I'm new to wxWidgets (C++), and threads for that matter. What should I be aware of concerning shared resources? Should I implement some sort of semaphore-based locking of resources that may be used by both the GUI thread and the worker thread(s)? Does wxWidgets offer some capability for dealing with this?
Not sure what your choice of threading library is at this point but in your case I'd use wxThread (see here & here for documentation).
What should I be aware of concerning
shared resources?
See the Important notes for multithreaded applications part here for wxWidgets specific multi-threading issues.
Other than that the 'usual' concerns about shared resources apply.
Should I implement some sort of
semaphore-based locking of resources
that may be used by both the GUI
thread and the worker thread(s)? Does
wxWidgets offer some capability for
dealing with this?
wxWidgets already implements a number of synchronization objects, see here.
As a side note prefer using the RAII locker helpers (wxMutexLocker, wxCriticalSectionLocker) instead of explicitly acquiring/releasing.
In one of the projects I am working on migration from C to C++. A lot of the C code uses pthread and mutex associated with this library for multithreading. I want to perform possibly step by step, incremental migration. I wanted to start with the data structures as they are most obvious but they would need to be synchronized using pthread mutex. Is usage of pthread mutex safe or only the standard library threading infrastructure (like std::mutex) can guarantee proper memory interthread memory consistency?
Thread library in C++ provides higher level abstractions and other useful synchronization mechanisms, If your compiler supports C++11 or newever C++ standard features, In my opinion you should use C++11 thread library and experience beauty of RAII when managing shared resources.
I don't have much experience with pthreads, but pthread_mutex has same semantics as std::mutex and to answer your question
Is usage of pthread mutex safe or only the standard library threading infrastructure (like std::mutex) can guarantee proper memory inter thread memory consistency
As I mentioned semantically they are same and you can build a locable abstraction (class with try_lock, unlock, lock methods) on top of pthread_mutex easily, it comes down to how you use both, for example
If you are causing data races or not
If you are using lock_guard,
unique_lock or not, Because if you don't use RAII in addition to similar problems as in C for resource management,
C++ statements can throw exception which will cause threads to
deadlock if mutex is not unlocked.
Besides this there are bunch of other useful stuff available like std::recursive_mutex, std::shared_mutex, std::futures, std::promises etc.
Problem (in short):
I'm using POSIX Shared Memory and currently just used POSIX semaphores and i need to control multiple readers, multiple writers. I need help with what variables/methods i can use to control access within the limitations described below.
I've found an approach that I want to implement but i'm unsure of what methodology i can use to implement it when using POSIX Shared memory.
What I've Found
This link has the algorithm i'd like to use but i'm unsure how to implement it with shared memory. Do i store the class in shared memory somehow? This is where I need help please.
The reason I'm unsure is a lot of my research, points towards keeping shared memory to primitives only to avoid addressing problems and STL objects can't be used.
For all my multi-threading i'm using C++11 features. This shared memory will be completely seperate program executables using C++11 std::threads from which any thread of any process/executable will want access. I have avoided the Linux pthread for any of my multi-threading and will continue to do so (except if its just control variable not actual pThreads).
Solution Parameters aimed for
Must be shareable between 2+ processes which will be running multiple C++11 std::thread that may wish access. I.e. Multiple Writers (exclusive one at a time) while allowing multiple simultaneous readers when no writer wants access.
Not using BOOST libraries. Ideally native C++11 or built in linux libraries, something that will work without the need to install abstract libraries.
Not using pThread actual threads but could use some object from there that will work with C++11 std::thread.
Ideally can handle a process crash while in operation. E.g. Using POSIX semaphore if a process crashes while it has the semaphore, everyone is screwed. I have seen people using file locks?
Thanks in advance
keeping shared memory to primitives only to avoid addressing problems
You can use pointers in and to shared memory objects across programs, so long as the memory is mmaped to the same address. This is actually a straightforward proposition, especially on 64 bit. See this open source C library I wrote for implementation details: rszshm - resizable pointer-safe shared memory.
Using POSIX semaphore if a process crashes while it has the semaphore, everyone is screwed.
If you want to use OS mediated semaphores, the SysV semaphores have SEM_UNDO, which recovers in this case. OTOH pthread offers robust mutexes that can be embedded and shared in shared memory. This can be used to build more sophisticated mechanisms.
The SysV scheme of providing multiple semaphores in a semaphore set, where a group of actions must all succeed, or the call blocks, permits building sophisticated mechanism too. A read/write lock can be made with a set of three semaphores.
I'm learning C++11 and have run into a threading issue. My general question: are C++11 mutexes compatible with threads not created with C++11's standard libraries?
I would like to safely share information between a thread created with C++11 and another thread created by a third-party library that I have no control over.
For example, my application uses PortAudio, which creates its own thread for audio output. I'm not sure if it's using pthreads, or OS-specific threading libraries, but I do know that PortAudio is NOT written in C++11. I want to safely share data between a GUI thread (using a C++11 thread) and the PortAudio thread using a mutex.
Similarly, can I use a C++11 mutex to synchronize QT QThreads and C++11 threads?
Are C++11 mutexes compatible with threads not created with C++11's standard libraries?
The C++ standard does not define a "thread" as something exclusively created by the C++ standard library.
1.10 Multi-threaded executions and data races [intro.multithread]
1 A thread of execution (also known as a thread) is a single flow of
control within a program, including the initial invocation of a
specific top-level function, and recursively including every function
invocation subsequently executed by the thread.
So, I would conclude the answer to your question is "yes".
Obviously, the C++ standard doesn't make any guarantees about compatebility with other systems. Part of the reason the C and C++ standards added threading facilities was to standardize on one threading system.
In practice it is expected that the C and C++ threads library is built to integrate with a platform threading system if there is one. For example, on platforms using pthreads the expectation is that pthreads are used where appropriate to buildtge standard library threading facilities (as far as I know there is no pthreads interface for the various atomic operations, i.e., the standard library may need to provide its own synchronization primitives).
The standard library classes provide access to the underlying representation through the native_handle() methods. A standard library should implement what is returned from these and, e.g., if pthreads types are provided it seems safe to assume that this particular standard library will play nice with pthreads.
The C++11 standard specifies that mutexes should work with any kind of 'execution agent', including different thread libraries. Here are some relevant quotes from the standard which I think answer the question conclusively:
Mutex requirements
A mutex object facilitates protection against data races and allows
safe synchronization of data between execution agents (30.2.5). An
execution agent owns a mutex from the time it successfully calls one
of the lock functions until it calls unlock.
Requirements for Lockable types
An execution agent is an entity such as a thread that may perform work
in parallel with other execution agents. [Note: Implementations or
users may introduce other kinds of agents such as processes or
thread-pool tasks. —end note ] The calling agent is determined by
context, e.g. the calling thread that contains the call, and so on.
It is inconceivable that C++11's threading implementation will be incompatible with the platform's native threading implementation because any practical program using C++11 threads is going to call into platform libraries, and those libraries may themselves be threaded or make thread related calls (to mutexes for example).
The C++11 library implementation for threads is not of course obliged to use the high level native threading library (say, pthreads or windows threads) but it probably will, for which purpose as has been mentioned there is a std::thread::native_handle() method to get the native handle. However, even where it does not use the high level native implementation, it will have to use the same low level kernel primitives underneath.
In all conceivable circumstances it should therefore be perfectly safe to use C++11 mutexes with thread instances created by native library calls, and vice versa, and mix any other native or C++ library synchronization calls. There may indeed be cases where it is necessary to do so. For example, the C++11 library does not at present provide thread pools or read-write locks (shared mutexes). You might want to use native read-write locks with threads started using std::thread, or use one of the many thread pool implementations provided by third party libraries in your C++ program.
The only caveat to observe is that trying to mix C++11 threads (which will in practice be obliged to use kernel threads in one way or another for the reasons mentioned above) with thread libraries which do not use kernel threads at all (for example, libraries based on green threads or "user" threads), is likely to lead you into trouble.
Edit: In support of this I notice that §30.3 of C++11 states, albeit non-normatively, that "These threads [std::thread threads] are intended to map one-to-one with operating system threads".
I want to use, say, QSemaphore with boost threads or c++ 11 threads. Is that allowed?
I'm working on pqConsole, where multithreading plays an important role.
Running a console for SWI-Prolog (multithreaded, implemented in C), the Qt GUI manages IO on behalf of user programs, executing in a background QThread, where the foreign language interface is instanced.
Threads can also be initiated from C side, and they get a dedicated console (see interactor/0), where the IO again is rendered on Qt GUI.
I'm using QMutex and QMutexLocker to syncronize (i.e. the simpler constructs), and AFAIK those are performing as expected.
Theoretically, yes, you can.
Note, you could also just use the boost semaphore available with that scenario. Also, QSemaphore currently does not use the pthread interface underneath, but some custom solution. There were discussions to refactor that later for utilizing the pthread features more.
Well I have an application that uses both Objective C & c++ but for portability reasons I have tried to use c++ as much as possible.... Now I am confronted with some problem that requires threads I was thinking of using pthread instead of NSThread... is it Okay to use pthread? Will Apple punish me for using it by rejecting my app on the appstore...?
NSThread is built around pthread anyway
I can't see any reason why using pthread would lead to rejection from Apple's part
NSThread is mostly a wrapper around pthread semantics.
- NSThreadWillExitNotification notification when NSThread exits
- A NSMutableDictionary thread-local storage
- you can only create detached NSThread
Be aware that Cocoa needs to know that you want to do multi-threading. It is important to first detach a dummy NSThread so the application can be considered multi-threaded.
My app uses pthread API, changes the scheduling policy from SCHED_OTHER to SCHED_FIFO, and changes thread's priority.
It works well.
However, I avoid using Cocoa touch framework APIs in the thread because I don't know the side effect of pthread instead of NSThread.