OpenGL on Android using C++ only [closed] - c++

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm developing an Android application for Android 2.1.
I'm trying to code OpenGL's stuff with C++ only.
Do you know a tutorial or an article showing an example about how to do that?
Sorry, I've forget to say that I will use a Java home application to launch main activity.
I'm trying to say if I have to code on Java glSurfaceView or this statement must be on C++ code.
Ok, better explained: If I have a complete openGl on C++, may I have to modify C++ code?

In the Android NDK there is a san-angeles demo under the samples directory which shows off using OpenGL ES 1.x in C code and a Java wrapper. As for changes to already existing C++ code be aware that there is no official STL implementation for the NDK r4 (although I believe there are some ports available) [edit: as of NDK r5 there is a STLport based implementation of STL]. And I'm guessing that you'll need to mimic what the demo does for the GLSurfaceView since outside events (touch, keyboard, etc.) along with the Android activity lifecycle must be to be handled by the Java side. If you are looking for a OpenGL ES 2.0 example, there is a basic one in the samples directory of the Android NDK as well.

According to you can't do it purely in C++. As you suggest in your update, you'll need to do the application with the standard (Java) SDK, but can create C++ libraries and call into them. With respect to OpenGL, the article suggests that you have full access to OpenGL ES, either 1.1 or 2.0. ES is not the same as the full OpenGL.

Try Arm Developer Center link.
It has native tutorials on basics of an OpenGL ES application.


Directx application commercial distribution [closed]

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Closed 28 days ago.
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Can I distribute any Directx based application commercially? Do I need to get any permission from Microsoft? Actually I'm developing a software such like "Rendering Engine". But I don't know much about the EULA.
I also have the same issue with OPENGL and Metal.
Note: I'm not using Visual Studio for the development.
Can I distribute any Directx based application commercially?
Do I need to get any permission from Microsoft?
I also have the same issue with OpenGL and Metal.
It's not an issue at all. DirectX, OpenGL, Metal, and so on are merely APIs. For one it has been legally ruled out that the use of publicly documented APIs can be subjected to licensing. A particular implementation of an API may have licensing strings atteched to it. But just the interface itself, not so much.
As of writing this there's a lawsuit between Oracle and Google if independently reimplementing an API without permission is a copyright violation (in this case the Java runtime implemented in Android vs. the original Java runtime of the Sun/Oracle). But a lot of people agree, that it's probably not copyright-able.
As for APIs like DirectX, OpenGL, Metal and so on: There is a very stong interest for the creators of these APIs for them to be actually used. So there are no roalities attached to them.

Tutorial on how to host VST plugins using JUCE? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I would like to write some code to host VST plugins in my C++ application. It looks like the JUCE library may be helpful for this. Does anyone know where I can find a tutorial on how to host and connect together VST plugins in JUCE?
I've built the JUCE code and got the 'Plugin Host' sample working. It looks like the library will be able to do just what I want. My problem is that I'm finding the sample code hard to follow (not many comments etc). It also uses a lot of JUCE-specific coding for managing the UI and so on. I'm finding it hard to disentangle what I need to do to manage VST plugins from the other code in the sample.
If anyone knows of a tutorial I would be very grateful!
Most of the sample Juce code is indeed very Juce-specific, and if you're going to use that platform I'd encourage you to stick with it and push through the samples, even though they may not be very pretty.
It might be useful for you to know a bit more about VST hosting outside of Juce, though. Here's a tutorial on hosting VST's by hand in a C++ application.
This tutorial walks through the development of audio applications using JUCE, and in part 2 they cover hosting VST plugins.
(edit: I updated the links, also note they have a part 3 to the series)

What would be a good library to draw to the screen in c++? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am creating simulation that models how an gas behaves in a container. I have collision checking set up, however I would like to draw the data on screen to make sure it is working correctly
All I need is a simple way to draw simple shapes such as circles to the screen using c++. these shapes do not have to look great, just function.
I may want to move my simulation from 2D to 3D in the future as well - so a library that has 3D capabilities would be good.
Remember I will be looping through and drawing several hundred gas molecules, so fast would also be good.
I am fairly new to c++ as a language so go easy. My IDE/compiler is VS 2010 Professional.
I have already used google - but I can not find any good installation guide for installing the library. So an installation guide would be a big plus
Look at SDL with SDL_gfx. You can then switch to SDL/OpenGL to do 3D.
I would recommend OpenGL, it's easy to use for your task. Also it's cross-platform and you can easily switch to 3D.
OpenGL is one possibility, though there are also other libraries built on top of OpenGL that might be useful as well.
Edit: OpenGL itself is installed as part of the OS. Headers and libraries for OpenGL 1.1 are included with VS 2010, so if you don't need newer features, you're already set. If you want to use newer functions, you probably want to use GLEW or GLEE.

Cross-platform GUI toolkit in C or C++? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm looking to write some simple GUI applications in C or C++, and am stuck for choice between the cross-platform toolkits. Keep in mind that I am developing in Ubuntu, preferably without an IDE, and preferably with good cross-platform support.
What are the pros and cons of some of these toolkits? Which have you had the best experience with?
So far, I've looked into Qt, GTK+ and wxWidgets.
I have experience with Qt and wxWidgets. Both are OK for simple GUI applications, but Qt looks more professional. I like that it keeps GUI definition code in separate files (like in .NET WinForms designer), and it is not mixed with our own code. Qt Creator is good IDE which may be used also for developing non-Qt C/C++ applications.
In Ubuntu, both Qt and wxWidgets are available in the repository, and can be installed by standard way, without building the source.
I have a friend that is programming 3D Game Engine and he is using and recommending wxWidgets. On the other hand I have some friends developing applications for Nokia Phones, and they are using QT, and recommending it too. The answer is - choose what fits you best. ;]
since both Qt and wxWidgets have been recommended, I have only one more I know enough to recommend: Clutter. It's more of a widget toolkit, rendered in OpenGL.

Looking for an application GUI library for C++ [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm thinking about writing a very simple paint program. I would like a more advanced method of inputting data into my program like colors, thickness of the brush, etc. I would like to use a GUI library so I can program buttons and menus to make input easier.
Any suggestions?
(I'm running Visual C++ 2005 SP1)
Qt is a pretty solid GUI application framework. It is cross-platform, well documented, supported, and free.
wxWidgets is a cross-platform, open source GUI library that has some nice graphics features.
Does GTK+ not suit your needs? It has a lot of advanced controls for handling colour input (being originally design for GIMP). gtkmm is:
the official C++ interface for the
popular GUI library GTK+. Highlights
include typesafe callbacks, and a
comprehensive set of widgets that are
easily extensible via inheritance. You
can create user interfaces either in
code or with the Glade User Interface
designer, using libglademm. There's
extensive documentation, including API
reference and a tutorial.
Qt is also a possibility. Both will allow you to write [mostly] platform independent code.
Why not use either ATL or MFC, as they're both supplied with VS2005 anyway...
Another option would be WTL, which comes recommended by some former colleagues of mine.
A few of your options:
Win32 API
.NET framework (using C++/CLI)
My usual choice: Win32 API
My recommendation for you: Qt
EDIT: Actually a simple paint program sounds very doable using only Win32 API and GDI+. If you feel brave enough, then you may want to give that a try. (I tend to be kind of biased to lightweight solutions.)