Extend a application with out changing main method? - c++

I need to extend several class in my c++ application without changing any code in application. (Product extend as a solution). Is there a specific design pattern to do that?

Your question is a bit vague. In order to extend an application without changing any code, the application would have to provide a specific mechanism for extensibility, e.g. a plug-in system.

That depends on what can of extensibility you want. Would it be ok if the extension requires re-linking the code? If it's ok then you can use a factory method and polymorphism.
struct Extension {
virtual ~Extension() { }
// ...
Extension* load_extension()
ifstream config_file(".conf");
string line;
getline(config_file, line);
if( line == "this extension" ) return new ThisExtension();
else if( line == "that extension" ) return new ThatExtension();
// else if ...
else return NoExtension();
Here, to create a new extension all you need to do is subclass from Extension and add a line to the factory method. That's re-compiling one file and relinking the project.
If it is not ok to re-link the application then you can load a dynamic library at runtime.


Override System class in Java and more precisely currentTimeMillis [duplicate]

Aside from recompiling rt.jar is there any way I can replace the currentTimeMillis() call with one of my own?
1# The right way to do it is use a Clock object and abstract time.
I know it but we'll be running code developed by an endless number of developers that have not implemented Clock or have made an implementation of their own.
2# Use a mock tool like JMockit to mock that class.
Even though that only works with Hotspot disabled -Xint and we have success using the code bellow it does not "persist" on external libraries. Meaning that you'd have to Mock it everywhere which, as the code is out of our control, is not feasible. All code under main() does return 0 milis (as from the example) but a new DateTime() will return the actual system millis.
#MockClass(realClass = System.class)
public class SystemMock extends MockUp<System> {
// returns 1970-01-01
#Mock public static long currentTimeMillis() { return 0; }
3# Re-declare System on start up by using -Xbootclasspath/p (edited)
While possible, and though you can create/alter methods, the one in question is declared as public static native long currentTimeMillis();. You cannot change it's declaration without digging into Sun's proprietary and native code which would make this an exercise of reverse engineering and hardly a stable approach.
All recent SUN JVM crash with the following error:
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x00000, pid=4668, tid=5736
4# Use a custom ClassLoader (new test as suggested on the comments)
While trivial to replace the system CL using -Djava.system.class.loader JVM actually loads up the custom classLoader resorting to the default classLoader and System is not even pushed trough the custom CL.
public class SimpleClassLoader extends ClassLoader {
public SimpleClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader) {
public Class<?> loadClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {
return super.loadClass(name);
We can see that java.lang.System is loaded from rt.jar using java -verbose:class
Line 15: [Loaded java.lang.System from C:\jdk1.7.0_25\jre\lib\rt.jar]
I'm running out of options.
Is there some approach I'm missing?
You could use an AspectJ compiler/weaver to compile/weave the problematic user code, replacing the calls to java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis() with your own code. The following aspect will just do that:
public aspect CurrentTimeInMillisMethodCallChanger {
long around():
call(public static native long java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis())
&& within(user.code.base.pckg.*) {
return 0; //provide your own implementation returning a long
I'm not 100% sure if I oversee something here, but you can create your own System class like this:
public static class System {
static PrintStream err = System.err;
static InputStream in = System.in;
static PrintStream out = System.out;
static void arraycopy(Object src, int srcPos, Object dest, int destPos, int length) {
System.arraycopy(src, srcPos, dest, destPos, length);
// ... and so on with all methods (currently 26) except `currentTimeMillis()`
static long currentTimeMillis() {
return 4711L; // Your application specific clock value
than import your own System class in every java file. Reorganize imports in Eclipse should do the trick.
And than all java files should use your applicatikon specific System class.
As I said, not a nice solution because you will need to maintain your System class whenever Java changes the original one. Also you must make sure, that always your class is used.
As discussed in the comments, it is possible that option #3 in the original question has actually worked, successfully replacing the default System class.
If that is true, then application code which calls currentTimeMillis() will be calling the replacement, as expected.
Perhaps unexpectedly, core classes like java.util.Timer would also get the replacement!
If all of the above are true, then the root cause of the crash could be the successful replacement of the System class.
To test, you could instead replace System with a copy that is functionally identical to the original to see if the crashes disappear.
Unfortunately, if this answer turns out to be correct, it would seem that we have a new question. :) It might go like this:
"How do you provide an altered System.currentTimeMillis() to application classes, but leave the default implementation in place for core classes?"
i've tried using javassist to remove the native currentTimeMills, add a pure java one and load it using bootclasspath/p, but i got the same exception access violation as you did. i believe that's probably because of the native method registerNatives that's called in the static block but it's really too much to disassemble the native library.
so, instead of changing the System.currentTimeMills, how about changing the user code? if the user code already compiled (you don't have source code), we can use tools like findbugs to identify the use of currentTimeMillis and reject the code (maybe we can even replace the call to currentTimeMills with your own implementation).

Tcl Extension Calling a VB.NET DLL

I have a need to create a Tcl extension that calls a managed .NET DLL/Class Library. Currently, the structure of my application is Tcl > DLL Wrapper (C++ CLR) > .NET Class Library (VB.NET), where ">" represents a function call.
My VB.NET DLL just takes a value and returns it back, keeping it simple for now. In the end, this will do some more advanced stuff that makes use of some .NET functionality.
Public Class TestClass
Public Function TestFunction(ByVal param As Integer) As Integer
Return param
End Function
End Class
My Tcl Extension (C++ CLR) creates an object of the type above
int TestCmd(ClientData data, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[])
// Check the number of arguments
if (objc != 2) {
Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 0, objv, "arg");
return TCL_ERROR;
int param, result;
if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[1], &param) != TCL_OK)
return TCL_ERROR;
SimpleLibrary::TestClass^ myclass = gcnew SimpleLibrary::TestClass(); //System.IO.FileNotFoundException
result = myclass->TestFunction(param);
Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewIntObj(result));
return TCL_OK;
And finally, my Tcl script loads the extension and calls the function.
load SimpleTclExtension.dll
TestCmd 2
If my VB.NET DLL is in the same directory as my extension DLL, the extension crashes when it instantiates a TestClass object. I've noticed if the VB.NET DLL is relocated to C:\Tcl\bin, the extension will find it, and TestCmd can be called just fine. The problem is that this will eventually need to be deployed across a number of PCs, and it's preferred not to mingle my application's files with another application's.
It seems like there should be some configuration settings that will fix this problem, but I'm not sure where. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Firstly, depending on just what kind of Tcl application you are using you may want to look at Eagle which is a implementation of Tcl in CLR.
I think you are bumping into .Net's desire to only load assemblies from your application's directory or its immediate subdirectories. The application here is the tclsh/wish executable which is why moving the .Net assembly makes it load. This is something you can fix with suitable manifests or calls to the API to permit assembly loading from alternate locations. In this case I think you will need to run some initialization code in your Tcl extension when it gets loaded into the Tcl interpreter to init the CLR and add the extensions location as a suitable place to load assemblies from. It has been a while since I was looking at this so I forgot the details but I think you want to look at the AppDomain object and check the assembly loading path properties associated with that or its child objects. Try AppDomain.RelativeSearchPath
To be more specific, Eagle includes Garuda which is a Tcl extension built specifically to allow calling .Net from Tcl

How to create a test environment while using an external C++ API?

I'm trying to create a test environment for using an external C++ API so that I can test things offline without having to be connected to the actual service. In essence, I want to create my own fake service that will be used for testing purposes. However, I want to be able to change between these two environments easily without having to change a ton of code. Basically, I want to be able to use the external C++ API classes in a test environment somehow. One problem I'm running into is that since the classes are part of an external API, I can't change them. I can only wrap them in other classes I create. How can I deal with that while being able to create an environment that doesn't require me changing a ton of code every time I want to switch back and forth? I have some sample code below (the relevant pieces where the API is being used). How can I put these classes below in a test harness? Thanks!
SessionOptions sessionOptions;
Session session(sessionOptions);
if (! session.start())
std::cerr <<"Failed to start session." << std::endl;
if (! session.openService("//blp/mktdata"))
std::cerr <<"Failed to open //blp/mktdata" << std::endl;
SubscriptionList subscriptions;
std::set<std::string>::const_iterator cItorSubscriptionStrings(m_SubscriptionStrings.begin());
for ( ; cItorSubscriptionStrings != m_SubscriptionStrings.end(); ++cItorSubscriptionStrings)
while (true)
Event event = session.nextEvent();
MessageIterator msgIter(event);
while (msgIter.next())
Message msg = msgIter.message();
if (event.eventType() == Event::SUBSCRIPTION_DATA)
if ((msg.hasElement("LAST_PRICE")) || ((msg.hasElement("BID")) && msg.hasElement("ASK")))
double mid = 0;
if ((msg.hasElement("BID")) && (msg.hasElement("ASK")))
mid = (msg.getElementAsFloat64("BID") + msg.getElementAsFloat64("ASK")) / 2;
mid = msg.getElementAsFloat64("LAST_PRICE");
One thing you can do is to use the interface (i.e. the header files) and provide an implementation of your own, at least for those functions you care about. To switch between both versions essentially amounts to linking with different libraries: yours for testing, theirs for the real implementation.
There are a few issues with that which can be addressed e.g. by only retaining the public interface and changing the private interface (on this case compilation needs to be directed at the different declarations, e.g. using different search pathes for the headers):
often the stubbed version wants to store different data
some object may need to construct private subobjects in specific ways
inline function may call other functions you don't really want to implement
You could try introducing a simplicator (http://www.natpryce.com/articles/000785.html). If the given API isn't amenable to testing, introduce a new thin interface on top of it that is.

How do I use the registry?

In the simplest possible terms (I'm an occasional programmer who lacks up-to-date detailed programming knowledge) can someone explain the simplest way to make use of the registry in codegear C++ (2007).
I have a line of code in an old (OLD!) program I wrote which is causing a significant delay in startup...
DLB->Directory=pIniFile->ReadString("Options","Last Directory","no key!");
The code is making use of an ini file. I would like to be able to use the registry instead (to write variables such as the last directory the application was using)
But the specifics are not important. I'd just like a generic how-to about using the registry that's specific to codegear c++ builder.
I've googled this, but as usual with this type of thing I get lots of pages about c++ builder and a few pages about the windows registry, but no pages that explain how to use one with the other.
Use the TRegistry class... (include registry.hpp)
//Untested, but something like...
TRegistry *reg = new TRegistry;
reg->RootKey = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; // Or whatever root you want to use
Note, opening and reading a ini file is usually pretty fast, so maybe you need to test your assumption that the reading of the ini is actually your problem, I don't think that just grabbing your directory name from the registry instead is going to fix your problem.
Include the Registry.hpp file:
#include <Registry.hpp>
Then in any function you have, you can write the following to read the value:
String __fastcall ReadRegistryString(const String &key, const String &name,
const String &def)
TRegistry *reg = new TRegistry();
String result;
try {
if (reg->OpenKeyReadOnly(key)) {
result = reg->ReadString(name, def);
__finally {
delete reg;
return result;
So reading the value should be as easy as:
ShowMessage(ReadRegistryString("Options", "Last Directory", "none"));
You can use the following to write the value:
void __fastcall WriteRegistryString(const String &key, const String &name,
const String &value)
TRegistry *reg = new TRegistry();
try {
if (reg->OpenKey(key, true)) {
reg->WriteString(name, value);
__finally {
delete reg;
Should be self explaining, remembering the try ... finally is actually really helpful when using the VCL TRegistry class.
I've heard that .ini files are stored in the registry in Windows, so if you want the speed advantage of ini files you should call them something else - like .cfg
This is something I've heard from an although reliable source, I haven't tested it myself.
Tim is right but an even simpler class to use is TIniRegFile but it is also more limited in what you can do.
Please see the documentation for the QSettings class from the Qt 4.5 library. It will allow you to load and store your program's configuration settings easily and in a cross-platform manner. The Windows implementation uses the Windows registry for loading and storing your program's configuration data. On other platforms, the platform's preferred, native mechanism for storing configuration data will be used. This is far better than interacting with the Windows registry directly, as you will not be tied to a specific platform.

Managed C++ - Importing different DLLs based on configuration file

I am currently writing an application that will serve a similar purpose for multiple clients, but requires adaptations to how it will handle the data it is feed. In essence it will serve the same purpose, but hand out data totally differently.
So I decided to prodeed like this:
-Make common engine library that will hold the common functionalities of all ways and present the default interface ensuring that the different engines will respond the same way.
-Write a specific engine for each way of functioning....each one compiles into its own .dll.
So my project will end up with a bunch of libraries with some looking like this:
Now in the configuration file that we use for the user preferences there will an engine section so that we may decide which engine to use:
So somewhere in the code we will want to do:
If (this->M_ENGINE == "Way1")
//load dll for way1
Else If (this->M_ENGINE == "Way2")
//load dll for way2
//no engines selected...tell user to modify settings and restart application
The question is...How will I import my dll(s) this way? Is it even possible? If not can I get some suggestions on how to achieve a similar way of functioning?
I am aware I could just import all of the dlls right at the start and just choose which engine to use, but the idea was that I didn't want to import too many engines for nothing and waste resources and we didn't want to have to ship all of those dlls to our customers. One customer will use one engine another will use a different one. Some of our customer will use more than one possibly hence the reason why I wanted to externalize this and allow our users to use a configuration file for engine switching.
Any ideas?
Just realized that even though each of my engine would present the same interface if they are loaded dynamically at runtime and not all referenced in the project, my project would not compile. So I don't have a choice but to include them all in my project don't I?
That also means they all have to be shipped to my customers. The settings in the configuration would only dictate with class I would use to initialize my engine member.
I could have each of these engines be compiled to the same name. Only import one dll in my main project and that particular engine would be used all the time. That would render my customers unable to use our application for multiple clients of their own. Unless they were willing to manually switch dlls. Yuck
Any suggestions?
EDIT #2:
At this point seeing my options, I could also juste make one big dll containing the base engine as well as all the child ones and my configuration to let the user chose. Instead of referencing multiple dlls and shipping them all. Just have one huge one and ship/reference that one only. I am not too fond of this either as it means shipping one big dll to all of my customers instead of just one or two small ones that suit there needs. This is still the best solution that I've come up with though.
I am still looking for better suggestions or answers to my original question.
Use separate DLLs for each engine and use LoadLibrary in your main project to load the specific engine based on the configuration.
Have your engine interface in some common header file that all engines will derive from and this interface will be used in your main project aswell.
It might look like this:
// this should be an abstract class
class engine {
virtual void func1() = 0;
virtual void func2() = 0;
In each different engine implementation export a function from the DLL, something like this:
// might aswell use auto_ptr here
engine* getEngine() { return new EngineImplementationNumberOne(); }
Now in your main project simply load the DLL you're interested in using LoadLibrary and then GetProcAddress the getEngine function.
string dllname;
if (this->M_ENGINE == "Way1")
dllname = "dllname1.dll";
else if (this->M_ENGINE == "Way2")
dllname = "dllname2.dll";
throw configuration_error();
HMODULE h = LoadLibraryA(dllname.c_str());
typedef engine* (*TCreateEngine)();
TCreateEngine func = (TCreateEngine)GetProcAddress(h, "getEngine");
engine* e = func();
The name of the exported function will probably get mangled, so you could either use DEF files or extern "C" in your DLLs, also don't forget to check for errors.
The solution I came to is the following:
Engine_Base^ engine_for_app;
Assembly^ SampleAssembly;
Type^ engineType;
if (this->M_ENGINE == "A")
SampleAssembly = Assembly::LoadFrom("path\\Engine_A.dll");
engineType = SampleAssembly->GetType("Engine_A");
engine_for_app = static_cast<Engine_Base^>(Activator::CreateInstance(engineType, param1, param2));
SampleAssembly = Assembly::LoadFrom("path\\Engine_B.dll");
engineType = SampleAssembly->GetType("Engine_B");
engine_for_app = static_cast<Engine_Base^>(Activator::CreateInstance(engineType, param1, param2, param3, param4));
I used the answer from Daniel and the comments that were made on his answer. After some extra research I came across the LoadFrom method.