'Field Scraping' in Windows - c++

I want to develop an auditing application for certain Windows applications. I want to grab the text from MessageBoxes, Windows, Forms, Selections etc and ideally I would like to program in C++.
I've looked into Windows UI Automation as a possible solution, but am slightly put off as it says it will need to know parts of the underlying data structures which I can't get at. Alternatively, I've looked around and Neo's SafeKeys says that it protects against 'field scraping', but upon searching for it I can't find any information on how it is done. Could someone with experience with this please enlighten me? I'm aware you can scrape websites and the like, but I wish to scrape applications instead.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Look into using the accessibility layer, MSAA

I presume they are talking about doing a lot of EnumChildWindows() and GetWindowText().

A simple way of doing this without going near any data structures is to use Abbyy's OCR SDK http://www.abbyy.com/ocr_sdk/ to emulate in an application what their amazing Screenshot reader does. http://www.abbyy.com/screenshot_reader/ . With this technology, nothing you can read on the screen is safe from being captured as text, though it makes a mess of the odd character occasionally.


Looking for third party charting options for ColdFusion

A project I am working on makes extensive use of CFCHART. We have run into quite a few usage and performance issues with CFCHART, so I have been tasked to look at some third-party solutions to try out and recommend. Anybody have some reviews and recommendations they'd care to share?
Consider outputting the raw data and using JavaScript / Canvas to generate the charts on the fly. The load is the given to the client.
This makes it easier for screenreaders and people who like to save the data to access it as well.
Some JS charting libraries:
Not dependent on your server side technology (e.g. irrelevant to the fact that you're using CF), I have recently started playing around with HighCharts (http://www.highcharts.com/), and have been very impressed.
Bear in mind, it's not free for commercial use, but you didn't specify as to any such restrictions. Although their pricing seems pretty fair (see http://www.highcharts.com/license)
The Wijmo jQuery library has some nice charting widgets. http://wijmo.com/
We use FusionCharts. They have a comprehensive set of chart and widget types (eg sparklines) and have a very slick, professional finish.
ChartDirector is reasonable and is very advanced. It generates image-based graphs and we don't have to worry about whether or not different browsers support various advanced HTML features or Flash. You can download it, install and run it unlicensed and it will only add a little copyright in the bottom-right 20 pixels of the graph. (Licensing is inexpensive.) It comes with 239+ ColdFusion scripts so that you have plenty of sample code. Their support forums is very active and helpful.
Check out the gallery. It has some very impressive samples. You can create just about anything.
You can try jqChart as well.
Thank you to everyone for these suggestions! This gives me a good list of applications to work with. Since there is no one "right" answer for a question like this I made sure to note each answer as useful.

Create a C++ program that processes incoming calls on a phone-line (land-line)

For some time now I've been tossing around what I think is am awesome idea: I want to write essentially a C++ phone server to handle all of my incoming calls on a land-line. I'll have a white-list (yay never having to worry about telemarketers ever again!), a black-list, and will be able to access my phone using my gaming headset, allowing me to make/answer calls while I'm gaming or whatever. In the future I'd also like to hook it up to a gui and make it have pop-ups and other cool features.
The problem is, I have no idea where to start. I'm familiar enough with C++, but have no idea how to go about doing anything with a phone-line. I can plug a phone-line into my computer, but I have no idea how to get my program to be able to use that connection. There's WinSock2 for being able to use my ethernet connection, is there something similar I'd be able to use to use the phone line? As it's using the same ethernet jack, I wonder if it's even possible to use WinSock2 to use the phone-line?
I saw this post, which wasn't particularly helpful: stackoverflow link , which points out Dual-tone multi-frequency signaling. I stumbled across this site: link, but isn't really going to help me get started.
So I was wondering, is there some sort of library out there that would allow me to tap into a phone-line that's connected to my computer? Is there a standard somewhere out there concerning phone-lines and what the different combinations of tone's mean? Can anyone here help get me started? I realize it's somewhat of a big undertaking, so any push in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I found this question, which is a step in the right direction, but I'm not sure yet if it helps me (I need to go to bed, and will take a look at it in the morning). I did see mention of a Microsoft Telephony API though, I'll try doing more research on that tomorrow.
If working with MS products is not an absolute necessity, you might also consider taking a shot at Asterisk. This is an open-source PBX (in software) that allows development on Linux, Windows (emulated) and Mac. At the company where I work, we use it for implementing small-scale exchanges, about a 100 lines or so. It also interfaces well with VoIP and allows a whole host of protocols. I have developed scripts and programs in C++ that work on voice packets in real-time, and so far, my experience has been good. As for your stated use-case of blocking telemarketers etc., this would be a very good fit. Check out further details here.
After doing more research, having one link lead to another link, and coming up with new search terms, I stumbled across this site that looks like it could kick me off using the Windows Telephony API in C++: link. This link includes open source c++ samples showing how to do the basics of what this question asks, I'll just have to test to see if they actually still work.
This is only the beginning of my research, so I'll keep you posted on any other findings. If anyone else is knowledgeable in this area, please still feel free to drop me information on what I want to accomplish.

Look for ways to enable printing from my C++/MFC application

Since time immemorial I've been trying to avoid printing from my Windows-based applications due to the lack of native support for it. Whenever absolutely necessary I was resorting to dynamically making a simple HTML layout and then opening it in a web browser with a short Java Script in it to pop up a printing dialog for a user. Now I need to find something more substantial.
Let me explain. I have a project that deals with medical charts and it has to be able to print into those charts (at specific locations) as well as print on to a Letter/A4 size page in general. It also has to provide a preview of what is being printed in a paged-view environment.
In light of that I was wondering what is available from MFC/C++ environment (not C#) in regarding to printing?
PS. I was thinking to look into the RTF format but that seems like quite a daunting task, so I was also wondering, is there any libraries/already written code that can allow to compose/view/print RTFs? If not, what else is out there that can provide printing support like I explained above?
"lack of native support"? It's been covered by Petzold since forever, and it's integrated straight into GDI. Compared to UNIX, it's a complete breeze. And MFC makes it even easier.
Anyway, here's how you do print preview with MFC, and here's how you subsequently print. Lots of links from there, and it's all straightforward. Printers are just another Device Context on which you can draw.
I always found it very convenient to generate PDF files from my MFC/C++ application, There are many libraries out there which enable easy creation of PDF files, preview functionality and so on (also open source). I'm using this (also handles RTF):
PDF Library
There is no support like you call a framework method with some parameters and the framework prints a document or the content of a window for you. You need to manually draw everything on the printing device context. So as already said, you might find it more convenient to use a PDF generator, but of course that depends on your application requirements.
Please try www.oxetta.com , it's a free report builder solution that easily integrates into a C/C++ application.

How do I open a Open File dialog in OS X using C++?

I'm working on an application using OpenGL and C++ that parses some structured input from a file and displays it graphically. I'd like to start an Open File dialog when the application loads to allow the user to choose the file they want to have displayed. I haven't been able to find what I need on the web. Is there a way to achieve this in C++? If so, how? Thank you in advance.
You have two choices, a quick one, and a good one:
Quick and pretty simple, use the Navigation Services framework from Carbon and NavCreateGetFileDialog(). You'll be done quick, and you'll have to learn almost nothing new, but your code won't run in 64-bit (which Apple is pushing everyone towards) and you'll have to link the Carbon framework. Navigation Services is officially removed in 64-bit, and is generally deprecated going forward (though I expect it to linger in 32-bit for quite a while).
A little more work the first time you do it (because you need to learn some Objective-C), but much more powerful and fully supported, wrap up NSOpenPanel in an Objective-C++ class and expose that to your C++. This is my Wrapping C++ pattern, just backwards. If you go this way and have trouble, drop a note and I'll try to speed up posting a blog entry on it.
To add to what Rob wrote:
Unfortunately, there's no simple equivalent to Windows's GetOpenFileName.
If you use Carbon: I don't really think NavCreatGetFileDialog is easy to use... you can use this code in the CarbonDev to see how to use it. The code there returns CFURLRef. To get the POSIX path, use CFURLGetFileSystemReprestnation.
That said, I recommend you to use Cocoa. Rob will write a blog post how to use NSOpenPanel from GLUT :)

What's the best way to parse RSS/Atom feeds for an iPhone application?

So I understand that there are a few options available as far as parsing straight XML goes: NSXMLParser, TouchXML from TouchCode, etc. That's all fine, and seems to work fine for me.
The real problem here is that there are dozens of small variations in RSS feeds (and Atom feeds too), so supporting all possible permutations of feeds available out on the Internet gets very difficult to manage. I searched around for a library that would handle all of these low-level details for me, but came out without anything.
Since one could link to an external C/C++ library in Objective-C, I was wondering if there is a library out there that would be best suited for this task? Someone must have already created something like this, it's just difficult to find the "right" option from the thousands of results in Google.
Anyway, what's the best way to parse RSS/Atom feeds in an iPhone application?
I've just released an open source RSS/Atom Parser for iPhone and hopefully it might be of some use.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on it too!
"Best" is relative. The best performance you'll need to go the SAX route and implement the handlers. I don't know of anything out there open source available (start a google code project and release it for the rest of us to use!)
Whatever you do, it's probably a really bad idea to try and load the whole XML file into memory and act on it like a DOM. Chances are you'll get feeds that are much larger than you can handle on the device leading to frequent memory warnings and crashes.
I'm currently trying out the MWFeedParser #Michael Waterfall is developing.
Quite easy to set up and use (I'm a beginner iPhone developer).
His sample code for using MWFeedParser to populate a UITableViewController implementation is helpful as well.
take a look at apple's XML Performance sample -- which points to using libXML directly -- for performance and quicker updates to the display. Which may be important if you are working with very large feeds.
Check out my library for parsing Atom feeds, (BSAtomParser) at GitHub. It doesn't care about validating the feed, it does its best at returning whatever is valid. The parser covers most of RFC 4287, even extensions.
Here's my solution: a really simple yet powerful RSS parsing library: https://github.com/H2CO3/RSSKit
Have you looked at TouchCode yet? I don't think it has an RSS processor, but it might give you a start.
I came accross igasus project on sourceforge today. I haven't used it or really checked it, but perhaps it might help.
From their site:
igagus is a web service for the iPhone that allows aggregation of RSS to be delivered in an iPhone friendly format.
Actually, I was trying to suggest you ask on the TouchCode discussion board, because I remember someone was trying to expand it to support RSS. That might be a decent starting point. But I was being rushed by my wife.
But I see now that TouchCode doesn't have a discussion board. I'd still ask the author, though, he might know what came of that effort.
This might be a reasonable starting point for you. Atom support isn't there yet, but you could help out?