Initialize global array of function pointers at either compile-time, or run-time before main() - c++

I'm trying to initialize a global array of function pointers at compile-time, in either C or C++. Something like this:
typedef int16_t (*myfunc_t)(void);
extern myfunc_array[];
#include "module.h"
int16_t myfunc_1();
int16_t myfunc_2();
int16_t myfunc_N();
// the ordering of functions is not that important
myfunc_array[] = { myfunc_1, myfunc_2, ... , myfunc_N };
func1.cpp, func2.cpp, ... funcN.cpp (symbolic links to a single func.cpp file, so that different object files are created: func1.o, func2.o, func3.o, ... , funcN.o. NUMBER is defined using g++ -DNUMBER=N)
#include "module.h"
#define CONCAT2(x, y) x ## y
#define CONCAT(x, y) CONCAT2(x, y)
int16_t CONCAT(myfunc_, NUMBER)() { ... }
When compiled using g++ -DNUMBER=N, after preprocessing becomes:
int16_t myfunc_1() { ... }
int16_t myfunc_2() { ... }
and so on.
The declarations of myfunc_N() and the initialization of myfunc_array[] are not cool, since N changes often and could be between 10 to 200. I prefer not to use a script or Makefile to generate them either. The ordering of functions is not that important, i can work around that. Is there a neater/smarter way to do this?

How To Make a Low-Level Function Registry
First you create a macro to place pointers to your functions in a special section:
/* original typedef from question: */
typedef int16_t (*myfunc)(void);
#define myfunc_register(N) \
static myfunc registered_##myfunc_##N \
__attribute__((__section__(".myfunc_registry"))) = myfunc_##N
The static variable name is arbitrary (it will never be used) but it's nice to choose an expressive name. You use it by placing the registration just below your function:
Now when you compile your file (each time) it will have a pointer to your function in the section .myfunc_registry. This will all compile as-is but it won't do you any good without a linker script. Thanks to caf for pointing out the relatively new INSERT AFTER feature:
.rel.rodata.myfunc_registry : {
PROVIDE(myfunc_registry_start = .);
PROVIDE(myfunc_registry_end = .);
The hardest part of this scheme is creating the entire linker script: You need to embed that snippet in the actual linker script for your host which is probably only available by building binutils by hand and examining the compile tree or via strings ld. It's a shame because I quite like linker script tricks.
Link with gcc -Wl,-Tlinkerscript.ld ... The -T option will enhance (rather than replace) the existing linker script.
Now the linker will gather all of your pointers with the section attribute together and helpfully provide a symbol pointing before and after your list:
extern myfunc myfunc_registry_start[], myfunc_registry_end[];
Now you can access your array:
/* this cannot be static because it is not know at compile time */
size_t myfunc_registry_size = (myfunc_registry_end - myfunc_registry_start);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < myfunc_registry_size); ++i)
They will not be in any particular order. You could number them by putting them in __section__(".myfunc_registry." #N) and then in the linker gathering *(.myfunc_registry.*), but the sorting would be lexographic instead of numeric.
I have tested this out with gcc 4.3.0 (although the gcc parts have been available for a long time) and ld 2.18.50 (you need a fairly recent ld for the INSERT AFTER magic).
This is very similar to the way the compiler and linker conspire to execute your global ctors, so it would be a whole lot easier to use a static C++ class constructor to register your functions and vastly more portable.
You can find examples of this in the Linux kernel, for example __initcall is very similar to this.

I was going to suggest this question is more about C, but on second thoughts, what you want is a global container of function pointers, and to register available functions into it. I believe this is called a Singleton (shudder).
You could make myfunc_array a vector, or wrap up a C equivalent, and provide a function to push myfuncs into it. Now finally, you can create a class (again you can do this in C), that takes a myfunc and pushes it into the global array. This will all occur immediately prior to main being called. Here are some code snippets to get you thinking:
// a header
extern vector<myfunc> myfunc_array;
struct _register_myfunc {
_register_myfunc(myfunc lolz0rs) {
#define register_myfunc(lolz0rs) static _register_myfunc _unique_name(lolz0rs);
// a source
vector<myfunc> myfunc_array;
// another source
int16_t myfunc_1() { ... }
// another source
int16_t myfunc_2() { ... }
Keep in mind the following:
You can control the order the functions are registered by manipulating your link step.
The initialization of your translation unit-scoped variables occurs before main is called, i.e. the registering will be completed.
You can generate unique names using some macro magic and __COUNTER__. There may be other sneaky ways that I don't know about. See these useful questions:
Unnamed parameters in C
Unexpected predefined macro behaviour when pasting tokens
How to generate random variable names in C++ using macros?

Your solution sounds much too complicated and error prone to me.
You go over your project with a script (or probably make) to place the -D options to the compiler, anyhow. So I suppose you are keeping a list of all your functions (resp. the files defining them).
I'd use proper names for all the functions, nothing of your numbering scheme and then I would produce the file "module.cpp" with that script and initialize the table with the names.
For this you just have to keep a list of all your functions (and perhaps filenames) in one place. This could be easier be kept consistent than your actual scheme, I think.
Edit: Thinking of it even this might also be overengineering. If you have to maintain a list of your functions somewhere in any case, why not just inside the file "module.cpp"? Just include all the header files of all your functions, there, and list them in the initializer of the table.

Since you allow C++, the answer is obviously yes, with templates:
template<int N> int16_t myfunc() { /* N is a const int here */ }
myfunc_array[] = { myfunc<0>, myfunc<1>, myfunc<2> }
Now, you might wonder if you can create that variable-length initializer list with some macro. The answer is yes, but the macro's needed are ugly. So I'n not going to write them here, but point you to Boost::Preprocessor
However, do you really need such an array? Do you really need the name myfunc_array[0] for myfunc<0> ? Even if you need a runtime argument (myfunc_array[i]) there are other tricks:
inline template <int Nmax> int16_t myfunc_wrapper(int i) {
assert (i<Nmax);
return (i==Nmax) ? myfunc<Nmax> : myfunc_wrapper(i-1);
inline int16_t myfunc_wrapper(int i) {
return myfunc_wrapper<NUMBER>(i); // NUMBER is defined on with g++ -DNUMBER=N

Ok I worked out a solution based on Matt Joiner's tip:
typedef int16_t (*myfunc_t)(void);
extern myfunc_array[];
class FunctionRegistrar {
FunctionRegistrar(myfunc_t fn, int fn_number) {
myfunc_array[fn_number - 1] = fn; // ensures correct ordering of functions (not that important though)
#include "module.h"
myfunc_array[100]; // The size needs to be #defined by the compiler, probably
func1.cpp, func2.cpp, ... funcN.cpp
#include "module.h"
static int16_t myfunc(void) { ... }
static FunctionRegistrar functionRegistrar(myfunc, NUMBER);
Thanks everyone!


When accessing C++ API from C via a wrapper, how do I access enum types?

I have a C program which I need to connect to a C++ API. I asked on here and was given great advice, leading to creating a "wrapper".
So, in the API there is a type called "APIName::ReturnCode", and I wanted to create a C equivalent, so I've done the following:
In c_api.h:
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define EXTERNC extern "C"
#define EXTERNC
typedef void* API_ReturnCode_t;
EXTERNC API_ReturnCode_t api_returncode_init();
EXTERNC void api_returncode_destroy(API_ReturnCode_t rc);
#undef EXTERNC
in c_api.cpp:
#include "c_api.h"
#include "/path/to/api/api.h"
API_ReturnCode_t api_returncode_init() {
return new APIName::ReturnCode;
void api_returncode_destroy(API_ReturnCode_t untyped_ptr) {
APIName::ReturnCode* typed_ptr = static_cast< APIName::ReturnCode*>(untyped_ptr);
delete typed_ptr;
So I compile that into a library and include it in my main program, and I can use things like:
API_ReturnCode rc;
to define a variable.
However, my next issue is how to define enumerated types in a similar way. So, the api has the following definition for error codes:
namespace APIName {
typedef enum ReturnCode_enum ReturnCode;
enum ReturnCode_enum {
RC_OK , // success
RC_ERROR , // general error
RC_NOT_AVAILABLE , // feature is not available
How do I recreate this in my wrapper so that I can do something like this in my code:
API_ReturnCode rc = API_RC_OK;
Thank you.
So after some clarification, my original answer is no longer applicable -- but is still retained below this answer.
Since the original C++ API cannot be altered in any way, you are much more limited in your available options.
You want to be able to do:
API_ReturnCode rc = API_RC_OK;
But rc is an opaque type (void*) that requires being destroyed with api_returncode_destroy -- so this won't be possible in an easy and sane way (not without confusing who owns the API_RC_OK calls). The biggest issue is that if we could produce an API_RC_OK instance, it leads to questionable ownership. For example:
API_ReturnCode rc = API_RC_OK;
api_returncode_destroy(rc); // is this good? is 'API_RC_OK' a resource that needs deleting?
And it gets more confusing in more complicated expressions.
Since the APIName::ReturnCode_enum type is just a classic C-style enum, which is implicitly convertible to an int, your best-bet here would be to try to preserve the int-like property by making API_ReturnCode_t's definition be:
typedef int API_ReturnCode_t;
Then any of the C++-wrapped calls can propagate the values as this int
Unfortunately to be able to receive these values on the other side, you will need to duplicate some effort here by manually re-creating these constants in some way. There are a few approaches that come to mind, all with pros and cons.
The inconvenient truth here is that, because you're trying to expose values defined in C++ in C, you'll need to somehow re-encode this on the other side in some way. You can't simply include the C++ header and use it in C, since they are different languages and C++ contains features that C doesn't understand.
1. Use extern constants
One possible approach is to use extern const values that get defined in the source from the underlying values, so you aren't stuck duplicating the values themselves. For example:
EXTERNC extern const API_ReturnCode_t API_RC_OK;
EXTERNC extern const API_ReturnCode_t API_RC_ERROR;
EXTERNC extern const API_ReturnCode_t API_RC_NOT_AVAILABLE;
extern "C" {
const API_ReturnCode_t API_RC_OK = APIName::RC_OK;
const API_ReturnCode_t API_RC_ERROR = APIName::RC_ERROR;
} // extern "C"
The good thing with this approach is that you aren't stuck manually setting API_RC_OK to 0, and API_RC_ERROR to 1, etc -- so these values are not strongly coupled.
The thing to watch out for is that these extern constants would not be (safely) usable from other objects during static initialization, since it's not guaranteed when these values will be set. If you aren't doing much static initialization, this shouldn't be of any concern.
2. Just duplicate the effort
If the enum is not large, and not likely to grow much larger, the obvious simple approach is to just do:
#define API_RC_OK 0
#define API_RC_ERROR 1
or some equivalent thereof. The pro is that this can be used anywhere, compared to extern constants. The obvious con here is that the wrapper is strongly coupled to the wrapped library. If this is a large enumeration, or an enum that is likely to change often / regularly -- this is approach is probably not the best.
3. Define a possibly-orthogonal enumeration
One other option is to define an orthogonal enumeration instead. This requires re-defining the enum cases that you care about, and translating them through a separate function call. This results in more effort -- so depending on what you're doing, this may not be the best case.
typedef enum {
/* other states? */
} API_ReturnCode_t;
API_ReturnCode_t to_return_code(APIName::ReturnCode rc)
switch (rc) {
case APIName::RC_OK: return API_RC_OK;
case APIName::RC_ERROR: return API_RC_ERROR;
In your wrapper code, anywhere you receive an APIName::ReturnCode you would now translate to an API_ReturnCode_t before returning back to the C caller.
The nice thing about this approach is that the enumerators no longer need to be in-sync, and that you can restrict the enum cases that you want to abstract out (assuming you don't want 1-1 mapping).
This also presents an easier way to upgrade in the future to different versions of the C++ library, since everything is internalized by the translation function. If the C++ library introduces new states, you can choose to coalesce some of those values together in a way that may make it more consumable by the C client.
The obvious downside with this approach is that it takes more work, since you're defining a separate hierarchy and a translation system that will be quite similar in the beginning. It's more work up-front for a higher return later on.
Old Answer
There is nothing specific to C++ about your ReturnCode_enum class. It's actually written in a more legacy-C++ style (e.g. not using enum class for scoping), which makes it usable in C directly.
So why not define the enum in the c_api.h header file instead, and use it in your C++ as well? This may require changing your opaque handle definition depending on what is stored in it; but this way you would have exactly 1 definition of the enumeration.
You can bring the C symbol into C++ namespaces using either typedef or using aliases, which allow a more C++-esque discovery of the values.
In c_api.h:
enum Api_ReturnCode_enum {
RC_OK , /* success */
RC_ERROR , /* general error */
RC_NOT_AVAILABLE , /* feature is not available */
or 'typedef enum { ... } Api_ReturnCode_enum;' if you want don't want to specify
'enum' every time in C
In your C++ API:
#include "c_api.h"
namespace APIName { // bring it into this namespace:
// Alias the "Api_" prefixed enum to be more C++ like
typedef Api_ReturnCode_enum ReturnCode;
// alternative, in C++11 or above:
// using ReturnCode = Api_ReturnCode_enum;
I wouldn't hide error code enums in opaque handles.
Create a new enum and convertion functions in the c_api.cpp file
typedef enum {
} ReturnCode_copy;
ReturnCode_copy some_function(...);
static ReturnCode_copy convert(APIName::ReturnCode code) {
switch(code) {
//return correct ReturnCode_copy
ReturnCode_copy some_function(...) {
auto code = //some api function returning error code
return convert(code);
or you could be naughty and just copy the values directly in your new enum and just static_cast directly without the convert function.

LTO optimizations negative effects and find best solution

I have MCU with flash memory breaked in sections(as usual).
Linker places .struct_init, .struct_init_const, .struct_not_init sections to addresses belongs to flash memory section20. It is hardcoded in linker script.
Consider following test code:
typedef struct
int val1;
int val2;
} mystruct_t;
#include "test.h"
// each variable is placed in dedicated section
// sections are placed in flash section20
// linker exports symbols with address of eaach section
mystruct_t struct_init = {
.val1 = 1,.val2 = 2};
extern const mystruct_t struct_init_const = {
.val1 = 1, .val2 = 2};
mystruct_t struct_not_init;
#include <stdint.h>
// This symbols exported by linker
// contains addresses of corresponding sections
extern uintptr_t LNK_STRUCT_INIT_ADDR;
extern uintptr_t LNK_STRUCT_INIT_CONST_ADDR;
extern uintptr_t LNK_STRUCT_NOT_INIT_ADDR;
// Pointers for indirect access to data
mystruct_t* struct_init_ptr = (mystruct_t*)LNK_STRUCT_INIT_ADDR;
const mystruct_t* struct_init_const_ptr = (const mystruct_t*)LNK_STRUCT_INIT_CONST_ADDR;
mystruct_t* struct_not_init_ptr = (mystruct_t*)LNK_STRUCT_NOT_INIT_ADDR;
// Extern variables declarations for DIRECT access data
extern mystruct_t struct_init;
extern const mystruct_t struct_init_const;
extern mystruct_t struct_not_init;
// This is some variables representing config values
// They can be more complex objects(classes) with internal state and logic..
int param1_direct;
int param1_init_const_direct;
int param1_not_init_direct;
int param1_indirect;
int param2_init_const_indirect;
int param1_not_init_indirect;
int main(void)
// local variables init with direct access
int param1_direct_local = struct_init.val1;
int param1_init_const_direct_local = struct_init_const.val1;
int param1_not_init_direct_local = struct_not_init.val1;
// local variables init with indirect access
int param1_indirect_local = struct_init_ptr->val1;
int param2_init_const_indirect_local = struct_init_const_ptr->val1;
int param1_not_init_indirect_local = struct_not_init_ptr->val1;
//global variables init direct
param1_direct = struct_init.val1;
param1_init_const_direct = struct_init_const.val1;
param1_not_init_direct = struct_not_init.val1;
//global variables init indirect
param1_indirect = struct_init_ptr->val1;
param2_init_const_indirect = struct_init_const_ptr->val1;
param1_not_init_indirect = struct_not_init_ptr->val1;
// use all variables we init above
// usage of variables may also occure in some functions or methods
// directly or indirectly called from this loop
I wanna be sure that initialization of param1_ variables will lead to fetch data from flash. Because data in flash section20 can be changed using bootloader(at the moment when main firmware is not running).
The question is: Can LTO(and other optimizations) throw away fetches from flash and just substitute known values because they are known at link time because of initialization.
What approach is better?
If LTO can substitute values - then initialization should be avoided?
I know volatile can help, but is it really needed in this situation?
Code exampe shows different approaches of accessing and initializing data.
not_init version seems to be the best, because compiler can't substitute anything. But it will be a good idea to have some default parameters, so i'd prefer init version if it can be used.
What approach should be chosen?
Currently i am using GCC 4.9.3 but this is general question about any C/C++ compiler.
C and C++ both feature extern variables, which lets you define constants without immediately giving away their values:
// .h
extern int const param1;
extern char const* const param2;
// ...
In general you would define them in a (single) source file, which would hide them away from anything not in this source file. This is not LTO resilient, of course, but if you can disable LTO it is an easy enough strategy.
If disabling LTO is not an option, another solution is to not define them, let LTO produce a binary, and then use a script to splice the definitions in the produced binary in the right section (the one that can be flashed).
With the value not available at LTO time, you are guaranteed that it will not be substituted.
As for the solutions you presented, while volatile is indeed a standard compliant solution, it implies that the value is not constant, which prevents caching it during run-time. Whether this is acceptable or not is for you to know, just be aware it might have a performance impact, which as you are using LTO I surmised you would like to avoid.

Static Library; Unused Symbols; Definitions in Header

I'm creating an HAL for an embedded system and part of that is re-creating printf functionality (via a class called Printer). Because it is an embedded system, code-space is critical and I would like to exclude floating-point support in printf by default, but allow the user of my HAL to include it on a project-by-project basis without having to recompile my library.
All of my classes have their method definitions inline in the header file.
printer.h looks something like....
class Printer {
Printer (const PrintCapable *printCapable)
: m_printCapable(printCapable) {}
void put_char (const char c) { ... }
void put_float (const float f) { ... }
void printf (const char fmt[], ...) {
// Stuffs...
// Handle floating point support
const PrintCapable *m_printCapable;
// Make it very easy for the user of this library to print by defining an instance for them
extern Printer out;
Now, it is my understanding that this should work great.
printer.cpp is nice and simple:
#include <printer.h>
#include <uart/simplexuart.h>
const SimplexUART _g_simplexUart;
const Printer out(&_g_simplexUart);
Unnecessary code bloat:
If I compile my library with and project without ENABLE_PRINT_FLOAT defined, then code size is 9,216 kB.
Necessary code bloat:
If I compile both library and project with ENABLE_PRINT_FLOAT, code size is 9,348 kB.
Necessary code blo.... oh wait, it's not bloated:
If I compile the project with and the library without ENABLE_PRINT_FLOAT, I would expect to see the same as above. But no... instead I have code size of 7,092 kB and a program that doesn't execute correctly.
Minimum Size:
If I compile both are compiled without ENABLE_PRINT_FLOAT, then the code size is only 6,960 kB.
How can I achieve my goal of small code size, flexible classes, and easy-to-use?
Build system is CMake. Full project source is here.
Main file is nice and simple:
#include <printer.h>
void main () {
int i = 0;
while (1) {
out.printf("Hello world! %u %05.2f\n", i, i / 10.0);
delay(250); // 1/4 second delay
If you have different definition of inline functions in different translation units you have undefined behavior. Since your printf() definition changes with the setting of the ENABLE_PRINT_FLOAT macro you just see this effect.
Typically the compiler won't inline functions if it considers them too complicated. It would create out of line implementations and pick a random one when linking. Since the are all the same picking a random is OK ... oh wait, they are different and the program may be broken.
You could make floating point support a template parameter of your printf() function: the function would be called using
out.printf<false>("%d\n", i);
out.printf<true>("%f", f);
The implementation of printf() would delegate to suitable internal functions (to have the compiler merge definitions where they are identical) with the floating point support being disabled for the false case: it could do nothing, fail, or assert.
It may be simpler not do any conditional support in the first place and rather use a stream-like interface: since the formatting functions for the different types are separate, only those actually being used are picked up.
If it is an option for you library to use C++11 you could use variadic template to deal with the situation: the individual formatter would be implemented as separate functions which are dispatched to inside printf(): this way there is no printf() function which needs to handle all formatting. Instead, only the type formatters needed would be pulled in. The implementation could look something like this:
inline char const* format(char const* fmt, int value) {
// find format specifier and format value accordingly
// then adjust fmt to point right after the processed format specifier
return fmt;
inline char const* format(char const* fmt, double value) {
// like the other but different
// othe formatters
inline int printf(char const* fmt) { return 0; }
template <typename A, typename... T>
inline int printf(char const* fmt, A&& arg, T&& args) {
fmt = format(fmt, std::forward<A>(arg));
return 1 + printf(fmt, std::forward<T>(args));
Clearly, there are different approaches how common code between different formatter can be factored out. However, the overall idea should work. Ideally, the generic code would do as little work as possible to have the compiler merge all non-trivial code between the different uses. As a nice side-effect this implementation could make sure that the format specifiers are matching the objects being passed and either produce a suitable error or appropriately handle the format in some way.

Calling a function immediately before main

Is is possible to register a function to be run immediately before main is entered? I know that all global objects are created before entering main, so I could put the code in the constructor of a global object, but that does not guarantee any particular order. What I would like to do is put some registration code into the constructor, but alas, I don't know what to put there :) I guess this is highly system-specific?
If you're using gcc, you can use the constructor attribute on a function to have it called before main (see the documentation for more details).
The constructor attribute causes the function to be called automatically before execution enters main (). Similarly, the destructor attribute causes the function to be called automatically after main () has completed or exit () has been called. Functions with these attributes are useful for initializing data that will be used implicitly during the execution of the program.
Not sure this is exactly what you want... But it should do the job.
int main() {
static int foo = registerSomething();
It's better to explicitly calls such registration functions, either in main or on first access (but first access init could pose issues if you're multithreaded).
I am guessing here but:
You want to register something in a different compilation unit
You ran into a problem with the registration because the global variables in which you're saving registrations were not yet constructed.
C++ defines that a function-static is initialized sometime before it is first accessed, so you can work around it in the way shown below.
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> RegistrationCache;
RegistrationCache& get_string_map()
static RegistrationCache cache;
return cache;
class Registration
Registration(std::string name, std::string value)
get_string_map()[name] = value;
Let's say you want the following:
printf("This probably prints first"\n");
printf("But order isn't guaranteed in the language spec, IIRC"\n");
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
printf("This definitely prints last. Buh Bye.\n");
C++ version - static variable + constructor:
// This is some crazy magic that produces __StaticExecute__247
// Vanilla interpolation of __StaticExecute__##__LINE__ would produce __StaticExecute____LINE__
// I still can't figure out why it works, but it has to do with macro resolution ordering
// If you already have Boost, you can omit this part
#define BOOST_PP_CAT(a, b) BOOST_PP_CAT_I(a, b)
#define BOOST_PP_CAT_I(a, b) BOOST_PP_CAT_II(~, a ## b)
#define BOOST_PP_CAT_II(p, res) res
// This avoids repeating the BOOST_PP_CAT 5X
// This is the meat, a static instance of a class whose constructor runs your code
#define STATIC_EXECUTE_I(uniq_name) \
static struct uniq_name { \
uniq_name(); \
} BOOST_PP_CAT(uniq_name, __var); \
uniq_name::uniq_name() // followed by { ... }
C version - static variable + function
// ...
// The meat: a static variable initialized from a function call
#define STATIC_EXECUTE_I(uniq_name) \
static void uniq_name (); \
static int BOOST_PP_CAT(uniq_name, __var) = \
(uniq_name(), 0); \
static void uniq_name() // followed by { ... }
IMHO, the C++ version is slightly more elegant. In-theory, it consumes slightly less space. Otherwise, potato, po-tat-oh.
Caveat: I haven't tested the "C" version on a proper C-only compiler. Fingers crossed; post a note if it doesn't work.
Caveat: Compiler portability in general is a tricky thing. I wouldn't be shocked if there's a bug on some other compiler.
The BOOST_PP_CAT code is stolen from boost/preprocessor/cat.hpp. I simplified the implementation, and in the process may have compromised portability. If it doesn't work, try the original (more verbose) implementation, and post a comment below. Or, if you are already using Boost, you can just use their version.
If you are trying to understand the Boost magic, note that (at least for me, and in this scenario), the following also seems to work:
#define BOOST_PP_CAT(a, b) BOOST_PP_CAT_I(a, b)
#define BOOST_PP_CAT_I(a, b) a ## b

Advantage of macro over in-line in C++

We know that in-line are favorable as they are checked by the compiler and same operation ( like ++x ) does not evaluate more than once when passed as an argument as compared to macros.
But in an interview I was asked the specific advantages or the circumstances when a macro is more favorable to inline in C++.
Does anyone know the answer or can give a thought on this question ?
The only thing I can think of is there are some tricks that you can do with a macro that can't be done with an inline function. Pasting tokens together at compile-time, and that sort of hackery.
Here is a specific situation where macros are not only preferred, they are actually the only way to accomplish something.
If you want to write a logging function which logs not only some message, but the file & line number of where the instance occured, you can either call your function directly, typing in the file & line values (or macros) directly:
LogError("Something Bad!", __FILE__, __LINE__);
...or, if you want it to work automatically, you must rely on a macro (warning: not compiled):
#define LogErrorEx(ERR) (LogError(ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__))
// ...
LogErrorEx("Something Else Bad!");
This cannot be achieved using templates, default parameters, default construction, or any other device in C++.
Sometimes you want to extend the language in ways that aren't possible with any other method.
#include <iostream>
#define CHECK(x) if (x); else std::cerr << "CHECK(" #x ") failed!" << std::endl
int main() {
int x = 053;
CHECK(x == 42);
return 0;
This prints CHECK(x == 42) failed!.
In C++ specifically, one usage of MACROs that seem pop up very often (except for the debug print with file and line) is the use of MACROs to fill in a set of standard methods in a class that cannot be inherited from a base class. In some libraries that create custom mechanisms of RTTI, serialization, expression templates, etc., they often rely on a set of static const variables and static methods (and possibly special semantics for some overloaded operators that cannot be inherited) which are almost always the same but need to be added to any class that the user defines within this framework. In these cases, MACROs are often provided such that the user doesn't have to worry about putting all the necessary code (he only has to invoke the MACRO with the require info). For example, if I make a simple RTTI (Run-Time Type Identification) system, I might require that all classes have a TypeID and be dynamically castable:
class Foo : public Bar {
static const int TypeID = UNIQUEID;\
virtual void* CastTo(int aTypeID) {\
if(aTypeID == TypeID)\
return this;\
return BASECLASS::CastTo(aTypeID);\
The above could not be done with templates or inheritance, and it makes the user's life easier and avoids code repetition.
I would say that this kind of use of MACROs is by far the most common in C++.
As already said, macros can use preprocessor directives: __FILE__, __LINE__ for instance, but of course #include and #define can also be useful to parameter behaviour:
#ifdef __DEBUG__
# define LOG(s) std:cout << s << std:endl
# define LOG(s)
Depending wether __DEBUG__ is defined or not (via #define or via compiler options), the LOG macro will be active or not. This is an easy way to have debug info everywhere in your code that can be easily de-activated.
You can also think of changing the way memory is allocated (malloc will be redefined to target a memory pool instead of the standard heap for instance, etc...).
Inline functions are, as the name indicates, restricted to functional tasks, execution of some code.
Macros have a much broader application they may expand e.g to declarations or replace entire language constructs. Some examples (written for C and C++) that can't be done with functions:
typedef struct POD { double a; unsigned b } POD;
#declare POD_INITIALIZER { 1.0, 37u }
#define DIFFICULT_CASE(X) case (X)+2 :; case (X)+3
#define EASY_CASE(X) case (X)+4 :; case (X)+5
switch (a) {
default: ++a; break;
EASY_CASE('0'): --a; break;
DIFFICULT_CASE('A'): a = helperfunction(a); break;
#define PRINT_VALUE(X) \
do { \
char const* _form = #X " has value 0x%lx\n"; \
fprintf(stderr, _form, (unsigned long)(X)); \
} while (false)
In the context of C++, Boost has a lot of more examples that are more involved and more useful.
But because with such macros you are in some sort extending the language (not strictly, the preprocessor is part of it) many people dislike macros, particularly in the C++ community, a bit less in the C community.
In any case, if you use such constructs you should always be very clear in what the should achieve, document well, and fight against the temptation to obfuscate your code.
A macro is just like a text replacement definition.
These essential differences that come into my mind are:
It must not be function-like. I mean it must not necessarily contain some consistent set of brackets for example.
It can be used elsewhere. Like in a class declaration scope or even in the global scope. So it must not be in the scope of another function.
You must use them if you want to perform actions that are impossible to be performed using functions:
initializing complicated tables (makes core more readable)
ease declaration of some special members like event IDs or tag classes (used a lot in MFC IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC)
squeeze repetitive declarations at the beginning of functions
the already mentioned use of __LINE__, __FILE__, ... for logging
#include <stdio.h>
#define sq(x) x*x
int main()
printf("%d", sq(2+1));
printf("%d", sq(2+5));
return 0;
The output for this code are 5 and 17. Macros expand textually. Its not like functions.
Explanation for this example:
sq(2+1) = 2+1*2+1 = 2+2+1 = 5
sq(2+5) = 2+5*2+5 = 2+10+5 = 17
I would add two uses:
MIN and MAX, until C++0x, because the return type had to be declared by hand, mixed min and max as inlined functions would have been nightmarish, while a simple macro did it in the blink of an eye.
privacy: you can always undef the macro before exiting your header, you cannot "undeclare" an inline function (or another symbol). This is due to the absence of proper modularity in C and C++ languages.