function try block. An interesting example - c++

Consider the following C++ program
struct str
int mem;
throw 0;
int main()
str inst;
The catch block works, i.e. the control reaches it, and then the program crashes. I can't understand what's wrong with it.

Once the control reaches the end of the catch block of function-try-block of a constructor, the exception is automatically rethrown. As you don't catch it further in main(), terminate() is called.
Here is an interesting reading:


Why C++ biased towards destructor's exception?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Cls
throw "exp";
int main()
Cls c;
throw "exp";
catch (...)
cout << "Why this doesn't call" << endl;
When I execute this code, it doesn't goes in catch block. And give following exception,
But, when I run this code with little modification, it goes to catch block.
int main()
throw "exp";
throw "exp";
catch (...)
cout << "Why this doesn't call" << endl;
Both the above code throws 2 exception, then why Compiler is biased in destructor's case?
In the first case you first throw from the try block and then the stack unwinding throws from Cls's destructor. So you have two exceptions to be handled. C++ handles this situation by calling terminate.
Because of the peculiarity of throwing from destructors, C++11 defines that all destructors are noexcept by default. Then even if there is no other exception to be handled, the exception from a destructor will cause terminate to be called.
The second case is OK because as soon as you throw the first exception try block is left and the exception is handled in the catch block.

What happens if I don't catch a throw?

This is super basic but I can't find the answer anywhere. There's lots of posts out there about throwing and catching, but what actually happens if I throw from function1 and then call function1 from function2 but don't catch it, does that mean it just gets rethrown to the caller of function2? Judging from the following I'd say yes, but I wanted to get a solid guru-like answer before I soldier on and assume:
#include <iostream>
void function1()
throw 1;
void function2()
int main()
std::cout << "caught!";
return 0;
return 0;
Yes, that's how exceptions work. When an exception is thrown, it is caught by the topmost function in the call stack that has a handler for that exception in the scope of execution. Since you are going back to a function lower in the stack, some variables in the scope of the functions in the upper stack frames need to get out of scope, and therefore their destructors are called. This is called stack unwinding. It is really nice to combine that and RAII (lookup RAII if you don't know what that is). However, If any destructor throws an exception during stack unwinding, then it is bad and the std::terminate function will be called. Typically your program will then end (and this is why you are always advised to write non-throwing destructors).
Once the exception object is constructed, the control flow works
backwards (up the call stack) until it reaches the start of a try
block, at which point the parameters of the associated catch blocks
are compared with the thrown expression to find a match. If no match
is found, the control flow continues to unwind the stack until the
next try block, and so on. If a match is found, the control flow jumps
to the matching catch block (the exception handler), which executes
As the control flow moves up the call stack, destructors are invoked
for all objects with automatic storage duration constructed since the
corresponding try-block was entered, in reverse order of construction.
If an exception is thrown from a constructor, destructors are called
for all fully-constructed non-static non-variant members and base
classes. This process is called stack unwinding.
Since function2() and function1() don't catch the exception it will propagate up the call stack until it is caught by the first suitable handler which you have in main(). Local objects destructors are being called along the way which is called stack unwinding. If you didn't have a suitable handler the C++ runtime would call unexpected() built-in function that would call abort() and terminate the program.
Yes, but it doesn't get "rethrown" - simply, when you throw an exception it will walk the call stack until it can find a catch block that can handle it; this is one of the most important "selling points" of exceptions.
If no suitable handler is found, std::terminate is called and your program terminates abnormally (notice that in this case it's not guaranteed that destructors will be called).
does that mean it just gets rethrown to the caller of function2?
No, it's not rethrown; the original throw sends it as far up the call stack as necessary until a handler is found. In this case, there's no handler in function1 or function2, so it ends up in the handler in main.
If it's not caught at all, and tries to leave main, then the program will terminate. (There are ways to change that behaviour, but that's not particularly relevant to this question).
Consider the following program:
#include <iostream>
void function1()
throw 1;
std::cout << "Exception caught in function1." << std::endl;
throw 1;
void function2()
std::cout << "Exception caught in function2." << std::endl;
throw 1;
int main()
std::cout << "Exception caught in main." << std::endl;
return 0;
Its output is
Exception caught in function1.
Exception caught in function2.
Exception caught in main.
You could throw without any try and catch block. For example,
std::string &someClass::operator[](unsigned position) {
// try {
if (position <= length && position >= 0) {
//return string at that position;
throw ("out of range");
In this case, the function checks if the position is within the dynamic array length. Otherwise, it throws a string which will tell the user the position they chose was out of bounds. So there are ways to use a throw statement without a try and catch block (but try and catch are used together, cannot exclude one).

Catch block doesn't want to catch thrown exception

I have a code:
void Engine::count(const std::set<boost::filesystem3::path>& files)
for (auto e : files)
catch (const Bad_formatting& ) // Here I'm trying to catch this exception
{//but debugger never stops on this line even though breakpoint is set
throw; // and re-throw it
Then there is this count_ function:
void Engine::count_(const boost::filesystem3::path& file)
// and somewhere along this lines I'm throwing Bad_Formatting:
if (something)
throw Bad_formatting(file,"No end of multicomment found.");
But after throwing this exception, I'm getting dialog telling me that my application requested runtime to terminate in an unusual way...
The exception is never cought. Why? Does the fact that both of those fncs are static has anything to do with it? Or the fact that I'm using Qt?
This is the code which calls count:
catch (const Bad_formatting& e)
QMessageBox::warning(nullptr,"Bad Formatting",msg);
struct Bad_formatting : public std::runtime_error
boost::filesystem3::path file_name_;
Bad_formatting(boost::filesystem3::path file_name,
const char* msg):std::runtime_error(msg),
const boost::filesystem3::path& file_name()const
return file_name_;
From the code you show you
throw an exception;
catch it;
rethrow it;
never catch it again.
Item 4 seems to be the important part.
What compiler/toolchain/debugger are you using? If you are using GCC you can use the catch throw and catch catch commands to add breakpoints on exception throwing/catching.
As of the possible reasons that it is not being caught, if the only code in the catch block is a throw, the compiler might have optimized the whole block away. Consider adding any instruction to the block (note any might require some instruction with actual side effects, or the compiler might also optimize that away)

What happens if a throw; statement is executed outside of catch block?

In C++ throw; when executed inside a catch block rethrows the currently caught exception outside the block.
In this answer an idea of exception dispatcher is brought up as a solution to reducing code duplication when using complex exception handling often:
try {
} catch(...) {
void ExceptionHandler()
try {
} catch( FileException* e ) {
//do handling with some complex logic
delete e;
} catch( GenericException* e ) {
//do handling with other complex logic
delete e;
Throwing a pointer or a value doesn't make any difference so it's out of the question.
What happens if ExceptionHandler() is called not from a catch block?
I tried this code with VC7:
int main( int, char** )
try {
} catch( ... ) {
MessageBox( 0, "", "", 0 );
return 0;
First it causes the debugger to indicate a first-chance exception, then immediately an unhandled exception. If I run this code outside the debugger the program crashes the same way as if abort() has been called.
What is the expected behaviour for such situations?
From the Standard, 15.1/8
If no exception is presently being handled, executing a throw-expression with no operand calls std::terminate().

why does throw "nothing" causes program termination?

const int MIN_NUMBER = 4;
class Temp
Temp(int x) : X(x)
bool getX() const
//By mistake throwing any specific exception was missed out
//Program terminated here
throw ;
catch (bool bTemp)
cout<<"catch(bool) exception";
cout<<"catch... exception";
return X;
int X;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
Temp *pTemp = NULL;
pTemp = new Temp(3);
int nX = pTemp->getX();
delete pTemp;
cout<<"cought exception";
return 0;
In above code, throw false was intended in getX() method but due to a human error(!) false was missed out. The innocent looking code crashed the application.
My question is why does program gets terminated when we throw "nothing”?
I have little understanding that throw; is basically "rethrow" and must be used in exception handler (catch). Using this concept in any other place would results into program termination then why does compiler not raise flags during compilation?
This is expected behaviour. From the C++ standard:
If no exception is presently being
handled, executing a throw-expression
with no operand calls
As to why the compiler can't diagnose this, it would take some pretty sophisticated flow analysis to do so and I guess the compiler writers would not judge it as cost-effective. C++ (and other languages) are full of possible errors that could in theory be caught by the compiler but in practice are not.
To elaborate on Neil's answer:
throw; by itself will attempt to re-raise the current exception being unwind -- if multiple are being unwound, it attempts to rethrow the most recent one. If none are being unwound, then terminate() is called to signal your program did something bogus.
As to your next question, why the compiler doesn't warn with throw; outside a catch block, is that the compiler can't tell at compile-time whether the throw; line may be executing in the context of a catch block. Consider:
// you can try executing this code on [][1]
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void f() {
throw 1;
void g() {
// will look at int and char exceptions
try {
} catch (int xyz){
cout << "caught int " << xyz << "\n";
} catch (char xyz){
cout << "caught char " << xyz << "\n";
void h() {
try {
} catch (...) {
// use g as a common exception filter
int main(){
try {
} catch (...) {
cout << "some other exception.\n";
In this program, g() operates as an exception filter, and can be used from h() and any other function that could use this exception handling behavior. You can even imagine more complicated cases:
void attempt_recovery() {
// do stuff
} catch (...) {}
// throw original exception cause
void do_something() {
for(;;) {
try {
// do stuff
} catch (...) {
Here, if an exception occurs in do_something, the recovery code will be invoked. If that recovery code succeeds, the original exception is forgotten and the task is re-attempted. If the recovery code fails, that failure is ignored and the previous failure is re-throw. This works because the throw; in attempt_recovery is invoked in the context of do_something's catch block.
From the C++ standard:
15.1 Throwing an exception
If no exception is presently being
handled, executing a throw-exception
with no operand calls terminate()
The reason the compiler can't reliably catch this type of error is that exception handlers can call functions/methods, so there's no way for the compiler to know whether the throw is occurring inside a catch. That's essentially a runtime thing.
I have little understanding that throw; is basically "rethrow" and must be used in exception handler (catch). Using this concept in any other place would results into program termination then why does compiler not raise flags during compilation?
Rethrowing is useful. Suppose you have a call stack three levels deep with each level adding some context resource object for the final call. Now, when you have an exception at the leaf level, you will expect some cleanup operation for whatever resources the object has created. But this is not all, the callers above the leaf may also have allocated some resources which will need to be deallocated. How do you do that? You rethrow.
However, what you have is not rethrow. It is a signal of giving up after some failed attempts to catch and process any and all exceptions that were raised.
A throw inside of a catch block with no args will re-throw the same exception that was caught, so it will be caught at a higher level.
A throw outside of a catch block with no args will cause a program termination.
To complete the previous answers with an example of when/why the compiler cannot detect the problem:
// Centralized exception processing (if it makes sense)
void processException()
try {
catch ( std::exception const & e )
std::cout << "Caught std::exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;
catch ( ... )
std::cout << "Caught unknown exception" << std::endl;
int main()
throw 1;
catch (...)
processException(); // correct, still in the catch clause
processException(); // terminate() no alive exception at the time of throw.
When compiling the function processException the compiler cannot know how and when it will be called.
You don't have anything to catch, and so the exception bubbles all the way up. Even catch(...) needs something.