In Qt (4.6), is it ok to call slots directly? - c++

I found myself in the need of having to call a slot directly. I think it's perfectly fine doing it as long as it makes sense in your design. What do you think?

Yes.. Slots are just normal functions and you can call them directly..
From docs,
A slot is called when a signal connected to it is emitted. Slots are normal C++ functions and can be called normally; their only special feature is that signals can be connected to them.


Are signals and slots syntactic sugar or there is more to them?

I'm learning Qt and I'm having lots of fun with the signals-slotpattern. The question that I have is that, are signals and slots simply syntactic sugar for event listeners and handlers or what happens in the background is of different nature? If the later, what is the fundamental difference?
This is not just syntactic sugar. There is a real work in the background of Qt signals/slots. This work is done by the MOC (Meta-Object Compiler). This is the reason there is a process on all of your C++ header files that contains class with Q_OBJECT macros.
The "hard part" of signals/slots is when you are in a multithreading context. Indeed, the Qt::ConnectionType argument of connect() function, which is Direct (e.g. direct call of the function) in a single-threaded environment, is Queued in a if sender and emitter aren't in the same thread. In this case, the signal must be handled by the Qt event loop.
For more details:
Are signals and slots syntactic sugar or there is more to them? The question that I have is that, are signals and slots simply syntactic sugar for event listeners/handlers
No, the mean reason for their existence is decoupling of the emission and handling.
or what happens in the background is of different nature?
The idea is that you separate the emission from the handling of a certain "event". If you consider the direct function calls as an alternative, I would like to point that out, with them, the code responible for the emission would need to be aware of the code that actually handles the "signal". That is the two parts would be too tight too each other.
It would not be possible to dynamically add another handler for the signal without changing the code that is responsible for the signal emission. Imagine an example like this:
Some part of the code emits a signal "fruit arrived"
This code would directly call the "wash fruit" method.
What if someone would like to add a method to count the number of fruits?
The previous code would need to be modified to include the direct call to that method.
With the signal-slot mechanism, you would not need to touch the original code. You could just simple connect your new slot to the existing signal from an entirely different piece of code. This is called good design and freedom.
This is especially useful when you have libraries like Qt that can emit signals all around without knowing about the Qt applications in advance. It is up to the Qt applications how to handle the signals, on their own.
In addition, this pattern also makes the application more responsive and less blocking, which would be the case with direction function calls. This is because of the existence of the event loop on which the Qt signal-slot mechanism is built upon. Surely, you could use threading with direct calls, too, but it becomes a lot more work and difficult to maintain than it would be necessary in an ideal world.
So, as partially already touched, there is a QtEventLoop in the background queuing up these events for processing, although it is possible to execute "direct calls", too.
The really background internal implementation code can be found there, and in moc (meta object compiler). Moc is basically creating a function for signals which you do not define a body for, so you just declare them in the QObject subclasses when you need it.
You can read more upon the topic in here, but I think my explanation could get you going:
Qt Signals & Slots
QtDD13 - Olivier Goffart - Signals and Slots in Qt 5
How Qt Signals and Slots Work
How Qt Signals and Slots Work - Part 2 - Qt5 New Syntax
Signals and Slots in Qt5
Using the Meta-Object Compiler (moc)
The signals and slots are a way to decouple the method call from the called method. They are not syntactic sugar at all since they add no new syntax to the C++ language. A signal emission is a method call. A slot is a plain old instance method. The code that links the two is plain old C++. Nothing new here - no sugar of any kind.
Most of what you call "the syntactic sugar" is akin to comments - those are empty defines (Q_SLOT, Q_SIGNAL, signals, slots) used to mark the methods for processing by the meta object compiler (moc). Moc generates introspection information and signal implementations based on normal C++ syntax of the declarations (with some limitations).
I claim that this is not syntactic sugar since moc understands regular C++ and generates introspection data based not on any syntactic sugar, but on usual instance method declarations. The "sugar" is there to avoid the premature pessimization of having moc generate metadata for everything in a class's declaration. It also lets moc ignore the method definitions - otherwise it'd need to parse them, and assume that methods without definitions are signals.
The emit macro is only for human consumption and is merely an indication that a method call is really a signal emission. It's not used by moc. It's defined to be empty.
The Q_OBJECT and Q_GADGET macros declare some class members used to access the metadata. They are, arguably, the only piece of real "sugar" since it saves you from having to type out a few lines of declarations.
There's quite a bit of code potentially involved in making it work.
A signal:
is an instance method whose implementation is generated by moc,
has full introspection information about its name and arguments. This is available as an instance of QMetaMethod.
A slot:
is an instance method whose implementation you provide,
similarly has full introspection information.
The metainformation is available at runtime and can be enumerated and used by code that has no prior knowledge of the signal's nor slot's signature.
When you emit a signal, you simply call the method generated by moc. This method invokes Qt library code that acquires relevant mutexes, iterates the list of attached slots, and executes the calls, acquiring additional mutexes as needed along the way. Doing this properly requires care, since the sender and receiver objects can reside in different threads. One has to avoid delivery of slot calls to non-existent objects. Oh, you don't want deadlocks either. This requires some forethought.
Since both signals and slots are just methods, you can certainly connect signals to other signals - the underlying mechanism doesn't care what gets called, it's just an invokable method. Non-invokable methods are those without metadata.
A slot gets invoked when the relevant signal is emitted. A signal emission is just a method call to the generated body of the signal. This is different from event-listener pattern, since the slot invocation can be either immediate (so-called direct connection) or deferred to the event loop (so-called queued connection). A queued slot call is implemented by copying the arguments and bundling them in a QMetaCallEvent. This event is "converted" back into a method call by QObject::event. This happens when the event loop delivers the event to the target object.
The metadata contains more than just signal and slot signatures. It also allows you to default- and copy-construct signal/slot parameter types - this is necessary to implement the queued calls. It also contains key-value pairs for enumerations - that's what makes Qt rather easy to script. All enum values passed to Qt methods can be looked up by name, at runtime!

Marshal calls to Qt main thread

I'm wrapping libcommuni, which uses Qt, in a different DLL project, which doesn’t use Qt. As far as I’ve been able to tell, I need to run the Qt message pump (via QCoreApplication) to make sure networking, signals, etc. work properly. However, I’m running in to some problems figuring out how to do just that.
Basically, I want to spin up a thread in the DLL, which calls QCoreApplication::exec() and pumps all the Qt events. I then want to marshal external calls to the DLL, which are on a different thread, to the Qt main thread, so I can safely use libcommuni.
It looks like the recommended approach is to use signals and slots for this, but I’ve been unable to get that to work. I create a signal on the QObject class that is called via the DLL and I connect it to a slot on the QThread that runs the Qt message pump. However, if I specify Qt::QueuedConnection when connecting the signal and slot, the message is never delivered when I emit the signal. If I omit Qt::QueuedConnection altogether, the slot is called immediately on the calling thread rather than the Qt main thread.
I’ve also tried explicitly calling QCoreApplication::postEvent() on the DLL thread to send an event to the Qt main thread, but event(QEvent) is never called in the target QThread.
Any ideas on what I’m doing wrong here? I'm guessing I'm not quite understanding Qt's threading model.
When you use QObject::connect without specifying connection type - it uses Qt::AutoConnection, which turns into Qt::DirectConnection if the signal and slot are in a single thread, or into Qt::QueuedConnection, if they are in different threads. So, in your case, I can say, that for the moment, when you connect your signal with your slot, the objects, they belong to, are located in one thread.
In order to make Qt::QueuedConnection work, you need an event loop in a thread, which contains slot.
There are two main ways of using QThread:
You can derive QThread and rewrite QThread::run. In that case you should do several things:
When creating your thread's object, do not specify parent; remove this object manually.
In your thread's constructor call moveToThread(this).
In your thread's run method call exec after all initialization, but before all removal; thread will leave exec right after you call QThread::quit.
You can derive QObject, create QThread object, and call QThread::moveToThread on your object (which, by the way, should be created without specifying parent) before calling QThread::start.
In your case I would recommend using the second method.
That is about threads, but I am not quite sure, your problem isn't connected with QCoreApplication::exec.

Calling a QObject function from QML across threads

I'm trying to determine how calling QObject slots or Q_INVOKABLE methods from QML for a QObject that lives in another thread works, and whether or not its safe to do so.
Assume there's a MainThread and ThreadA. QObjectA lives in ThreadA. The QML engine/gui/everything lives in the MainThread. I expose QObjectA to the QML engine using
Now in a QML file, I call
Where someMethod is a slot or is Q_INVOKABLE. I'd like to know which thread actually executes the function. If it's MainThread, that would be a bad thing, and calling a method like that across threads would be dangerous. If it was executed by ThreadA however, all would be well.
Based on this documentation:, I'm assuming that QMetaObject::invokeMethod() is used to call the QObject function. That documentation (, shows that there are different connection types available, just like with Qt signals and slots.
I'd like to know if Qt's qml engine automagically chooses the right type for the situation when invoking C++ methods from QML across threads, and if so, calling methods for objects that live in other threads from QML is an acceptable practice.
As it became apparent a while ago, QML doesn't seem to be able to go across threads.
So one needs to implement a C++ side intermediate object that lives in the main thread to dispatch calls to objects in other threads.
QML object -> object in a different thread // doesn't work!!!
QML object -> C++ mediator object -> object in a different thread // WORKS!!!
Basically, "transcending" threads must happen in C++ entirely, thus the need of a mediator object.
I guess the someMethod will be executed in ThreadA since the object lives in that thread.
But normally if this gives a problem, then I would do something like this.
connect(&threadA, SIGNAL(started()), someObj, SLOT(someMethod());
But to start that ThreadA we need one more CppObject to link QML and CPP.
You can use this->thread(); or QThread::currentThreadId(); inside the slot to get the thread the slot is working in. It will always be the thread, the ObjectA was created in (if there was no moveToThread()).
The Qt-Engine will select the right Qt:ConnectionType by determine call and called thread.
Extra tip: You can use GammaRay or ThreadSanitizer to see current direct connections across threads.
QML logic is event-driven and all invokes are parts of JavaScript functions. JS functions may be event handlers (for ex. UI event handlers) or may be invoked somewhere in C++ code if you wrap them in QScript object. Also you can invoke them in JavaScript WorkerTherad. That is why only you can provide an answer, where does someObj.someMethod() invokation take place.

Do Qt::QueuedConnection signals always invoke in order?

Related to Qt: Do events get processed in order?
Do Qt::QueuedConnection signals always get invoked in order?
void A::func()
emit first_signal();
emit second_signal();
If these are both connected by Qt::QueuedConnection to slots will they always be invoked in the order first_signal() then second_signal()?
Given the fact that bug(s) regarding the event prioritization are still being fixed very recently (target version 4.8.0), better don't rely on it. The observation that docs avoid any bold statements most probably means that the devs are simply not so sure.
If the documentation does not state it, you should rather not assume it.

Qt QThread trouble using signal/slot going from worker to gui

I have a Qt application that was developed using Qt Creator and the GUI tool that accompanies it. I have a main thread, TheGui and a worker thread that is created by the main thread, WorkerThread (called thread).
The problem I'm having is when I create a slot in the GUI by using
public slot:
void updateTable(string str);
within the header file of the GUI and signal void sendList(string str); within the header file of the worker thread, the slot never gets called. I connected the two using
connect(&thread, SIGNAL(sendList(string str),
this, SLOT(updateTable(string str)));
within the constructor in the GUI cpp file. I did something similar except with the slot in the worker thread and signal from the GUI and it worked fine. I know from using the debugger that the signal sendList is indeed getting called, it is just never going into it.
Any thoughts?
Because the signal and the slot are on distinct threads, the connection between them has the Qt::QueuedConnection type. And for queued connections, Qt has to be able to save a copy of the signal parameters, to pass them later to the slot.
So, to inform Qt that the type is copyable, you have to register it with Qt's meta-object system (see QMetaType) like this:
// This macro call should be put in one of your .h files
// You should call this function before any (queued)
// signal/slot connection involving the type
The parameter name shouldn't be included in the QObject::connect call, and the type names should be exactly the same as the ones you passed to Q_DECLARE_METATYPE:
connect(&thread, SIGNAL(sendList(std::string), this, SLOT(updateTable(std::string)));
You can also use QString or QByteArray, which are already registered, instead of std::string, since these functions are slots and signals and as such are already Qt specific.
Sure that connection is actually made? If there are any problems with connect call, there is usually some debugging output about it on cerr.
Secondly, I think you have a typo - if you copied connect call from your code, then know that you have parenthesis missing around SIGNAL - should be
connect(&thread, SIGNAL(sendList(string)), this, SLOT(updateTable(string)));
Thirdly, what is that you are passing as signal/slot parameter? Is it std::string? Connections between threads must be queued connections. Queued connections can use as parameters only types declared with Q_DECLARE_METATYPE macro, and registered with qRegisterMetaType. As far as I know, Qt by default doesn't declare those for std::string, as it prefers QString. If you didn't add those to your code, it might be the reason for failure.