How do I find the dependencies on a dll :: GLUT specifically - c++

I have been learning opengl for about 4-5 months now.
I am ready to stop using glut(a helper library that obfuscates many difficult / tedious aspects of opengl programming )
Problem is, I feel I have removed all refrences to glut.h, as well as all function calls within glut, but when I run my application it is still trying to link to glut32.dll.
Generally so I and others can learn for later,
How can I tell which libraries an excutable/source-code need and why(function/header wise), either before or after compile?
I am using VS2010 but cross compiling this on a linux box with g++
In this specific instance I don't have the dll listed as an additional dependency . But I do see glut.h in the extrenal dependencies folder...i just cant remove it
Thank you

Dependency Walker is your friend for examining the dll dependencies of compiled binaries.
The principal problem is of course, you have added glut.lib or glut32.lib to your project someplace. Its probably in the Project Properties > Linker Settings > Additional Libraries, or some source file contains a #pragma something like this :-
#pragma comment(lib, "glut32.lib")

Look at the linker properties for you project(s). The dll, or rather, the corresponding .lib should be listed there under "additional dependencies".
By the way, including a header and linking a library (or a dll) are two different things. You may be including a header somewhere, but not linking to the corresponding library. In that case, the linker will give you an error. On the other hand, you may not be including the header, and not using the library at all, but you may still be linking to it.
In this case it seems like we have both. If glut.h is in the external dependencies folder then you must be including it somewhere in your code. Try using find-in-files to look for it. Or delete it from your system altogether and try to compile.

Every exe/dll has something called an Import Address Table (IAT) which is information stored in the PE (Portable Executable: window's executable file format) file's header about what dlls the loader needs to load when the module in question is loaded. You can use tools like PE Viewer or PE Explorer to view this information or write your own (this is more difficult). What you will see are libraries that are statically linked to your executable. If you don't see glut32.dll in any of those files, it is possible that it is loaded dynamically through LoadLibrary api in some other openGL library. I am not very familiar with openGL binaries, so I cannot confirm this for you.

If you have problems to find where glut.lib is hidden in the visual studio project options, open the .vcproj in a standard text editor and make a full text search.


What is the proper way to include a source library in a Visual Studio C++ project?

Right now I'm trying to create my first "real" project in C++ using Visual Studio 2019. I need to include a third-party library as a dependency. The instructions on the project homepage simply recommend to include all source/header files directly into the project. My understanding is that it's a bad practice, since the end result would look quite ugly in any VCS.
Thankfully, the library author also provided build scripts that call cl, lib and link with appropriate arguments and produce the coveted foo.lib. I added that file to dependencies in linker options and after some haranguing with compiler/linker options finally got it running.
To my distress, I realised that I've done all those manipulations in Release configuration, which prevented me from using the debugger. I then built the library with /MDd, fixed some compiler options... and got a bizarre compile-time error in vcruntime.h ( fatal error C1189: #error: _HAS_CXX17 and _HAS_CXX20 must both be defined, and _HAS_CXX20 must imply _HAS_CXX17).
At this point, I knew I was doing something terribly wrong, since including a simple library should't require so much manual knob-tweaking. What is the right, canonical way of including third-party dependencies in Visual Studio (and C++ in general)? Assuming the dependency isn't available on Nuget, vcpkg or somesuch.
As I understand from the stuff you did was on Windows. First of all I would recommend you try a linux distro. In windows it is possible to get lib files running, but not easy. It would help if you could send me a link to the library you are using.
The usual approach is to just stick those sources in their own directory and their own Visual Studio project (not solution). This can still build a foo.lib. You won't need many options for this.
Next, you just tell Visual Studio that your own project depends on that other project, and it will then link foo.LIB for you.
Having said that, it sounds like you try to build your two projects with different settings for the C++ version. VS2019 has good support for C++17 and experimental support for C++20, so you can choose. But you need to choose consistently for all your projects.
In larger solutions you can us a .vsprops file for that, which is like an #include for project files. A bit overkill when you have two projects, a lifesaver when you have 150.
It varies a bit how you include 3rd party libraries, sometimes 3rd party libraries have an installation and install themselves like under Common Components sometimes you have to do it manually.
E.g. YourSolution/3rdParty/foo/include
Sometimes the libraries have different names then they may be in the same folder.
Once you have that structure go to your project's properties C/C++ and add the include under Additional Include Directories make sure you have configuration "All Configurations" here. Then go to Project properties/Linker/Input and the dependency for Debug Configuration and for the Release Configuration - since usually they are different libraries per configuration. e.g. release/foo.lib and debug/foo.lib (foo.lib foo-d.lib or whatever they are called).
Use the macros to make sure you get the right locations so that they are relative to your solution and project. It is not good having absolute paths. E.g. $(SolutionDir)3rdparty\foo\include
Disclaimer : I am not sure this is the "optimal" way to do it but that is the way I do it.

Boost library demanding lib file that I believe is not necessary

I am working with some autogenerated C++ code provided by a vendor. They use the Boost libraries extensively, and as such I also need to use the boost libraries in order to create the appropriate objects to send as inputs to vendor methods. They provide all the Boost header files within a lib folder in the autogenerated code.
I have never used Boost before, but from what I've gathered in the past few days it is for the most part a header only library, which to me means that there are no *.dlls or *.lib files required to use it in my software provided I don't use the listed features that do require a lib file.
The problem I am having is when I try to include "boost\date_time.hpp" when it comes time to build it I get a LNK1104 error "cannot open file libboost_date_time-vc140-mt-gd-1_38.lib". I have noted that on the Boost website it says that some libraries do have optional compiled libraries depending on if certain features are used; for date_time it says the following:
"Boost.DateTime has a binary component that is only needed if you're using its to_string/from_string or serialization features, or if you're targeting Visual C++ 6.x or Borland."
I do not require any of the features that would require a compiled library, and have not referenced any features at all yet in my code, simply added the include. So why is it demanding this file? Also, how does it even know what file to demand? Is there a sneaky #pragma hidden in one of the header files? I started to look but there were too many paths to go down.
The vendor does supply a compiled dll and lib file for Boost.DateTime, however it is named 'boost_date_time-vc140-mt-gd-1_38.lib', the file the compiler is looking for has 'lib' prefixed to the front. If it does require it, then how can I direct the linker to the correct file? I know I can change the name of the file to what the linker is looking for (the linker has the path to the folder containing the file already, it is nothing to do with that) but as this code comes from the vendor code generation software it will frequently revert back to the original file name, so that would not be an optimal solution.
As always, thank you for any help you can provide.
As tkausl mentioned in the comments there was a #pragma comment in a header file trying to load the lib.
By adding the line '#define BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB' before the '#include "boost\date_time.hpp"' line this solved the problem as the defined Macro tells Boost to not to load the lib file.

MSVC - boost::python static linking to .dll (.pyd)

I got a VS10 project. I want to build some C++ code so I can use it in python. I followed the boost tutorial and got it working. However VS keeps to link boost-python-vc100-mt-gd-1_44.lib but it's just a wrapper which calls boost-python-vc100-mt-gd-1_44.dll. That's why I need to copy the .dll with my .dll(.pyd) file. So I want to link boost:python statically to that .dll(.pyd) file. But I just can't find any configuration option in VS or in the compiler and linker manual. The weirdest thing is I've got one older project using boost::filesystem with the very same config but that project links against libboost-filesystem-*.lib which is static lib so it's ok. I've been googling for couple of hours without any success and it drivers me crazy.
Thanks for any help or suggestion.
You probably don't want to do that. Statically linked Boost python has a number of problems and quirks when there are more then one boost python based library imported. "But I only have one" you say. Can you guarantee that your users won't have another? That you might want to use another in the future? Stick with the DLL. Distributing another DLL is really not that big a deal. Just put it side-by-side in the same directory.
What libraries are linked depends on the settings of your project. There are two possibilities: You can build against
linked versions of the c-runtime libs. Depending on which option is selected, the boost sends a proper #pragma to the linker. These options need to be set consistently in all projects which constitute your program. So go to "properties -> c++ -> code generation" (or similar, I am just guessing, don't have VS up and running right now) and be sure that the right option is set (consistently). Of course, you must have compiled boost libraries in required format before...

OpenCV c++ application deployment with external libraries

I've tried searching A LOT for this with no luck (possibly because I'm not using the right technical terms). My issue is mainly to do with linking static libs, compiling and deploying. Before I get into details, my executables compile fine on my system; the main issue is how to deploy these as a working solution to others.
I've written a basic c++ image processing exe that uses OpenCV static libraries (I link these in VC++ using the Project>Properties>Linker> add additional dependencies, as standard). I compile by pointing to the right include files by setting the VC++ Options... basically, it all compiles fine. I now want to be able to deploy this on another PC. I understand I'll need the release version of the exe + static libs... is there anything else?
Some of the libs rely on using libjpeg and libpng; I don't think these are included as standard. Also, I've set the linker path to the static libs to be relative (e.g. resources/libs) so it's not system dependent so it knows where to find the libs. The basic OpenCV data strucs are working fine (e.g. CvPoint), but when I try to load an image using CvLoadImage, the application crashes. If I use standard ifstream fopen instead, I can open the file with no problems (but can't seem to get it into the IplImage OpenCV image strut - does anyone know how to do these? Probably to do with IplImage->imageData.).
Any help very much appreciated. Thanks!
Static libraries do not have to (and should not) be distributed with the application. Static libraries are built into the exe file by the linker.
The reason why OpenCV crashes is that it cannot find libpng/libjpeg dlls. OpenCV doesn't link them as static dependencies but uses LoadLibrary/dlopen APIs at runtime instead. If these calls fail, there's probably no nice recovery and the application crashes. Your problems should be fixed if you include the libpng/libjpeg libraries.
Also beware - some .lib files aren't truly static libraries but are just a thin layer that allows the linker to find the appropriate functions in a DLL and generate the dynamic linking code so that the programmer doesn't have to do that by hand. You will usually see that from the .lib file size that is pretty small and that your application cries that it cannot find a DLL entry point at the startup of the exe..

How does the Import Library work? Details?

I know this may seem quite basic to geeks. But I want to make it crystal clear.
When I want to use a Win32 DLL, usually I just call the APIs like LoadLibrary() and GetProcAdderss(). But recently, I am developing with DirectX9, and I need to add d3d9.lib, d3dx9.lib, etc files.
I have heard enough that LIB is for static linking and DLL is for dynamic linking.
So my current understanding is that LIB contains the implementation of the methods and is statically linked at link time as part of the final EXE file. While DLL is dynamic loaded at runtime and is not part of the final EXE file.
But sometimes, there're some LIB files coming with the DLL files, so:
What are these LIB files for?
How do they achieve what they are meant for?
Is there any tools that can let me inspect the internals of these LIB files?
Update 1
After checking wikipedia, I remember that these LIB files are called import library.
But I am wondering how it works with my main application and the DLLs to be dynamically loaded.
Update 2
Just as RBerteig said, there're some stub code in the LIB files born with the DLLs. So the calling sequence should be like this:
My main application --> stub in the LIB --> real target DLL
So what information should be contained in these LIBs? I could think of the following:
The LIB file should contain the fullpath of the corresponding DLL; So the DLL could be loaded by the runtime.
The relative address (or file offset?) of each DLL export method's entry point should be encoded in the stub; So correct jumps/method calls could be made.
Am I right on this? Is there something more?
BTW: Is there any tool that can inspect an import library? If I can see it, there'll be no more doubts.
Linking to a DLL file can occur implicitly at compile link time, or explicitly at run time. Either way, the DLL ends up loaded into the processes memory space, and all of its exported entry points are available to the application.
If used explicitly at run time, you use LoadLibrary() and GetProcAddress() to manually load the DLL and get pointers to the functions you need to call.
If linked implicitly when the program is built, then stubs for each DLL export used by the program get linked in to the program from an import library, and those stubs get updated as the EXE and the DLL are loaded when the process launches. (Yes, I've simplified more than a little here...)
Those stubs need to come from somewhere, and in the Microsoft tool chain they come from a special form of .LIB file called an import library. The required .LIB is usually built at the same time as the DLL, and contains a stub for each function exported from the DLL.
Confusingly, a static version of the same library would also be shipped as a .LIB file. There is no trivial way to tell them apart, except that LIBs that are import libraries for DLLs will usually be smaller (often much smaller) than the matching static LIB would be.
If you use the GCC toolchain, incidentally, you don't actually need import libraries to match your DLLs. The version of the Gnu linker ported to Windows understands DLLs directly, and can synthesize most any required stubs on the fly.
If you just can't resist knowing where all the nuts and bolts really are and what is really going on, there is always something at MSDN to help. Matt Pietrek's article An In-Depth Look into the Win32 Portable Executable File Format is a very complete overview of the format of the EXE file and how it gets loaded and run. Its even been updated to cover .NET and more since it originally appeared in MSDN Magazine ca. 2002.
Also, it can be helpful to know how to learn exactly what DLLs are used by a program. The tool for that is Dependency Walker, aka depends.exe. A version of it is included with Visual Studio, but the latest version is available from its author at It can identify all of the DLLs that were specified at link time (both early load and delay load) and it can also run the program and watch for any additional DLLs it loads at run time.
Update 2
I've reworded some of the earlier text to clarify it on re-reading, and to use the terms of art implicit and explicit linking for consistency with MSDN.
So, we have three ways that library functions might be made available to be used by a program. The obvious follow up question is then: "How to I choose which way?"
Static linking is how the bulk of the program itself is linked. All of your object files are listed, and get collected together in to the EXE file by the linker. Along the way, the linker takes care of minor chores like fixing up references to global symbols so that your modules can call each other's functions. Libraries can also be statically linked. The object files that make up the library are collected together by a librarian in a .LIB file which the linker searches for modules containing symbols that are needed. One effect of static linking is that only those modules from the library that are used by the program are linked to it; other modules are ignored. For instance, the traditional C math library includes many trigonometry functions. But if you link against it and use cos(), you don't end up with a copy of the code for sin() or tan() unless you also called those functions. For large libraries with a rich set of features, this selective inclusion of modules is important. On many platforms such as embedded systems, the total size of code available for use in the library can be large compared to the space available to store an executable in the device. Without selective inclusion, it would be harder to manage the details of building programs for those platforms.
However, having a copy of the same library in every program running creates a burden on a system that normally runs lots of processes. With the right kind of virtual memory system, pages of memory that have identical content need only exist once in the system, but can be used by many processes. This creates a benefit for increasing the chances that the pages containing code are likely to be identical to some page in as many other running processes as possible. But, if programs statically link to the runtime library, then each has a different mix of functions each laid out in that processes memory map at different locations, and there aren't many sharable code pages unless it is a program that all by itself is run in more than process. So the idea of a DLL gained another, major, advantage.
A DLL for a library contains all of its functions, ready for use by any client program. If many programs load that DLL, they can all share its code pages. Everybody wins. (Well, until you update a DLL with new version, but that isn't part of this story. Google DLL Hell for that side of the tale.)
So the first big choice to make when planning a new project is between dynamic and static linkage. With static linkage, you have fewer files to install, and you are immune from third parties updating a DLL you use. However, your program is larger, and it isn't quite as good citizen of the Windows ecosystem. With dynamic linkage, you have more files to install, you might have issues with a third party updating a DLL you use, but you are generally being friendlier to other processes on the system.
A big advantage of a DLL is that it can be loaded and used without recompiling or even relinking the main program. This can allow a third party library provider (think Microsoft and the C runtime, for example) to fix a bug in their library and distribute it. Once an end user installs the updated DLL, they immediately get the benefit of that bug fix in all programs that use that DLL. (Unless it breaks things. See DLL Hell.)
The other advantage comes from the distinction between implicit and explicit loading. If you go to the extra effort of explicit loading, then the DLL might not even have existed when the program was written and published. This allows for extension mechanisms that can discover and load plugins, for instance.
These .LIB import library files are used in the following project property, Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies, when building a bunch of dll's that need additional information at link time which is supplied by the import library .LIB files. In the example below to not get linker errors I need to reference to dll's A,B,C, and D through their lib files. (note for the linker to find these files you may need to include their deployment path in Linker->General->Additional Library Directories else you will get a build error about being unable to find any of the provided lib files.)
If your solution is building all dynamic libraries you may have been able to avoid this explicit dependency specification by relying instead on the reference flags exposed under the Common Properties->Framework and References dialog. These flags appear to automatically do the linking on your behalf using the *.lib files.
This however is as it says a Common Properties, which is not configuration or platform specific. If you need to support a mixed build scenario as in our application we had a build configuration to render a static build and a special configuration that built a constrained build of a subset of assemblies that were deployed as dynamic libraries. I had used the Use Library Dependency Inputs and Link Library Dependencies flags set to true under various cases to get things to build and later realizing to simplify things but when introducing my code to the static builds I introduced a ton of linker warnings and the build was incredibly slow for the static builds. I wound up introducing a bunch of these sort of warnings...
warning LNK4006: "bool __cdecl XXX::YYY() already defined in CoreLibrary.lib(JSource.obj); second definition ignored D.lib(JSource.obj)
And I wound up using the manual specification of Additional Dependencies to satisfy the linker for the dynamic builds while keeping the static builders happy by not using a common property that slowed them down. When I deploy the dynamic subset build I only deploy the dll files as these lib files are only used at link time, not at runtime.
Here are some related MSDN topics to answer my question:
Linking an Executable to a DLL
Linking Implicitly
Determining Which Linking Method to Use
Building an Import Library and Export File
There are three kinds of libraries: static, shared and dynamically loaded libraries.
The static libraries are linked with the code at the linking phase, so they are actually in the executable, unlike the shared library, which has only stubs (symbols) to look for in the shared library file, which is loaded at run time before the main function gets called.
The dynamically loaded ones are much like the shared libraries, except they are loaded when and if the need arises by the code you've written.
In my mind, there are two method to link dll to exe.
Use dll and the import library (.lib file) implicitly
Use functions like loadlibrary() explicitly