why is concurrent_queue non-blocking? - c++

In the concurrency runtime introduced in VS2010, there is a concurrent_queue class. It has a non blocking try_pop() function.
Similar in Intel Thread Building Blocks (TBB), the blocking pop() call was removed when going from version 2.1 to 2.2.
I wonder what the problem is with a blocking call. Why was it removed from TBB? And why is there no blocking concurrent_queue?
I'm in a situation where I need a blocking concurrent queue, and I don't want a busy wait.
Apart from writing a queue myself, is there another possibility in the concurrency runtime?

From a comment from Arch Robison, and it doesn't get much more "horse's mouth" than that (a):
PPL's concurrent_queue has no blocking pop, hence neither does tbb::strict_ppl::concurrent_queue. The blocking pop is available in tbb::concurrent_bounded_queue.
The design argument for omitting blocking pop is that in many cases, the synchronization for blocking is provided outside of the queue, in which case the implementation of blocking inside the queue becomes unnecessary overhead.
On the other hand, the blocking pop of the old tbb::concurrent_queue was popular among users who did not have outside synchronization.
So we split the functionality. Use cases that do not need blocking or boundedness can use the new tbb::concurrent_queue, and use cases that do need it can use tbb::concurrent_bounded_queue.
(a) Arch is the architect of Threading Building Blocks.

If you need a blocking pop without a busy wait, you need a method of signaling. This implies synchronization between pusher and poper and the queue is no longer without (expensive) synchronization primitives. You basically get a normal synchronized queue with a condition variable being used to notify poppers of pushes, which is not in the spirity of the concurrent_* collections.

The question was if there was another option in the Concurrency Runtime that provides blocking queue functionality because concurrent_queue does not and there is one in VS2010.
Arch's comment is of course completely correct, blocking queues and unblocking queues are separate use cases and this is why they are different in VS2010 and in TBB.
In VS2010 you can use the template class unbounded_buffer located in , the appropriate methods are called enqueue and dequeue.

There is no situation, from the queue's standpoint, that it should need to block for an insert or remove. The fact that you may need to block and wait for an insert is immaterial.
You can achieve the functionality you desire by using a condition variable, or a counting semaphore, or something along those lines (whatever your specific API provides). Your trouble isn't with blocking/non-blocking; it sounds like a classic producer-consumer.


C++17 POSIX Semaphore or condition_variable?

I am working on a project that includes event handling. I have access to a g++-9, C++17 (also possible C++20) environment.
I require the behavior of a semaphore. My event handler, pushes the event in a queue, to be processed by another thread (event processor). The event handler needs to be extremely lightweight to not miss fast occurring events. So I plan to just enqueue and increment the semaphore in the event handler, then do the load work in the event processor, decrementing the semaphore. (Avoiding busy waiting in the event processor, which will always be running.)
This is very easy using POSIX semaphore, however I also read that semaphores are implementable using condition_variables, counters, unique_locks, mutex' in C++. I wonder is it worth the trouble just to write C++ style to achieve simple POSIX semaphore behavior. More importantly, which one is faster ? Which is the better option for me ?
Thanks in advance.
Just grab an off-the-shelf C++ "thread-safe queue" object and let it do the dirty work for you. Correct implementations of this sort of thing have already been done (to death ...).
Read discussions like this: https://juanchopanzacpp.wordpress.com/2013/02/26/concurrent-queue-c11/.

Is there a awaitable queue in c++?

I use concurrency::task from ppltasks.h heavily in my codebase.
I would like to find a awaitable queue, where I can do "co_await my_queue.pop()". Has anyone implemented one?
I have one producer thread that pushes elements to a queue, and another receiver thread would be waiting and waking up when elements arrive in the queue. This receiving thread might wait/wake up to handle other tasks in the meantime (using pplpp::when_any).
I don't want a queue with an interface where i have to poll a try_pop method as that is slow, and I don't want a blocking_pop method as that means I can't handle other ready tasks in the meantime.
This is basically your standard thread-safe queue implementation, but instead of a condition_variable, you will have to use futures to coordinate the different threads. You can then co_await on the future returned by pop to become ready.
The queue's implementation will need to keep a list of the promises that correspond to the outstanding pop calls. In case that the queue is still full when poping, you can return a ready future immediately. You can use plain old std::mutex to synchronize concurrent access to the underlying data structures.
I don't know of any implementation that already does this, but it shouldn't be too hard to pull off. Note though that managing all the futures will introduce some additional overhead, so your queue will probably be slightly less efficient than the classic condition_variable-based approach.
Posted a comment but I might as well write this as the answer since its long an I need formatting.
Basically you're two options are:
Lock-free queues, the most popular of which is this:
They do have try_pop, because it uses atomic pointer and any atomic methods (e.g. std::atomic_compare_exchange_weak) can and will "fail" and return false at times, so you are forced to have a spin-lock over them.
You may find queues that abstract this inside a "pop" which just calls "try_pop" until it works, but that's the same overhead in the backround.
Lock-base queues:
These are easier to do on your own, without a third part library, just wrap every method you need in locks, if you want to 'peek' very often look into using shared_locks, otherwise just std::lock_guard should be enough to guard all wrapper. However this is what you may call a 'blocking' queue since during an access, weather it is to read or to write, the whole queue will be locked.
There is not thread-safe alternatives to these two implementations. If you are in need of a really large queue (e.g. hundreds of GBs of memory worth of objects) under heavy usage you can consider writing some custom hybrid data structure, but for most usecases moodycamel's queue will be more than sufficient an.

Notify caller that a thread has finished

I am trying to use the multithreading features in the C++11 standard library and have the following situation envisioned.
I have a parent class which maintains a queue of thread. So something like:
std::queue<MyMTObject *> _my_threads;
The class MyMTObject contains the std::thread object.
The queue has a fixed size of 5 and the class initially starts with the queue being full.
As I have jobs to process I launch threads and I remove them from the queue. What I would like is to get a notification when the job is finished along with the pointer to the MyMTObject, so that I can reinsert them into the queue and make them available again.
I have basically 2 questions:
1: Is this a sound idea? I know I have not specified specifics but broadly speaking. I will, of course, control all access to the queue with a mutex.
2: Is there a way to implement this notification mechanism without using external libraries like Qt or boost.
For duplicates, I did look on the site but could not find anything that was suitable to manage a collection of threads.
I'm not sure if I need to mention this, but std::thread objects can't be re-used. Generally, the only reason you keep a std::thread reference is to std::thread::join the thread. If you don't plan to join the thread later (e.g. dispatch to threads and wait for completion), it's generally advised to std::thread::detach it.
If you're trying to keep threads for a thread pool, it's probably easier to have each thread block on the std::queue and pull objects from the queue to work on. This is relatively easy to implement using a std::mutex and a std::condition_variable. It generally gives good throughput, but to get finer control over scheduling you can do things like keep a seperate std::queue for each thread.
Detaching the threads and creating a work queue also has the added benefit that it avoids redundantly requesting the operating system create new threads which adds overhead and increases overall resource usage.
You could try to deploy some version of Reactor pattern I think. So, you could start one additional control thread that cleans after these workers. Now, you create a ThreadSafeQueue that will be used to communicate events from worker threads to control thread. This queue should be implemented in such a way that you can select on it and wait for any activity on the other end (some thread terminates and calls queue.push for example).
All in all I think it's quite elegant solution. I does add an overhead of an additional thread, but this thread will be mostly sleeping and waking up only once a while to clean up after the worker.
There is no elegant way to do this in Posix, and C++ threading model is almost a thin wrapper on Posix.
You can join a specific thread (one at a time), or you can wait on futures - again, one future at a time.
The best you can do to avoid looping is to employ a conditional variable, and make all threads singal on it (as well as indicating which one just exited by setting some sort of per-thread flag) just before they are about to exit. The 'reaper' would notice the signal and check the flags.
The issue is that this solution requires thread cooperation. But I know not of any better.

Is there in stl or boost thread safe structure for inter thread communication - with behavior like queue?

I have game and I have two threads , one generates custom class and needs to store that (I put to push that in queue but I am not sure if that is thread safe, first thread generates every 50ms new instance, and second can read faster if there is any or slower - speed changes over time) . Another thread uses if queue is not empty , pop first and calculates some things. Is there any data structure thread safe for this problem in stl or boost ?
Using std::queue or any similar container will not be thread safe. If you want your access (push/pop) to be thread-safe, while using std::queue, you should use boost::mutex or a similar mechanism to lock before each access. You can look at boost::shared_mutex if you need immutable reads from more than one thread (not sure you need that based on what you described).
Apart from that, you can take a look at boost::interprocess::message_queue, as someone has already mentioned -> http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_50_0/boost/interprocess/ipc/message_queue.hpp for the most recent version of boost.
Moreover, there is the concept of lock-free queues en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-blocking_algorithm. I cannot provide an example of such implementation but I am sure you can find some if you google around.

Proper message queue usage in POSIX

I'm quite bewildered by the use of message queues in realtime OS. The code that was given seems to have message queues used down to the bone: even passing variables to another class object is done through MQ. I always have a concept of MQ used in IPC. Question is: what is a proper use of a message queue?
In realtime OS environments you often face the problem that you have to guarantee execution of code at a fixed schedule. E.g. you may have a function that gets called exactly each 10 milliseconds. Not earlier, not later.
To guarantee such hard timing constraints you have to write code that must not block the time critical code under any circumstances.
The posix thread synchronization primitives from cannot be used here.
You must never lock a mutex or aqurie a semaphore from time critical code because a different process/thread may already have it locked. However, often you are allowed to unblock some other thread from time critical code (e.g. releasing a semaphore is okay).
In such environments message queues are a nice choice to exchange data because they offer a clean way to pass data from one thread to another without ever blocking.
Using queues to just set variables may sound like overkill, but it is very good software design. If you do it that way you have a well-defined interface to your time critical code.
Also it helps to write deterministic code because you'll never run into the problem of race-conditions. If you set variables via message-queues you can be sure that the time critical code sees the messages in the same order as they have been sent. When mixing direct memory access and messages you can't guarantee this.
Message Queues are predominantly used as an IPC Mechanism, whenever there needs to be exchange of data between two different processes. However, sometimes Message Queues are also used for thread context switching. For eg:
You register some callback with a software layer which sits on top of driver. The callback is returned to you in the context of the driver. It is a thread spawned by the driver. Now you cannot hog this thread of driver by doing a lot of processing in it. So one may add the data returned in callback in a message Queue, which has application threads blocked on it for performing the processing on the data.
I dont see why one should use Message Queues for replacing just normal function calls.