When does setting topmost on a window fail to work? - c++

I have a C++ app where I need to create topmost windows. Sometimes it works, but quite often it fails. In one part of the app, I create a background thread to display a topmost information window. After the user closes the window the thread goes away. The first time the app creates the thread and displays the window, the window is topmost. However, all subsequent threads fail to set topmost on their window. I have tried both creating the window with the WS_EX_TOPMOST style and by calling SetWindowPos after the window is created. Neither of these methods works. I looked and was unable to find any references to anyone having a problem where the window could not be set to topmost.
In one test that I ran, I called SetWindowPos and after it returned I checked the window's style and it was not set to topmost even though SetWindowPos returned success. I have also used Spy++ to check the window's style and it confirms that the style is not set.

One way SetWindowPos will silently fail to set WS_EX_TOPMOST is when the process doesn't have permission to SetForegroundWindow at the time window is created or SetWindowPos is called. Which is arguably one of the times you want the window topmost (and arguably one of the times you should not be allowed to).
Rumors are MS closed that loophole since Vista.
The restriction is understandable -- you don't want topmost windows from random processes stealing focus when they have no business too.
A workaround for a reasonable use case when one process indirectly launches a helper process (like would be a case of install initiated in parent process then helper process launched from msiexec) and helper then wants to be topmost or even grab input is to use AllowSetForegroundWindow.
You need to have the right to focus to be able to relinquish it, obviously.

I had a similar problem using Borland C++ Builder. I got this to work by setting the FormStyle to fsStayOnTop after the window was created and displayed. I think that the trick is to do this only after the window is fully displayed.
*visibleForm = new TForm3(Form3);
(*visibleForm)->FormStyle = fsStayOnTop;

SetWindowPos(_hYourWindow, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0,
Should work!

No idea if the problem I had was the same as yours, but at least it had the same symptoms. Solved it by moving the this->TopMost = true from InitializeComponent to the Form_Load instead.

Why don't you just use SetForegroundWindow(). There's a lot less to go wrong..


which window is on top on the other

I have 2 windows and I want to know which window is on the top of the other?
I tried to test using GetWindowLong and comparing the results but no chance.
LONG wndState1 = ::GetWindowLong(handler1, GWL_EXSTYLE);
LONG wndState2 = ::GetWindowLong(handler2, GWL_EXSTYLE);
both results is equal to 256.
Edited: In the picture below I have the dialog of notepad++ is on top of the FileZilla, How do I Get That by Code.
Is there a trick for that ?
THank you
GetWindowLong is used to retrieve style information for a particular window.
In order to get the top-most window, use
HWND WINAPI GetForegroundWindow(void);
You will still need to know the window handles (HWND) for the processes you're interested in so that you can find out which process owns the foreground window.
Note that this API can only return the window that the user is interacting with (or has interacted with most recently).
I agree with Remy that there isn't any API to do that. The only way I can think of to actually do that is to install a global hook and intercept certain messages (e.g. WM_ACTIVATE, WM_SETFOCUS and so on). Since you will also retrieve the timestamps for the messages, it should be simple to infer which window is on top of any other window. This will require you to write a dll but this is relatively simple to do. I can't guarantee this will work either though I think it will (I've written a global hook but never used it to find out the z-order of windows)

How to move the cursor to the last opened window (possibly popup) in c++

I need to move the mouse to the last opened window. This last window will be a popup created by whatever website.
I guess all I need is to get the position of the last opened window and use SetMousePos, right?
I'm not really familiar with the windows API and any help is welcome - Thanks!
To answer the questions, we are writing a program that gets malware data. Unfortunately some malware only start working after the mouse moves to a popup they opened. Its a research-based application
I haven't tested this but I believe you could try the following:
Enumerate running processes and order by PID.
The highest number PID should be the "newest" process.
For the newest process enumerate its windows (use GetWindowThreadProcessId)
At this point I guess you'd have to pick which window you think is the "main" window, for example if the malware opens two windows I don't know how you're going to choose which one to give focus to?
Of your picked HWND get its position on the desktop.
Use SetMousePos to move the mouse to the position of the window.
I haven't included all the API's you'll need for these tasks as its generally quite easy to find on here :)
One way to track recently opened windows is to use SetWinEventHook to listen to the EVENT_OBJECT_CREATE and EVENT_OBJECT_SHOW events. In the callback, filter:
just events with a non-null HWND where idObject==OBJID_WINDOW to get just window creation events (vs other creation events such as for items within a listbox)
for top-level only windows, also filter by checking GetAncestor(hwnd, GA_PARENT) is GetDesktopWindow()
And check that the window is indeed currently visible (WS_VISIBLE style is set in GetWindowLong(GWL_STYLE)).
Also filter by GetWindowThreadProcessId() and via the thread/process you pass into SetWinEventHook if you only care about HWNDs from a specific app.
The reason for checking both of these events is that some windows are created hidden and then shown, others are created fully visible, while others are created once, then shown/hidden many times over their lifetime.
You can then cache this 'last known created hwnd' in a global and check it as needed, using GetWindowRect() to get its location, and SetCursorPos() to move the mouse to that location.
If the most recent popup is an active window which takes focus - as is the case with dialogs, but not usually the case with 'pop-under' windows - you can use GetGUIThreadInfo(NULL, ...) to determine the currently active HWND, which might be the one you are looking for, returned in the GUITHREADINFO.hwndActive member of the struct you pass it.

A single MFC/Win32 control seems to be making my whole desktop repaint

I have a custom control, which owns an edit box and moves it around, etc. The edit-box is typically modified with a wodge of code like this:
edit.MoveWindow( &rc );
edit.SetWindowText( text );
edit.SetLimitText( N );
edit.SetSel(0, CB_ERR);
RECT rc is in coordinates local to the custom control, edit is created with the custom control as parent. I'm not even sure this is definitely the problem, but when triggering this code sometimes it is nice and smooth, other times my entire desktop appears to flicker like it's being redrawn. I can't see I'm explicitly calling Invalidate(Rect) anywhere.
Any ideas?
It's not going to be any of the code that you are showing us. A whole desktop flash is nearly always somewhere in your code that is calling InvalidateRect(NULL,...) so keep digging.
Several of these calls will result in messages being sent to the parent window of the edit, most likely the InvalidateRect is happening while handling that message.
If I was a betting man, I'd bet on the SetFocus() call as the one that's triggering the repaint.

Globally intercept window movement

I am having trouble getting a global system hook to work. I want to be notified whenever a window is moving, as early as possible, and change the window size. This means the CBT hook HCBT_MOVESIZE won't cut it, it only happens after the window has been moved. I want to hook the actual movement of the window, and be able to change the window size during the move.
The hooks are set from a DLL, and the callback function is within that DLL. This is what I've tried.
WH_CALLWNDPROC. It does alert me when a window is moved (WM_MOVING is received for windows from other applications), but I cannot change the contents of the message.
CBT hook HCBT_MOVESIZE. Event happens to late.
WH_GETMESSAGE. Never receive WM_MOVE, WM_MOVING or WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING. This hook would allow me to change the messages.
Update: Windows event hooks seem to allow me to capture it:
However, this creates a different problem: changing the size of the window using SetWindowPos() does not work (it changes size alright, but immediately changes back to its previous size), even though I use SWP_NOSENDCHANGING. Ideas?
Update 2: Subclassing seems to work, however Visual Studio crashes after each program run (so does a lot of other windows). It works well if I place breakpoints and walk through the "unsubclassing", but not when I let the program run by itself. Ideas?
I have a CBT hook (it was there from earlier), and whenever HCBT_ACTIVATE is sent for a new window, I remove any previous subclassing using SetWindowLongPtr() (this has to run on 64-bit as well), and then subclass the new window. If I put a breakpoint anywhere, and immediately resume the session when it breaks, everything works fine. However, when I do not have any breakpoints, Visual Studio crashes when the program exits.
Hm, I would've thought that HCBT_MOVESIZE is precisely what you want, given that the MSDN says this about CBT hooks:
The system calls this function before activating, creating, destroying,
minimizing, maximizing, moving, or sizing a window.
and in particular:
A window is about to be moved or sized.
(these quotes were taken from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms644977%28VS.85%29.aspx)
...so I'd have thought that you get the HCBT_MOVESIZE call in time. The hook function which handles HCBT_MOVESIZE is also allowed to return an integer so that the system can determine whether the operation is allowed or should be prevented. Hence, given that the HCBT_MOVESIZE hook should get an option to prevent the operation, I'd say it's called before the move event occurred.
Are you really sure the hook function is called after the move event? If you do a GetWindowRect call on the particular handle within your hook function, does the returned rect equal the rectangle which is passed to the hook function?
Hooks are pretty heavy. You only want to use them when you absolutely have to.
That said, you could use one of the basic hooks simply as a way to get into the process. Once in the process, you could subclass the window you're interested in and handle the sizing messages in your subclass proc rather than trying to catch everything at the hook level.
Depending on what you want to do in response to the resize, you might need some interprocess communication.

How do I force my app to come to the front and take focus?

I'm working on an application that happens to be the bootstrap for an installer that I'm also working on. The application makes a few MSI calls to get information that I need for putting together the wizard that is my application's main window, which causes a progress window to open while the info is being gathered and then go away once that's done. Then the wizard is set up and launched. My problem is that the wizard (derived from CPropertySheet) does not want to come to the front and be the active application without me adding in some calls to do so.
I've solved the problem of bringing it to the front with the following code in my OnInitDialog() method:
SetWindowPos(&wndTopMost, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE); // force window to top
SetWindowPos(&wndNoTopMost, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE); // lose the topmost status that the previous line gave us
My problem is that I still haven't figured out how to make the window self-activate (i.e., make itself be the one that has the focus). SetFocus() won't work in this context. I need something that will force the window to the top of the Z-order and activate it, preferably in as few calls as possible.
My guess is that the progress window opened at the beginning by the MSI calls is causing the main window to screw up, but I have no way to prevent that window from appearing. Also, it wouldn't make sense to hide it, because it lets the user know what's going on before the main window arrives.
Andrew isn't completely correct. Windows does try really hard to stop you from stealing focus, but it is possible using the folowing method.
Attach to the thread of the window that currently has focus.
Bring your window into focus.
Detach from the thread.
And the code for that would go something like this:
DWORD dwCurrentThread = GetCurrentThreadId();
DWORD dwFGThread = GetWindowThreadProcessId(GetForegroundWindow(), NULL);
AttachThreadInput(dwCurrentThread, dwFGThread, TRUE);
// Possible actions you may wan to bring the window into focus.
EnableWindow(hwnd, TRUE);
AttachThreadInput(dwCurrentThread, dwFGThread, FALSE);
You may or may not need to have to run your program with administrative privileges for this to work, but I've used this code personally and it has go the job done.
You can't steal focus. Period.
See this Old New Thing article:
doesn't ShowWindow(youwindow,SW_SHOWNORMAL) work?
You will find that BringWindowToTop or SetForegroundWindow have requirements that must be met before the window will actually be forced to the front over all other windows (applications). If these aren't met, Windows will only flash the application's icon in the taskbar. This article presents a way around that but as 1800 INFORMATION points out, it is not recommended. I guess you'll just have to accept it.
There ARE good reasons for an app to 'steal' focus. My application is a server loading many driver DLLs. Another application, connecting to the server, has a button that sends a message to the server to show detail information in one of those DLLs (owned by the server, not the client app) for convenience. Unfortunately, this popped open window is usually buried under multiple windows.