Polish chars in std::string - c++

I have a problem. I'm writing an app in Polish (with, of course, polish chars) for Linux and I receive 80 warnings when compiling. These are just "warning: multi-character character constant" and "warning: case label value exceeds maximum value for type". I'm using std::string.
How do I replace std::string class?
Please help.
Thanks in advance.

std::stringdoes not define a particular encoding. You can thus store any sequence of bytes in it. There are subtleties to be aware of:
.c_str() will return a null-terminated buffer. If your character set allows null bytes, don't pass this string to functions that take a const char* parameter without a lenght, or your data will be truncated.
A char does not represent a character, but a **byte. IMHO, this is the most problematic nomenclature in computing history. Note that wchar_t does necessarily hold a full character either, depending on UTF-16 normalization.
.size() and .length() will return the number of bytes, not the number of characters.
[edit] The warnings about case labels is related to issue (2). You are using a switch statement with multi-byte characters using type char which can not hold more than one byte.[/edit]
Therefore, you can use std::string in your application, provided that you respect these three rules. There are subtleties involving the STL, including std::find() that are consequences of this. You need to use some more clever string matching algorithms to properly support Unicode because of normalization forms.
However, when writing applications in any language that uses non-ASCII characters (if you're paranoid, consider this anything outside [0, 128)), you need to be aware of encodings in different sources of textual data.
The source-file encoding might not be specified, and might be subject to change using compiler options. Any string literal will be subject to this rule. I guess this is why you are getting warnings.
You will get a variety of character encodings from external sources (files, user input, etc.). When that source specifies the encoding or you can get it from some external source (i.e. asking the user that imports the data), then this is easier. A lot of (newer) internet protocols impose ASCII or UTF-8 unless otherwise specified.
These two issues are not addressed by any particular string class. You just need to convert all any external source to your internal encoding. I suggest UTF-8 all the time, but especially so on Linux because of native support. I strongly recommend to place your string literals in a message file to forget about issue (1) and only deal with issue (2).
I don't suggest using std::wstring on Linux because 100% of native APIs use function signatures with const char* and have direct support for UTF-8. If you use any string class based on wchar_t, you will need to convert to/from std::wstring non-stop and eventually get something wrong, on top of making everything slow(er).
If you were writing an application for Windows, I'd suggest exactly the opposite because all native APIs use const wchar_t* signatures. The ANSI versions of such functions perform an internal conversion to/from const wchar_t*.
Some "portable" libraries/languages use different representations based on the platform. They use UTF-8 with char on Linux and UTF-16 with wchar_t on Windows. I recall reading bout that trick in the Python reference implementation but the article was quite old. I'm not sure if that is true anymore.

On linux you should use multibyte string class provided by a framework you use.
I'd recommend Glib::ustring, from glibmm framework, which stores strings in UTF-8 encoding.
If your source files are in UTF-8, then using multibyte string literal in code is as easy as:
ustring alphabet("aąbcćdeęfghijklłmnńoóprsśtuwyzźż");
But you can not build a switch/case statement on multibyte characters using char. I'd recommend using a series of ifs. You can use Glibmm's gunichar, but it's not very readable (You can get correct unicode values for characters using a table from article on Polish alphabet in Wikipedia):
#include <glibmm.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
Glib::ustring alphabet("aąbcćdeęfghijklłmnńoóprsśtuwyzźż");
int small_polish_vovels_with_diacritics_count = 0;
for ( int i=0; i<alphabet.size(); i++ ) {
switch (alphabet[i]) {
case 0x0105: // ą
case 0x0119: // ę
case 0x00f3: // ó
cout << "There are " << small_polish_vovels_with_diacritics_count
<< " small polish vovels with diacritics in this string.\n";
return 0;
You can compile this using:
g++ `pkg-config --cflags --libs glibmm-2.4` progname.cc -o progname

std::string is for ASCII strings. Since your polish strings don't fit in, you should use std::wstring.


c++ windows: Is there a way to convert from _UNICODE_STRING to std::string? [duplicate]

I am not able to understand the differences between std::string and std::wstring. I know wstring supports wide characters such as Unicode characters. I have got the following questions:
When should I use std::wstring over std::string?
Can std::string hold the entire ASCII character set, including the special characters?
Is std::wstring supported by all popular C++ compilers?
What is exactly a "wide character"?
string? wstring?
std::string is a basic_string templated on a char, and std::wstring on a wchar_t.
char vs. wchar_t
char is supposed to hold a character, usually an 8-bit character.
wchar_t is supposed to hold a wide character, and then, things get tricky:
On Linux, a wchar_t is 4 bytes, while on Windows, it's 2 bytes.
What about Unicode, then?
The problem is that neither char nor wchar_t is directly tied to unicode.
On Linux?
Let's take a Linux OS: My Ubuntu system is already unicode aware. When I work with a char string, it is natively encoded in UTF-8 (i.e. Unicode string of chars). The following code:
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
int main()
const char text[] = "olé";
std::cout << "sizeof(char) : " << sizeof(char) << "\n";
std::cout << "text : " << text << "\n";
std::cout << "sizeof(text) : " << sizeof(text) << "\n";
std::cout << "strlen(text) : " << strlen(text) << "\n";
std::cout << "text(ordinals) :";
for(size_t i = 0, iMax = strlen(text); i < iMax; ++i)
unsigned char c = static_cast<unsigned_char>(text[i]);
std::cout << " " << static_cast<unsigned int>(c);
std::cout << "\n\n";
// - - -
const wchar_t wtext[] = L"olé" ;
std::cout << "sizeof(wchar_t) : " << sizeof(wchar_t) << "\n";
//std::cout << "wtext : " << wtext << "\n"; <- error
std::cout << "wtext : UNABLE TO CONVERT NATIVELY." << "\n";
std::wcout << L"wtext : " << wtext << "\n";
std::cout << "sizeof(wtext) : " << sizeof(wtext) << "\n";
std::cout << "wcslen(wtext) : " << wcslen(wtext) << "\n";
std::cout << "wtext(ordinals) :";
for(size_t i = 0, iMax = wcslen(wtext); i < iMax; ++i)
unsigned short wc = static_cast<unsigned short>(wtext[i]);
std::cout << " " << static_cast<unsigned int>(wc);
std::cout << "\n\n";
outputs the following text:
sizeof(char) : 1
text : olé
sizeof(text) : 5
strlen(text) : 4
text(ordinals) : 111 108 195 169
sizeof(wchar_t) : 4
wtext : ol�
sizeof(wtext) : 16
wcslen(wtext) : 3
wtext(ordinals) : 111 108 233
You'll see the "olé" text in char is really constructed by four chars: 110, 108, 195 and 169 (not counting the trailing zero). (I'll let you study the wchar_t code as an exercise)
So, when working with a char on Linux, you should usually end up using Unicode without even knowing it. And as std::string works with char, so std::string is already unicode-ready.
Note that std::string, like the C string API, will consider the "olé" string to have 4 characters, not three. So you should be cautious when truncating/playing with unicode chars because some combination of chars is forbidden in UTF-8.
On Windows?
On Windows, this is a bit different. Win32 had to support a lot of application working with char and on different charsets/codepages produced in all the world, before the advent of Unicode.
So their solution was an interesting one: If an application works with char, then the char strings are encoded/printed/shown on GUI labels using the local charset/codepage on the machine, which could not be UTF-8 for a long time. For example, "olé" would be "olé" in a French-localized Windows, but would be something different on an cyrillic-localized Windows ("olй" if you use Windows-1251). Thus, "historical apps" will usually still work the same old way.
For Unicode based applications, Windows uses wchar_t, which is 2-bytes wide, and is encoded in UTF-16, which is Unicode encoded on 2-bytes characters (or at the very least, UCS-2, which just lacks surrogate-pairs and thus characters outside the BMP (>= 64K)).
Applications using char are said "multibyte" (because each glyph is composed of one or more chars), while applications using wchar_t are said "widechar" (because each glyph is composed of one or two wchar_t. See MultiByteToWideChar and WideCharToMultiByte Win32 conversion API for more info.
Thus, if you work on Windows, you badly want to use wchar_t (unless you use a framework hiding that, like GTK or QT...). The fact is that behind the scenes, Windows works with wchar_t strings, so even historical applications will have their char strings converted in wchar_t when using API like SetWindowText() (low level API function to set the label on a Win32 GUI).
Memory issues?
UTF-32 is 4 bytes per characters, so there is no much to add, if only that a UTF-8 text and UTF-16 text will always use less or the same amount of memory than an UTF-32 text (and usually less).
If there is a memory issue, then you should know than for most western languages, UTF-8 text will use less memory than the same UTF-16 one.
Still, for other languages (chinese, japanese, etc.), the memory used will be either the same, or slightly larger for UTF-8 than for UTF-16.
All in all, UTF-16 will mostly use 2 and occassionally 4 bytes per characters (unless you're dealing with some kind of esoteric language glyphs (Klingon? Elvish?), while UTF-8 will spend from 1 to 4 bytes.
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8#Compared_to_UTF-16 for more info.
When I should use std::wstring over std::string?
On Linux? Almost never (§).
On Windows? Almost always (§).
On cross-platform code? Depends on your toolkit...
(§) : unless you use a toolkit/framework saying otherwise
Can std::string hold all the ASCII character set including special characters?
Notice: A std::string is suitable for holding a 'binary' buffer, where a std::wstring is not!
On Linux? Yes.
On Windows? Only special characters available for the current locale of the Windows user.
Edit (After a comment from Johann Gerell):
a std::string will be enough to handle all char-based strings (each char being a number from 0 to 255). But:
ASCII is supposed to go from 0 to 127. Higher chars are NOT ASCII.
a char from 0 to 127 will be held correctly
a char from 128 to 255 will have a signification depending on your encoding (unicode, non-unicode, etc.), but it will be able to hold all Unicode glyphs as long as they are encoded in UTF-8.
Is std::wstring supported by almost all popular C++ compilers?
Mostly, with the exception of GCC based compilers that are ported to Windows.
It works on my g++ 4.3.2 (under Linux), and I used Unicode API on Win32 since Visual C++ 6.
What is exactly a wide character?
On C/C++, it's a character type written wchar_t which is larger than the simple char character type. It is supposed to be used to put inside characters whose indices (like Unicode glyphs) are larger than 255 (or 127, depending...).
I recommend avoiding std::wstring on Windows or elsewhere, except when required by the interface, or anywhere near Windows API calls and respective encoding conversions as a syntactic sugar.
My view is summarized in http://utf8everywhere.org of which I am a co-author.
Unless your application is API-call-centric, e.g. mainly UI application, the suggestion is to store Unicode strings in std::string and encoded in UTF-8, performing conversion near API calls. The benefits outlined in the article outweigh the apparent annoyance of conversion, especially in complex applications. This is doubly so for multi-platform and library development.
And now, answering your questions:
A few weak reasons. It exists for historical reasons, where widechars were believed to be the proper way of supporting Unicode. It is now used to interface APIs that prefer UTF-16 strings. I use them only in the direct vicinity of such API calls.
This has nothing to do with std::string. It can hold whatever encoding you put in it. The only question is how You treat its content. My recommendation is UTF-8, so it will be able to hold all Unicode characters correctly. It's a common practice on Linux, but I think Windows programs should do it also.
Wide character is a confusing name. In the early days of Unicode, there was a belief that a character can be encoded in two bytes, hence the name. Today, it stands for "any part of the character that is two bytes long". UTF-16 is seen as a sequence of such byte pairs (aka Wide characters). A character in UTF-16 takes either one or two pairs.
So, every reader here now should have a clear understanding about the facts, the situation. If not, then you must read paercebal's outstandingly comprehensive answer [btw: thanks!].
My pragmatical conclusion is shockingly simple: all that C++ (and STL) "character encoding" stuff is substantially broken and useless. Blame it on Microsoft or not, that will not help anyway.
My solution, after in-depth investigation, much frustration and the consequential experiences is the following:
accept, that you have to be responsible on your own for the encoding and conversion stuff (and you will see that much of it is rather trivial)
use std::string for any UTF-8 encoded strings (just a typedef std::string UTF8String)
accept that such an UTF8String object is just a dumb, but cheap container. Do never ever access and/or manipulate characters in it directly (no search, replace, and so on). You could, but you really just really, really do not want to waste your time writing text manipulation algorithms for multi-byte strings! Even if other people already did such stupid things, don't do that! Let it be! (Well, there are scenarios where it makes sense... just use the ICU library for those).
use std::wstring for UCS-2 encoded strings (typedef std::wstring UCS2String) - this is a compromise, and a concession to the mess that the WIN32 API introduced). UCS-2 is sufficient for most of us (more on that later...).
use UCS2String instances whenever a character-by-character access is required (read, manipulate, and so on). Any character-based processing should be done in a NON-multibyte-representation. It is simple, fast, easy.
add two utility functions to convert back & forth between UTF-8 and UCS-2:
UCS2String ConvertToUCS2( const UTF8String &str );
UTF8String ConvertToUTF8( const UCS2String &str );
The conversions are straightforward, google should help here ...
That's it. Use UTF8String wherever memory is precious and for all UTF-8 I/O. Use UCS2String wherever the string must be parsed and/or manipulated. You can convert between those two representations any time.
Alternatives & Improvements
conversions from & to single-byte character encodings (e.g. ISO-8859-1) can be realized with help of plain translation tables, e.g. const wchar_t tt_iso88951[256] = {0,1,2,...}; and appropriate code for conversion to & from UCS2.
if UCS-2 is not sufficient, than switch to UCS-4 (typedef std::basic_string<uint32_t> UCS2String)
ICU or other unicode libraries?
For advanced stuff.
When you want to have wide characters stored in your string. wide depends on the implementation. Visual C++ defaults to 16 bit if i remember correctly, while GCC defaults depending on the target. It's 32 bits long here. Please note wchar_t (wide character type) has nothing to do with unicode. It's merely guaranteed that it can store all the members of the largest character set that the implementation supports by its locales, and at least as long as char. You can store unicode strings fine into std::string using the utf-8 encoding too. But it won't understand the meaning of unicode code points. So str.size() won't give you the amount of logical characters in your string, but merely the amount of char or wchar_t elements stored in that string/wstring. For that reason, the gtk/glib C++ wrapper folks have developed a Glib::ustring class that can handle utf-8.
If your wchar_t is 32 bits long, then you can use utf-32 as an unicode encoding, and you can store and handle unicode strings using a fixed (utf-32 is fixed length) encoding. This means your wstring's s.size() function will then return the right amount of wchar_t elements and logical characters.
Yes, char is always at least 8 bit long, which means it can store all ASCII values.
Yes, all major compilers support it.
I frequently use std::string to hold utf-8 characters without any problems at all. I heartily recommend doing this when interfacing with API's which use utf-8 as the native string type as well.
For example, I use utf-8 when interfacing my code with the Tcl interpreter.
The major caveat is the length of the std::string, is no longer the number of characters in the string.
A good question!
I think DATA ENCODING (sometimes a CHARSET also involved) is a MEMORY EXPRESSION MECHANISM in order to save data to a file or transfer data via a network, so I answer this question as:
1. When should I use std::wstring over std::string?
If the programming platform or API function is a single-byte one, and we want to process or parse some Unicode data, e.g read from Windows'.REG file or network 2-byte stream, we should declare std::wstring variable to easily process them. e.g.: wstring ws=L"中国a"(6 octets memory: 0x4E2D 0x56FD 0x0061), we can use ws[0] to get character '中' and ws[1] to get character '国' and ws[2] to get character 'a', etc.
2. Can std::string hold the entire ASCII character set, including the special characters?
Yes. But notice: American ASCII, means each 0x00~0xFF octet stands for one character, including printable text such as "123abc&*_&" and you said special one, mostly print it as a '.' avoid confusing editors or terminals. And some other countries extend their own "ASCII" charset, e.g. Chinese, use 2 octets to stand for one character.
3.Is std::wstring supported by all popular C++ compilers?
Maybe, or mostly. I have used: VC++6 and GCC 3.3, YES
4. What is exactly a "wide character"?
a wide character mostly indicates using 2 octets or 4 octets to hold all countries' characters. 2 octet UCS2 is a representative sample, and further e.g. English 'a', its memory is 2 octet of 0x0061(vs in ASCII 'a's memory is 1 octet 0x61)
When you want to store 'wide' (Unicode) characters.
Yes: 255 of them (excluding 0).
Here's an introductory article: http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/Unicode.html
There are some very good answers here, but I think there are a couple of things I can add regarding Windows/Visual Studio. Tis is based on my experience with VS2015. On Linux, basically the answer is to use UTF-8 encoded std::string everywhere. On Windows/VS it gets more complex. Here is why. Windows expects strings stored using chars to be encoded using the locale codepage. This is almost always the ASCII character set followed by 128 other special characters depending on your location. Let me just state that this in not just when using the Windows API, there are three other major places where these strings interact with standard C++. These are string literals, output to std::cout using << and passing a filename to std::fstream.
I will be up front here that I am a programmer, not a language specialist. I appreciate that USC2 and UTF-16 are not the same, but for my purposes they are close enough to be interchangeable and I use them as such here. I'm not actually sure which Windows uses, but I generally don't need to know either. I've stated UCS2 in this answer, so sorry in advance if I upset anyone with my ignorance of this matter and I'm happy to change it if I have things wrong.
String literals
If you enter string literals that contain only characters that can be represented by your codepage then VS stores them in your file with 1 byte per character encoding based on your codepage. Note that if you change your codepage or give your source to another developer using a different code page then I think (but haven't tested) that the character will end up different. If you run your code on a computer using a different code page then I'm not sure if the character will change too.
If you enter any string literals that cannot be represented by your codepage then VS will ask you to save the file as Unicode. The file will then be encoded as UTF-8. This means that all Non ASCII characters (including those which are on your codepage) will be represented by 2 or more bytes. This means if you give your source to someone else the source will look the same. However, before passing the source to the compiler, VS converts the UTF-8 encoded text to code page encoded text and any characters missing from the code page are replaced with ?.
The only way to guarantee correctly representing a Unicode string literal in VS is to precede the string literal with an L making it a wide string literal. In this case VS will convert the UTF-8 encoded text from the file into UCS2. You then need to pass this string literal into a std::wstring constructor or you need to convert it to utf-8 and put it in a std::string. Or if you want you can use the Windows API functions to encode it using your code page to put it in a std::string, but then you may as well have not used a wide string literal.
When outputting to the console using << you can only use std::string, not std::wstring and the text must be encoded using your locale codepage. If you have a std::wstring then you must convert it using one of the Windows API functions and any characters not on your codepage get replaced by ? (maybe you can change the character, I can't remember).
std::fstream filenames
Windows OS uses UCS2/UTF-16 for its filenames so whatever your codepage, you can have files with any Unicode character. But this means that to access or create files with characters not on your codepage you must use std::wstring. There is no other way. This is a Microsoft specific extension to std::fstream so probably won't compile on other systems. If you use std::string then you can only utilise filenames that only include characters on your codepage.
Your options
If you are just working on Linux then you probably didn't get this far. Just use UTF-8 std::string everywhere.
If you are just working on Windows just use UCS2 std::wstring everywhere. Some purists may say use UTF8 then convert when needed, but why bother with the hassle.
If you are cross platform then it's a mess to be frank. If you try to use UTF-8 everywhere on Windows then you need to be really careful with your string literals and output to the console. You can easily corrupt your strings there. If you use std::wstring everywhere on Linux then you may not have access to the wide version of std::fstream, so you have to do the conversion, but there is no risk of corruption. So personally I think this is a better option. Many would disagree, but I'm not alone - it's the path taken by wxWidgets for example.
Another option could be to typedef unicodestring as std::string on Linux and std::wstring on Windows, and have a macro called UNI() which prefixes L on Windows and nothing on Linux, then the code
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
typedef std::wstring unicodestring;
#define UNI(text) L ## text
std::string formatForConsole(const unicodestring &str)
std::string result;
//Call WideCharToMultiByte to do the conversion
return result;
typedef std::string unicodestring;
#define UNI(text) text
std::string formatForConsole(const unicodestring &str)
return str;
int main()
unicodestring fileName(UNI("fileName"));
std::ofstream fout;
std::cout << formatForConsole(fileName) << std::endl;
return 0;
would be fine on either platform I think.
So To answer your questions
1) If you are programming for Windows, then all the time, if cross platform then maybe all the time, unless you want to deal with possible corruption issues on Windows or write some code with platform specific #ifdefs to work around the differences, if just using Linux then never.
2)Yes. In addition on Linux you can use it for all Unicode too. On Windows you can only use it for all unicode if you choose to manually encode using UTF-8. But the Windows API and standard C++ classes will expect the std::string to be encoded using the locale codepage. This includes all ASCII plus another 128 characters which change depending on the codepage your computer is setup to use.
3)I believe so, but if not then it is just a simple typedef of a 'std::basic_string' using wchar_t instead of char
4)A wide character is a character type which is bigger than the 1 byte standard char type. On Windows it is 2 bytes, on Linux it is 4 bytes.
Applications that are not satisfied with only 256 different characters have the options of either using wide characters (more than 8 bits) or a variable-length encoding (a multibyte encoding in C++ terminology) such as UTF-8. Wide characters generally require more space than a variable-length encoding, but are faster to process. Multi-language applications that process large amounts of text usually use wide characters when processing the text, but convert it to UTF-8 when storing it to disk.
The only difference between a string and a wstring is the data type of the characters they store. A string stores chars whose size is guaranteed to be at least 8 bits, so you can use strings for processing e.g. ASCII, ISO-8859-15, or UTF-8 text. The standard says nothing about the character set or encoding.
Practically every compiler uses a character set whose first 128 characters correspond with ASCII. This is also the case with compilers that use UTF-8 encoding. The important thing to be aware of when using strings in UTF-8 or some other variable-length encoding, is that the indices and lengths are measured in bytes, not characters.
The data type of a wstring is wchar_t, whose size is not defined in the standard, except that it has to be at least as large as a char, usually 16 bits or 32 bits. wstring can be used for processing text in the implementation defined wide-character encoding. Because the encoding is not defined in the standard, it is not straightforward to convert between strings and wstrings. One cannot assume wstrings to have a fixed-length encoding either.
If you don't need multi-language support, you might be fine with using only regular strings. On the other hand, if you're writing a graphical application, it is often the case that the API supports only wide characters. Then you probably want to use the same wide characters when processing the text. Keep in mind that UTF-16 is a variable-length encoding, meaning that you cannot assume length() to return the number of characters. If the API uses a fixed-length encoding, such as UCS-2, processing becomes easy. Converting between wide characters and UTF-8 is difficult to do in a portable way, but then again, your user interface API probably supports the conversion.
when you want to use Unicode strings and not just ascii, helpful for internationalisation
yes, but it doesn't play well with 0
not aware of any that don't
wide character is the compiler specific way of handling the fixed length representation of a unicode character, for MSVC it is a 2 byte character, for gcc I understand it is 4 bytes. and a +1 for http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/Unicode.html
If you keep portability for string, you can use tstring, tchar. It is widely used technique from long ago. In this sample, I use self-defined TCHAR, but you can find out tchar.h implementation for linux on internet.
This idea means that wstring/wchar_t/UTF-16 is used on windows and string/char/utf-8(or ASCII..) is used on Linux.
In the sample below, the searching of english/japanese multibyte mixed string works well on both windows/linux platforms.
#include <locale.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <tchar.h>
#define _TCHAR char
#define _T
#define _tprintf printf
#define tstring basic_string<_TCHAR>
int main() {
setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
tstring s = _T("abcあいうえおxyz");
auto pos = s.find(_T("え"));
auto r = s.substr(pos);
_tprintf(_T("r=%s\n"), r.c_str());
1) As mentioned by Greg, wstring is helpful for internationalization, that's when you will be releasing your product in languages other than english
4) Check this out for wide character
When should you NOT use wide-characters?
When you're writing code before the year 1990.
Obviously, I'm being flip, but really, it's the 21st century now. 127 characters have long since ceased to be sufficient. Yes, you can use UTF8, but why bother with the headaches?

Storing math symbols into string c++

Is there a way to store math symbols into strings in c++ ?
I notably need the union/intersection symbols.
Thanks in advance!
This seemingly simple question is actual a tangle of multiple questions:
What character set to use?
Unicode is almost certainly the best choice nowadays.
What encoding to use?
C++ std::strings are strings of chars, but you can decide how those chars correspond to "characters" in your character set. The default representation assumed by the language and the system is could be ASCII, some random code page like Latin-1 or Windows-1252, or UTF-8.
If you're on Linux or Mac, your best bet is to use UTF-8. If you're on Windows, you might choose to use wide strings instead (std::wstring), and to use UTF-16 as the encoding. But many people suggest that you always use UTF-8 in std::strings even on Windows, and simply convert from and to UTF-16 as needed to do I/O.
How to specify string literals in the code?
To store UTF-8 in older versions of C++ (before C++11), you could manually encode your string literals like this:
const std::string subset = "\xE2\x8A\x82";
To store UTF-8 in C++11 or newer, you use the u8 prefix to tell the compiler you want UTF-8 encoding. You can use escaped characters:
const std::string subset = u8"\u2282";
Or you can enter the character directly into the source code:
const std::string subset = u8"⊂";
I tend to use the escaped versions to avoid worrying about the encoding of the source file and whether all the editors and viewers and IDEs I use will consistently understand the source file encoding.
If you're on Windows and you choose to use UTF-16 instead, then, regardless of C++ version, you can specify wide string literals in your code like this:
const std::wstring subset = L"\u2282"; // or L"⊂";
How to display these strings?
This is very system dependent.
On Mac and Linux, I suspect things will generally just work.
In a console program on Windows (e.g., one that just uses <iostreams> or printf to display in a command prompt), you're probably in trouble because the legacy command prompts don't have good Unicode and font support. (Maybe this is better on Windows 10?)
In a GUI program on Windows, you have to make sure you use the "Unicode" version of the API and to give it the wide string. ("Unicode" is in quotation marks here because the Windows API documentation often uses "Unicode" to mean a UTF-16 encoded wide character string, which isn't exactly what Unicode means.) So if you want to use an API like TextOut or MessageBox to display your string, you have to make sure you do two things: (1) call the "wide" version of the API, and (2) pass a UTF-16 encoded string.
You solve (1) by explicitly calling the wide versions (e.g., TextOutW or MessageBoxW) or by making your you compile with "Unicode" selected in your project settings. (You can also do it by defining several C++ preprocessor macros instead, but this answer is already long enough.)
For (2), if you are using std::wstrings, you're already done. If you're using UTF-8, you'll need to make a wide copy of the string to pass to the output function. Windows provides MultiByteToWideChar for making such a copy. Make sure you specify CP_UTF8.
For (2), do not try to call the narrow versions of the API functions themselves (e.g., TextOutA or MessageBoxA). These will convert your string to a wide string automatically, but they do so assuming the string is encoded in the user's current code page. If the string is really in UTF-8, then these will do the wrong thing for all of the "interesting" (non-ASCII) characters.
How to read these strings from a file, a socket, or the user?
This is very system specific and probably worth a separate question.
Yes, you can, as follows:
std::string unionChar = "∪";
std::string intersectionChar = "∩";
They are just characters but don't expect this code to be portable. You could also use Unicode, as follows:
std::string unionChar = u8"\u222A";
std::string intersectionChar = u8"\u2229";

UNICODE, UTF-8 and Windows mess

I'm trying to implement text support in Windows with the intention of also moving to a Linux platform later on. It would be ideal to support international languages in a uniform way but that doesn't seem to be easily accomplished when considering the two platforms in question. I have spent a considerable amount of time reading up on UNICODE, UTF-8 (and other encodings), widechars and such and here is what I have come to understand so far:
UNICODE, as the standard, describes the set of characters that are mappable and the order in which they occur. I refer to this as the "what": UNICODE specifies what will be available.
UTF-8 (and other encodings) specify the how: How each character will be represented in a binary format.
Now, on windows, they opted for a UCS-2 encoding originally, but that failed to meet the requirements, so UTF-16 is what they have, which is also multi-char when necessary.
So here is the delemma:
Windows internally only does UTF-16, so if you want to support international characters you are forced to convert to their widechar versions to use the OS calls accordingly. There doesn't seem to be any support for calling something like CreateFileA() with a multi-byte UTF-8 string and have it come out looking proper. Is this correct?
In C, there are some multi-byte supporting functions (_mbscat, _mbscpy, etc), however, on windows, the character type is defined as unsigned char* for those functions. Given the fact that the _mbs series of functions is not a complete set (i.e. there is no _mbstol to convert a multi-byte string to a long, for example) you are forced to use some of the char* versions of the runtime functions, which leads to compiler problems because of the signed/unsigned type difference between those functions. Does anyone even use those? Do you just do a big pile of casting to get around the errors?
In C++, std::string has iterators, but these are based on char_type, not on code points. So if I do a ++ on an std::string::iterator, I get the next char_type, not the next code point. Similarly, if you call std::string::operator[], you get a reference to a char_type, which has the great potential to not be a complete code point. So how does one iterate an std::string by code point? (C has the _mbsinc() function).
Just do UTF-8
There are lots of support libraries for UTF-8 in every plaftorm, also some are multiplaftorm too. The UTF-16 APIs in Win32 are limited and inconsistent as you've already noted, so it's better to keep everything in UTF-8 and convert to UTF-16 at last moment. There are also some handy UTF-8 wrappings for the windows API.
Also, at application-level documents, UTF-8 is getting more and more accepted as standard. Every text-handling application either accepts UTF-8, or at worst shows it as "ASCII with some dingbats", while there's only few applications that support UTF-16 documents, and those that don't, show it as "lots and lots of whitespace!"
Correct. You will convert UTF-8 to UTF-16 for your Windows API calls.
Most of the time you will use regular string functions for UTF-8 -- strlen, strcpy (ick), snprintf, strtol. They will work fine with UTF-8 characters. Either use char * for UTF-8 or you will have to cast everything.
Note that the underscore versions like _mbstowcs are not standard, they are normally named without an underscore, like mbstowcs.
It is difficult to come up with examples where you actually want to use operator[] on a Unicode string, my advice is to stay away from it. Likewise, iterating over a string has surprisingly few uses:
If you are parsing a string (e.g., the string is C or JavaScript code, maybe you want syntax hilighting) then you can do most of the work byte-by-byte and ignore the multibyte aspect.
If you are doing a search, you will also do this byte-by-byte (but remember to normalize first).
If you are looking for word breaks or grapheme cluster boundaries, you will want to use a library like ICU. The algorithm is not simple.
Finally, you can always convert a chunk of text to UTF-32 and work with it that way. I think this is the sanest option if you are implementing any of the Unicode algorithms like collation or breaking.
See: C++ iterate or split UTF-8 string into array of symbols?
Windows internally only does UTF-16, so if you want to support international characters you are forced to convert to their widechar versions to use the OS calls accordingly. There doesn't seem to be any support for calling something like CreateFileA() with a multi-byte UTF-8 string and have it come out looking proper. Is this correct?
Yes, that's correct. The *A function variants interpret the string parameters according to the currently active code page (which is Windows-1252 on most computers in the US and Western Europe, but can often be other code pages) and convert them to UTF-16. There is a UTF-8 code page, however AFAIK there isn't a way to programmatically set the active code page (there's GetACP to get the active code page, but not corresponding SetACP).
In C, there are some multi-byte supporting functions (_mbscat, _mbscpy, etc), however, on windows, the character type is defined as unsigned char* for those functions. Given the fact that the _mbs series of functions is not a complete set (i.e. there is no _mbstol to convert a multi-byte string to a long, for example) you are forced to use some of the char* versions of the runtime functions, which leads to compiler problems because of the signed/unsigned type difference between those functions. Does anyone even use those? Do you just do a big pile of casting to get around the errors?
The mbs* family of functions is almost never used, in my experience. With the exception of mbstowcs, mbsrtowcs, and mbsinit, those functions are not standard C.
In C++, std::string has iterators, but these are based on char_type, not on code points. So if I do a ++ on an std::string::iterator, I get the next char_type, not the next code point. Similarly, if you call std::string::operator[], you get a reference to a char_type, which has the great potential to not be a complete code point. So how does one iterate an std::string by code point? (C has the _mbsinc() function).
I think that mbrtowc(3) would be the best option here for decoding a single code point of a multibyte string.
Overall, I think the best strategy for cross-platform Unicode compatibility is to do everything in UTF-8 internally using single-byte characters. When you need to call a Windows API function, convert it to UTF-16 and always call the *W variant. Most non-Windows platforms use UTF-8 already, so that makes using those a snap.
In Windows, you can call WideCharToMultiByte and MultiByteToWideChar to convert between UTF-8 string and UTF-16 string (wstring in Windows). Because Windows API do not use UTF-8, whenever you call any Windows API function that support Unicode, you have to convert string into wstring (Windows version of Unicode in UTF-16). And when you get output from Windows, you have to convert UTF-16 back to UTF-8. Linux uses UTF-8 internally, so you do not need such conversion. To make your code portable to Linux, stick to UTF-8 and provide something as below for conversion:
using os_string = std::wstring;
std::string utf8_string_from_os_string(const os_string &os_str)
size_t length = os_str.size();
int size_needed = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, os_str, length, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
std::string strTo(size_needed, 0);
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, os_str, length, &strTo[0], size_needed, NULL, NULL);
return strTo;
os_string utf8_string_to_os_string(const std::string &str)
size_t length = os_str.size();
int size_needed = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, str, length, NULL, 0);
os_string wstrTo(size_needed, 0);
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, str, length, &wstrTo[0], size_needed);
return wstrTo;
// Other operating system uses UTF-8 directly and such conversion is
// not required
using os_string = std::string;
#define utf8_string_from_os_string(str) str
#define utf8_string_to_os_string(str) str
To iterate over utf8 strings, two fundamental functions you need are: one to calculate the number of bytes for an utf8 character and the another to determine if the byte is the leading byte of a utf8 character sequence. The following code provides a very efficient way to test:
inline size_t utf8CharBytes(char leading_ch)
return (leading_ch & 0x80)==0 ? 1 : clz(~(uint32_t(uint8_t(leading_ch))<<24));
inline bool isUtf8LeadingByte(char ch)
return (ch & 0xC0) != 0x80;
Using these functions, it should not be difficult to implement your own iterator over utf8 strings, one is for forwarding iterator, and another is for backward iterator.

How do I get STL std::string to work with unicode on windows?

At my company we have a cross platform(Linux & Windows) library that contains our own extension of the STL std::string, this class provides all sort of functionality on top of the string; split, format, to/from base64, etc. Recently we were given the requirement of making this string unicode "friendly" basically it needs to support characters from Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, etc. After initial research this seems fine on the Linux side since every thing is inherently UTF-8, however I am having trouble with the Windows side; is there a trick to getting the STL std::string to work as UTF-8 on windows? Is it even possible? Is there a better way? Ideally we would keep ourselves based on the std::string since that is what the string class is based on in Linux.
Thank you,
There are several misconceptions in your question.
Neither C++ nor the STL deal with encodings.
std::string is essentially a string of bytes, not characters. So you should have no problem stuffing UTF-8 encoded Unicode into it. However, keep in mind that all string functions also work on bytes, so myString.length() will give you the number of bytes, not the number of characters.
Linux is not inherently UTF-8. Most distributions nowadays default to UTF-8, but it should not be relied upon.
Yes - by being more aware of locales and encodings.
Windows has two function calls for everything that requires text, a FoobarA() and a FoobarW(). The *W() functions take UTF-16 encoded strings, the *A() takes strings in the current codepage. However, Windows doesn't support a UTF-8 code page, so you can't directly use it in that sense with the *A() functions, nor would you want to depend on that being set by users. If you want "Unicode" in Windows, use the Unicode-capable (*W) functions. There are tutorials out there, Googling "Unicode Windows tutorial" should get you some.
If you are storing UTF-8 data in a std::string, then before you pass it off to Windows, convert it to UTF-16 (Windows provides functions for doing such), and then pass it to Windows.
Many of these problems arise from C/C++ being generally encoding-agnostic. char isn't really a character, it's just an integral type. Even using char arrays to store UTF-8 data can get you into trouble if you need to access individual code units, as char's signed-ness is left undefined by the standards. A statement like str[x] < 0x80 to check for multiple-byte characters can quickly introduce a bug. (That statement is always true if char is signed.) A UTF-8 code unit is an unsigned integral type with a range of 0-255. That maps to the C type of uint8_t exactly, although unsigned char works as well. Ideally then, I'd make a UTF-8 string an array of uint8_ts, but due to old APIs, this is rarely done.
Some people have recommended wchar_t, claiming it to be "A Unicode character type" or something like that. Again, here the standard is just as agnostic as before, as C is meant to work anywhere, and anywhere might not be using Unicode. Thus, wchar_t is no more Unicode than char. The standard states:
which is an integer type whose range of values can represent distinct codes for all members of the largest extended character set specified among the supported locales
In Linux, a wchat_t represents a UTF-32 code unit / code point. It is thus 4 bytes. However, in Windows, it's a UTF-16 code unit, and is only 2 bytes. (Which, I would have said does not conform to the above, since 2-bytes cannot represent all of Unicode, but that's the way it works.) This size difference, and difference in data encoding, clearly puts a strain on portability. The Unicode standard itself recommends against wchar_t if you need portability. (§5.2)
The end lesson: I find it easiest to store all my data in some well-declared format. (Typically UTF-8, usually in std::string's, but I'd really like something better.) The important thing here is not the UTF-8 part, but rather, I know that my strings are UTF-8. If I'm passing them to some other API, I must also know that that API expects UTF-8 strings. If it doesn't, then I must convert them. (Thus, if I speak to Window's API, I must convert strings to UTF-16 first.) A UTF-8 text string is an "orange", and a "latin1" text string is an "apple". A char array that doesn't know what encoding it is in is a recipe for disaster.
Putting UTF-8 code points into an std::string should be fine regardless of platform. The problem on Windows is that almost nothing else expects or works with UTF-8 -- it expects and works with UTF-16 instead. You can switch to an std::wstring which will store UTF-16 (at least on most Windows compilers) or you can write other routines that will accept UTF-8 (probably by converting to UTF-16, and then passing through to the OS).
Have you looked at std::wstring? It's a version of std::basic_string for wchar_t rather than the char that std::string uses.
No, there is no way to make Windows treat "narrow" strings as UTF-8.
Here is what works best for me in this situation (cross-platform application that has Windows and Linux builds).
Use std::string in cross-platform portion of the code. Assume that it always contains UTF-8 strings.
In Windows portion of the code, use "wide" versions of Windows API explicitly, i.e. write e.g. CreateFileW instead of CreateFile. This allows to avoid dependency on build system configuration.
In the platfrom abstraction layer, convert between UTF-8 and UTF-16 where needed (MultiByteToWideChar/WideCharToMultiByte).
Other approaches that I tried but don't like much:
typedef std::basic_string<TCHAR> tstring; then use tstring in the business code. Wrappers/overloads can be made to streamline conversion between std::string and std::tstring, but it still adds a lot of pain.
Use std::wstring everywhere. Does not help much since wchar_t is 16 bit on Windows, so you either have to restrict yourself to BMP or go to a lot of complications to make the code dealing with Unicode cross-platform. In the latter case, all benefits over UTF-8 evaporate.
Use ATL/WTL/MFC CString in the platfrom-specific portion; use std::string in cross-platfrom portion. This is actually a variant of what I recommend above. CString is in many aspects superior to std::string (in my opinion). But it introduces an additional dependency and thus not always acceptable or convenient.
If you want to avoid headache, don't use the STL string types at all. C++ knows nothing about Unicode or encodings, so to be portable, it's better to use a library that is tailored for Unicode support, e.g. the ICU library. ICU uses UTF-16 strings by default, so no conversion is required, and supports conversions to many other important encodings like UTF-8. Also try to use cross-platform libraries like Boost.Filesystem for things like path manipulations (boost::wpath). Avoid std::string and std::fstream.
In the Windows API and C runtime library, char* parameters are interpreted as being encoded in the "ANSI" code page. The problem is that UTF-8 isn't supported as an ANSI code page, which I find incredibly annoying.
I'm in a similar situation, being in the middle of porting software from Windows to Linux while also making it Unicode-aware. The approach we've taken for this is:
Use UTF-8 as the default encoding for strings.
In Windows-specific code, always call the "W" version of functions, converting string arguments between UTF-8 and UTF-16 as necessary.
This is also the approach Poco has taken.
It really platform dependant, Unicode is headache. Depends on which compiler you use. For older ones from MS (VS2010 or older), you would need use API described in MSDN
for VS2015
std::string _old = u8"D:\\Folder\\This \xe2\x80\x93 by ABC.txt"s;
according to their docs. I can't check that one.
for mingw, gcc, etc.
std::string _old = u8"D:\\Folder\\This \xe2\x80\x93 by ABC.txt";
std::cout << _old.data();
output contains proper file name...
You should consider using QString and QByteArray, it has good unicode support

std::wstring VS std::string

I am not able to understand the differences between std::string and std::wstring. I know wstring supports wide characters such as Unicode characters. I have got the following questions:
When should I use std::wstring over std::string?
Can std::string hold the entire ASCII character set, including the special characters?
Is std::wstring supported by all popular C++ compilers?
What is exactly a "wide character"?
string? wstring?
std::string is a basic_string templated on a char, and std::wstring on a wchar_t.
char vs. wchar_t
char is supposed to hold a character, usually an 8-bit character.
wchar_t is supposed to hold a wide character, and then, things get tricky:
On Linux, a wchar_t is 4 bytes, while on Windows, it's 2 bytes.
What about Unicode, then?
The problem is that neither char nor wchar_t is directly tied to unicode.
On Linux?
Let's take a Linux OS: My Ubuntu system is already unicode aware. When I work with a char string, it is natively encoded in UTF-8 (i.e. Unicode string of chars). The following code:
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
int main()
const char text[] = "olé";
std::cout << "sizeof(char) : " << sizeof(char) << "\n";
std::cout << "text : " << text << "\n";
std::cout << "sizeof(text) : " << sizeof(text) << "\n";
std::cout << "strlen(text) : " << strlen(text) << "\n";
std::cout << "text(ordinals) :";
for(size_t i = 0, iMax = strlen(text); i < iMax; ++i)
unsigned char c = static_cast<unsigned_char>(text[i]);
std::cout << " " << static_cast<unsigned int>(c);
std::cout << "\n\n";
// - - -
const wchar_t wtext[] = L"olé" ;
std::cout << "sizeof(wchar_t) : " << sizeof(wchar_t) << "\n";
//std::cout << "wtext : " << wtext << "\n"; <- error
std::cout << "wtext : UNABLE TO CONVERT NATIVELY." << "\n";
std::wcout << L"wtext : " << wtext << "\n";
std::cout << "sizeof(wtext) : " << sizeof(wtext) << "\n";
std::cout << "wcslen(wtext) : " << wcslen(wtext) << "\n";
std::cout << "wtext(ordinals) :";
for(size_t i = 0, iMax = wcslen(wtext); i < iMax; ++i)
unsigned short wc = static_cast<unsigned short>(wtext[i]);
std::cout << " " << static_cast<unsigned int>(wc);
std::cout << "\n\n";
outputs the following text:
sizeof(char) : 1
text : olé
sizeof(text) : 5
strlen(text) : 4
text(ordinals) : 111 108 195 169
sizeof(wchar_t) : 4
wtext : ol�
sizeof(wtext) : 16
wcslen(wtext) : 3
wtext(ordinals) : 111 108 233
You'll see the "olé" text in char is really constructed by four chars: 110, 108, 195 and 169 (not counting the trailing zero). (I'll let you study the wchar_t code as an exercise)
So, when working with a char on Linux, you should usually end up using Unicode without even knowing it. And as std::string works with char, so std::string is already unicode-ready.
Note that std::string, like the C string API, will consider the "olé" string to have 4 characters, not three. So you should be cautious when truncating/playing with unicode chars because some combination of chars is forbidden in UTF-8.
On Windows?
On Windows, this is a bit different. Win32 had to support a lot of application working with char and on different charsets/codepages produced in all the world, before the advent of Unicode.
So their solution was an interesting one: If an application works with char, then the char strings are encoded/printed/shown on GUI labels using the local charset/codepage on the machine, which could not be UTF-8 for a long time. For example, "olé" would be "olé" in a French-localized Windows, but would be something different on an cyrillic-localized Windows ("olй" if you use Windows-1251). Thus, "historical apps" will usually still work the same old way.
For Unicode based applications, Windows uses wchar_t, which is 2-bytes wide, and is encoded in UTF-16, which is Unicode encoded on 2-bytes characters (or at the very least, UCS-2, which just lacks surrogate-pairs and thus characters outside the BMP (>= 64K)).
Applications using char are said "multibyte" (because each glyph is composed of one or more chars), while applications using wchar_t are said "widechar" (because each glyph is composed of one or two wchar_t. See MultiByteToWideChar and WideCharToMultiByte Win32 conversion API for more info.
Thus, if you work on Windows, you badly want to use wchar_t (unless you use a framework hiding that, like GTK or QT...). The fact is that behind the scenes, Windows works with wchar_t strings, so even historical applications will have their char strings converted in wchar_t when using API like SetWindowText() (low level API function to set the label on a Win32 GUI).
Memory issues?
UTF-32 is 4 bytes per characters, so there is no much to add, if only that a UTF-8 text and UTF-16 text will always use less or the same amount of memory than an UTF-32 text (and usually less).
If there is a memory issue, then you should know than for most western languages, UTF-8 text will use less memory than the same UTF-16 one.
Still, for other languages (chinese, japanese, etc.), the memory used will be either the same, or slightly larger for UTF-8 than for UTF-16.
All in all, UTF-16 will mostly use 2 and occassionally 4 bytes per characters (unless you're dealing with some kind of esoteric language glyphs (Klingon? Elvish?), while UTF-8 will spend from 1 to 4 bytes.
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8#Compared_to_UTF-16 for more info.
When I should use std::wstring over std::string?
On Linux? Almost never (§).
On Windows? Almost always (§).
On cross-platform code? Depends on your toolkit...
(§) : unless you use a toolkit/framework saying otherwise
Can std::string hold all the ASCII character set including special characters?
Notice: A std::string is suitable for holding a 'binary' buffer, where a std::wstring is not!
On Linux? Yes.
On Windows? Only special characters available for the current locale of the Windows user.
Edit (After a comment from Johann Gerell):
a std::string will be enough to handle all char-based strings (each char being a number from 0 to 255). But:
ASCII is supposed to go from 0 to 127. Higher chars are NOT ASCII.
a char from 0 to 127 will be held correctly
a char from 128 to 255 will have a signification depending on your encoding (unicode, non-unicode, etc.), but it will be able to hold all Unicode glyphs as long as they are encoded in UTF-8.
Is std::wstring supported by almost all popular C++ compilers?
Mostly, with the exception of GCC based compilers that are ported to Windows.
It works on my g++ 4.3.2 (under Linux), and I used Unicode API on Win32 since Visual C++ 6.
What is exactly a wide character?
On C/C++, it's a character type written wchar_t which is larger than the simple char character type. It is supposed to be used to put inside characters whose indices (like Unicode glyphs) are larger than 255 (or 127, depending...).
I recommend avoiding std::wstring on Windows or elsewhere, except when required by the interface, or anywhere near Windows API calls and respective encoding conversions as a syntactic sugar.
My view is summarized in http://utf8everywhere.org of which I am a co-author.
Unless your application is API-call-centric, e.g. mainly UI application, the suggestion is to store Unicode strings in std::string and encoded in UTF-8, performing conversion near API calls. The benefits outlined in the article outweigh the apparent annoyance of conversion, especially in complex applications. This is doubly so for multi-platform and library development.
And now, answering your questions:
A few weak reasons. It exists for historical reasons, where widechars were believed to be the proper way of supporting Unicode. It is now used to interface APIs that prefer UTF-16 strings. I use them only in the direct vicinity of such API calls.
This has nothing to do with std::string. It can hold whatever encoding you put in it. The only question is how You treat its content. My recommendation is UTF-8, so it will be able to hold all Unicode characters correctly. It's a common practice on Linux, but I think Windows programs should do it also.
Wide character is a confusing name. In the early days of Unicode, there was a belief that a character can be encoded in two bytes, hence the name. Today, it stands for "any part of the character that is two bytes long". UTF-16 is seen as a sequence of such byte pairs (aka Wide characters). A character in UTF-16 takes either one or two pairs.
So, every reader here now should have a clear understanding about the facts, the situation. If not, then you must read paercebal's outstandingly comprehensive answer [btw: thanks!].
My pragmatical conclusion is shockingly simple: all that C++ (and STL) "character encoding" stuff is substantially broken and useless. Blame it on Microsoft or not, that will not help anyway.
My solution, after in-depth investigation, much frustration and the consequential experiences is the following:
accept, that you have to be responsible on your own for the encoding and conversion stuff (and you will see that much of it is rather trivial)
use std::string for any UTF-8 encoded strings (just a typedef std::string UTF8String)
accept that such an UTF8String object is just a dumb, but cheap container. Do never ever access and/or manipulate characters in it directly (no search, replace, and so on). You could, but you really just really, really do not want to waste your time writing text manipulation algorithms for multi-byte strings! Even if other people already did such stupid things, don't do that! Let it be! (Well, there are scenarios where it makes sense... just use the ICU library for those).
use std::wstring for UCS-2 encoded strings (typedef std::wstring UCS2String) - this is a compromise, and a concession to the mess that the WIN32 API introduced). UCS-2 is sufficient for most of us (more on that later...).
use UCS2String instances whenever a character-by-character access is required (read, manipulate, and so on). Any character-based processing should be done in a NON-multibyte-representation. It is simple, fast, easy.
add two utility functions to convert back & forth between UTF-8 and UCS-2:
UCS2String ConvertToUCS2( const UTF8String &str );
UTF8String ConvertToUTF8( const UCS2String &str );
The conversions are straightforward, google should help here ...
That's it. Use UTF8String wherever memory is precious and for all UTF-8 I/O. Use UCS2String wherever the string must be parsed and/or manipulated. You can convert between those two representations any time.
Alternatives & Improvements
conversions from & to single-byte character encodings (e.g. ISO-8859-1) can be realized with help of plain translation tables, e.g. const wchar_t tt_iso88951[256] = {0,1,2,...}; and appropriate code for conversion to & from UCS2.
if UCS-2 is not sufficient, than switch to UCS-4 (typedef std::basic_string<uint32_t> UCS2String)
ICU or other unicode libraries?
For advanced stuff.
When you want to have wide characters stored in your string. wide depends on the implementation. Visual C++ defaults to 16 bit if i remember correctly, while GCC defaults depending on the target. It's 32 bits long here. Please note wchar_t (wide character type) has nothing to do with unicode. It's merely guaranteed that it can store all the members of the largest character set that the implementation supports by its locales, and at least as long as char. You can store unicode strings fine into std::string using the utf-8 encoding too. But it won't understand the meaning of unicode code points. So str.size() won't give you the amount of logical characters in your string, but merely the amount of char or wchar_t elements stored in that string/wstring. For that reason, the gtk/glib C++ wrapper folks have developed a Glib::ustring class that can handle utf-8.
If your wchar_t is 32 bits long, then you can use utf-32 as an unicode encoding, and you can store and handle unicode strings using a fixed (utf-32 is fixed length) encoding. This means your wstring's s.size() function will then return the right amount of wchar_t elements and logical characters.
Yes, char is always at least 8 bit long, which means it can store all ASCII values.
Yes, all major compilers support it.
I frequently use std::string to hold utf-8 characters without any problems at all. I heartily recommend doing this when interfacing with API's which use utf-8 as the native string type as well.
For example, I use utf-8 when interfacing my code with the Tcl interpreter.
The major caveat is the length of the std::string, is no longer the number of characters in the string.
A good question!
I think DATA ENCODING (sometimes a CHARSET also involved) is a MEMORY EXPRESSION MECHANISM in order to save data to a file or transfer data via a network, so I answer this question as:
1. When should I use std::wstring over std::string?
If the programming platform or API function is a single-byte one, and we want to process or parse some Unicode data, e.g read from Windows'.REG file or network 2-byte stream, we should declare std::wstring variable to easily process them. e.g.: wstring ws=L"中国a"(6 octets memory: 0x4E2D 0x56FD 0x0061), we can use ws[0] to get character '中' and ws[1] to get character '国' and ws[2] to get character 'a', etc.
2. Can std::string hold the entire ASCII character set, including the special characters?
Yes. But notice: American ASCII, means each 0x00~0xFF octet stands for one character, including printable text such as "123abc&*_&" and you said special one, mostly print it as a '.' avoid confusing editors or terminals. And some other countries extend their own "ASCII" charset, e.g. Chinese, use 2 octets to stand for one character.
3.Is std::wstring supported by all popular C++ compilers?
Maybe, or mostly. I have used: VC++6 and GCC 3.3, YES
4. What is exactly a "wide character"?
a wide character mostly indicates using 2 octets or 4 octets to hold all countries' characters. 2 octet UCS2 is a representative sample, and further e.g. English 'a', its memory is 2 octet of 0x0061(vs in ASCII 'a's memory is 1 octet 0x61)
When you want to store 'wide' (Unicode) characters.
Yes: 255 of them (excluding 0).
Here's an introductory article: http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/Unicode.html
There are some very good answers here, but I think there are a couple of things I can add regarding Windows/Visual Studio. Tis is based on my experience with VS2015. On Linux, basically the answer is to use UTF-8 encoded std::string everywhere. On Windows/VS it gets more complex. Here is why. Windows expects strings stored using chars to be encoded using the locale codepage. This is almost always the ASCII character set followed by 128 other special characters depending on your location. Let me just state that this in not just when using the Windows API, there are three other major places where these strings interact with standard C++. These are string literals, output to std::cout using << and passing a filename to std::fstream.
I will be up front here that I am a programmer, not a language specialist. I appreciate that USC2 and UTF-16 are not the same, but for my purposes they are close enough to be interchangeable and I use them as such here. I'm not actually sure which Windows uses, but I generally don't need to know either. I've stated UCS2 in this answer, so sorry in advance if I upset anyone with my ignorance of this matter and I'm happy to change it if I have things wrong.
String literals
If you enter string literals that contain only characters that can be represented by your codepage then VS stores them in your file with 1 byte per character encoding based on your codepage. Note that if you change your codepage or give your source to another developer using a different code page then I think (but haven't tested) that the character will end up different. If you run your code on a computer using a different code page then I'm not sure if the character will change too.
If you enter any string literals that cannot be represented by your codepage then VS will ask you to save the file as Unicode. The file will then be encoded as UTF-8. This means that all Non ASCII characters (including those which are on your codepage) will be represented by 2 or more bytes. This means if you give your source to someone else the source will look the same. However, before passing the source to the compiler, VS converts the UTF-8 encoded text to code page encoded text and any characters missing from the code page are replaced with ?.
The only way to guarantee correctly representing a Unicode string literal in VS is to precede the string literal with an L making it a wide string literal. In this case VS will convert the UTF-8 encoded text from the file into UCS2. You then need to pass this string literal into a std::wstring constructor or you need to convert it to utf-8 and put it in a std::string. Or if you want you can use the Windows API functions to encode it using your code page to put it in a std::string, but then you may as well have not used a wide string literal.
When outputting to the console using << you can only use std::string, not std::wstring and the text must be encoded using your locale codepage. If you have a std::wstring then you must convert it using one of the Windows API functions and any characters not on your codepage get replaced by ? (maybe you can change the character, I can't remember).
std::fstream filenames
Windows OS uses UCS2/UTF-16 for its filenames so whatever your codepage, you can have files with any Unicode character. But this means that to access or create files with characters not on your codepage you must use std::wstring. There is no other way. This is a Microsoft specific extension to std::fstream so probably won't compile on other systems. If you use std::string then you can only utilise filenames that only include characters on your codepage.
Your options
If you are just working on Linux then you probably didn't get this far. Just use UTF-8 std::string everywhere.
If you are just working on Windows just use UCS2 std::wstring everywhere. Some purists may say use UTF8 then convert when needed, but why bother with the hassle.
If you are cross platform then it's a mess to be frank. If you try to use UTF-8 everywhere on Windows then you need to be really careful with your string literals and output to the console. You can easily corrupt your strings there. If you use std::wstring everywhere on Linux then you may not have access to the wide version of std::fstream, so you have to do the conversion, but there is no risk of corruption. So personally I think this is a better option. Many would disagree, but I'm not alone - it's the path taken by wxWidgets for example.
Another option could be to typedef unicodestring as std::string on Linux and std::wstring on Windows, and have a macro called UNI() which prefixes L on Windows and nothing on Linux, then the code
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
typedef std::wstring unicodestring;
#define UNI(text) L ## text
std::string formatForConsole(const unicodestring &str)
std::string result;
//Call WideCharToMultiByte to do the conversion
return result;
typedef std::string unicodestring;
#define UNI(text) text
std::string formatForConsole(const unicodestring &str)
return str;
int main()
unicodestring fileName(UNI("fileName"));
std::ofstream fout;
std::cout << formatForConsole(fileName) << std::endl;
return 0;
would be fine on either platform I think.
So To answer your questions
1) If you are programming for Windows, then all the time, if cross platform then maybe all the time, unless you want to deal with possible corruption issues on Windows or write some code with platform specific #ifdefs to work around the differences, if just using Linux then never.
2)Yes. In addition on Linux you can use it for all Unicode too. On Windows you can only use it for all unicode if you choose to manually encode using UTF-8. But the Windows API and standard C++ classes will expect the std::string to be encoded using the locale codepage. This includes all ASCII plus another 128 characters which change depending on the codepage your computer is setup to use.
3)I believe so, but if not then it is just a simple typedef of a 'std::basic_string' using wchar_t instead of char
4)A wide character is a character type which is bigger than the 1 byte standard char type. On Windows it is 2 bytes, on Linux it is 4 bytes.
Applications that are not satisfied with only 256 different characters have the options of either using wide characters (more than 8 bits) or a variable-length encoding (a multibyte encoding in C++ terminology) such as UTF-8. Wide characters generally require more space than a variable-length encoding, but are faster to process. Multi-language applications that process large amounts of text usually use wide characters when processing the text, but convert it to UTF-8 when storing it to disk.
The only difference between a string and a wstring is the data type of the characters they store. A string stores chars whose size is guaranteed to be at least 8 bits, so you can use strings for processing e.g. ASCII, ISO-8859-15, or UTF-8 text. The standard says nothing about the character set or encoding.
Practically every compiler uses a character set whose first 128 characters correspond with ASCII. This is also the case with compilers that use UTF-8 encoding. The important thing to be aware of when using strings in UTF-8 or some other variable-length encoding, is that the indices and lengths are measured in bytes, not characters.
The data type of a wstring is wchar_t, whose size is not defined in the standard, except that it has to be at least as large as a char, usually 16 bits or 32 bits. wstring can be used for processing text in the implementation defined wide-character encoding. Because the encoding is not defined in the standard, it is not straightforward to convert between strings and wstrings. One cannot assume wstrings to have a fixed-length encoding either.
If you don't need multi-language support, you might be fine with using only regular strings. On the other hand, if you're writing a graphical application, it is often the case that the API supports only wide characters. Then you probably want to use the same wide characters when processing the text. Keep in mind that UTF-16 is a variable-length encoding, meaning that you cannot assume length() to return the number of characters. If the API uses a fixed-length encoding, such as UCS-2, processing becomes easy. Converting between wide characters and UTF-8 is difficult to do in a portable way, but then again, your user interface API probably supports the conversion.
when you want to use Unicode strings and not just ascii, helpful for internationalisation
yes, but it doesn't play well with 0
not aware of any that don't
wide character is the compiler specific way of handling the fixed length representation of a unicode character, for MSVC it is a 2 byte character, for gcc I understand it is 4 bytes. and a +1 for http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/Unicode.html
If you keep portability for string, you can use tstring, tchar. It is widely used technique from long ago. In this sample, I use self-defined TCHAR, but you can find out tchar.h implementation for linux on internet.
This idea means that wstring/wchar_t/UTF-16 is used on windows and string/char/utf-8(or ASCII..) is used on Linux.
In the sample below, the searching of english/japanese multibyte mixed string works well on both windows/linux platforms.
#include <locale.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <tchar.h>
#define _TCHAR char
#define _T
#define _tprintf printf
#define tstring basic_string<_TCHAR>
int main() {
setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
tstring s = _T("abcあいうえおxyz");
auto pos = s.find(_T("え"));
auto r = s.substr(pos);
_tprintf(_T("r=%s\n"), r.c_str());
1) As mentioned by Greg, wstring is helpful for internationalization, that's when you will be releasing your product in languages other than english
4) Check this out for wide character
When should you NOT use wide-characters?
When you're writing code before the year 1990.
Obviously, I'm being flip, but really, it's the 21st century now. 127 characters have long since ceased to be sufficient. Yes, you can use UTF8, but why bother with the headaches?