C++: Program crash while adding object to custom vector class - c++

I'm working on an email validation program for my cmpsci class and am having trouble with this one part.
What I'm doing is reading a list of valid top level domains from a text file into a vector class I wrote myself (I have to use a custom vector class unfortunately). The problem is that the program reads in and adds the first few domains to the vector all well and fine, but then crashes when it gets to the "org" line. I'm completely stumped why it works for the first few and then crashes.
Also, I have to use a custom string class; that's why I have the weird getline function (so I get the input in a char* for my String constructor). I've tried using the standard string class with this function and it still crashed in the same way so I can rule out the source of the problem being my string class. The whole program is quite large so I am only posting the most relevant parts. Let me know if more code is needed please. Any help would be awesome since I have no clue where to go from here. Thanks!
The ReadTlds function:
void Tld::ReadTlds() {
// Load the TLD's into the vector
validTlds = Vector<String>(0); // Init vector; declaration from header file: "static Vector<String>validTlds;"
ifstream in(TLD_FILE);
while(!in.eof()) {
char tmpInput[MAX_TLD_LENGTH]; // MAX_TLD_LENGTH equals 30
in.getline(tmpInput, MAX_TLD_LENGTH);
validTlds.Add(String(tmpInput)); // Crashes here!
My custom vector class:
#pragma once
#include <sstream>
#define INIT_CAPACITY 100
#define CAPACITY_BOOST 100
template<typename T> class Vector {
// Default constructor
Vector() {
// Init constructor
Vector(int Capacity) : size(0), capacity(Capacity) {
Data = new T[capacity];
// Destructor
~Vector() {
Data = NULL;
delete[] Data;
// Accessors
int GetSize() const {return size;}
T* GetData() {return Data;}
void SetSize(const int size) {this->size = size;}
// Functions
void Add(const T& newElement) {
Insert(newElement, size);
void Insert(const T& newElement, int index) {
// Check if index is in bounds
if((index<0) || (index>capacity)) {
std::stringstream err;
err << "Vector::Insert(): Index " << index << " out of bounds (0-" << capacity-1 << ")";
throw err.str();
// Check capacity
// Move all elements right of index to the right
for(int i=size-1; i>=index; i--)
// Put the new element at the specified index
Data[index] = newElement;
void Remove(int index) {
// Check if index is in bounds
if((index<0) || (index>capacity-1)) {
std::stringstream err;
err << "Vector::Remove():Index " << index << " out of bounds (0-" << capacity-1 << ")";
throw err.str();
// Move all elements right of index to the left
for(int i=index+1; i<size; i++)
// Index operator
T& operator [] (int index) const {
// Check if index is in bounds
if((index<0) || (index>capacity-1)) {
std::stringstream err;
err << "Vector operator[]:Index " << index << " out of bounds (0-" << capacity-1 << ")";
throw err.str();
return Data[index];
// Assignment oper
Vector<T>& operator = (const Vector<T>& right) {
Data = new T[right.GetSize()];
for(int i=0; i<right.GetSize(); i++)
Data[i] = right[i];
size = right.GetSize();
return *this;
T *Data;
int size; // Current vector size
int capacity; // Max size of vector
void Grow() {
T* newData = new T[capacity];
for(int i=0; i<capacity; i++)
newData[i] = Data[i];
// Dispose old array
Data = NULL;
delete[] Data;
// Assign new array to the old array's variable
Data = newData;
The input file:
org <-- crashes when this line is read
The error Visual Studio throws is:
Unhandled exception at 0x5fb04013 (msvcp100d.dll) in Email4.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xabababbb.

The problem is in your grow function:
void Grow() {
T* newData = new T[capacity];
for(int i=0; i<capacity; i++)
newData[i] = Data[i];
You increase the capacity, but then copy elements that didn't exist in the old array. It should be something like:
void Grow() {
int old_capacity = capacity;
T* newData = new T[capacity];
for(int i=0; i<old_capacity; i++)
newData[i] = Data[i];
You also NULL out Data before deleting it in both Grow and the destructor, which causes a memory leak. In both cases, you really don't need to set it to NULL at all, since there's no change of it being accidentally double-deleted (in Grow it's set to a new pointer immediately, in the destructor the object's lifetime is over). So just
delete[] Data;
alone is fine.
Also I think
can be:
if(size == capacity)
since size should never be over capacity. That would mean you'd already overflowed the buffer.

Matthew is probably right. Still, there's a valuable lesson to be learned here.
When you hit a problem like this, don't stop walking your code in your ReadTlds function. Keep walking inside the Vector class. Functions like Insert and Grow probably hold the error, but if you don't walk through them, you'll never find it.
Debugging is it's own very special skill. It takes a long time to get it down pat.

edit it's a late night and I misread your code, but I left my post to comment back

Also in the default ctor you do
Data = NULL;
(EDIT: expanded explanation here)
But never allocate the memory for Data. Shouldn't it be:
Vector() {
Data= new T[INIT_CAPCITY];
And remove is missing
Fellow readers help me out here:
Data is of type T* but everywhere else you are assigning and allocating it just like T instead of T* . My C++ days are too long gone to remember whether using a T& actually resolves this.
Also I can't remember that if you have an array of pointers and destruct it, that the dtor for the single instances in the array are destroyed.
Also in the assignment operator, wouldn't you be copying the pinters? so you just have to rely on the fact the the instance where you copyid from is never deleted (because then your objects would be dead too).
hth Mario


c++ How to add value at the beginning of the array and index it?

template <class T>
void DArray<T>::add(T value){
if (currentNum==size){
delete [] dArray;
I just started to learn c++ and learning all these pointer and dynamic array stuff. Really suffering at how to add the value at the beginning of the array and make the value index to the next one such as position+1. Can anyone point out why my value did pass to only dArray [0] when I use cin but did not index to next position.
int val;
for(int i=1; i<=5; i++){
cout << "Please enter integer value number "<<i<< ": ";
cin >> val;
Creating your own container class is actually quite a hairy task. Typically most containers are implemented using global new/delete to allocate raw bytes, and then elements are added by calling placement new.
This code is untested, but should be along the right lines (ish). The code could be improved using std::move, but I'll leave that for now...
template <class T>
void DArray<T>::push_back(const T& value) {
if (currentNum == size) {
// just in case size is zero, or something like that
size = std::max(size + 2, size * 2);
// allocate memory (but don't construct objects, yet)
T* temp = ::operator new (sizeof(T) * size);
// copy construct each element
for(auto i = 0; i < currentNum; ++i)
// we have to use placement-new here :/
new (temp + i) T(dArray[i]);
// destroy old item
// free the old memory
::operator delete (dArray);
// update to the new array
dArray = temp;
// copy construct the new element
new (dArray + currentNum) T(value);
// increment the count
Adding to the start of the array involves moving each element up in the array. As a result, it's a little bit more involved.
template <class T>
void DArray<T>::push_front(const T& value) {
if (currentNum == size) {
// just in case size is zero, or something like that
size = std::max(size + 2, size * 2);
// allocate memory (but don't construct objects, yet)
T* temp = ::operator new (sizeof(T) * size);
// copy construct each element
// this time iterate in reverse
for(auto i = 0; i < currentNum; ++i)
// copy old array into new array (starting at index 1)
new (temp + i + 1) T(dArray[i]);
// destroy old item
// free the old memory
::operator delete (dArray);
// update to the new array
dArray = temp;
// copy old elements in array (traverse in reverse order)
for(auto i = currentNum; i > 0; --i)
// construct new item (copying previous element)
new (dArray + i) T(dArray[i - 1]);
// call dtor on old element
dArray[i - 1].~T();
// construct first element in array
new (dArray) T(value);
// increment the count
... and for completeness, the destructor.
template <class T>
for(auto i = 0; i < currentNum; ++i)
// call destructor on each element
// free the memory
::operator delete (dArray);
This is a reason most people just end up saying "use std::vector"...

Segfault with std::vector =-operation to uninitialized space

I get segmentation faults when I use the =-operator to copy a struct that contains a std::vector to uninitialized memory.
The critical code looks like that:
template<typename T>
T* buffer;
size_t capacity;
size_t m_size;
size_t size();
void resize(size_t size);
T & operator[](size_t index);
template<typename T>
void ComponentContainer<T>::resize(size_t newSize)
if(this->m_size >= newSize)
this->m_size = newSize;
if(this->capacity < newSize)
const size_t newCapacity = capacity*2;
T* newBuffer = (T*)malloc(newCapacity*sizeof(T));
for(size_t i = 0; i<m_size; i++)
// checks if this->buffer[i] is valid intialized memory
// when this is uncommented no segfault happens
//new (&newBuffer[i]) T();
newBuffer[i] = this->buffer[i]; // <- segfault happens here
this->capacity = newCapacity;
this->buffer = newBuffer;
this->m_size = newSize;
The T-type is a struct with a std::vector of structs when I get the segfault.
I suspect that the std::vector =-operator uses somehow the left side variable newBuffer[i] and the segmentation fault happens since newBuffer[i] is not initialized.
Objects will be created only with in-placement new with the function T & operator[](size_t index). The malloc should only allocate the memory without initializing anything.
I tried to write a simple example but that hasn't worked out so well:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
struct Hello
std::cout << "constructor" << std::endl;
std::cout << "destructor" << std::endl;
std::vector<double> v = std::vector<double>(1);
int main()
Hello* buffer = (Hello*)malloc(1*sizeof(Hello));
char* noise = (char*)buffer;
for(size_t i = 0; i<sizeof(Hello); i++)
noise[i] = 100;
auto tmp = Hello();
tmp.v[0] = 6.6;
//new (&buffer[0]) Hello();
buffer[0] = tmp;
std::cout << buffer[0].v[0] << std::endl;
return 0;
It works fine without segfault. I assume that is because the uninitialized memory was just by chance ok for the std::vector =-operation.
a) is that theory correct
and if yes
b) how to solve this problem without using a default constructor (T()) for every class that i use as T for my ComponentContainer
Well, yeah. You can't assign to an object that doesn't exist.
Uncomment the line that fixes it!
If you can't default construct, then copy construct:
new (&newBuffer[i]) T(this->buffer[i]);
And if you can't do that, then, well, you know the rest.
The malloc should only allocate the memory without initializing anything.
Is it possible that you've underestimated the weight of this statement? You don't just get memory then decide whether or not to initialise it with some values. You have to actually create objects before using them; this is not optional. You're programming C++, not manipulating bits and bytes on a tape :)

Memory leak when resizing dynamic array

Here's my code:
template<class T> class Test
int Size = 0;
int Length = 0;
T* Items;
Test() {}
delete [] Items;
void Append(const T& newItem)
if (Size + 1 >= Length)
Length += 250;
T* old = Items;
Items = new T[Length + 250];
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
Items[i] = old[i];
delete [] old;
Items[Size] = newItem;
Test<int> test;
for (int i = 0; i < 500000; i++)
I'm populating the dynamic array with 500000 integers which must take just 1-2Mb but it takes about 30Mb. There's no problem if i set the initial size to 500000(i.e. no resizing occurring). The grow value(250) seems to affect the memory somehow, if it's larger(for example 1000) then the memory usage is pretty low. What's wrong?
Typically, when you are reallocating an array, you do not want to modify the actual array until the very last second (to maintain exception safety):
T* temp = new T[new_size];
// assume count is the previous size and count < new_size
std::copy(Items, Items + count, temp);
std::swap(temp, Items);
delete [] temp;
Aside from that, there is nothing visible in your code that would cause a memory leak.
The extra size can possibly be due to other optimizations (being turned off) and/or debugging symbols being turned on. What compiler options are you using (and what compiler)? It should be noted that extra size is not necessarily an indication of a memory leak. Have you run this in a debugger or memory profiler which found a leak?
It should also be noted that std::vector does all of this for you.
Looking at your code, you're going to segfault more so than leak memory due to the fact that calling delete or delete[] on a non-NULL, but previously deallocated, pointer is a Bad Thing. Also, I don't believe this is your real code, because what you posted won't compile.
When you delete a pointer, always set it to NULL afterwards. It's good practice to initialize to NULL as well. Let's fix up your code to make sure we don't call delete on previously deallocated pointers. Also, let's initialize our pointer to NULL.
Your misuse of memory probably stems from the following lines of code:
Length += 250;
T* old = Items;
Items = new T[Length + 250];
Notice that you increment Length by 250, but then allocate Length+250 more elements? Let's fix that, too.
template<class T>
class Test
int Size;
int Length;
T* Items;
Test() : Size(0), Length(0), Items(NULL){}
~Test() {
if (Items != NULL)
delete [] Items;
void Append(const T& newItem)
if (Size + 1 >= Length)
Length += 250;
T* old = Items;
Items = new T[Length];
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
Items[i] = old[i];
delete [] old;
old = NULL;
Items[Size] = newItem;
int main(){
Test<int> test;
for (int i = 0; i < 500000; i++)

What is wrong with my park_car function?

I'm again doing a task for school and I'm implementing it slowly, I don't know why my park_car function is not working, I just wanted to make a test and the program crashes ... here is my code.
PS: I can't change the ***p2parkboxes because it is given in the starter file like most other variables. I just want to see the first element of Floor 0 as : HH-AB 1234. Your help is most appreciated.
PS2: I can't use the std::string as well it isn't allowed for the task.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
#define EMPTY "----------"
class Parkbox{
char *license_plate; // car's license plate
Parkbox(char *s = EMPTY); // CTOR
~Parkbox(); // DTOR
char *get_plate(){return license_plate;}
class ParkingGarage{
Parkbox ***p2parkboxes;
//int dimensions_of_parkhouse[3]; // better with rows,columns,floors
int rows,columns,floors; // dimensions of park house
int total_num_of_cars_currently_parked;
int next_free_parking_position[3];
void find_next_free_parking_position();
ParkingGarage(int row, int col, int flr);// CTOR,[rows][columns][floors]
~ParkingGarage(); // DTOR
bool park_car(char*); // park car with license plate
bool fetch_car(char*); // fetch car with license plate
void show(); // show content of garage floor
// by floor
Parkbox::Parkbox(char *s ) { // CTOR
license_plate = new char[strlen(s)+1];
strcpy(license_plate, s);
//cout << "ParkBox CTOR" << endl;
Parkbox::~Parkbox() { // DTOR
delete [] license_plate;
//cout << "ParkBox DTOR" << endl;
ParkingGarage::ParkingGarage(int row, int col, int flr){
rows = row; columns = col; floors = flr;
p2parkboxes = new Parkbox**[row];
for (int i = 0; i < row; ++i) {
p2parkboxes[i] = new Parkbox*[col];
for (int j = 0; j < col; ++j)
p2parkboxes[i][j] = new Parkbox[flr];
for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < columns; ++j)
delete [] p2parkboxes[i][j];
delete [] p2parkboxes[i];
delete [] p2parkboxes;
void ParkingGarage::show(){
int i,j,k;
for (i = 0 ; i < floors; i++){
cout << "Floor" << i << endl;
for (j=0;j<rows;j++){
for (k=0;k<columns;k++){
cout << p2parkboxes[j][k][i].get_plate() << " ";
cout << endl;
bool ParkingGarage::park_car(char*s){
p2parkboxes[0][0][0] = Parkbox(s); //test
//p2parkboxes[0][0][0] = s; //test
return true;
int main(void) {
// a parking garage with 2 rows, 3 columns and 4 floors
ParkingGarage pg1(2, 3, 4);
pg1.park_car("HH-AB 1234");
/*pg1.park_car("HH-CD 5678");
pg1.park_car("HH-EF 1010");
pg1.park_car("HH-GH 1235");
pg1.park_car("HH-IJ 5676");
pg1.park_car("HH-LM 1017");
pg1.park_car("HH-MN 1111"); */
/*pg1.fetch_car("HH-CD 5678");
pg1.fetch_car("HH-IJ 5676");
pg1.park_car("HH-SK 1087");
pg1.park_car("SE-AB 1000");
pg1.park_car("PI-XY 9999");
pg1.show(); */
return 0;
You did not declare the copy constructor for the Parkbox class. So, the line
p2parboxes[0][0][0] = Parkbox(s)
creates something (instance of Parkbox with a char* pointer) on the stack (and deletes it almost immediately). To correct this you might define the
Parkbox& operator = Parkbox(const Parkbox& other)
license_plate = new char[strlen(other.get_plate())+1];
strcpy(license_plate, other.get_plate());
return *this;
Let's see the workflow for the
p2parboxes[0][0][0] = Parkbox(s)
First, the constructor is called and an instance of Parkbox is created on stack (we will call this tmp_Parkbox).
Inside this constructor the license_plate is allocated and let's say it points to 0xDEADBEEF location.
The copying happens (this is obvious because this is the thing that is written in code) and the p2parboxes[0][0][0] now contains the exact copy of tmp_Parkbox.
The scope for tmp_Parkbox now ends and the destructor for tmp_Parkbox is called, where the tmp_Parkbox.license_plate (0xDEADBEEF ptr) is deallocated.
p2parboxes[0][0][0] still contains a "valid" instance of Parkbox and the p2parboxes[0][0][0].license_plate is still 0xDEADBEEF which leads to the undefined behaviour, if any allocation occurs before you call the
cout << p2parboxes[0][0][0].license_plate;
Bottom line: there is nothing wrong with the line itself, the problem is hidden within the implementation details of the '=' operator.
At this point it is really better for you to use the std::string for strings and not the razor-sharp, tricky and explicit C-style direct memory management mixed with the implicit C++ copy/construction semantics. The code would also be better if you use the std::vector for dynamic arrays.
The problem here is that you do not have deep copy assignment semantics. When you assign a temporary Parkbox to the Parkbox in the parking garage, the compiler generated assignment operator makes a shallow copy of the pointer license_plate, leaving both Parkboxes pointing at the same memory location. Then the temporary Parkbox goes out of scope and deletes license_plate. Since the other Parkbox is pointing at the same spot its license_plate gets deleted, too.
There are a couple solutions. One way to solve the problem is to define an assignment operator and a copy constructor that provide proper semantics, i.e. that perform deep copies of the license plate string. The better option, and the one that makes better use of C++, is to use std::strings instead of manually allocated C-strings. I strongly suggest the second approach, though working through the first might be instructive.
From the OP:
I solved the Problem with :
void Parkbox::change_plate(char *s){
delete [] license_plate;
license_plate = new char[strlen(s)+1];
strcpy(license_plate, s);

C++ Stack Implementation

Hey all! Having a little trouble with my stack. Im trying to print each element that I've pushed onto the stack.
Starting with the stack ctor we know that we have a fixed size for the array. So I allocate the items struct object to hold just that much space:
stack::stack(int capacity)
items = new item[capacity];
if ( items == NULL ) {
throw "Cannot Allocoate Sufficient Memmory";
maxSize = capacity;
top = -1;
Yes, items is a struct type of the object "item". Have a look:
class stack
stack(int capacity);
int maxSize; // is for the item stack
int top; // is the top of the stack
struct item {
int n;
item *items;
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, stack& q)
First and formost we want to add to the stack by pushing each incoming element into the array FILO:
bool stack::pushFront( const int n )
if ( top >= maxSize-1 )
throw "Stack Full On Push";
return false;
items[top].n = n;
return true;
// just a textbook example here:
delete [] items;
items = NULL;
maxSize = 0;
top = -1;
Yes the real issue for me is the items[++top].n = n; statement. I've been trying to find out how I can drag (+) the items array out to see ALL of the array elements after I push onto the stack.
Im wondering why I cant drag that items[++top].n = n statement out when im debugging. All that comes up is the value that is passed as an 'n' paramater. Do I need to use a stack object type array to store the values into?
When I overload the << operator and try to print the elements I get an insanely large negative number:
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, stack& q)
if ( q.top <= 0 ) // bad check for empty or full node
out << endl << "stack: empty" << endl << endl;
for ( int x = 0; x < q.maxSize; x++ )
out << q.items[x].n; // try to print elements
return out;
I'm way off and I need some guidence if anyone has the time!
In the overloaded << operator in the for loop you are iterating maxsize times. But you might not have pushed maxsize elements into the stack. You should iterate top times. Also, write a default constructor for item structure and initialize all the variblaes so that you do not get garbage values when you try to print them.
When printing the stack, you should only go up to top, not up to maxSize.