C++ standard API - c++

I am a student, and new to C++. I am searching for a standard C++ API that is as comprehensive as the Java API. So far I have been using cplusplus.com, and cppreference.com.
Please any help would be greatly appreciated.

C++ and Java have very different standard libraries because they make very different assumptions about what they are going to be used for.
Java assumes that applications or applets will be running on a host with a full featured OS, with a defined way of doing most normal things.
There's a lot of content in that, for instance, in java, the output will be an application or applet. C++ does not make that assumption, because C++ can be used for building OS Kernels and drivers for kernels, it can be used for programming full stack real time applications on microcontrollers, or processing blocks in supercomputers.
C++ can be used for implementing the very operating system on which it will run.
For these reasons, the standard library assumes almost nothing about what it will have available, and so the standard library doesn't make any dependencies on those features.
The only exception is with files and streaming, because almost any operating system like stack has something that looks like a file stream if it has anything like files at all.
If you want a richer set of OS Specific api's you need to look at something non-standard. A great choice is the Qt framework, which provides many tools similar to what is found in the Java libraries, is cross platform, and works well with native C++ idioms.

C++ has a standard library.
You can try reading the "The C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial and Reference". While I don't own it myself, it's on our book list (which I recommend you check out), so it shouldn't be bad.
Note C++ isn't Java, so the libraries don't necessarily have the same functionality. Another resource you'll want to look at is Boost, which serves as a source for well-written C++ libraries for things the standard library lacks.

GNU C++ Standard library documentation is the one I refer to most often.

Java is a virtual machine language and as such attempts to have a comprehensive api to provide a platform independent method of drawing/wrtinging to files / anything. IN the guts of JRE they are taking these generic inputs and using them to do platform specific things. In C++ you are the one that does that work. Many c++ libraries are platform specific see MFC, ATL or code that is written for XWindows it your job to decide how you want to implement a feature and see if that is a platform specific feature or can be done in a platform independent manner.
If you are writing on windows or unix I can assure that the OS API is very complete and will allow you to do what ever your trying to accomplish. Also take a look at cross platfom libraries like lib qt.

Java's standard library is aimed at providing ready-to-use functionality, while the C++ standard library is aimed at providing building blocks that aren't defined by the core language. The Boost library has mainly the same orientation as the standard library (with a few exceptions such as image processing). I think the closest you can get to something like Java's standard library is the Poco library.
However, when I tried on the Poco library I found that it was a bit too C-oriented for my taste.
That is, it's not "modern". You get that impression straight away without even looking at the APIs, because the online docs uses 1990's frames. :-) However, it may fill your needs.

If you mean the c++ standard library I'd look at www.cplusplus.com. It covers the current standards. After familiarizing yourself with that, you could try looking at boost.
There are a number of changes in the upcoming c++0x standard. Wikipedia has info on a number of these as does SO.
The number one book, IMO, for c++ is Effective C++ by Scott Meyers.


Examples of C interfaces to C++ libraries?

I'm in the process of writing a C interface to a C++ library, and I'm looking for some high-quality examples (or best practices).
So far this one seems pretty promising: http://czmq.zeromq.org/manual:czmq
Any other suggestions?
You could look into the Parma Polyhedra Library as an example of excellent C interface to a well written C++ library. PPL is a free GPL-ed software, notably used inside the GCC compiler.
Another high quality example is the Open Dynamics Engine. It has a C++ backend and a C frontend. Everything is C linkable.
C++ example
C example
If your C++ library is written as COM on Windows. There are tools to automatically generate the C interface for it.
I can suggest FTGL which is a C++ library providing a C interface. Here are two sample programs that achieve exactly the same thing:
C++ version
C version
Note also that FTGL uses the pImpl paradigm in order to achieve binary compatibility across versions. See here why it's good.
Disclaimer: I'm an FTGL contributor.
libGLU (OpenGL Utility Library) is partially written in C++: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/tree/src/glu
libzmq is a kind of weird case since the low-level C API was originally meant to look like POSIX sockets, and absolutely not object-oriented (we made it more consistent and organized over time). Meanwhile the actual library is in C++.
The C++-to-C interface is in libzmq/src/zmq.cpp, and consists of a bunch of simple C functions that call the 'real' C++ code.
CZMQ on the other hand aims for something more classy, providing a simple class model with constructors, destructors, containers, private properties, etc. Nothing radical but does turn C into a much more elegant language.
I'm not sure how well the CZMQ class approach would map to a C++ API unless that API was explicitly designed to be mapped.
Disclaimer: I'm the author of most of CZMQ.

Whats the most basic way to go online in c++?

What is the most basic way to go to a webpage and download its contents? the webpage i wish to get only has text, most of which is in tables.
is there a std library that does it (like urllib in python)?
There's no official C++ network library, no. There are many different APIs available, though. Which is best for you would depend on what platform(s) you were targeting and what framework(s) you might already be using.
That said, cpp-netlib is a platform-neutral API that follows C++ idioms nicely. I've used it and it works.
A large number of tasks that are not covered by the C++ standard library can be done using boost, the collection of peer-reviewed portable libraries, which are used by pretty much every C++ project today. For networking, we use boost.asio.
Their tutorials include HTTP clients: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_46_1/doc/html/boost_asio/example/http/client/sync_client.cpp and http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_46_1/doc/html/boost_asio/example/http/client/async_client.cpp
However, although this is highly portable and may end up becoming part of the C++ standard library in future, it is a bit too low-level for your task. libCURL is the today's default library for HTTP downloads.

Accessing a webpage in C++

Is there a good, simple library which allows C++ to load a webpage? I just want to grab the source as text. I'm not using any IDE or significant library, just straight command line.
Tangentially, is there something fundamental I'm missing about programming in C++? I would think any language in common use today would have droves of web-based functionality, being so central to computer usage, but I can find next to no discussion on how to accomplish it. I realise C++ significantly predates the modern internet, so it lacking any core ability in the regard is reasonable, but the fact that relevant libraries seem so sparse is baffling.
Thanks for your help.
Sure, for example libcurl is powerful and popular.
Internet-related libraries for C++ are extremely abundant -- they're just not part of the C++ standard, partly because the current version of that standard is so old, though I'm sure that's not the only reason. But turn to the world of open sources and you'll find more than you can shake a stick at.
libcurl is a popular C library for fetching HTTP and other URLs. There's also cURLpp a C++ binding .
On Windows you have the WinINet and WinHTTP APIs.
I think HTTP is a bit too complex to be part of the C++ Standard Library. The specification would have to take a lot of details into account such as proxy servers and MIME types.

CONFUSED -- c++ 3rd party library, new to c++

(mingw32, windows xp)
Hello, I am attempting to migrate from Java to c++. I am confused and frustrated about finding, installing, and compiling non-standard c++ libraries. in Java it's so convenient they stuffed every functionality and documentation ever needed in java's standard api. Is there a list of essential c++ library such as Threading, gui, networking, image\ audio processing, xml, etc.etc. in one place? or possibly, offered as a single package?
I tried installing QT library for weeks and it wont even compile. in Java i used to learn by trial-and-error to learn new aspect of functionality, but that would be impossible if i can't fetch and run new api in the first place.
please, i need your suggestion, originally i wanted to break free of Java's abstraction, but now i just want to be able to use c++ before I decided shooting myself in the head.
The C++ standard library is extremely light. It contains nowhere near the functionality offered by the Java runtimes or by the .NET CLR.
The Boost libraries add a whole bunch of functionality to C++, but not much (if any) in the area of user interface.
For UI, there's the question of which platform you're targetting. If it's Win32, then you can use the straight Win32 API (mostly designed for C, but there are some C++ wrappers for parts of it). If you want cross-platform, then you're looking at QT or GTK (although there are others).
But, as Andrew already said: "why do you want to learn C++ anyway?". Don't get me wrong: I program in C++ for a living, and actually enjoy it (although I'm beginning to suspect a case of Stockholm Syndrome). If I had to start again, I'd go with a more modern language and environment (Java or C#; or Ruby or Python).
My advice would be: take it one step at a time.
First, figure out how to include a pre-built library in your code. I'd recommend starting with ZLib (it's got a very easy design to work with and it's also a useful tool to have available). Once you've got the pre-built library working, remove it and try compiling ZLib from the source code. Ask on Stack Overflow if you need help at any point, we'll get you through it.
By the time you get that working, you should have all the knowledge you need to get Qt compiled and installed too.
Threading, XML, Networking, some image generation, encoding and processing - boost provides those. As for XML, there's for example Arabica - it abstracts away platform-specific libraries by wrapping them with a nice standard C++ scent.
The GUI part is a different problem.
There's Qt, wxWidgets, gtk with c++ bindings (gtkmm), native libraries for each platform and their C++ wrappers (WTL is an excellent library for Win32), but as the C++ standard evolved and boost is becoming part of the standard (C++0x coming soon), there are no GUI frameworks that leverage those standard facilities and introduce their own instead. They do their job very well though.

Making portable code

With all the fuss about opensource projects, how come there is still not a strong standard that enables you to make portable code (I mean in C/C++ not Java or C#)
Everyone is kind of making it's own soup.
There are even some third party libs like Apache Portable Runtime.
Yes, there is no standard but libraries like Qt and boost can make your life much easier when you do cross-platform development.
wxwidgets is a great abstraction layer on the native GUI widgets of most window managers.
I think the main reason there isn't any single library anyone agrees on is that everyone's requirements are different. When you want to wrap system libraries you'll often need to make some assumptions about what the use cases will be, unless you want to make the wrapper huge and impossible to work with. I think that might be the main reason there's no single, common cross platform runtime.
For GUI, the reason would be that each platform has its own UI conventions, you can't code one GUI that fits all, you'll simply get one that fits just one or even none at all.
There are many libraries that make cross-platform development easier on their own, but making a complete wrapper for all platforms ends up being either small and highly customized, or massive and completely ridiculous.
Carried to it's logical conclusion, a complete wrapper for all aspects of an operating system becomes an entire virtual runtime. You might as well make your own programming language.
The ADAPTIVE Communication Environment (ACE) is an excellent object oriented framework that provides cross-platform support for all of the low level OS functionality like threading, sockets, mutexes, etc. It runs with a crazy number of compilers and operating systems.
C and C++ as languages are standards languages. If you closely follow their rules when coding (That means not using vendor-specific extensions) you're code should be portable and you should be able to compile it with any modern compiler on any OS.
However C and C++ don't have a GUI library, like Java or C#, however there exist some free or commercial GUI libraries that will allow you to write portable GUI applications.
I think the most populars are Qt (Commercial) and wxWidgets (FOSS). According to wikipedia there is a lot more.
There is also boost, while not a GUI library boost is a really great complement to C++'s STL. In fact some of the boost libraires will be added in the next C++ standard.
If you make sure it compiles cleanly with both GCC and MS VC++, it will be little extra effort to port to somewhere else.