how to replace part of a string using sed - regex

echo "/home/repository/tags/1.9.1/" | sed "s/HELP/XXX/g"
I would like some HELP in replacing what is in between tags and core with let's say XXX. So my desired output would be /home/repository/tags/XXX/core.
The string is a directory path, where /home/repository/tags are the only constant parts. The path is always six levels deep. So it may not always be between tags and core.

echo "/home/repository/whatever/1.9.1/" \
| sed 's#\(/[^/]*/[^/]*/[^/]*\)/[^/]*/[^/]*#\1/XXX#'
yields ...

By using repetition quantifiers, you can easily adjust where your replacement is made:
echo "/home/repository/tags/1.9.1/" | \
sed -r 's|(/([^/]+/){3})([^/]+/){2}(.*)|\1XXX/\4|'
3 represents how many components to keep at the beginning
2 represents how many to replace
You could even use variables:
$ dirs='/one/two/three/four/five/six/seven/eight'
$ for keep in {0..3}; do for replace in {0..3}; do echo "$dirs" | \
sed -r "s|(/([^/]+/){$keep})([^/]+/){$replace}(.*)|\1XXX/\4|"; done; done

If your directory is always 6 levels deep, this works (remember to escape the round brackets):
echo "/home/repository/tags/1.9.1/" |
sed 's/\(\/home\/repository\/tags\/\).*\/.*\(\/.*\)/\1XXX\2/'

Here, spare yourself some regex agony:
echo "/home/repository/tags/1.9.1/" | sed 's#/home/repository/tags/.*/\(.\+\)$#/home/repository/tags/XXX/\1#'
No need to explicitly match the components if all you're really trying to do is strip out everything between tags/ and the last component. Note that I used + not *, so the component must be nonempty. That'll guard against having a trailing slash.


Print 1 Occurence for Each Pattern Match

I have a file that contains a pattern at the beginning of each newline:
... etc.
I came up with the following code to match the ./{name}/ pattern and would like to print 1 occurance of each name, BUT, it either prints out every line matching that pattern, or just 1 and stops when using the -m 1 flag:
I've tried it as a simple grep line(below) and also put it in a for loop
name=$(grep -iEoha -m 1 '\.\/([^/]*)\/' ./without_localnamespace.txt)
echo $name
My expected reuslts are:
Actual Results are:
awk -F'/' '!a[$2]++{print $1 FS $2 FS}' input
You can do
cut -d "/" -f2 ./without_localnamespace.txt | sort -u
You seem to want unique occurrences, use
grep -Eoha '\./[^/]*/' ./without_localnamespace.txt | uniq
See the online demo
Regarding the pattern, you do not need to escape forward slashes, they are not special regex metacharacters. The -i flag is redundant here, too.

Separating specific words with underscores, but not the plural form

I've been working with regex on strings recently and I've hit a snag. You see, I'm trying to get this:
to do this:
However, when I use this:
words_array=(is cake)
word_underscorer (){
echo $1 | sed -r "s/([a-z])($2)/\1_\2/g" | sed -r "s/($2)([a-z])/\1_\2/g"
for words_to_underscore in "${words_array[#]}"; do
if [ "$number_of_times" -eq 0 ]; then
first=`word_underscorer "chocolatecakes" "$words_to_underscore"`
second=`word_underscorer "thecakeismine" "$words_to_underscore"`
third=`word_underscorer "cakessurpassexpectation" "$words_to_underscore"`
word_underscorer "$first" "$words_to_underscore"
word_underscorer "$second" "$words_to_underscore"
word_underscorer "$third" "$words_to_underscore"
echo "$first"
echo "$second"
echo "$third"
I get this:
I'm not sure how to fix this.
Based on what you've shown you could do something such as:
sed -r -e "s/($2)/_\1_/g" -r -e "s/($2)_s|^($2)(_*)/\1s\2_/g" -r -e "s/^_|_$//g"
That should return the final result of:
The idea here is process by elimination; that is not to say that this method doesn't have potential issues — you'll hopefully understand what I mean below. Each sed operation is labeled by number to help you see what is happening.
The sed commands work on the array, which starts out with "is" and then "cake":
1. is -> _is_
2. is_s or is_ -> iss or is_
3. _is_ -> is
1. cake -> _cake_
2. cake_s or cake_ -> cakes or cake_
3. _cake_ -> cake
string one:
1. chocolatecakes -> chocolate_cake_s
2. chocolate_cake_s -> chocolate_cakes_
3. chocolate_cakes_ -> chocolate_cakes
string two:
1. thecake_is_mine -> the_cake_ismine
2. the_cake_ismine -> no change
3. the_cake_ismine -> no change
string three:
1. cakessurpassexpectation -> _cake_ssurpassexpectation
2. _cake_ssurpassexpectation -> _cakes_surpassexpectation
3. _cakes_surpassexpectation -> cakes_surpassexpectation
So you can see here what the issue might be with the "is" portion of the array; it could possibly get broken up perhaps in an undesired way during the sed operation if somehow it ends up becoming "is_s" on operation number 2. This is where you'll want to test multiple combinations of your strings to ensure that you've covered all the possible scenarios you don't want. Once you've done that you can go back and refine the patterns as needed, or even further find ways to optimize things in a way that allows you to use less piped commands.
If you write the words to a file (words) then you can do something like this:
sed -e 's/\('$(sed ':l;N;s/\n/\\|/;bl' words )'\)/\1_'/g -e 's/_$//' input
This gives you:
The main point is to construct this sed command:
sed -e s/\(chocolate\|cake\|the\|cakes\)/\1_/g -e s/_$// input
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -r 's/\B([^_])\B(cakes?|is)\B/\1_\2/g;s/(cakes?|is)\B([^_])\B/\1_\2/g' file
Insert an underscore infront/behind a particular word if the particular word is within another word and the character before/after the particular word is not an underscore.

Using sed (or any other tool) to remove the quotes in a json file

I have a json file
I want to change it to
i.e. convert the requestId from String to Integer. I have tried some ways, but none seem to work :
sed -e 's/"requestId":"[0-9]"/"requestId":$1/g' test.json
sed -e 's/"requestId":"\([0-9]\)"/"requestId":444/g' test.json
Could someone help me out please?
sed -e 's/\("requestId":\)"\([0-9]*\)"/\1\2/g' test.json
sed -e 's/"requestId":"\([0-9]*\)"/"requestId":\1/g' test.json
The main differences with your attempts are:
Your regular expressions were looking for [0-9] between double quotes, and that's a single digit. By using [0-9]* instead you are looking for any number of digits (zero or more digits).
If you want to copy a sequence of characters from your search in your replacing string, you need to define a group with a starting \( and a final \) in the regexp, and then use \1 in the replacing string to insert the string there. If there are multiple groups, you use \1 for the first group, \2 for the second group, and so on.
Also note that the final g after the last / is used to apply this substitution in all matches, in every processed line. Without that g, the substitution would only be applied to the first match in every processed line. Therefore, if you are only expecting one such replacement per line, you can drop that g.
Since you said "or any other tool", I'd recommend jq! While sed is great for line-based, JSON is not and sometimes newlines are added in just for pretty printing the output to make developers' lives easier. It's rules also get even more tricky when handling Unicode or double-quotes in string content. jq is specifically designed to understand the JSON format and can dissect it appropriately.
For your case, this should do the job:
jq '.requestId = (.requestId | tonumber)'
Note, this will throw an error if requestId is missing and not output the JSON object. If that's a concern, you might need something a little more sophisticated like this example:
jq 'if has("requestId") then .requestId = (.requestId | tonumber) else . end'
Also, jq does pretty-print and colorize it's output if sent to a terminal. To avoid that and just see a compact, one-line-per-object format, add -Mc to the command. jq will also work if provided multiple objects back-to-back without a newline in the input. Here's a full-demo to show this filter:
$ (echo '{"doc_type":"bare"}{}'
echo '{"doc_type":"user","requestId":"0092","clientId":"11"}'
echo '{"doc_type":"user","requestId":"1000778","clientId":"42114"}'
) | jq 'if has("requestId") then .requestId = (.requestId | tonumber) else . end' -Mc
Which produced this output:
sed -e 's/"requestId":"\([0-9]\+\)"/"requestId":\1/g' test.json
You were close. The "new" regex terms I had to add: \1 means "whatever is contained in the first \( \) on the "search" side, and \+ means "1 or more of the previous thing".
Thus, we search for the string "requestId":" followed by a group of 1 or more digits, followed by ", and replace it with "requestId": followed by that group we found earlier.
Perhaps the jq (json query) tool would help you out?
$ cat test
$ cat test |jq '.doc_type' --raw-output

How can I use sed to regex string and number in bash script

I want to separate string and number in a file to get a specific number in bash script, such as:
Branches executed:75.38% of 1190
I want to only get number
. I have try like the code below
$new_value=value | sed -r 's/.*_([0-9]*)\..*/\1/g'
but it was incorrect and it was failed.
How should it works? Thank you before for your help.
You can use the following regex to extract the first number in a line:
% echo 'Branches executed:75.38% of 1190' | sed 's/^[^0-9]*\([0-9.]*\).*$/\1/'
Give this a try:
value=$(sed "s/^Branches executed:\([0-9][.0-9]*[0-9]*\)%.*$/\1/" afile)
It is assumed that the line appears only once in afile.
The value is stored in the value variable.
There are several things here that we could improve. One is that you need to escape the parentheses in sed: \(...\)
Another one is that it would be good to have a full specification of the input strings as well as a good script that can help us to play with this.
Anyway, this is my first attempt:
Update: I added a little more bash around this regex so it'll be more easy to play with it:
value='Branches executed:75.38% of 1190'
new_value=`echo $value | sed -e 's/[^0-9]*\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\).*/\1/g'`
echo $new_value
Update 2: as john pointed out, it will match only numbers that contain a decimal dot. We can fix it with an optional group: \(\.[0-9]\+\)?.
An explanation for the optional group:
\(...\) is a group.
\(...\)? Is a group that appears zero or one times (mind the question mark).
\.[0-9]\+ is the pattern for a dot and one or more digits.
Putting all together:
value='Branches executed:75.38% of 1190'
new_value=`echo $value | sed -e 's/[^0-9]*\([0-9]\+\(\.[0-9]\+\)\?\).*/\1/g'`
echo $new_value

How to swap text based on patterns at once with sed?

Suppose I have 'abbc' string and I want to replace:
ab -> bc
bc -> ab
If I try two replaces the result is not what I want:
echo 'abbc' | sed 's/ab/bc/g;s/bc/ab/g'
So what sed command can I use to replace like below?
echo abbc | sed SED_COMMAND
Actually the text could have more than 2 patterns and I don't know how many replaces I will need. Since there was a answer saying that sed is a stream editor and its replaces are greedily I think that I will need to use some script language for that.
Maybe something like this:
sed 's/ab/~~/g; s/bc/ab/g; s/~~/bc/g'
Replace ~ with a character that you know won't be in the string.
I always use multiple statements with "-e"
$ sed -e 's:AND:\n&:g' -e 's:GROUP BY:\n&:g' -e 's:UNION:\n&:g' -e 's:FROM:\n&:g' file > readable.sql
This will append a '\n' before all AND's, GROUP BY's, UNION's and FROM's, whereas '&' means the matched string and '\n&' means you want to replace the matched string with an '\n' before the 'matched'
sed is a stream editor. It searches and replaces greedily. The only way to do what you asked for is using an intermediate substitution pattern and changing it back in the end.
echo 'abcd' | sed -e 's/ab/xy/;s/cd/ab/;s/xy/cd/'
Here is a variation on ooga's answer that works for multiple search and replace pairs without having to check how values might be reused:
sed -i '
' path_to_your_files/*.txt
Here is an example:
some text AB some more text "BC" and more text.
some text BC some more text "CD" and more text.
Note that \b denotes word boundaries, which is what prevents the ________ from interfering with the search (I'm using GNU sed 4.2.2 on Ubuntu). If you are not using a word boundary search, then this technique may not work.
Also note that this gives the same results as removing the s/________//g and appending && sed -i 's/________//g' path_to_your_files/*.txt to the end of the command, but doesn't require specifying the path twice.
A general variation on this would be to use \x0 or _\x0_ in place of ________ if you know that no nulls appear in your files, as jthill suggested.
Here is an excerpt from the SED manual:
-e script
Add the commands in script to the set of commands to be run while processing the input.
Prepend each substitution with -e option and collect them together. The example that works for me follows:
sed < ../.env-turret.dist \
-e "s/{{ name }}/turret$TURRETS_COUNT_INIT/g" \
-e "s/{{ account }}/$CFW_ACCOUNT_ID/g" > ./.env.dist
This example also shows how to use environment variables in your substitutions.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -r '1{x;s/^/:abbc:bcab/;x};G;s/^/\n/;:a;/\n\n/{P;d};s/\n(ab|bc)(.*\n.*:(\1)([^:]*))/\4\n\2/;ta;s/\n(.)/\1\n/;ta' file
This uses a lookup table which is prepared and held in the hold space (HS) and then appended to each line. An unique marker (in this case \n) is prepended to the start of the line and used as a method to bump-along the search throughout the length of the line. Once the marker reaches the end of the line the process is finished and is printed out the lookup table and markers being discarded.
N.B. The lookup table is prepped at the very start and a second unique marker (in this case :) chosen so as not to clash with the substitution strings.
With some comments:
sed -r '
# initialize hold with :abbc:bcab
1 {
G # append hold to patt (after a \n)
s/^/\n/ # prepend a \n
/\n\n/ {
P # print patt up to first \n
d # delete patt & start next cycle
ta # goto a if sub occurred
s/\n(.)/\1\n/ # move one char past the first \n
ta # goto a if sub occurred
The table works like this:
** ** replacement
** ** pattern
Tcl has a builtin for this
$ tclsh
% string map {ab bc bc ab} abbc
This works by walking the string a character at a time doing string comparisons starting at the current position.
In perl:
perl -E '
sub string_map {
my ($str, %map) = #_;
my $i = 0;
while ($i < length $str) {
for my $key (keys %map) {
if (substr($str, $i, length $key) eq $key) {
substr($str, $i, length $key) = $map{$key};
$i += length($map{$key}) - 1;
last KEYS;
return $str;
say string_map("abbc", "ab"=>"bc", "bc"=>"ab");
May be a simpler approach for single pattern occurrence you can try as below:
echo 'abbc' | sed 's/ab/bc/;s/bc/ab/2'
My output:
~# echo 'abbc' | sed 's/ab/bc/;s/bc/ab/2'
For multiple occurrences of pattern:
sed 's/\(ab\)\(bc\)/\2\1/g'
~# cat try.txt
abbc abbc abbc
bcab abbc bcab
abbc abbc bcab
~# sed 's/\(ab\)\(bc\)/\2\1/g' try.txt
bcab bcab bcab
bcab bcab bcab
bcab bcab bcab
Hope this helps !!
echo "C:\Users\San.Tan\My Folder\project1" | sed -e 's/C:\\/mnt\/c\//;s/\\/\//g'
C:\Users\San.Tan\My Folder\project1
mnt/c/Users/San.Tan/My Folder/project1
in case someone needs to replace windows paths to Windows Subsystem for Linux(WSL) paths
If replacing the string by Variable, the solution doesn't work.
The sed command need to be in double quotes instead on single quote.
#sed -e "s/#replacevarServiceName#/$varServiceName/g" -e "s/#replacevarImageTag#/$varImageTag/g" deployment.yaml
Here is an awk based on oogas sed
echo 'abbc' | awk '{gsub(/ab/,"xy");gsub(/bc/,"ab");gsub(/xy/,"bc")}1'
I believe this should solve your problem. I may be missing a few edge cases, please comment if you notice one.
You need a way to exclude previous substitutions from future patterns, which really means making outputs distinguishable, as well as excluding these outputs from your searches, and finally making outputs indistinguishable again. This is very similar to the quoting/escaping process, so I'll draw from it.
s/\\/\\\\/g escapes all existing backslashes
s/ab/\\b\\c/g substitutes raw ab for escaped bc
s/bc/\\a\\b/g substitutes raw bc for escaped ab
s/\\\(.\)/\1/g substitutes all escaped X for raw X
I have not accounted for backslashes in ab or bc, but intuitively, I would escape the search and replace terms the same way - \ now matches \\, and substituted \\ will appear as \.
Until now I have been using backslashes as the escape character, but it's not necessarily the best choice. Almost any character should work, but be careful with the characters that need escaping in your environment, sed, etc. depending on how you intend to use the results.
Every answer posted thus far seems to agree with the statement by kuriouscoder made in his above post:
The only way to do what you asked for is using an intermediate
substitution pattern and changing it back in the end
If you are going to do this, however, and your usage might involve more than some trivial string (maybe you are filtering data, etc.), the best character to use with sed is a newline. This is because since sed is 100% line-based, a newline is the one-and-only character you are guaranteed to never receive when a new line is fetched (forget about GNU multi-line extensions for this discussion).
To start with, here is a very simple approach to solving your problem using newlines as an intermediate delimiter:
echo "abbc" | sed -E $'s/ab|bc/\\\n&/g; s/\\nab/bc/g; s/\\nbc/ab/g'
With simplicity comes some trade-offs... if you had more than a couple variables, like in your original post, you have to type them all twice. Performance might be able to be improved a little bit, too.
It gets pretty nasty to do much beyond this using sed. Even with some of the more advanced features like branching control and the hold buffer (which is really weak IMO), your options are pretty limited.
Just for fun, I came up with this one alternative, but I don't think I would have any particular reason to recommend it over the one from earlier in this post... You have to essentially make your own "convention" for delimiters if you really want to do anything fancy in sed. This is way-overkill for your original post, but it might spark some ideas for people who come across this post and have more complicated situations.
My convention below was: use multiple newlines to "protect" or "unprotect" the part of the line you're working on. One newline denotes a word boundary. Two newlines denote alternatives for a candidate replacement. I don't replace right away, but rather list the candidate replacement on the next line. Three newlines means that a value is "locked-in", like your original post way trying to do with ab and bc. After that point, further replacements will be undone, because they are protected by the newlines. A little complicated if I don't say so myself... ! sed isn't really meant for much more than the basics.
# Newlines
# Delimiters
# Un-doer (if a request was made to modify a locked-in value)
tidy="s/(\\n\\n\\n${NOT_NL}*)\\n\\n(${NOT_NL}*)\\n(${NOT_NL}*)\\n\\n/\\1\\2/g; "
# Locker-inner (three newlines means "do not touch")
# Finalizer (remove newlines)
# Input/Commands
# Execute
echo ${input} | sed -E "${cmd1}; ${tidy}; ${cmd2}; ${tidy}; ${final}"