Qt on Mac: add an existing UI file without rebuilding the whole project - c++

I have a Qt project in XCode on Mac. I want to add an existing .UI file to it. When I do that by listing in the .pri file, the XCode project itself is rebuilt by qmake, and all my post-qmake settings are lost. Is there a way to insert a UI file without listing in the .pri? It's doable in a very straightforward way on Visual Studio...

There are two custom steps in the target - both call make over files in the project bundle (xcodeproj). The first one invokes qmake. The second invokes the Qt proprocessors - uic, moc. So the answer is - comment out or delete the first step, modify the makefile of the second one by hand. Add generated files (once they're generated at least once) to the project as necessary.


How to compile staticly a Qt 5 application?

I would like to compile staticly my Qt 5 application. I used this link :
Qt static linking and deployment
The problem is that I don't know where is the "configure" file or how to generate it ?
ps: the old option to add "CONFIG = static" in the .pro file doesn't work with Qt5
You have to first compile the whole Qt library statically. Then, use that configuration in your projects. Then, your application will be statically compiled.
Qt (when using qmake) takes the compilation configuration from its qmakespec, which is defined during compilation of the Qt library. This includes all the parameters that are used by default.
Keep in mind that this has a learning curve. You have to try and fail a few times. It'll cost you some time to get this right. That link I provided should make this effort easier.
The problem is that I don't know where is the "configure" file or how to generate it ?
QMake make use of several type of files:
The most common is the .pro used for pro-jects. You can find/create it at the root of your project directory.
Creating a QtCreator project will automatically generate one. Be aware that there is also the qbs alternative.
the old option to add "CONFIG = static" in the .pro file doesn't work with Qt5
CONFIG *= static still works, are you sure about any other issue somewhere else?
CONFIG = static will override any previous value, using the * will append the new value without deleting previous configurations. I suggest you to use 'message( $$CONFIG)' to ensure the content is correct.

How to always compile a file?

I have a Qt project with QML files. Whenever I change these files, I have to manually right click the .qrc (resources) file and recompile it.
How do I tell visual studio to always compile a certain file, not only when it thinks it has changed?
(Here are similar questions others have asked for eclipse and flashdevelop)
I encountered the same problem while building qt apps using Qt Creator.(Especially while using QML files as resources.) I solved the problem using a little hack.
Created a batch file say touch.bat in my source directory.
This batch file contains a single line copy qml.qrc /B+ ,,/Y where qml.qrc is the resource file name.
Opened my project in QtCreator and went to Project->Build Steps->Add Build Step->Custom process step and entered touch.bat
Whenever the project build starts, the qml.qrc is touched. The build system thinks that qml.qrc is modified and builds it.
You can modify this hack for Visual Studio also.(I have not tried). Try adding touch.bat as a build step in Visual studio. The idea is to fool the build system to think that your .qrc is modified.
I guess this is a known bug which remains unresolved. Check this bug report.

Using Qt with Visual Studio without add-in

I recently started using Qt library and I've got a question.
Is this possible to use Qt with Visual Studio without special add-in?
I want to just design the UI using qt designer and do the rest in VS Express.
How do I do that?
Yes you can, if you would prefer not to use the QtVSAddin it is very easy to use Qt with VS Express without the VS add-in and without having to do any of the uic or moc steps manually. Let QMake (installed with Qt but not part of the QtVSAddin) create your VS project file and do all your project setup in a qmake project file. Whenever you make a change like adding/removing a form or source, modify the qmake project file and regenerate the VS project. Don't modify the VS project file at all, treat it only as a temporary item. QMake will add the rules automatically to the VS project file to rerun uic and moc, you don't need to do anything if you're just modifying source code or forms.
For configuration management purposes I find this a much cleaner approach to use this workflow as you treat the VS project file as only a temporary item (they tend to diff badly and are a pain to maintain in version control).
A couple snippets to help you out:
In your qmake project file ensure you add the following line into it so that VS project files are generated when running on Windows (qmake defaults to generating a makefile).
win32: TEMPLATE = vcapp
Additionally, it's convenient to have a batch file to rerun qmake so you don't have to bring up a command prompt and set environment up (or change directory to your project in a command prompt that already has the environment setup). If you haven't set the various Qt environment variables with Windows (or prefer not to) make sure to add them to your batch file.
set QTDIR=C:\Qt\x.y.z
set PATH=%PATH%;%QTDIR%\bin
set QMAKESPEC=win32-msvcXXXX
qmake your_qmake_proj.pro
CMake is also an answer and it does work with express versions of Visual Studio. I mean if you use the Qt support in CMake you can develop Qt projects in Visual Studio (like I have done for years) without the Qt Addon. I install the addon just for the debug expansion that comes in the same package.
It is certainly possible, but without the add-in you will need to UI and MOC the needed files either before you compile the rest within VS, or through pre-compile scripting.
uic generates the headers from .ui files.
moc generates the additional implementation files for classes that has Qt macros in it.
The add-in helps you call these smoothly on the required files before compiling the rest.
It's is possible if you create the UI in QtCreator and manually setup VS in a way that generate the UI and MOC files.
But it's too much work and you can use QtCreator which is an amazing light IDE.

Using Cmake with Qt Creator

I would like to use Qt creator and Cmake together (please, don't ask me about my motivation, accept this as a given.)
I successfully set up Qt creator to use cmake "Cmake": see this, this and this documents regarding how I did that.
I successfully create hello world project, but I can't create files in project,
only add existing files to project tree and after that adding it to cmake list.
Standard operation of Qt creator "Add New..." doesn't work and I can't find why.
Is there anybody who uses Qt creator and "Cmake" together? Is the combination actually possible?
Note: I'm using Qt creator v2.4.1.
You can add files using glob expression in your CMakeLists.txt, like this:
file(GLOB SRC . *.cpp)
add_executable (your_exe_name ${SRC})
Cmake will pick your new cpp files next time you run it and QtCreator will show them in the project browser.
This solution may be useful but as noted in comments - this is not a good practice. Every time somebody add new source file and commit changes, you need to rerun cmake to build all the sources. Usually I just touch one of the CMakeLists.txt files if my build is broken after I pool recent changes from repository. After that make will run cmake automatically and I didn't need to run it by hands. Despite of that I think that explicit source lists in CMakeLists.txt is a good thing, they called thing CMake Lists for a reason.
When you add new files in QtCreator using the "New File or Project..." dialog it only creates the files on disk, it doesn't automatically add the files to the CMakeLists.txt. You need to do this by hand by editing the CMakeLists.txt file.
The next time you build the project, CMake will be re-run, and QtCreator will pick up the new files and show them in the project browser.
I solve this problem that I added new files in standard way (CTRL+N), then added needed files in CMakeLists. After that, right click on project in project tree view and choose option Run CMake. After this, files showed in project list tree. Only build was not enough.
I tested here and happened the same behavior because those options you were asking were really disabled.
Use File -> "New File or Project..." or CTRL+N to add new files and after that add to CMakeLists.txt
I'm adding an updated answer for newer versions of QtCreator (4.x, I don't know precisely which release but at least from 4.7). In the Tools > Options... menu, choose the Build & Run section and then the CMake tab. You will see the Adding Files settings, and you can set it to Copy file paths :
This way, when you want to add a new file to your project, in the Project view, right click on the desired CMake Executable/Library's name and select Add New..., go through the Add dialog, and when you'll validate the dialog, QtCreator will open CMakeLists.txt in the Editor view. Finally, paste the content of the clipboard at the end of the corresponding source file list and save CMakeLists.txt. The CMake project will be parsed, and your new file will show up in the Project view.

Qt Creator problem. UI changes not showing when project is built

I'm making changes to a form in Creator but when I build the changes are not being "refreshed".
I've gone so far as to remove every element from the form and get rid of every stylesheet but when I build the project I get the same result; as if I had never made a change at all.
What gives? Am I missing something obvious? (obvious to everyone but me.. obviously)
I guess you're using QtCreator 2.0? I found the same strange issue. You have two options:
Remove the ui_{the_name_of_design}.h from the project's build dir. Then run qmake again.
make clean or Build → Rebuild All
But the second option even doesn't help with me. By the way that's why is good to use a different build dir than that where the sources are. If some changes don't appear to be applied, just delete the content of build dir, and everything goes fine as well.
Most likely cause if that your make procedure is not noticing the changes in the .ui file, and so it is not calling the uic tool. Try to do a make clean to see if it helps, and check your build log to see if uic is being called.
For me, the solution was to change the BuildDirectory to the same directory where the code is, instead of the **-build-desktop directory.
I stumbled upon this issue as well and one thing I noticed was that my program was still running in the background without me knowing. Ending the task through task manager fixes it and you can make changes again.
A few suggestions:
Perform a make distclean.
Use a shadow build directory. Building “inside” the source code is not advised.
Check your computer’s clock and the date and time of your files.
This thread is a little dated but since I got caught up in the same problem I thought I would share how I resolved this.
I've been incrementally building up a ui with designer under QtCreator 2.4.1/Qt 4.8.1 using a poor man's source control approach: snapshots. At one point I inadvertently created a non-shadowed build project. In a subsequent snapshot I reverted the project back to shadow build and at that point new widgets added in the ui form were no longer being recognized in the build.
Delete stale ui_.h files from the source directory.
Delete make and ui_.h files from your shadaow build directory.
Latest generated ui_.h files will reappear in the shadow build directory.
No copies of ui_.h files appear in the source directory indicating that the stale files were taking precedence in the build order. Not obvious.
I have this problem and i solve it by changing the project path. I had stored the project in my flash memory when i had this problem, then i copy the project folder and it's build folder also in the Desktop and open it with QtCreator and the problem was solved.
Problem is indeed stale generated files in project source directory. This can happen both with genrated ui_*.h files, as well as with moc_*.* files. Below is not covered by existing answers, so here we go:
To remove generated files from the project source directory, without affecting Qt Creator settings or current shadow build directories, there are two principal ways, which can also be combined for extra coverage.
Go to Qt command prompt, go to project source directory and run these commands:
qmake -r
make clean
make distclean
1st one will recursively create makefiles. 2nd one will remove all files produced by building the project. 3rd one will remove the makefiles again. Then continue using shadow build from Qt Creator as before.
The problem with this is, it will leave files which are not part of the project. So if some files have been removed from project, related generated files may remain, and cause trouble if files with same name are added back. So even after this it is good idea to verify no ui_* or moc_* files remain, if you know you have removed files from project.
Use your version control software to first commit or stash/shelve all uncommitted changes, and then remove all unversioned (also otherwise ignored) files. For some version control software this may not be easy as git clean -dxf (beware, that will also lose uncommited changes and Qt Creator's custom project settings), and in that case it may be easier to just remove project source directory and get a clean checkout.
The problem with this is, if some generated files have accidentally been added to project, they will not be cleaned up with this. So it may still be a good idea to do the step 1 above too.
Above steps should be in sync so that after step 1, any files in source directory (except Qt Creators's projectname.pro.user and possible *~ backup files) should be under in version control.