Is FC++ used by any open source projects? - c++

The FC++ library provides an interesting approach to supporting functional programming concepts in C++.
A short example from the FAQ:
take (5, map (odd, enumFrom(1)))
FC++ seems to take a lot of inspiration from Haskell, to the extent of reusing many function names from the Haskell prelude.
I've seen a recent article about it, and it's been briefly mentioned in some answers on stackoverflow, but I can't find any usage of it out in the wild.
Are there any open source projects actively using FC++? Or any history of projects which used it in the past? Or does anyone have personal experience with it?
There's a Customers section on the web site, but the only active link is to another library by the same authors (LC++).
As background: I'm looking to write low latency audio plugins using existing C++ APIs, and I'm looking for tooling which allows me to write concise code in a functional style. For this project I wan't to use a C++ library rather than using a separate language, to avoid introducing FFI bindings (because of the complexity) or garbage collection (to keep the upper bound on latency in the sub-millisecond range).
I'm aware that the STL and Boost libraries already provide support from many FP concepts--this may well be a more practical approach. I'm also aware of other promising approaches for code generation of audio DSP code from functional languages, such as the FAUST project or the Haskell synthesizer package.

This isn't an answer to your question proper, but my experience with embedding of functional style into imperative languages has been horrid. While the code can be almost as concise, it retains the complexity of reasoning found in imperative languages.
The complexity of the embedding usually requires the most intimate knowledge of the details and corner cases of the language. This greatly increases the cost of abstraction, as these things must always be taken into careful consideration. And with a cost of abstraction so high, it is easier just to put a side-effectful function in a lazy stream generator and then die of subtle bugs.
An example from FC++:
struct Insert : public CFunType<int,List<int>,List<int> > {
List<int> operator()( int x, const List<int>& l ) const {
if( null(l) || (x > head(l)) )
return cons( x, l );
return cons( head(l), curry2(Insert(),x,tail(l)) );
struct Isort : public CFunType<List<int>,List<int> > {
List<int> operator()( const List<int>& l ) const {
return foldr( Insert(), List<int>(), l );
I believe this is trying to express the following Haskell code:
-- transliterated, and generalized
insert :: (Ord a) => a -> [a] -> [a]
insert x [] = [x]
insert x (a:as) | x > a = x:a:as
| otherwise = a:insert x as
isort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
isort = foldr insert []
I will leave you to judge the complexity of the approach as your program grows.
I consider code generation a much more attractive approach. You can restrict yourself to a miniscule subset of your target language, making it easy to port to a different target language. The cost of abstraction in a honest functional language is nearly zero, since, after all, they were designed for that (just as abstracting over imperative code in an imperative language is fairly cheap).

I'm the primary original developer of FC++, but I haven't worked on it in more than six years. I have not kept up with C++/boost much in that time, so I don't know how FC++ compares now. The new C++ standard (and implementations like VC++) has a bit of stuff like lambda and type inference help that makes some of what is in there moot. Nevertheless, there might be useful bits still, like the lazy list types and the Haskell-like (and similarly named) combinators. So I guess try it and see.
(Since you mentioned real-time, I should mention that the lists use reference counting, so if you 'discard' a long list there may be a non-trivial wait in the destructor as all the cells' ref-counts go to zero. I think typically in streaming scenarios with infinite streams/lists this is a non-issue, since you're typically just tailing into the stream and only deallocating things one node at a time as you stream.)


Should function composition and piping be tested?

In F# (and most of the functional languages) some codes are extremely short as follows:
let f = getNames
>> Observable.flatmap ObservableJson.jsonArrayToObservableObjects<string>
or :
let jsonArrayToObservableObjects<'t> =
>> Observable.ToObservable
And the simplest property-based test I ended up for the latter function is :
testList "ObservableJson" [
testProperty "Should convert an Observable of `json` array to Observable of single F# objects" <| fun _ ->
let (array , json) = createAJsonArrayOfString stringArray
let actual = jsonArray
|> ObservableJson.jsonArrayToObservableObjects<string>
|> Observable.ToArray
|> Observable.Wait
Expect.sequenceEqual actual sArray
Regardless of the arrange part, the test is more than the function under test, so it's harder to read than the function under test!
What would be the value of testing when it's harder to read than the production code?
On the other hand:
I wonder whether the functions which are a composition of multiple functions are safe to not to be tested?
Should they be tested at integration and acceptance level?
And what if they are short but do complex operations?
Depends upon your definition of what 'functional programming' is. Or even more precise - upon how close you wanna stay to the origin of functional programming - math with both broad and narrow meanings.
Let's take something relevant to the programming. Say, mappings theory. Your question could be translated in such a way: having a bijection from A to B, and a bijection from B to C, should I prove that composition of those two is a bijection as well? The answer is twofold: you definitely should, and you do it only once: your prove is generic enough to cover all possible cases.
Falling back into programming, it means that pipe-lining has to be tested (proved) only once - and I guess it was before deploy to the production. Since that your job as a programmer to create functions (mappings) of such a quality, that, being composed with a pipeline operator or whatever else, the desired properties are preserved. Once again, it's better to stick with generic arguments rather than write tons of similar tests.
So, finally, we come down to a much more valuable question: how one can guarantee that some operation preserve some property? It turns out that the easiest way to acknowledge such a fact is to deal with types like Monoid from the great Haskell: for example, Monoind is there to represent any associative binary operation A -> A -> A together with some identity-element of type A. Having such a generic containers is extremely profitable and the best known way of being explicit in what and how exactly your code is designed to do.
Personally I would NOT test it.
In fact having less need for testing and instead relying more on stricter compiler rules, side effect free functions, immutability etc. is one major reason why I prefer F# over C#.
of course I continue (unit)testing of "custom logic" ... e.g. algorithmic code

Defining how long a list can be in Haskell

So I'm new to Haskell and i'm trying to define a list which is a Max of 4 elements long.
so far I have type IntL = [Int,Int,Int,Int]
but I was thinking there must be a better/proper way of doing this.
Is there?
This is problematic in Haskell because phantom types encoding sizes need proper compiler support (otherwise it's pretty annoying to use), and type nats in GHC appeared somewhat recently.
That being said libraries exist, just to give you an idea.
Alternatively, just use a tuple.
it might look stupid and it certainly does not scale but what about
data Max4 a
= Empty
| One a
| Two a a
| Three a a a
| Four a a a a
with type IntL = Max4 Int? It's basic, you should be able to understand it and you can learn a lot by implementing operations on it.
Basic Haskell Types are not so powerful as to encode the maximum length of a list. In order to do that, you must rely on extensions such as GADTs and Phantom Types and yet it is not straightforward as well.
If you are really a newbie, I advice you to learn other basic concepts like Monads, IO and other idioms.
This site is a very good reading for an initial approach to Haskell:

What are some alternative forms of if > then relationships?

Traditional if > then relationship in pseudo code:
if (x>y) {
then print "x is greater than y."
There are also relational databases.
Or just visual if>then tables. A visual table representation.
There are also tree or hierarchical structure if>then programming aids.
I'm looking for any and all alternatives and flavors of if>then constructs, but preferably practical ones. Since most humans are better at using and remembering visual constructs (tables vs raw code) than symbolic constructs, I'm looking for the most intuitive way to theoretically construct an if>then rule engine, graphically.
Note: I'm not trying to implement this, I'm just trying to get an idea of what could theoretically be done.
I hope I've interpreted the question correctly.
Everything eventually boils down to comparisons, its just a matter of breaking up these comparisons in manageable chunks for humans. There are many techniques to reduce if-thens, or at least transform them into something easier to understand.
One example would be polymorphism. This frees the programmer from one instance of if/then (basically a switch statement). Another example is maps. The implementation of a map uses if/thens, but one might pre-populate the map with all the data and use one logical piece of code instead of using if/then to differentiate. This moves to a data-driven approach. Another example is SQL; it is just a language, a higher level construct, that enables us to express conditions and constraints differently. How you choose to express these conditions is dependent on the problem domain. Some problems work well with traditional procedural programming, some with logic programming, declarative programming etc. If there are many levels of nested if-thens, a state machine approach might work well. Aspect-oriented programming tries to solve the problem of duplicated code in modules that doesn't belong specifically to any one module; a concern that "cross-cuts".
I would do some reading on Programming Paradigms. Do lots of research and if you run into a recurring problem, see if another approach allows you to reduce the amount of if-thens. Most times someone else has run into the same problem and come up with a solution.
Your question is a bit broad and we could ramble from logical gates to mathematical functions. I'm going to focus on this particular bit:
"I'm looking for the most intuitive way to theoretically construct an if>then rule engine, graphically".
First, two caveats:
The best representation depends on the number of possible rules. What works for 3-4 rules probably won't work for 30-40.
I'm going to pretend that else conditions don't exist.
If "X then Y" boils down to: one condition and one instruction whose execution depends on the condition. Let's pretend X -> Y means that "If X is true then Y is executed". Let's create two sets: one is C that contains all the possible conditions. The other one is I which contains all the possible instructions.
With this is mind, X ∈ C and Y ∈ I. In your specific case, can Y ∈ C (can Y be a condition)? If so, you have nested ifs.
Nested ifs can be represented as chains of conditions joined by and operators:
if (x > 3) {
if (y > 5) {
# do something
Can be written as:
if (x > 3 and y > 5) {
# do something
If you're only thinking about code then the latter can become problematic when you have many nested conditions, but when you go graphical, nesting (probably using tree-like structures) can look cluttered while chaining usually looks like a sequence of instructions (which I think is better).
If you don't consider nesting (chaining) in your rules, then connecting elements (boxes, circles, etc) from X -> Y is trivial way to work. The representation of this depends on how graphical you want to get (see the links below for some examples).
If you're considering nesting then three random ideas come to my mind:
Venn Diagrams: Visually attractive, useless for more than 3-4 conditions. They have a good fit with database representations. See:
Flowcharts: Highly functional and easy to read, not too cumbersome to create. Can get out of hand with 10+ elements. See:
Tables: As you mentioned, tables are a decent way to represent conditionals as long as you can restrain the set of applicable rules. This is an example taken from iTunes: The "Match [all/any] of the following rules" works as a replacement for if/else.

Programming without if-statements? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
I remember some time (years, probably) ago I read on Stackoverflow about the charms of programming with as few if-tests as possible. This question is somewhat relevant but I think the stress was on using many small functions that returned values determined by tests depending on the parameter they receive. A very simple example would be using this:
int i = 5;
bool iIsSmall = isSmall(i);
with isSmall() looking like this:
private bool isSmall(int number)
return (i < 10);
instead of just doing this:
int i = 5;
bool isSmall;
if (i < 10) {
isSmall = true;
} else {
isSmall = false;
(Logically this code is just sample code. It is not part of a program I am making.)
The reason for doing this, I believe, was because it looks nicer and makes a programmer less prone to logical errors. If this coding convention is applied correctly, you would see virtually no if-tests anywhere, except in functions whose only purpose is to do that test.
Now, my question is: is there any documentation about this convention? Is there anyplace where you can see wild arguments between supporters and opposers of this style? I tried searching for the Stackoverflow post that introduced me to this, but I can't find it anymore.
Lastly, I hope this question doesn't get shot down because I am not asking for a solution to a problem. I am simply hoping to hear more about this coding style and maybe increase the quality of all coding I will do in the future.
This whole "if" vs "no if" thing makes me think of the Expression Problem1. Basically, it's an observation that programming with if statements or without if statements is a matter of encapsulation and extensibility and that sometimes it's better to use if statements2 and sometimes it's better to use dynamic dispatching with methods / function pointers.
When we want to model something, there are two axes to worry about:
The different cases (or types) of the inputs we need to deal with.
The different operations we want to perform over these inputs.
One way to implement this sort of thing is with if statements / pattern matching / the visitor pattern:
data List = Nil | Cons Int List
length xs = case xs of
Nil -> 0
Cons a as -> 1 + length x
concat xs ys = case ii of
Nil -> jj
Cons a as -> Cons a (concat as ys)
The other way is to use object orientation:
data List = {
length :: Int
concat :: (List -> List)
nil = List {
length = 0,
concat = (\ys -> ys)
cons x xs = List {
length = 1 + length xs,
concat = (\ys -> cons x (concat xs ys))
It's not hard to see that the first version using if statements makes it easy to add new operations on our data type: just create a new function and do a case analysis inside it. On the other hand, this makes it hard to add new cases to our data type since that would mean going back through the program and modifying all the branching statements.
The second version is kind of the opposite. It's very easy to add new cases to the datatype: just create a new "class" and tell what to do for each of the methods we need to implement. However, it's now hard to add new operations to the interface since this means adding a new method for all the old classes that implemented the interface.
There are many different approaches that languages use to try to solve the Expression Problem and make it easy to add both new cases and new operations to a model. However, there are pros and cons to these solutions3 so in general I think it's a good rule of thumb to choose between OO and if statements depending on what axis you want to make it easier to extend stuff.
Anyway, going back to your question there are couple of things I would like to point out:
The first one is that I think the OO "mantra" of getting rid of all if statements and replacing them with method dispatching has more to do with how most OO languages don't have typesafe Algebraic Data Types than it has to do with "if statemsnts" being bad for encapsulation. Since the only way to be type safe is to use method calls you are encouraged to convert programs using if statements into programs using the Visitor Pattern4 or worse: convert programs that should be using the visitor pattern into programs using simple method dispatch, therefore making extensibility easy in the wrong direction.
The second thing is that I'm not a big fan of breaking things into functions just because you can. In particular, I find that style where all the functions have just 5 lines and call tons of other functions is pretty hard to read.
Finally, I think your example doesn't really get rid of if statements. Essentially, what you are doing is having a function from Integers to a new datatype (with two cases, one for Big and one for Small) and then you still need to use if statements when working with the datatype:
data Size = Big | Small
toSize :: Int -> Size
toSize n = if n < 10 then Small else Big
someOp :: Size -> String
someOp Small = "Wow, its small"
someOp Big = "Wow, its big"
Going back to the expression problem point of view, the advantage of defining our toSize / isSmall function is that we put the logic of choosing what case our number fits in a single place and that our functions can only operate on the case after that. However, this does not mean that we have removed if statements from our code! If we have the toSize being a factory function and we have Big and Small be classes sharing an interface then yes, we will have removed if statements from our code. However, if our isSmall just returns a boolean or enum then there will be just as many if statements as there were before. (and you should choose what implementation to use depending if you want to make it easier to add new methods or new cases - say Medium - in the future)
1 - The name of the problem comes from the problem where you have an "expression" datatype (numbers, variables, addition/multiplication of subexpressions, etc) and want to implement things like evaluation functions and other things.
2 - Or pattern matching over Algebraic Data Types, if you want to be more type safe...
3 - For example, you might have to define all multimethods on the "top level" where the "dispatcher" can see them. This is a limitation compared to the general case since you can use if statements (and lambdas) nested deeply inside other code.
4 - Essentially a "church encoding" of an algebraic data type
I've never heard of such a convection. I don't see how it works, anyway. Surely the only point of having a iIsSmall is to later branch on it (possibly in combination with other values)?
What I have heard of is an argument to avoid having variables like iIsSmall at all. iIsSmall is just storing the result of a test you made, so that you can later use that result to make some decision. So why not just test the value of i at the point where you need to make the decision? i.e., instead of:
int i = 5;
bool iIsSmall = isSmall(i);
if (iIsSmall) {
<do something because i is small>
} else {
<do something different because i is not small>
just write:
int i = 5
if (isSmall(i)) {
<do something because i is small>
} else {
<do something different because i is not small>
That way you can tell at the branch point what you're actually branching on because it's right there. That's not hard in this example anyway, but if the test was complicated you're probably not going to be able to encode the whole thing in the variable name.
It's also safer. There's no danger that the name iIsSmall is misleading because you changed the code so that it was testing something else, or because i was actually altered after you called isSmall so that it is not necessarily small anymore, or because someone just picked a dumb variable name, etc, etc.
Obviously this doesn't always work. If the isSmall test is expensive and you need to branch on its result many times, you don't want to execute it many times. You also might not want to duplicate the code of that call many times, unless it's trivial. Or you might want to return the flag to be used by a caller who doesn't know about i (though then you could just return isSmall(i), rather than store it in a variable and then return the variable).
Btw, the separate function saves nothing in your example. You can include (i < 10) in an assignment to a bool variable just as easily as in a return statement in a bool function. i.e. you could just as easily write bool isSmall = i < 10; - it's this that avoids the if statement, not the separate function. Code of the form if (test) { x = true; } else { x = false; } or if (test) { return true; } else { return false; } is always silly; just use x = test or return test.
Is it really a convention? Should one just kill minimal if-constructs just because there could be frustration over it?
OK, if statements tend to grow out of control, especially if many special cases are added over time. Branch after branch is added and at the end no one is able to comprehend what everything does without spending hours of time and some cups of coffee into this grown instance of spaghetti-code.
But is it really a good idea to put everything in seperate functions? Code should be reusable. Code should be readable. But a function call just creates the need to look it up further up in the source file. If all ifs are put away in this way, you just skip around in the source file all the time. Does this support readability?
Or consider an if-statement which is not reused anywhere. Should it really go into a separate function, just for the sake of convention? there is some overhead involved here, too. Performance issues could be relevant in this context, too.
What I am trying to say: following coding conventions is good. Style is important. But there are exceptions. Just try to write good code that fits into your project and keep the future in mind. In the end, coding conventions are just guidelines which try to help us to produce good code without enforcing anything on us.

Conduit, replacement for lists?

I was thinking about lists in Haskell, and I thought in other languages, one doesn't use lists for everything. Sure, you might want to store a list if you need the values later on, but if it's just a one off, say iterating from [1..n], why use a list where all that's really needed is a variable that's incremented?
I also read about "list fusion" and noted that whilst Haskell compilers try to implement this optimization to eliminate intermediate lists, they often are unsuccessful, resulting in the garbage collector having to clean up lists which are only used once.
Also, if you're not careful one can easily share a list, which means the garbage collector doesn't clean it up, which can result in running out of memory with an algorithm which was previously design to run in constant space.
So I thought it would be best to avoid lists completely, at least when one doesn't actually want to "store" the list.
I then came across conduit, which says it is:
a solution to the streaming data problem, allowing for production,
transformation, and consumption of streams of data in constant
This sounded perfect. I know conduit is designed for IO problems with resource acquisition and release issues, but can one just use it as a drop in replacement for lists?
For example, could I do the following:
fold f3 $ take 10 $ map f2 $ unfold f1 init_value
And with a few appropriately placed type annotations, use conduits for the whole process instead of lists?
I was hoping that perhaps classy-prelude would allow such code, but I'm not sure. If it's possible, could someone give an example, say like the above?
List computations stream in constant memory in the same circumstances as they would for conduit. The presence or absence of intermediate data structures does not affect whether or not it runs in constant memory. All it changes is the efficiency and the size of the constant memory that it inhabits.
Do not expect conduit to run in less memory than the equivalent list computation. It should actually take more memory because conduit steps have a greater overhead than list cells. Also, conduit currently does not have stream fusion. Somebody did experiment with that some time ago, although that did not get incorporated into the library. Lists, on the other hand, can and do fuse in many circumstances to remove intermediate data structures.
The important thing to remember is that streaming does not necessarily imply deforestation (i.e. removal of intermediate data structures).
conduit was definitely not designed for this kind of a use case, but it can in theory be used that way. I did so personally for the markdown package, where it was more convenient to have the extra conduit plumbing than to deal directly with lists.
If you put this together with classy-prelude-conduit, you can get some relatively simple code. And we could certainly add more exports to classy-prelude-conduit to better optimize for this use case. For now, here's an example following the basic gist of what you laid out above:
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import ClassyPrelude.Conduit
import Data.Conduit.List (unfold, isolate)
import Data.Functor.Identity (runIdentity)
main = putStrLn
$ runIdentity
$ unfold f1 init_value
$$ map f2
=$ isolate 10
=$ fold f3 ""
f1 :: (Int, Int) -> Maybe (Int, (Int, Int))
f1 (x, y) = Just (x, (y, x + y))
init_value = (1, 1)
f2 :: Int -> Text
f2 = show
f3 :: Text -> Text -> Text
f3 x y = x ++ y ++ "\n"