How set a website as homepage in IE, Firefox, Chrome and Safari with C++? - c++

Is there a way to set a website like as homepage through C++ or C ? How ?

Not sure what your motive is, but I don't think of this as something I want any code on my system to be setting out from under me. It sounds like the kind of thing adware/malware would do to your grandparents (who wouldn't know how to fix it once it's set). Note the negative comments when the question was asked of how to do it from JavaScript:
How can I set default homepage in FF and Chrome via javascript?
It's better to point people at instructions for doing it themselves. Remind with a banner which says "Make us your homepage!", and link to something along these lines:
If not for the aesthetic reasons, there are technical reasons not to try and write code for it. Each browser stores this information in its own place. In IE's case, there appears to be a registry setting:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Start Page
So you'd use calls to the Windows Registry API to query it and set it. But Firefox doesn't save this in the registry, it saves it in something called prefs.js and you'll be looking for:
user_pref("browser.startup.homepage", .... );
Then there's Opera, Safari, Chrome, etc. All told, better to just give people directions and put them in control of their experience!

Imports Microsft.Win32
Module Util
Sub SetHomePage(Dim theUrl As String)
Registry.SetValue("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main", "Start Page", theUrl)
End Sub
End Module

Find the way each browser saves its configuration to disk and edit that (*). It may be a file, or records in a database, or some data in a central registry, or some other scheme --- the browser documentation should tell you.
To open/read/write/save/close a file, the C functions declared in the header <stdio.h> may be helpful.
(*) for Firefox it's a file named "prefs.ini" in a directory somewhere under the users home path; there may be more than 1 such file if the user has more than 1 profile.


How to generate Django template as MS word?

Is there a way to build a Django template or make it like Microsoft word by making the Django template have tools and the ability to write word documents from a website instead?
if we supposed that there is a domain name called:
so, when I open that website for it will open a blank page and some tools from Microsoft Word to write in.
Is there any package or API to do so?
You are probably looking for a kind of "wysiwyg" editor for client side (this part has nothing do with Django). The closest thing I could found is this one, however it comes with a price tag.
In Django-side you'll (probably) simply store the data given by editor (client). The editor will then be able to parse it for update/read purposes.

Can't refresh CFC CF9 when using an application.cfm

I was charged with making some modification to an old application, and I created a new page which was being passed a URL parameter page_name, which is a you guessed it a name of a page with .cfm appended. So, in my haste, I continued using it, and was building out my CFC and using the page_name as the identifier for a record. Then I realized that there is a possibility of that name being duplicated in the table, and changed that url parameter to use the page_id, which is unique. I modified my CFC to use the new key, and nothing worked. So I started going through my code and figured I made a typo, started commenting things out, and finally dumped out my CFC object and voila, none of the edits I made were actually being used. This was fairly obvious, since page_name was a string, and page_id was numeric.
So I started googling,The first thing I saw as adjust things in the CFAdmin. I don't have access to it, and restarting the server isn't an option since I'm using an RDS to live code. The next thing I tried was to add applicationStop(), onApplicationStart(), to my Application.cfc. Well the problem is that the Application.cfc, is actually an Application.cfm. So after fiddling with the <cfapplication ... > tag, and nothing being updated, I'm here asking for help.
So is there a quick fix for this? Should I go ahead and create an application.cfc? I hope I explained myself, and sorry for all the text.
Confirm that your cfc is bound to either the session or application scope.
If it is, then you can rename the application in application.cfm and it will reset the object.
If your cfc is NOT bound to session or application scope, you have a cacheing issue. You need to go the the CF admin -> Server Settings -> Cache tab and uncheck component cache and possibly some others.
For further recommendations, ColdFusion Components Inheriting Functions Of Others
Sounds like you have been painted into a corner. Last option IF you have access the the server it self and can get into the C:\ or whatever drive that ColdFusion have been installed on, you can just manually delete the generated Java Class files that the server is using that has the old code. When ColdFusion sees there is no Class file it will recompile the newly changed file and whoa black betty go bam-a-lam your changes will be in production.
For more information here is an posting you can read up on:

URL redirect plugin regex input for match and target

I'm panicking a little, so sorry if I haven't explained well enough.
I've dealt with quite the nightmare of a permalink restructuring experience
Old permalink= sitename/archives/postid
desired new= sitename/postname
tried everything it seems. I've even dabbled with /?p=$1 (<-----that nonsense!). But now i'm getting some crazy error when i go to my old permalink structure that reads:
Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to
Try reloading: 0.­0.­37.­89
and this was supposed to be "redirected".
I give up. please help.
I used the redirection plugin to redirect all old URL permalinks (/archives/postID) to the new permalink (/postID/postname)
also, the issue appeared to be due to cashing via cloudfare. It's important to to note that one should put cloudfare in "developer mode" while making site wide changes.

Not visualizing ASCII STL file correctly

My problem seems similar to Not able to visualize a loaded data , but I have no console errors and I have already added the '-allow-file-access-from-files' flag to my Chrome Browser. Here's my Java coding,
window.onload = function() {
var r = new X.renderer3D();
pros = new X.mesh();
pros.file = 'file:///C:/Users/Nathan/Downloads/JB Farmer STL ACII.stl';
pros.caption = 'Prosthetic';
Should I "play around" with with camera position, I know I have to do that in Three.js.
Maybe the model needs normals? I'm not sure if it does or not. I haven't worked with 3D modeling, besides Three.js.
Update: Ummmm, I'm not sure what is going on with this, but I realized that XTK generated 2 canvases . I looked at the first two Lessons and they have one.
^ Now eliminated the extra canvas, must have copied a piece and that was in there.
For the moment, the loader of xtk doesn't seem to be done for local. I mean : it uses an XMLHttpRequest (XHR) to get the file with a GET request. First of all the request must be sent to something that can handle it (a server or localhost emilated by Wamp or equivalent). Then let's imagine if one broswer, no matter what one, allows XHR on a file at client side by his url, and imagine I'm a pirate and you come on my website. I know Windows well, I know in C:/Windows/System32 there always is a file where I can find your personals data. What do I do ? An XHR ! You've been hacked. It's a story but you see the idea.
That's why the only ways allowed by browsers to access local files are HTML5 File API & HTML5 Drag&Drop API (unfortunately...). Actualy a way to go through that limitation is having binary code at the client side (flash, java applet). The client is the only one who can ask to open a file or drop a file, so the browser is sure there won't be any security failure because of him.
So you should test it with something like Wamp and access your file with an url like "http://localhost/.../myfile.stl" or the relative url "/.../myfile.stl", or do the following if you realy want local files.
A few weeks ago I wrote my own parser for a private format for xtk and from local file, it worked well, I just used HTML5 APIs to read the file and get a String or BinaryArray from it and then wrote a parser that transformed it in a X.mesh. So I think the best would be to extend the X.loader for HTML5 file APIs, or like me to manualy load the file.
The following jsFiddle from Haehn helps : here !
What happens if you modify the filename with no space?
JB Farmer_STL_ACII.stl instead of JB Farmer STL ACII.stl

How to Check if a website contains Flash

I've created a web browser using mfc and i'm using IHhmlReader to read the contents of html when the user enters a url in the browser and page is completely loaded.Now i want to check if the webpage has any flash in it.
Any Helps would be highly appreciated.
Thank You.
I think this is a bit difficult to do, just reading from the HTML source, unless you try to instantiate the page and see if it's making a call to the Flash object. I have listed some options you can try, but you'll need to make sure that the code element is not commented out and check include files and iframes to see if Flash is called from there.
* Look for the OBJECT and EMBED tags (see
* In page's JavaScript, look for SWFObject() call
* Look for the call to .swf file (could even be in an img tag)
Good luck...