...
Even though the MTU at the switch is 1500, you can have situations (like tunneling through a VPN) that wrap a few extra headers around the packet- you may do better to reduce them slightly, and go at 1450 or so.
Can you simulate the network and test performance with different packet sizes?