Trying to install boost libraries, not working? - c++

I download the file where it says 'download now' from:
when i unzip, there's a small .exe file. I run this (and also as administrator) a command prompt pops up and disappears instantly.
Yet everywhere i read i should be getting licence agreement etc.
Im on Win 7 64?
Help :)

That's just the boost jam build tool. You probably want the complete boost source archive. Then to build it, say for VS 2010, see my answer here.

Open cmd.exe as an administrator, then run the .exe. That way, you can see the output.

Use one of the installers provided by BoostPro computing. It is going to be much easier for you.


Cppdepend handling from command line

I´ve downloaded the CppDepend static code analyzator, to analyze my .cpp programs. It seems to have a nice visual APK to manage my files, however, I´m more looking for something that can be controlled from the command line, so that I can create another program which runs that and does the appropriate stuff.
Visual application seems to have a quite rich Doc here:
but so far I have not found anything about it´s command version.
Does anyone have any experience with this or anything helpful to share?
Yes you can execute CppDepend from the terminal or any script using CppDepend.Console.exe

cannot use vcpkg to download C++ libraries in Windowsx64 Visual Studio Code

I just installed VSCode on Windows to start using it as my first IDE. However, putting some basic programs in there, I noticed it (unlike another IDE I was using) does not have any libraries for C++ whatsoever.
#include <iostream> for example has a problem, and when I click it it says to go download vcpkg to download the libraries. I followed the instructions on to install it but when I try to use vcpkg search in the command line it does nothing. Is there any way to use vcpkg with VSCode? Running the .bat file as directed does nothing. I just want to get these libraries in so my programs I've already written will work and I can add new libraries as I need/learn them. Not sure what I'm doing wrong, I followed the instructions exactly, and when I search online there are no other helpful results.
I ran that line with forward slashes instead of backslashes and it did something, FYI:
$ ./vcpkg/bootstrap-vcpkg.bat
Downloading -> C:\Users\me\vcpkg.exe... done.
Validating signature... done.
vcpkg collects usage data in order to help us improve your experience.
The data collected by Microsoft is anonymous.
You can opt-out of telemetry by re-running the bootstrap-vcpkg script with -disableMetrics,
passing --disable-metrics to vcpkg on the command line,
or by setting the VCPKG_DISABLE_METRICS environment variable.
Read more about vcpkg telemetry at docs/about/

VSCode c++ configuring for vc toolchain

I'm trying to start a work in vscode , latest C++ plugin version supports ms debugger, so as I'm mostly working under windows it was a signal to try this.
c++ tools plugin from MS and cmake tools were installed.
my test project was however not built . the problem is clear , but I need an advice from experienced vscode users how to solve this right.
cmake doesn't see vc compiler.
(after using QtCreator) I expected that vscode could detect vc installation... however that's not so. ok, I have a two ways:
fill environment variables INCLUDE/LIB/PATH with a headers, libs and binaries
just run vcvarsall.bat x64
Second way is a simple and reliable. so final question is:
how to run .bat at the begining of vscode start?
(I don't mean write another bat/cmd, prepare the environment and run vscode inside the same script after that)
Although the question is fairly old, I'll try to give a useful answer, in case others stumble across, just like I did.
I believe what you are trying to achieve is not possible. Code inherits the environment it was started with. If you did not launch it from a developer command prompt, you will not be able build and debug. (Building might be possible if every task first starts the vcvarsall.bat, but that slows things down by a lot. Debugging I think will still not work.)
If you are willing to, you can check out vector-of-bools CMake Tools extension which does build automation as well as automatic MSVC detection. It builds using CMake (thus you need to write your build scripts using CMake), but it will take care of building just by pressing F7, like what most VS users are familiar with.

Qt crashes when I try to execute any program

I've looked for an answer during a few days and I haven't found anything similar anywhere;
I downloaded Qt from the official website, installed it and apparently compiling is fine. But whenever I try to execute (Ctrl+R) any app, even the basic one which only displays a window or widget, QtCreator itself crashes. No error message, nothing, just crashing.
I've tried to redownload and reinstall it a few times with different settings, but nothing will do.
I'm running QtCreator on Windows 7 64 bits. I'll try on my laptop which is also running windows and will update if I find anything.
Any help would be appreciated, I need to start a project as soon as possible. I'm relatively new to QT and if you need info on anything just ask me. Thanks :)
Use dependency walker,
and post any missing dependencies. It is possible some install targets or options are missing from when you installed QtCreator, which can be resolved with the maintenance tool in the same directory you installed Qt.
Also, are you using the Visual Studio compiler(must have Visual Studio installed separately, and mark the option during install), or the Ming compiler(2 options checked during install or maintenance)?
Check if your antivirus is locking it, I had a similar issue time ago and it was due to antivirus (Avast specifically). Disable antivirus' realtime shields and try to execute a basic app.
It is necessary to use QtCreator? I use QtDesigner snd VS2013 and things go very well. :)
check this thread Qt Creator Plain C++ Project won't run/debug... and this C++ - QtCreator doesn't show any output

Building Qt cross compile from windows

[edit] Sorry, I out thought myself. I was using a .bat file to set environment variables that wasn't set up properly. When I went to a straight VS2005 command prompt, the configure ran fine. Sorry for the noise.[/edit]
I'm trying to compile qt-everywhere-opensource for embedded. I'm using MSVC2005. However, I guess I am confused on the process. I am getting compiler errors during the configure step. I thought the configure step was just trying to generate the needed makefiles, so I'm not sure what it is trying to compile.
I expected to modify the mkspec, but I'm not sure if during configure I should point to windows headers or sdk headers. I know during the build phase I should point to sdk headers, but I'm not getting that far.
I can change the errors by modifying INCPATH, there's also a QMAKE_INCDIR that seems to have an effect. It occurred to me that since I pulled the source, maybe configure needs to build the compiler tools, in which case I should point to MSVC headers. I also tried downloading the SDK and adding the path to it's bin folder to my path ahead of the -everywhere- source, but that didn't fix the problem and I don't want to jack up my system too much testing things.
Hope someone out there can help!
When you install Qt from source under Win32, you must:
Extend the PATH variable to include $(QTDIR)\bin, where $(QTDIR) is the directory where you installed Qt.
Open a Visual Studio command prompt in $(QTDIR); a plain old Windows command prompt won't do (unless you run vcvars.bat to load Visual Studio's environment variables; but opening a Visual Studio command prompt directly is better).
At this point, configure should run properly, after which you can run nmake.
I suggest that you clear your previous installation attempts from your system before you try these steps.