MFC PostMessage from main project to UI thread - c++

I'm programming a very big software.
It has a lot of projects inside it.
One of my projects is a UI thread. I want to post messages to this UI thread, from the main project.
When I use PostThreadMessage (after getting the thread by GetCurrentThreadId() ), everything works fine, except the times when a MessageBox is open...
So I want to send messages from the main project by PostMessage. How exactly can I send messages in that way? how do I know which window to send the message to?

If it is an UI thread then you must have a primary window created in that thread. Just post message to this window. That's it.
EDIT 1: If it is another process, then probably you can create a hidden window with some unique title with special characters and underscores and use FindWindow API to find that window or use EnumWindows to enumerate top level windows and match the title.


Catch a moment when window message is put into queue

I have a 3rdparty application (target), which creates a window. I embed that window into my own application by setting parent, changing styles, etc.
The problem is that Spy++ shows target receiving WM_DESTROY two times (in case I close my app). Sometimes this leads to crash of the target.
I want to understand, why the message queue contains 2 WM_DESTROY associated with target window (btw, only 1 WM_NCDESTROY).
To do that I was setting breakpoints at DestroyWindow, PostMessage syscalls, but these functions appear not to be called for the main target window (first one is called only for child windows, second one - with different messages, except WM_DESTROY). I did that in context of both my process and the target process.
So the question is, is there any low-level function which puts messages into the thread message queue? I want to put breakpoint at it and catch a moment when the extra WM_DESTROY is put there.
Smth like PostThreadMessageInternal...
Thanks in advance!

Multiple processes rendering to one window

Multiple processes rendering to one window
Two processes, two windows, but one window acts as another window's child window.
For example a window contain a edit ctrl, but the edit ctrl is belong to another process.
How can I implement such a MFC application?
I don't think having more than one thread managing UI stuff is a good idea at all.
You should just have one thread in charge of the UI (main thread) and create as many working threads as you need. But these working threads do not access UI directly but they notify (SendMessage / PostMessage) the main thread to do the UI work.
The window and its child must belong to the same process. Period.
What you can do is redirect the output of a process (such as stdout) to a pipe. The GUI process in turns reads the pipe and display the contents into the dedicated child window (edit box or other).
This MSDN article about input/output redirection may help.
Actually you can achieve this, but has some limitation.
For example, you can embed MS word in your app. The Word window is embedded as a child window in your app. but actually, there is another process winword.exe.
Your app works as compound document container and the embedded one act as compound document server.
Please find "compound document" related stuff from MSDN.

Handling Messages in Console Apps/DLLs in C++ Win32

I would like to have the ability to process Win32 messages in a console app and/or inside a standalone DLL.
I have been able to do it in .NET with the following article and it works great in C# inside a console app and standalone DLL
Is there a way to do the equivalent with C/C++ Win32 APIs? I have tried doing RegisterClassEx(...) and CreateWindow(...) even passing in HWND_MESSAGE to hWndParent but the trouble is that after the "invisible" window is created messages are not being processed probably due to the lack of a message pump.
Where would the message pump go if you had a DLL entry point? I have tried creating another thread in a DLL and put while(GetMesage(..)) there but that did not work either.
Any ideas?
You need a message pump yes. The window also has thread affinity so it needs to be created on the same thread that you're running the message pump on. The basic approach is sound, if you include more code it may become clear what the problem is.
In addition to what Logan Capaldo said, you also have the problem that, as a DLL, you don't know at compile time what kind of process is going to be loading you at runtime.
If you are being loaded by a console application (/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE), then creating a hidden window of your own and setting up a message pump on that same thread will work fine (as long as you are the first window created).
If you are being loaded by a windows app (/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS) then you might run into problems getting messages. They will be sent to the top-level window in the hierarchy, which you didn't create. You'll need to get the hWnd of the main process and subclass it (if you aren't already).
If you are being loaded by a service, then you aren't going to get window messages at all. You instead need to use the RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerEx Function

How do I create Modal dialog in worker thread(Non-UI thread)?

I have written a sample MFC application in which there are two threads:
-Main thread ( UI thread)
-Worker thread ( non-UI thread)
I have a specific requirement to create a Modal dialog in Non-UI ( worker thread).
When I create the CDialog object and call DoModal on the same, it works. The dialog gets created and acts as Modal to the application. ( Win XP SP2 machine) But this does not work in Windows 2003 server machine.
The behavior in 2003 server is that, the Modal Dialog goes behind the application main Window and dialog will be brought to front only when I click on Main Window. It is not acting as Modal dialog to my application.
What could be the problem -- any ideas?
If creating UI controls in non-UI thread is the issue then is there any Win32 API which will allow me to link my worker thread to Main UI thread such that DoModal happens in Main thread. I tried AttachThreadInput but it is not working.
There is no reliable way to spread GUI modality across multiple threads. Every window is represented by an object referenced through a HWND which in turn has thread affinity. This is a left-over from the 16-bit days of Windows, where there was no multi threading. Consequently the HWNDs are not protected against concurrent access. The Old New Thing has an excellent series on "Thread affinity of user interface objects" (Part 1 2 3 Addendum).
Modality is implemented by first enabling the dialog window and then disabling its parent. The first step is safe while the second attempts to disable a window from a thread which is not the window's owning thread. Since en-/disabling windows modifies the object referenced through the HWND it represents a race condition.
The suggested solution is to confine your GUI to a single thread and communicate from your worker thread to the GUI thread to have it perform user interaction on the worker thread's behalf. The easiest way to accomplish this is to call SendMessage from the worker thread to block until the GUI thread's message handler returns. If the worker thread should continue to run while the dialog is displayed you could use PostMessage instead and communicate back to the worker thread using PostThreadMessage or signaling a synchronization object like an Event Object.
First of all, I'd like to agree with other posters that it's probably better to show the dialog on the main UI thread.
However, if you must, you can make a dialog on another thread modal with the following steps:
Pass your active window as an owner when creating the dialog.
When dialog is showing, iterate over your other windows and do them EnableWindow(FALSE). When the dialog is hiding, do the reverse. You will probably have to remember windows' enabled state and restore the original state, not just EnableWindow(TRUE).
Ensure that accelerators and other global commands will be ignored while the dialog is shown.
Note that (2) shouldn't be necessary provided that you do (1), but you've mentioned MFC, and I don't remember exactly how it behaves. It has it's own modal dialog implementation which may not exactly match Win32. If you're lucky, (1) and (3) will be enough.
While i don't know about the specifics of dialog handling on Server 2003, the simplest workaround to get on the main thread would be to use a custom window message, do ::SendMessage() and display the dialog in the message handler.
I recommend you not to do what the question subject suggests, and confine all UI to one thread. If you need the other thread to communicate with the user, create some messaging mechanism that will ask the UI thread to do it, and transport the results back.

Application wide periodic tasks with Dialog Based MFC application

In Single Document Interface (SDI) or Multiple Document Interface (MDI) MFC application, I created an application wide timer in the View. The timer will tick as long as the application is running and trigger some periodic actions.
How can I do the same with Dialog Based MFC application?
Should I create Thread's Timer (SetTimer with NULL HWND) and pass a callback function to it?
Should I create worker threads? My experience with other projects was when I tried to display some feedback GUI from non-GUI/worker threads, I need to roll out my own "delegate"/command pattern and a "delegate invoker"/command invoker. The worker thread will send message (I think using message is safer than direct function call when dealing across thread-boundary, CMIIW) to the UI-thread. and the UI-thread will be the "delegate"/command invoker. Failing to do this and to make sure that the windows/dialogs have the correct parent will result in bizzare behaviors such as the Application suddenly disappears to the background; Window/Dialog that is shown behind the current window/dialog and causing the current window to be unresponsive/unclickable. Probably I was doing something wrong but there were so much problems when dealing with threads.
Are there best practices for this?
A timer works as well in a dialog-based application as an SDI or MDI app. OTOH, timers are (mostly) a leftover from 16-bit Windows. If you want to do things periodically, a worker thread is usually a better way to do it (and yes, Windows Mobile supports multiple threads).
Edit: in a dialog-based application, the main dialog exists for (essentially) the entire life of the application. Unless you really need the timer during the milliseconds between application startup and dialog creation or dialog destruction and application exit, just attach it to the dialog. Otherwise, you can attach it to the main window -- which MFC creates and destroys, even though it's never displayed.
If you use the MFC Wizard to create the Dialog based app, you probably have a hidden view window as well as a dialog window. The view window creates the dialog with DoModal(), which runs the dialog in the same thread, effectively suspending the view window.
While the dialog is open, the view window will not process any events. So, if the view window owns the timer, it will not process the timer events.
The simplest solution is to create the timer in the dialog and let the dialog handle the timer messages.
IMO, use the Timer if it solves the problem. As you've mentioned a Worker Thread interacting with the UI, in MFC, can be more trouble than its worth sometimes.
If the problem is simple enough for a timer to suffice, thats what i'd use (Remember KISS)
SetTimer does not have to be handed a window to work, it can call a callback method.
You can use that in your application - declare in your CWinApp (or anywhere really)
static void CALLBACK OnTimer(HWND, UINT, UINT, DWORD);
Then in the InitInstance call SetTimer(0, [eventid], [time period], OnTimer);
In OnTimer you can get back to the CWinApp instance via AfxGetApp() or theApp since there is only one.
Second attempt: my previous answer was dne in a hurry and was not correct.
Your basic vanilla MFC Dialog app only uses one thread. The main thread starts with a class derived from CWinApp. In the InitInstance() method it launches the dialog using CDialog::DoModal(). This function doesn't return until the dialog is closed.
While the dialog is running, the CWinApp class does not process any messages, so won't see a WM_TIMER.
There are many ways around this.
Let the first dialog own the timer and make all other dialogs children of it. This might be OK, depending on your dialog requirements, but it might be too restrictive.
Launch the first Dialog as modeless, i.e. use Create() instead of DoModal(). Create() returns straight away (putting the Dialog into a different thread). You can then create a message loop in the CWinApp class and process timers there. You'll have to use thread timers instead of window timers as the CWinApp class doesn't have a window. (or you could create a hidden window if that is more convenient).
You can hack the dialog's mesage loop and make it pass messages to the CWinApp class' message handler. That is quite complex and not for the faint hearted.
You can create a dedicated timer thread. You'd probably do that from the CWinApp class before it creates the dialog, but other strategies are possible.
Do any of those schemes sound like they fit your needs? If not, maybe you can explain your needs more fully and we might be able to come up with something appropriate.