Overhead of DLL - c++

I have a quite basic question.
When a library is used only by a single process. Should I keep it as a static library?
If I use the library as a DLL, but only a single process uses it. **What will be the overhead?*

There is almost no overhead to having a separate DLL. Basically, the first call to a function exported from a DLL will run a tiny stub that fixes up the function addresses so that subsequent calls are performed via a single jump through a jump table. The way CPUs work, this extra indirection is practically free.
The main "overhead" is actually an opportunity cost, not an "overhead" per-se. That is, modern compilers can do something called "whole program optimization" in which the entire module (.exe or .dll) is compiled and optimized at once, at link time. This means the compiler can do things like adjust calling conventions, inline functions and so on across all .cpp files in the whole program, rather than just within a single .cpp file.
This can result in fairly nice performance boost, for certain kinds of applications. But of course, whole program optimization cannot happen across DLL boundaries.

There are two overheads to a DLL. First as the DLL is loaded into memory the internal addresses must be fixed for the actual address that the DLL is loaded at, versus the addresses assumed by the linker. This can be minimized by re-basing the DLLs. The second overhead is when the program and DLL are loaded, as the program calls into the DLL have the addresses of the functions filled in. These overheads are generally negligible except for very large programs and DLLs.
If this is a real concern you can use delay-loaded DLLs which only get loaded as they are called. If the DLL is never used, for example it implements a very uncommon function, then it never gets loaded at all. The downside is that there's a short delay the first time the DLL is called.
I like to use statically linked libraries, not to decrease the overhead but to minimize the hassle of having to keep the DLL with the program.

Imported functions have no more overhead than virtual functions.


Are shared objects/DLLs loaded by different processes into different areas of memory?

I'm trying to figure out how an operating system handles multiple unrelated processes loading the same DLL/shared library. The OSes I'm concerned with are Linux and Windows, but to a lesser extent Mac as well. I presume the answers to my questions will be identical for all operating systems.
I'm particularly interested in regards to explicit linking, but I'd also like to know for implicit linking. I presume the answers for both will also be identical.
This is the best explanation I've found so far concerning Windows:
"The system maintains a per-process reference count on all loaded modules. Calling LoadLibrary increments the reference count. Calling the FreeLibrary or FreeLibraryAndExitThread function decrements the reference count. The system unloads a module when its reference count reaches zero or when the process terminates (regardless of the reference count)." - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms684175%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
But it leaves some questions.
1.) Do unrelated processes load the same DLL redundantly (that is, the DLL exists more than once in memory) instead of using reference counting? ( IE, into each process's own "address space" as I think I understand it )
if the DLL is unloaded as soon as a process is terminated, that leads me to believe the other processes using exact same DLL will have a redundantly loaded into memory, otherwise the system should not be allowed to ignore the reference count.
2.) if that is true, then what's the point of reference counting DLLs when you load them multiple times in the same process? What would be the point of loading the same DLL twice into the same process? The only feasible reason I can come up with is that if an EXE references two DLLs, and one of the DLLs references the other, there will be at least two LoadLibrar() and two FreeLibrary() calls for the same library.
I know it seems like I'm answering my own questions here, but I'm just postulating. I'd like to know for sure.
The shared library or DLL will be loaded once for the code part, and multiple times for any writeable data parts [possibly via "copy-on-write", so if you have a large chunk of memory which is mostly read, but some small parts being written, all the DLL's can use the same pieces as long as they haven't been changed from the original value].
It is POSSIBLE that a DLL will be loaded more than once, however. When a DLL is loaded, it is loaded a base-address, which is where the code starts. If we have some process, which is using, say, two DLL's that, because of their previous loading, use the same base-address [because the other processes using this doesn't use both], then one of the DLL's will have to be loaded again at a different base-address. For most DLL's this is rather unusual. But it can happen.
The point of referencecounting every load is that it allows the system to know when it is safe to unload the module (when the referencecount is zero). If we have two distinct parts of the system, both wanting to use the same DLL, and they both load that DLL, you don't really want to cause the system to crash when the first part of the system closes the DLL. But we also don't want the DLL to stay in memory when the second part of the system has closed the DLL, because that would be a waste of memory. [Imagine that this application is a process that runs on a server, and new DLL's are downloaded every week from a server, so each week, the "latest" DLL (which has a different name) is loaded. After a few months, you'd have the entire memory full of this applications "old, unused" DLL's]. There are of course also scenarios such as what you describe, where a DLL loads another DLL using the LoadLibrary call, and the main executable loads the very same DLL. Again, you do need two FreeLibrary calls to close it.

I should avoid static compilation because of cache miss?

The title sums up pretty much the entire story, I was reading this and the key point is that
A bigger executable means more cache misses
and since a static executable it's by definition bigger than one that is dynamically linked, I'm curious about what are the practical considerations in this case.
The article in the link discusses the side-effect of inlining small functions in OS the kernel. This has indeed got a noticeable effect on performance, because the same function is called from many different places throughout the a sequence of system calls - for example if you call open, and then call read, seek write, open will store a filehandle somewhere in the kernel, and in the call to read, seek, and write, that handle will have to be "found". If that's an inlined function, we now have three copies of that function in the cache, and no benefit at all from read having called the same function as seek and write does. If it's a "non-inline" function, it will indeed be ready in the cache when seek and write calls that function.
For a given process, whether the code is linked statically or dynamically, once the application is fully loaded will have very small impact. If there are MANY copies of the application, then other processes may benefit from re-using the same memory for the shared libraries. But the size needed for that process remains the same whether it is shared with 0, 1, 3, or 100 other processes. The benefit in sharing the binary files across many executables come from things like the C library that is behind almost every single executable in the system - so when you have 1000 processes running in the system, that ALL use the same basic runtime system, there is only one copy rather than 1000 copies of the code. But it is unlikely to have much effect on the cache efficiency on any particular application - perhaps common functions like strcpy and such like are used often enough that there is a small chance that when the OS task switches, it's still in the cache when the next application does strcpy.
So, in summary: probably doesn't make any difference at all.
The overall memory footprint of the static version is the same as that of the dynamic version; remember that the dynamically-linked objects still need to be loaded into memory!
Of course, one could also argue that if there are multiple processes running, and they all dynamically link against the same object, then only one copy is required in memory, and so the aggregate footprint is lower than if they had all statically linked.
[Disclaimer: all of the above is educated guesswork; I've never measured the effect of linking on cache behaviour.]

Preserve state in dll between succssesive calls from C++ application

I am explicitly using a DLL in my application, is it possible to preserve state in that DLL between successive calls to it? My attempts using a global have so far failed.
Would I have to use implicit linking for this to work?
The type of linking shouldn't have any influence here. It just defines when the DLL is loaded and if it's required to actually start your program. E.g. with runtime loading you're able to load DLLs that aren't there at compile time (e.g. plugins) and you're able to handle missing dependencies yourself. With compile time linking you'd just get a Windows error telling you there's a DLL missing.
As for the unloading, you don't have direct control wether your DLL will stay in memory, so it's possible it's unloaded between being used by two different programs. Also, what do you actually consider "successive calls"? Two calls from the same program? Two calls from the same program happening during two different executions? Two programs running at the same time? Depending on the scenario you might need some shared memory (or disk space) to actually pass data.
You might have a look at DllCanUnloadNow to tell windows if you're ready to unload already, but depending on your use case this might be the wrong tool.

Is a DLL slower than a static link?

I made a GUI library for games. My test demo runs at 60 fps. When I run this demo with the static version of my library it takes 2-3% cpu in taskmanager. When I use the DLL version it uses around 13-15%. Is that normal? Is so, how could I optimize it? I already ask it to use /O2 for the most function inlining.
Do not start your performance timer until the DLL has had opportunity to execute its functionality one time. This gives it time to load into memory. Then start the timer and check performance. It should then basically match that of the static lib.
Also keep in mind that the load-location of the DLL can greatly affect how quickly it loads. The default base addres for DLLs is 0x400000. If you already have some other DLL in that location, then the load process must perform an expensive re-addressing step which will throw off your timing even more.
If you have such a conflict, just choose a different base address in Visual Studio.
You will have the overhead of loading the DLL (should be just once at the beginning). It isn't statically linked in with direct calls, so I would expect a small amount of overhead but not much.
However, some DLLs will have much higher overheads. I'm thinking of COM objects although there may be other examples. COM adds a lot of overhead on function calls between objects.
If you call DLL-functions they cannot be inlined for a caller. You should think a little about your DLL-boundaries.
May be it is better for your application to have a small bootstrap exe which just executes a main loop in your DLL. This way you can avoid much overhead for function calls.
It's a little unclear as to what's being statically/dynamically linked. Is the DLL of your lib statically linked with its dependencies? Is it possible that the DLL is calling other DLLs (that will be slow)? Maybe try running a profiler from valgrind on your executable to determine where all the CPU usage is coming from.

Dll Memory Management

I have few doubts regarding how windows manages a .dll's memory.
when .dll's are loaded into the host
process, how is the memory managed?
Does .dll get access to the entire
memory available to the host process
or just a portion of it? i.e is
there a limitation when memory is
allocated by a function inside the
Will STL classes like string, vector (dynamically
increasing storage) etc used by the
dll, work without issue here?
"Memory management" is a split responsibility, typically. The OS hands address space in big chunks to the runtime, which then hands it out in smaller bits to the program. This address space may or may not have RAM allocated. (If not, there will be swap space to back it)
Basically, when a DLL is loaded, Windows allocates address space for the code and data segements, and calls DllMain(). The C++ compiler will have arranged to call global ctors from DllMain(). If it's DLL written in C++, it will likely depend on a C++ runtime DLL, which in turn will depend on Kernel32.DLL and User32.DLL. Windows understands such dependencies and will arrange for them to be loaded in the correct order.
There is only one address space for a provess, so a DLL will get access to all memory of the process. If a DLL is loaded in two processes, there will be two logical copies of the code and the data. (copies of the code and read-only data might share the same physical RAM though).
If the DLL allocates memory using OS functions, Windows will allocate the memory to the process from which the DLL made that allocation. The process must return the memory, but any code in the process may do so. If your DLL allocates memory using C++ functions, it will do so by calling operator new in the C++ runtime DLL. That memory must be returned by calling operator delete in the (same) C++ runtime DLL. Again, it doesn't matter who does that.
STL classes like vector<> can be multiply instantiated, but it doesn't matter as long as you're using the same compiler. All instantiations will be substantially equal, and all will return the vector's memory to the same deallocation function.
There are 2 main assumptions in this explanation:
The EXE and its DLLs are all compiled with the same compiler
The EXE and its DLLs all link against the C++ runtime DLL (i.e. not statically linked)
Static linking against the C++ runtime is useful if you want to ship an single, self-contained EXE. But if you're already shipping DLLs, you should keep the C++ runtime in its own DLL too.
Does .dll get access to the entire
memory available to the host process
or just a portion of it? i.e is there
a limitation when memory is allocated
by a function inside the .dll?
After a DLL has been loaded into the host process, there is no distinction whatsoever for code "living" in the DLL vs. code "living" in the original executable module. For the process being executed all memory ranges are the same, whether they come from a DLL or from the original executable.
There are no differences as to what the code from the DLL can do vs. what the code compiled in the original exec module can do.
That said, there are differences when using the heap - these are explained in the questions Space_C0wb0y provided the links for in the comments
Will STL classes like string, vector
(dynamically increasing storage) etc
used by the dll, work without issue
They will create issues (solvable ones, but still) if you use them in the interface of your DLL. The will not (or should only under very rare circumstances) create issues if you do not use them on the DLL interface level. I am sure there are a few more specific questions+answers around for this.
Basically, if you use them at the interface level, the DLL and the EXE have to be compiled with "exactly" the same flags, i.e. the types need to be binary compatible. I.e. if the comiler flags (optimization, etc.) in your DLL differ from the ones in the EXE such that a std::string is layed out differently in memory in the EXE vs. the DLL, then passing a string object between the two will result in a crash or silent errors (or demons flying out of your nose).
If you only use the STL types inside of functions or between functions internal to your DLL, then their compatibility with the EXE doesn't matter.