OpenGL draw circle, weird bugs - opengl

I'm no mathematician, but I need to draw a filled in circle.
My approach was to use someone else's math to get all the points on the circumference of a circle, and turn them into a triangle fan.
I need the vertices in a vertex array, no immediate mode.
The circle does appear. However, when I try and overlay circles strange things happen. They appear only a second and then disappear. When I move my mouse out of the window a triangle sticks out from nowhere.
Here's the class:
class circle
//every coordinate with have an X and Y
GLfloat *_vertices;
static const float DEG2RAD = 3.14159/180;
GLfloat _scalex, _scaley, _scalez;
int _cachearraysize;
circle(float scalex, float scaley, float scalez, float radius, int numdegrees)
//360 degrees, 2 per coordinate, 2 coordinates for center and end of triangle fan
_cachearraysize = (numdegrees * 2) + 4;
_vertices = new GLfloat[_cachearraysize];
for(int x= 2; x < (_cachearraysize-2); x = x + 2)
float degreeinRadians = x*DEG2RAD;
_vertices[x] = cos(degreeinRadians)*radius;
_vertices[x + 1] = sin(degreeinRadians)*radius;
//get the X as X of 0 and X of 180 degrees, subtract to get diameter. divide
//by 2 for radius and add back to X of 180
_vertices[0]= ((_vertices[2] - _vertices[362])/2) + _vertices[362];
//same idea for Y
_vertices[1]= ((_vertices[183] - _vertices[543])/2) + _vertices[543];
//close off the triangle fan at the same point as start
_vertices[_cachearraysize -1] = _vertices[0];
_vertices[_cachearraysize] = _vertices[1];
_scalex = scalex;
_scaley = scaley;
_scalez = scalez;
delete[] _vertices;
void draw()
glScalef(_scalex, _scaley, _scalez);
glVertexPointer(2,GL_FLOAT, 0, _vertices);
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, _cachearraysize);

That's some ugly code, I'd say - lots of magic numbers et cetera.
Try something like:
struct Point {
Point(float x, float y) : x(x), y(y) {}
float x, y;
std::vector<Point> points;
const float step = 0.1;
const float radius = 2;
// iterate over the angle array
for (float a=0; a<2*M_PI; a+=step) {
// duplicate the first vertex after the centre
// rendering:
glVertexPointer(2,GL_FLOAT,0, &points[0]);
It's up to you to rewrite this as a class, as you prefer. The math behind is really simple, don't fear to try and understand it.


how to parent object to another object and affect its position through rotation (make object rotate around other object)

For context, I'm making a top down shooter game where the player always rotates/faces itself to the mouse cursor. That can be easily done, but now I'm stuck in positioning the weapon that the player hold (I separate the weapon entity and the player entity because I want the player to be able to switch weapons). I have to make the weapon also rotates to the same angle as the player (which is also easily done by just getting the player's rotation angle and applying that to the weapon as well). Then the part where I'm really stuck is to always position the weapon like it's revolving around the player (with a bit offset).
With no further ado, here's the code:
class Player
Player(string skin)
this->skin.loadFromFile("gfx/skins/" + skin + ".png");
player.setOrigin(Vector2f(7, 6.5f));
void SetScale(float x, float y)
player.setScale(x, y);
void SetPosition(float x, float y)
x_pos = x;
y_pos = y;
Vector2f GetScale()
return player.getScale();
Vector2f GetPosition()
return Vector2f(x_pos, y_pos);
float GetRotation()
return rotate_angle;
void Update(float delta_time, Vector2f mouse_pos)
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::A) || Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::D))
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::A))
vel_x = smoothMotion(-185.f, vel_x, delta_time);
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::D))
vel_x = smoothMotion(185.f, vel_x, delta_time);
vel_x = smoothMotion(0.f, vel_x, delta_time);
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::W) || Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::S))
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::W))
vel_y = smoothMotion(-185.f, vel_y, delta_time);
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::S))
vel_y = smoothMotion(185.f, vel_y, delta_time);
vel_y = smoothMotion(0.f, vel_y, delta_time);
x_pos += vel_x * delta_time;
y_pos += vel_y * delta_time;
player.setPosition(x_pos, y_pos);
player_mouse_distance = Vector2f(mouse_pos.x - x_pos, mouse_pos.y - y_pos);
rotate_angle = radToDeg(atan2(player_mouse_distance.y, player_mouse_distance.x));
void Draw(RenderWindow& window)
Vector2f player_mouse_distance;
Sprite player;
Texture skin;
float x_pos, y_pos;
float vel_x = 0.f, vel_y = 0.f;
float rotate_angle;
class Weapon
Weapon(string weapon_name)
weapon_texture.loadFromFile("gfx/weapons/" + weapon_name + ".png");
void SetScale(float x, float y)
weapon.setScale(x, y);
void SetPosition(float x, float y)
x_pos = x;
y_pos = y;
void Update(Player player, float delta_time)
SetPosition((player.GetScale().x * (9 - 7)) /* <- offset */ * cos(player.GetRotation()) + player.GetPosition().x, (player.GetScale().y * (6.5 - 5)) * sin(player.GetRotation()) + player.GetPosition().y);
weapon.setPosition(x_pos, y_pos);
void Draw(RenderWindow& window)
Sprite weapon;
Texture weapon_texture;
float x_pos, y_pos;
float vel_x = 0.f, vel_y = 0.f;
float rotate_angle;
I'm using C++ and SFML 2.5.1 by the way, but any answer using other language or other graphics library (like Pygame, etc) can be accepted too (since the physics uses the same math formulas anyways).
I watched tutorials about this, but most of them uses game engines like Unity and Godot. They simply just parents the player entity to the weapon entity so that the weapon can also change position when player is rotating.
I figured out that cosine and sine function must be the key formula to implement that, but if I'm wrong please correct me.
Any help is appreciated :]
First, in Player.Update(), the formula for rotation angle should be atan2(y,x), do not convert it to degrees as sin and cos take radians as input.
If other parts of your project rely on Player.rotate_angle to be in degrees, you should convert them back to radians in Weapon.Update(). However, I recommend using radians as all of the C++ base trig functions take radians as input.
In Weapon.Update(), you are applying different offset multipliers to the x and y arguments for SetPosition: (9 - 7) to the x coordinate and (6.5 - 5) to the y coordinates. These should be singular constants instead of expressions like that, and they have to be the same unless you want the Weapon to have an elliptical orbit. Replace those expressions with a constant variable defined somewhere in the Weapon class.
Additionally, player.GetScale() could have different x and y values, so you can replace player.GetScale().x and player.GetScale().y with some new method like Player.GetScaleMagnitude() that returns the length of the vector from player.GetScale() as a float. However, player.GetScale() contributing to an elliptical orbit could be visually beneficial depending on how you want the game to look.
I totally agree with Pablo's answer, but I would go a step further :
Implement a parenting system!
Once you implement his solution, you will already be adding a transformation on top of another one : the weapon's final tranformation will be a composition of its own transformation (offset from the player) and the player transformation (its position+orientation).
I won't describe the exact formulas involved in composing the transformations, Pablo already gave a good answer on that. I'll describe here the architecture of a parentable system :
class TransformationNode
public :
TransformationNode(TransformationNode* _parent = nullptr)
: parent(_parent)
void SetPosition(const float x, const float y)
localX = x;
localY = y;
void SetAngle(const float angle)
localAngle = angle;
void computeGlobalCoords()
if (parent)
globalX = transformFormulaHere(parent->GetGlobalPosition(), parent->GetGlobalAngle());
globalY = transformFormulaHere(parent->GetGlobalPosition(), parent->GetGlobalAngle());
globalAngle = localAngle + parent->GetGlobalAngle();
globalX = localX;
globalY = localY;
globalAngle = localAngle;
private :
float localX, localY, localAngle;
float globalX, globalY, globalAngle;
TransformationNode* parent;
And then you'll have both Player and Weapon inherit from TransformNode. I haven't compiled the code, it's just to get the idea.
By the way, I strongly recommend you to look at Transformation matrices. They are better to use than individual positions and angles.

weird inaccuracy in line rotation - c++

I have programmed a simple dragon curve fractal. It seems to work for the most part, but there is an odd logical error that shifts the rotation of certain lines by one pixel. This wouldn't normally be an issue, but after a few generations, at the right size, the fractal begins to look wonky.
I am using open cv in c++ to generate it, but I'm pretty sure it's a logical error rather than a display error. I have printed the values to the console multiple times and seen for myself that there is a one-digit difference between values that are intended to be the exact same - meaning a line may have a y of 200 at one end and 201 at another.
Here is the full code:
const int width=500;
const int height=500;
const double PI=std::atan(1)*4.0;
struct point{
double x;
double y;
point(double x_,double y_){
cv::Mat img(width,height,CV_8UC3,cv::Scalar(255,255,255));
double deg_to_rad(double degrees){return degrees*PI/180;}
point rotate(int degree, int centx, int centy, int ll) {
double radians = deg_to_rad(degree);
return point(centx + (ll * std::cos(radians)), centy + (ll * std::sin(radians)));
void generate(point & r, std::vector < point > & verticies, int rotation = 90) {
int curRotation = 90;
bool start = true;
point center = r;
point rot(0, 0);
std::vector<point> verticiesc(verticies);
for (point i: verticiesc) {
double dx = center.x - i.x;
double dy = center.y - i.y;
//distance from centre
int ll = std::sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
//angle from centre
curRotation = std::atan2(dy, dx) * 180 / PI;
//add 90 degrees of rotation
rot = rotate(curRotation + rotation, center.x, center.y, ll);
//endpoint, where the next centre will be
if (start) {
r = rot;
start = false;
void gen(int gens, int bwidth = 1) {
int ll = 7;
std::vector < point > verticies = {
point(width / 2, height / 2 - ll),
point(width / 2, height / 2)
point rot(width / 2, height / 2);
for (int i = 0; i < gens; i++) {
generate(rot, verticies);
//draw lines
for (int i = 0; i < verticies.size(); i += 2) {
cv::line(img, cv::Point(verticies[i].x, verticies[i].y), cv::Point(verticies[i + 1].x, verticies[i + 1].y), cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0), 1, 8);
int main() {
cv::imshow("", img);
return 0;
First, you use int to store point coordinates - that's a bad idea - you lose all accuracy of point position. Use double or float.
Second, your method for drawing fractals is not too stable numericly. You'd better store original shape and all rotation/translation/scale that indicate where and how to draw scaled copies of the original shape.
Also, I believe this is a bug:
for(point i: verices)
Changing size of vertices while inside such a for-loop might cause a crash or UB.
Turns out it was to do with floating-point precision. I changed
and it works.

Tiles being drawn in the wrong location

I've finally managed to get my tiles drawn on the screen somewhat in a correct way. Although the location is a bit off and I can't seem to figure out why...
I'm using SFML for drawing.
#ifndef TILE_HPP
#define TILE_HPP
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <SFML/System.hpp>
#include "textureManager.hpp"
class Tile {
Tile(sf::Vector2i coord, int biome);
sf::Vector2i getCoord() const { return coord; };
int getBiome() const { return biome; };
void setCoord(sf::Vector2i coord) { this->coord = coord; };
void setBiome(int biome) { this->biome = biome; };
void draw(int x, int y, sf::RenderWindow* rw);
void update(sf::Texture& texture);
sf::Vector2i coord;
int biome;
sf::Sprite sprite;
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <SFML/System.hpp>
#include "textureManager.hpp"
#include "tile.hpp"
Tile::Tile(sf::Vector2i coord, int biome) {
this->biome = biome;
this->coord = coord;
void Tile::draw(int x, int y, sf::RenderWindow* rw)
sprite.setPosition(x, y);
void Tile::update(sf::Texture& texture)
switch (biome)
// Not important here
Now the more relevant part: the drawing
void StatePlay::draw(const float dt)
sf::Vector2f offset = camera.getLocation();
int newX = (offset.x / map.getTileSize()) - (map.chunkSize / 2);
int newY = (offset.y / map.getTileSize()) - (map.chunkSize / 2);
for (int x = 0; x < map.chunkSize; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < map.chunkSize; y++)
Tile tile = map.getTile(newX + x, newY + y);
tile.draw((newX + x) * map.getTileSize(), (newY + y) * map.getTileSize(), &game->window);
StatePlay::StatePlay(Game* game)
this->game = game;
sf::Vector2f pos = sf::Vector2f(game->window.getSize()); // 1366x768
pos *= 0.5f; // 688x384
// Initialize map
map.init(game->gameTime, game->textureManager.getImage("tileset.png"));
float w = (float) map.getWidth(); // 500
float h = (float) map.getHeight(); // 500
w *= 0.5f; // 250
h *= 0.5f; // 250
w *= map.getTileSize(); // 250 * 32 = 8000
h *= map.getTileSize(); // 250 * 32 = 8000
// Move camera
// Uses view::move from sfml to move the view with w and h
// Also sets camera private to w and h values, return with camera::getLocation()
camera.setLocation(&view, sf::Vector2f(w, h));
The result is that I only see the ~10 tiles squared, in the bottom left corner of my screen, covering about 3/4.
The correct tiles are chosen, but the draw location is wrong... It should draw the center of 64x64 (x 32px each) tiles, as much as fit on the screen.
I have fixed the problem. It was a very stupid mistake...
At first without drawing anything, it is normal to center the view on 0.5f * sf::View::getSize() to get the view centered in your window. So the center was already at half of my window size. When using Camera::setLocation(), I used the sf::View::move() to move the view accordingly. So when trying to center it on the map, it added the x and y correctly, but also half of my window size. This resulted in having an offset which was incorrect. Substracting or leaving those values out has fixed this stupid problem.
Thank you for the help.

How to aim the camera at the z-index of the cell in front of my character?

I've got a 3D terrain environment like so:
I'm trying to get the character (camera) to look up when climbing hills, and look down when descending, like climbing in real life.
This is what it's currently doing:
Right now the camera moves up and down the hills just fine, but I can't get the camera angle to work correctly. The only way I can think of aiming up or down depending on the terrain is getting the z-index of the cell my character is currently facing, and set that as the focus, but I really have no idea how to do that.
This is admittedly for an assignment, and we're intentionally not using objects so things are organized a little strangely.
Here's how I'm currently doing things:
const int M = 100; // width
const int N = 100; // height
double zHeights[M+1][N+1]; // 2D array containing the z-indexes of terrain cells
double gRX = 1.5; // x position of character
double gRY = 2.5; // y position of character
double gDirection = 45; // direction of character
double gRSpeed = 0.05; // move speed of character
double getZ(double x, double y) // returns the height of the current cell
double z = .5*sin(x*.25) + .4*sin(y*.15-.43);
z += sin(x*.45-.7) * cos(y*.315-.31)+.5;
z += sin(x*.15-.97) * sin(y*.35-8.31);
double amplitute = 5;
z *= amplitute;
return z;
void generateTerrain()
for (int i = 0; i <= M; i++)
for (int j = 0; j <= N; j++)
zHeights[i][j] = getZ(i,j);
void drawTerrain()
for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
glColor3ub( (i*34525+j*5245)%256, (i*3456345+j*6757)%256, (i*98776+j*6554544)%256);
glVertex3d(i, j, getZ(i,j));
glVertex3d(i, j+1, getZ(i,j+1));
glVertex3d(i+1, j+1, getZ(i+1,j+1));
glVertex3d(i+1, j, getZ(i+1,j));
void display() // callback to glutDisplayFunc
double radians = gDirection /180.*3.141592654; // converts direction to radians
double z = getZ((int)gRX, (int)gRY); // casts as int to find z-index in zHeights[][]
double dx = cos(radians)*gRSpeed;
double dy = sin(radians)*gRSpeed;
double at_x = gRX + dx;
double at_y = gRY + dy;
double at_z = z; // source of problem, no idea what to do
gluLookAt(gRX, gRY, z + 2, // eye position
at_x, at_y, at_z + 2, // point to look at, also wrong
0, 0, 1); // up vector
void init()
Firstly, I don't see any reason to cast to int here:
double z = getZ((int)gRX, (int)gRY);
Just use the double values to get a smooth behavior.
Your basic approach is already pretty good. You take the current position (gRX, gRY), walk a bit in the viewing direction (dx, dy) and use that as the point to look at. There are just two small things that need adaptation:
double dx = cos(radians)*gRSpeed;
double dy = sin(radians)*gRSpeed;
Although multiplying by gRSpeed might be a good idea, in my opinion, this factor should not be related to the character's kinematics. Instead, this represents the smoothness of your view direction. Small values make the direction stick very closely to the terrain geometry, larger values smooth it out.
And finally, you need to evaluate the height at your look-at point:
double at_z = getZ(at_x, at_y);

problems with circular movement calculations

Question rescinded by original poster
Hey so when running the following code my square is supposed to travel around in a circle, but there is some kind of issue with the function that calculates the x,y movement that should happen based on the velocity and angle of travel.
It succesfully travels around and around, but not in the right way. the 2nd and 4th quadrant are kind of inversed, and curving inwards towards the center of the circle rather than outward.
I can't figure out what the problem is... anyone wanna help?
# define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
sf::RenderWindow Window;
template<typename T>
void CalculateMove(T Time, T Speed, T Angle, T& buffX, T& buffY)
{ //Make the degrees positive
if(Angle<0) Angle= 360-Angle;
//determine what quadrant of circle we're in
unsigned int Quadrant= 1;
if(Angle>90) Quadrant= 2;
if(Angle>180) Quadrant= 3;
if(Angle>270) Quadrant= 4;
//anything above 90 would be impossible triangle
Angle= (float)(Angle-(int)Angle)+(float)((int)Angle%90);
// calculates x and y based on angle and Hypotenuse.02433
buffX= sin(Angle / 180 * M_PI)/ (1.f/(Speed*Time));
buffY= sin((180-Angle-90)/ 180 * M_PI)/ (1.f/(Speed*Time));}
else{// Movement is a straight line on X or Y axis
if(Quadrant==0 || Quadrant==2) buffX= Speed*Time;
if(Quadrant==1 || Quadrant==4) buffY= Speed*Time;}
//Quadrant Factor (positive or negative movement on the axis)
case 1: break;
case 2: buffX=-buffX; break;
case 3: buffX=-buffX; buffY=-buffY; break;
case 4: buffY=-buffY; break;}
///////////////////////////////////////// Mysprite ////////////////////////////////
class mySprite : public sf::Sprite
float velocity;
float angle;
// all the values needed by the base class sprite();
const sf::Image& Img,
const sf::Vector2f& Position = sf::Vector2f(0, 0),
const sf::Vector2f& Scale = sf::Vector2f(1, 1),
float Rotation = 0.f,
const float Angle= 0.f,
const float Velocity= 0.f,
const sf::Color& Col = sf::Color(255, 255, 255, 255)):
Sprite(Img, Position, Scale, Rotation, Col){
angle= Angle;
velocity= Velocity;};
float Velocity(){return velocity;};
void SetVelocity(float newVelocity){velocity=newVelocity;};
float Angle(){return angle;};
void SetAngle(float newAngle){angle=(float)(newAngle-(int)newAngle)+(float)((int)newAngle%360);};
void Update(){
float frameTime= Window.GetFrameTime();
float X=0,Y=0;
void Accelerate(float PPS){velocity+=PPS;};
void Turn(float degrees){
float test= (float)((angle+degrees)- (int)(angle+degrees)); //TODO: Get rid of these test
float test2=(float)((int)(angle+degrees)%360);
float test3=test+test2;
void Reflect(float CollAngle){
//TODO: factor in the collision angle
int main()
Window.Create(sf::VideoMode(800, 600), "Pong! by Griffin Howlett");
sf::Image img;
mySprite box(img, sf::Vector2f(400,200), sf::Vector2f(1,1), 0, 180, 200);
Your first mistake:
if(Angle<0) Angle= 360-Angle;
should be:
if(Angle<0) Angle= 360+Angle;
I'm not quite sure why you're going to the trouble of dividing the angle into quadrants. Do you think that the sin function is only defined for the range of 0 to 90 degrees?
Not sure all of the problems, but this line of code is wrong:
if(Angle<0) Angle= 360-Angle;
If Angle < 0 then 360 - Angle will be > 360
you can also clean up the quadrant setting code, otherwise when the Angle is > 270, you do the assignment 4 times.
int Quadrant = 1;
if (Angle > 270)
Qadrant = 4;
else if (Angle > 180)
Quadrant = 3;
else if (Angle > 90)
Quadrant = 2;
It seems I was wrong in assuming the triangle formed and used to calculate the movement required to get to the x, y coordinates would always automatically use the Y axis as the side opposite of the 'Angle', and istead the coordinates were backwards for Quadrant 2 and 4, Thanks for the other feedback though!
Here's the updated code:
if(Quadrant==2 || Quadrant==4) Angle=90-Angle; //The unit circle triangle is flipped otherwise, causing x and y to be switched
buffY= sin(Angle / 180 * M_PI)/ (1.f/(Speed*Time));
buffX= sin((180-Angle-90)/ 180 * M_PI)/ (1.f/(Speed*Time));}
by doing 90-Angle i'm switching the angles used to find the X, and Y side of the imaginary triangle....