How to mark something in Qt as obsolete(deprecated)? - c++

Is there Q_OBSOLETE or Q_DEPRECATED in C++ with Qt 4.7?
Or is there a similar C++ macro or keyword?

If you use Q_DECL_DEPRECATED you should get the outcome you are looking for e.g.:

Pull the real function out of public scope.
Create another function with the same name in public scope.
Insert your warning/fail code in that function.
Call the original with the new.

Just use the
although is not C++ standard is quite unlikely you will encounter a compiler that does not support it (see this SO question).

You might want to do something similiar yourself:
#define Q_OBSOLETE(X) \
#define Q_OBSOLETE(X) X
This construction simply substitutes some deprecated code / part of code if there is no Q_TREAT_OBSOLETE_AS_ERRORS defined and generates compilation-time error otherwise.
Note that BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT has no scope limitations, so does the Q_OBSOLETE macro.
Probably this is not the best way to solve your problem and actually I'm not sure this is useful.
You might just mark the code as #obsolete or simply point it out in the comments.

By "deprecated constructs", you really mean "deprecated member functions". You're asking for a compile-time warning to draw your attention to the call site of any deprecated function.
This isn't possible in any reasonable way in standard C++, and I don't see any attributes in G++ that would support this either. Qt can't really add a feature like that if the compiler doesn't have some support for it already.
However, Microsoft Visual C++ supports an __declspec(deprecated) extension, and I would imagine it's possible to write a compiler plugin for G++ 4.5 that adds a similar feature.


What is visual studio equivalent of GCC attribute unused [duplicate]

I am trying to write a macro to use suppress unused variable warnings when the user wants them (e.g. in derived classes when you have not implemented the whole class yet). I know that I can remove the variable name... but to make it clear I would prefer a macro).
So far I have this:
#ifdef WIN32
#define UNUSED(x) x
#define x __attribute__((unused))
Used like:
void test_fn(int UNUSED(test_var)) {...}
I saw this post: suppressing-is-never-used-and-is-never-assigned-to-warnings-in-c-sharp, but it gave me a result that I can't really use (multiline #pragmas).
So my question is, is there a MSVS equivalent of the __attribute__((unused))? - i.e. on the same line?
Note: this question does not answer how to do what I am asking: how-do-i-best-silence-a-warning-about-unused-variables since it does not cover how to use it within the function prototype in a way that works with both MSVS and gcc.
If a variable or function-argument is potentially unused, gcc's __attribute__((unused)) is designed to suppress any warning about it.
Now, if you want something portable, there are multiple choices:
If you don't use it,
and it's a function-argument, just don't name it.
otherwise, simply don't create it.
If it might be used under some circumstances, simply use it once definitely by casting to void:
Yes, the second option is not in the prototype, but one has to make allowances.
Upgrade to C++17 and use [[maybe_unused]].
If your usage is only
void test_fn(int UNUSED(test_var)) {...}
I know that I can remove the variable name... but to make it clear I would prefer a macro).
So remove variable name through MACRO:
You can go with
#define UNUSED(x) /*Empty*/

Generating a preprocessor error if a define is used

Is it possible with the C++ preprocessor to emit an #error if a particular #define is used? Something like this:
#define this_must_not_be_used #error You shouldn't use that.
In C++11,
#define this_must_not_be_used static_assert(false, "You shouldn't use that.");
In C11,
#define _Static_assert(0, "You shouldn't use that.");
For C before C11 or C++ before C++11, you'll have to think up some other invalid expression that contains a string that will show up in the error message. I'm thinking along the lines of
#define this_must_not_be_used ("You shouldn't use that",)
There is no standard way of defining a macro in such a way that its use, wherever it is, will give you a compilation error, especially not one that gives a clear and useful error message. For all you know, the code that uses it might just be stringizing its result, or it might be part of an assert condition that gets removed by the preprocessor.
For most practical purposes, putting something that cannot possibly be part of a valid C (or C++) program will be good enough.
Some implementations do have implementation-specific methods of achieving exactly what you ask for, though. For instance, with GCC, you can use
#pragma GCC poison this_should_not_be_used
where its subsequent use, no matter how it ends up used, will give:
error: attempt to use poisoned "this_should_not_be_used"
You may want to look at your own compiler's documentation to see if it has anything similar. You can also use conditional macro definitions, so that with GCC you use this approach, with your compiler you use your compiler's approach, and with an unknown compiler you fall back to the standard method of providing a macro definition that will probably lead to a difficult-to-read error message.
Do you mean something like follows:
#ifdef this_must_not_be_used
#error "You shouln't use that."

'yield' is not a member of 'std::this_thread'

I tried to yield current thread:
But unfortunately GCC knows better:
'yield' is not a member of 'std::this_thread'
Have I forgotten about some hack similar to D_GLIBCXX_USE_NANOSLEEP, or what?
Yes, this appears to be an issue similar to the one with _GLIBCXX_USE_NANOSLEEP. GCC has yield conditionally compiled depending on the macro _GLIBCXX_USE_SCHED_YIELD. It should compile if you define that.
This will be fixed as of GCC 4.8.
You shouldn't define _GLIBCXX_USE_NANOSLEEP or _GLIBCXX_USE_SCHED_YIELD in your code. They are GCC/libstdc++-internal macros, so that's what should define it. If they aren't defined, it's because GCC wasn't configured with the option to check for availability of the functions. Since there are apparently no downsides to enabling that option for whatever system it is you're using, you could ask whoever provides your GCC to do so. Until that's done, a safer hack than enabling the macro in your code is to modify the c++config.h file on your system to define the macros.
You may need to use '--enable-libstdcxx-time' when configuring gcc to enable detection of sched_yield. For some reason, there is a single check for multiple features

What's a portable way to implement no-op statement in C++?

One in a while there's a need for a no-op statement in C++. For example when implementing assert() which is disabled in non-debug configuration (also see this question):
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define assert(x) if( !x ) { \
ThrowExcepion(__FILE__, __LINE__);\
} else {\
//noop here \
#define assert(x) //noop here
So far I'm under impression that the right way is to use (void)0; for a no-op:
however I suspect that it might trigger warnings on some compilers - something like C4555: expression has no effect; expected expression with side-effect Visual C++ warning that is not emitted for this particular case but is emitted when there's no cast to void.
Is it universally portable? Is there a better way?
The simplest no-op is just having no code at all:
#define noop
Then user code will have:
if (condition) noop; else do_something();
The alternative that you mention is also a no-op: (void)0;, but if you are going to use that inside a macro, you should leave the ; aside for the caller to add:
#define noop (void)0
if (condition) noop; else do_something();
(If ; was part of the macro, then there would be an extra ; there)
I suspect that it might trigger warnings on some compilers
Unlikely, since ((void)0) is what the standard assert macro expands to when NDEBUG is defined. So any compiler that issues warnings for it will issue warnings whenever code that contains asserts is compiled for release. I expect that would be considered a bug by the users.
I suppose a compiler could avoid that problem by warning for your proposal (void)0 while treating only ((void)0) specially. So you might be better off using ((void)0), but I doubt it.
In general, casting something to void, with or without the extra enclosing parens, idiomatically means "ignore this". For example in C code that casts function parameters to void in order to suppress warnings for unused variables. So on that score too, a compiler that warned would be rather unpopular, since suppressing one warning would just give you another one.
Note that in C++, standard headers are permitted to include each other. Therefore, if you are using any standard header, assert might have been defined by that. So your code is non-portable on that account. If you're talking "universally portable", you normally should treat any macro defined in any standard header as a reserved identifier. You could undefine it, but using a different name for your own assertions would be more sensible. I know it's only an example, but I don't see why you'd ever want to define assert in a "universally portable" way, since all C++ implementations already have it, and it doesn't do what you're defining it to do here.
How about do { } while(0)? Yes it adds code, but I'm sure most compilers today are capable of optimizing it away.
; is considered as standard no-op. Note that it is possible that the compiler will not generate any code from it.
I think the objective here, and the reason not to define the macro to nothing, is to require the user to add a ;. For that purpose, anywhere a statement is legal, (void)0 (or ((void)0), or other variations thereupon) is fine.
I found this question because I needed to do the same thing at global scope, where a plain old statement is illegal. Fortunately, C++11 gives us an alternative: static_assert(true, "NO OP"). This can be used anywhere, and accomplishes my objective of requiring a ; after the macro. (In my case, the macro is a tag for a code generation tool that parses the source file, so when compiling the code as C++, it will always be a NO-OP.)
I'm rather late to the party on this one but I needed the same for a loop() in an Arduino project where all processing is done in timer interrupt service routines (ISR). Found the inline assembler code worked for me without defining a function:
void loop(){
__asm__("nop\n\t"); // Do nothing.
I recommend using:
static_cast<void> (0)
And what about:
#define NOP() ({(void)0;})
or just
#define NOP() ({;})
AFAIK, it is universally portable.
#define MYDEFINE()
will do as well.
Another option may be something like this:
void noop(...) {}
#define MYDEFINE() noop()
However, I'd stick to (void)0 or use intrinsics like __noop
inline void noop( ) {}
this code will not omitted by optimization
static void nop_func() { }
typedef void (*nop_func_t)();
static nop_func_t nop = &nop_func;
for (...)
There are many ways, and here is the comparison I've made to some of them in MSVS2019 cpp compiler.
__asm {
Transaltes to nop operation in disassembly which takes 1 machine cycle.
do {} while (0); generates some instructions which generates some more cycles.
Simple ; generates nothing.

Universally compiler independent way of implementing an UNUSED macro in C/C++

When implementing stubs etc. you want to avoid "unused variable" warnings. I've come across a few alternatives of UNUSED() macros over the years, but never one which either is proven to work for "all" compilers, or one which by standard is air tight.
Or are we stuck with #ifdef blocks for each build platform?
EDIT: Due to a number of answers with non c-compliant alternatives, I'd like to clarify that I'm looking for a definition which is valid for both C and C++, all flavours etc.
According to this answer by user GMan the typical way is to cast to void:
#define UNUSED(x) (void)(x)
but if x is marked as volatile that would enforce reading from the variable and thus have a side effect and so the actual way to almost guarantee a no-op and suppress the compiler warning is the following:
// use expression as sub-expression,
// then make type of full expression int, discard result
#define UNUSED(x) (void)(sizeof((x), 0))
In C++, just comment out the names.
void MyFunction(int /* name_of_arg1 */, float /* name_of_arg2*/)
The universal way is not to turn on warnings options that spam warnings for clearly-correct code. Any "unused variable" warning option that includes function arguments in its analysis is simply wrong and should be left off. Don't litter your code with ugliness to quiet broken compilers.
You might also try sending a bug report to the compiler maintainer/vendor.