Send and Receive SMS from my Website - web-services

The way I plan to use it is:
At the seminar, have people send SMS to a number to vote.
On the backend (assuming that the data comes back to my Web server), I will display the voting results on my Web site.
After say 10 minutes, I would like to press a button on my Web site so ONE of the people who sent an SMS earlier receive an SMS saying that person is a winner.
I'm an ASP .Net developer, so I just need an API to code against. One such company I saw that does this (but is limited to US) is:
Do you know any international providers that are similar to Twilio SMS? I'm based in Sydney, Australia.

I've used SMSGlobal before. Check out their API (the documentation is available on the website) to see if they have this functionality - I think from memory they do.


Push a RingCentral app to production (fax)

I have a fax app and I am able to hit the API. I have been trying to move it to production. I have bought an Office Premium account and put in my new main line, but received no word from the developer team.
Also, regarding the requirement for an app to be moved to production, I have met all the requirements except 5+ API calls per each used endpoint (20+ in total).
Does anyone know to successfully push a RingCentral app to production?
Please make more Fax API (20 at least ) calls on this app and give it at least 4 hours for the new API calls to reflect on the analytics. Once all the graduation requirements are satisfied, "Apply for Production" button is activated.
If you still have issues, please open a case with RingCentral Developer Support at and request your app graduation by providing the Client ID.
You need to make at least 20 API calls in total and 5 per endpoint, for instance, if you have only two permissions, along with making 5 calls per API endpoint (with that permission), you need to make 10 more API calls to hit the 20 API calls mark. Once the requirement is met you should be able to move your app to production.
Here are the steps to move your app to production.
If you still have issues, please submit a ticket with your client id

Using Twilio For East Africa - Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi

We have now created a beta GIS platform (PostgreSQL, Django, Leaflet) that also enables users to send SMS messages to a Twilio number, which are then viewed within the app and then annotated by admins to reports.
The aim of these crowd-sourced reports is to empower local communities in rural East Africa with a voice to share incidents relating to water pollution and sanitation. We will be showcasing the web GIS platform to the wider international community (who have come together in East Africa to deal with this issue - known as the 'maji programme').
To cut it short, we are using Twilio to receive SMS messages and currently only have a UK mobile number joined to the account. In order to conduct a field trial, it is very, very important that we can enable citizens to report and send SMS messages to a more local mobile number, namely Kenya and Tanzania, with Malawi soon to follow.
Having recently seen that Twilio has added support for Kenya, we are looking to see how Tanzania and Malawi might be addressed. Is it a case that we wait for Twilio to roll out support in these countries (already sent them that question) or is there a way to bootstrap this situation?
The only requirement that really matters is that citizens are able to text a local mobile phone, which in turn is input into our django app.
I would very much value your collective input...whether that be a method to bootstrap around the current Twilio issue, or indeed alternative ways to address local Tanzanian and Malawian needs.
As it's not possible yet to get a local number from Twilio, you could use another local SMS solution say SMSLeopard or Uwazi. Uwazi have an API but I haven't taken it for a test drive while SMSleopard currently only works with a spreadsheet. You could collect the texts to a spreadsheet and then develop a custom solution to send the data to a database or to Twilio. The best solution so far for your case I think is AfricasTalking. They cover Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Malawi and Nigeria
Twilio have provisioned new local numbers as of June 2017
EDIT: django-two-factor-auth is here for illustration purposes, it interfaces wit the Twilio gateway and uses the Twilio package, so I think it is a good example for implementing multi-gateway SMS systems.
I recently wrote a multi SMS gateway solution that supports different backends in the style of django-two-factor-auth SMS GW. We primarily use it to send authentication tokens, but the principle is the same; You probably want to send messages through multiple different SMS providers.
You should probably look into the style introduced in there and provide
SMS APIs that can be called through in an uniform way to SEND messages
SMS return URLs for receiving SMS messages that similarly provide different endpoints for different providers but interface similarly.
This would mean that you would have some gateway similar to the Twilio gateway introduced in django-two-factor-auth with dedicated return URLs and a different gateway and different return URLs for a different provider:
class SMSLeopardGateway(object):
A Gateway for sending and receiving SMS messages.
Sending just sends a HTTP message, return provides
a callback URL that interfaces to the receive_sms method.
def send_sms(self, device, message):
# handle sending messages through an uniform API
def receive_sms(request, *args, **kwargs):
# Django request interface for receiving messages
urlpatterns = [
url(^'/sms/receive/leopard', SMSLeopardGateway.receive_sms),
This way you could build a lean support for multiple different gateways and just find out where your numbers are located and react to that in your code; you could provide just one SMS callback URL as well and just interface that to different backends.
The Twilio gateway and django-two-factor-auth source code is not that complicated to read through and you could find a lot of inspiration from there.

RapidSMS Twilio Django - SMS Application Architecture

I am learning SMS application dev with RapidSMS Django. I came across rapidsms-twilio for backend. I am lost here and trying to make sense of overall architecture and technologies associated with each layer. It will help me in future research of better alternatives. Similar to web applications JS/Ajax/css/html are front end tech with java in app layer and db on backend how could i layout SMS application framework?
From my understanding Twilio will provide a number so whenever text is received on number it will receive it in SMMP format and convert it to HTTP and call app server URL mapped against it which could be in django. Where and what does rapidsms do here?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
I have never used RapidSMS, but as far as I can tell, it does the handling and sending of SMS via a chosen backend processor that receives and sends SMS messages. It comes with some built in backends, like Kannel which is an SMS gateway, but there are third party backends available too.
rapidsms-twilio is a third party backend that allows you to use RapidSMS as the dashboard/user interface and send and receive messages via Twilio

How does a web beacon(web bug) work?

Can anybody explain exactly how a web beacon works? I know they're generally used by advertising platforms but i can't really find a good explanation on how they're working.
I know that cookies aren't accessible cross-domain. A web beacon is an image that sends a request to the server, and the server adds a cookie to the response, right? So how can it be accessed on different domains?
When an HTML page is downloaded the browser parses the page and looks for additional resources needed to display the page, such as images. For each image it finds the browser makes another request to a server in the background. When servers receive requests, they usually log the request to monitor load on the server, and record information about who sent the request and where it came from. A web beacon is a tiny invisible graphic that generates a request to the tracking firm's server. They record the request in their logs and then analyze their logs to see who went where and did what and when.
When returning the image from their servers to the browser, they can also send down information to be added to a cookie. There are third-party cookies that can be tracked across domains. If you come back to the site, and the beacon request is made again, that cookie will also be sent up in the request to the server and the tracking firm will have more information about you.
Think about this. Even though you are visiting the web beacon image is being requested from The cookie they create is assigned/locked to their domain, But if you then surf over to, and they too are sending web beacons to, the cookie will essentially be shared between the two sites. There are more considerations here, but that is the basic premise.
Bug bug (also known as Web beacon) is very important tools commonly used by online advertiser as marketing or advertisement analysis tool for tracking and monitoring the activity of users on a website or marketing content i.e: blog or email. An expert advertiser inserts web bug in his content (usually on website and email) in order track how many people opened a particular content, on which application and country his content is being viewed. So, whenever advertisement display by third-party just know that you are being tracked for marketing analysis purpose.
Bug bug tools are provided freely or premium mostly by CRM service providers like Hubspot CRM, Freshsales CRM, Salesforce CRM, etc. However, a Web bug PHP code can also be used for this if tracking service by CRM provider is not available. Continue reading
And instead of going off and creating one using Php and Apache redirects, my vote is that you go to and create one, use it, and track it. No cost either.

Secure messaging using Secure MIME is it reliable?

We have an automatic reporting and notification system written in .net that sends emails with plain text. We are having to encrypt the messages that we send our clients.
The possible implementation approaches we have:
Send messages as S/Mime email with attachments.
Plain text email with that just contains a link to a web site that will display the message over https.
It seems like S/Mime is a simpler solution, as we won't need to create the web application or secure it.
Our concern is our interoperability with our clients email clients and more importantly their email filtering software.
Has anyone had success or issues deploying a Secure MIME messaging solution?
Given the wealth of different clients people use these days for email, like BlackBerry, Iphone, Android, Samsung, Nokia, Thunderbird, Outlook (Express), Apple Mail, web mail etc, I would go for the web application over https. It does take an extra step of clicking the link, and logging in, but it could be used from a lot more devices without extra configuration steps.
How are you going to solve the problem of provisioning the destination certificates? If you send mail to 1000 users, you need to send it 1000 times, and each time use a different public key, the one for the current destination (so that only he/she can decrypt it and read it). Having each individual report final user create a key for himself and send you the associated public key so you can associate the report mail with it is problematic. Some PKI infrastructure products can help, but only inside a (tighly run) organization.
Securing only your web site seems easier to manage, since you'll have all the ends under your control. You still have to handle authentication, but that can be handled at the HTTP level (eg. Digest, or even Basic over HTTPS).
SideNote: (you can edit this in an answer) Not all mobile clients support SMIME. sadly the native android mail client (on Nexus 4, Nexus 5 etc...) does not support S/MIME . also, I personally have issues with the samsung galaxy SMIME support. Best (external and paid for...) solution I have found so far for android is MySecuredMail.