Just beginning C++ in Xcode - c++

...and I mean LITERALLY just beginning. As in, I just started earlier today.
All I want to do is figure out how to build and run a 'hello_world' code from my textbook, but the 'build and run' button will not light up. I have read through 'Xcode Features Overview' as well as checking out at some help forums, and it's clear that I need files in my template that I just don't have. I think the issue is that I'm starting with a blank template when I should be starting with a 'C++ tool' template. This seems like it should be incredibly simple, but when I hit file/New Project... assistant does not pop up, instead I get a window with very limited options including Application, Framework & Library, Application Plug-in, System Plug-in and Other. I feel like I can pick a lot of this up from help forums and reference documents but I definitely need to figure out how to successfully build and run a program first XD
P.S. I have Xcode 3.2.2 if it makes a difference

In the "New Project" window, select Application > Command Line Tool, and choose "C++ stdc++" from the Type drop down.


Configure wxwidgets with Codeblocks

I want to build C++ GUI programs using Codeblocks+Wxwidgets+cmake. I tried to configure Wxwidgets with codeblocks IDE following the instructions given in the wxWidgets Discussion Forum as well as other Youtube tutorials.
I followed the youtube tutorials below.
Youtube tutorial
But, when 'DEBUG' and 'RELEASE' are being built, it keeps showing some kind of errors. As a result, the building was failed.
Please help me to solve this or suggest another easy way to do C++ GUI projects.
Thank you!
There is an excellent document explaining how to set up C::B with wxWidgets. It can be found here.
It is not about CMake-thingy, but it is written with enough details to help people understand how to setup the IDE.
So I suggest to delete C::B, delete wxWidgets, delete all projects you setup before and start all over, following the instructions from PB to a T.
If you hit a wall or something will not work - please comeback with the exact explanation.

QT OpenSource, 5.12.1, default installation does not yield qtmainid.lib

Firstly, I would not post here because I did not look up questions and answers already relating to this. I have tried the solutions, to little avail, as most questions revolved around previous versions, and were vague in some way. Below are the pages I visited:
https://forum.qt.io/topic/78962/how-to-use-qt-with-visual-studio-2017/13, this ruined my case even worse. Something temporarily broke down because of the last 2 steps, but was back again to normal after restarting QT.
How to build Qt for Visual Studio 2010, I have VS 2017, and the command line prompt for that doesn't recognize 'configure.exe'. This is the line of code:
configure.exe -release -no-webkit -no-phonon -no-phonon-backend -no-script -no-scripttools -no-qt3support -no-multimedia -no-ltcg
Building Qt for Visual Studio 2010 - cannot open file 'qtmaind.lib', related again to VS 10, should I really work on the 2010 version? Is there a way to configure it for 2017, as it is the tool I am most familiar with?
qt cannot open input file 'c:\Qt\qt\lib\qtmaind.lib', I have no idea what QMAKESPACE is. I just started yesterday with the intent of making my semester project in it, so I do not have any professional experience with QT previously, or any kind of experience in general. The link attached to the ticked answer, https://doc.qt.io/archives/qt-4.8/supported-platforms.html, does not offer any kind of help. It just details what systems it supports. I am currently using Windows 10, version 1809.
https://www.qtcentre.org/threads/23917-fatal-error-LNK1181-cannot-open-input-file-qtmaind-lib, really lost me. Where are the qt sources that Nish is talking about? Are they from here: https://www.qt.io/offline-installers, from "Source Packages And Other Releases". Where are these files? Did they come with the installer from here: https://www.qt.io/download ? With what do I compile them with? Will these compiled files make some .exe files? Even more, these posts are from 2009.
What Is The Problem?
I watched the video by Derek Banas' series on QT ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I96uPDifZ1w&t=297s ). Here are the steps I took to set up QT:
i): Went to https://www.qt.io/download.
ii): Selected "Go Open Source", and then clicked on download
iii): Started the QT setup after download. In the packages menu, I selected
the default. This gave me QT 4.6.3.
iv): Made a new project as shown by Derek Banas.
v): Upon selecting the green arrow on the bottom left, with debug option chosen, I pressed it. It gave me the error:
LNK 1104: Cannot open file 'qtmaind.lib'
vi): Changed to release, profile, gave me this error:
This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "windows"in "".Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
I tried reinstalling it. No use. I went here: https://www.qt.io/offline-installers, and download 5.12.1, the latest, plus the zip file in "Source Packages And Other Releases". Again performing the same as above, with the same errors.
Confused because the video did not address such an issue. Looked online. did not find much here, thus, I am here. My hypothesis:
i): This is something related to my path variables. Since both versions exhibit this issue, it means that fault is from my side, not QT's.
ii): Some windows .dll files are missing. But I do not know what files they are.
Before You Answer
Please just give me the directions I should move in to solve this issue. I do not have any idea where to go from here, but I really, really, really want to learn QT as part of my C++ learning, and I'm willing to work; I just lack the guidance.
If this is downvoted, please just send me some links which specifically address my issue so I can head over there. I would be very glad for the directions. :)
And lastly, thank you to all of you for reading through this wall of text!
Here are a few pictures of what I am seeing:
It finally worked!
If this is of some help to anybody out there, please do not select the default button at the installation phase. Depending on your time, please go ahead and select MSVC 64 bit, MSVS < 2nd Latest Version >, and MinGW < Latest Version > 64 Bit, that shows up at the installation time. This will allow you to use a different kit that you can use to run your application with. To access this kit, go to the green button, hover over it, or click it, and there will be a kit called, desktop QT MSVC 64-bit, and then select this, and then run your program. This will run your program properly.

Can't run a C++ product in XCode

I followed some youtube tutorials before actually downloading Xcode and trying things myself, and while they have been very in learning the basics of C++ on the coding side of things, none of the videos explained how to actually set up or run files and now that I have it downloaded I can't get anything to run (FYI I am using Xcode v8.2.1.) The "run" option is greyed out in the top product menu.
I found this thread but the accepted answer derails for me by point 2 because when I open Xcode and start a new file I have no option to select the command line tool, which apparently solved OP's problem.
So I basically just want to create some "Hello world" text and output it somewhere but I can't. Can someone give me a simple rundown of how I can get started?

How to create GUI programs with Code::Blocks

Previously I used Visual Studio for my C++ programmings. But some cost effects I had to change my IDE, so I chose Code::Clocks (12.11). But I can't find a way to develop GUI applications with C::B. Is there any way to develop GUIs with C::B?
Yes, You can develop GUIs with CodeBlocks if you have GTK+ or wxWidget Libraries. You can use one of them at your own choice. CodeBlocks can't use them until you download and install them, So you have to perform some actions to make them usable in CodeBlocks. For GTK+ configuration steps see this and for wxWidget see this.
I create Win32 gui apps all the time with Code::Blocks 20.3 (uses MinGW-W64 project compiler) because I code them using the Win32 api. This is the manual way of doing things, and it works great; the down-side is that you must learn the Win32 api. (its an aspiring challenge, but for an experienced C/C++ programmer and some google skills, its doable)
Many programmers believe that gui apps must be built with a graphical builder (GTK+, wxWidgets, etc) but not true. In fact, in the stock version of the 20.3 Code::Blocks one of the project options is Win32 app. It builds a 'very' minimal cpp file that displays a blank window and starts the message loop... this is a good place to start if you've never seen a gui cpp text file that produces a blank window. You will need to study the Win32 api and learn how to use the message loop, how to add controls (buttons etc) to your project, and how to debug it; its a learning curve, but it is rewarding education. Get the book, "Programming Windows" fifth edition--- make sure its the fifth edition only!
The Microsoft docs are pretty good for learning the Win32 api also, but the book is the best approach. Take a class.
If you want to start creating GUI programs with 'Code::Blocks' then using a 'Win32' approach looks promising.
I only recently installed 'Code::Blocks 20.03', using the defaults for the install directory, and type of installation( Full ), and was easily able to create a basic 'Win32 GUI project'.
NB: I was using Windows 10, and the basic project doesn't really do anything.
For some Microsoft documentation, see at
, please note at the bottom left of this page, a 'Download PDF' link.
You could start at page 18 of the pdf, which is where, 'Module 1. Your First Windows Program', starts, page 20 is illuminating.
For information on 'The Message Loop', mentioned in a previous answer, see page 24.
It might be worth bearing in mind 'Reply #3' to the question at

Can't (successfully) install cocos2d/Kobold2D templates in Xcode 4.3.2 or get a project to build

I'm trying out this new thing... It's called conciseness. I've only been reading about it though, so bear with me.
Installed the templates for cocos2d, cocos2d-chipmunk, and cocos2d-box2d and they're showing up in the project window in Xcode. (I understand cocos2d doesn't yet support ARC, which I have enabled.) Trying to build and run a simple Hello World app in any one of the templates results in a "Lexical or Preprocessor Issue - 'FontManager.h' file not found" error. Looked diligently for an answer to that issue and all I got was this, which doesn't end up helping me, but you're welcome to check it out:
cocos2d error
Abandoned cocos2d and went the kobold2d route. Used the installer and that seemed to work fine. I've been able to get projects to build successfully with kobold2d. Problem is, there is next to no literature on it both in print and online.
I thought, "Maybe I should go the cocos3d route instead and just use it for 2D only." Followed this tutorial:
According to everything that's printed out in Terminal during the install process, it should have worked successfully. Unfortunately, I can't get the 3D templates to show up in Xcode.
I'm at my wits' end, here, and I'm thinking about just learning OpenGL and the UIKit over the course of the next, I don't know, year or two?
Is cocos2d even a viable option anymore, post ARC? Thanks any help you can give, guys.
cocos2d is fine, and ARC compatible for versions 1.1 (beta) and 2.0 (beta). I've been working with the 2.0 beta for a few months now, and its excellent. I'm guessing you tried to work with the 1.0.1 stable release which, as you said, is not ARC compatible.
I would recommend downloading 2.0-rc1, installing its templates from its root directory via ./install-templates.sh -f (-f forces overwrite, just in case.)
Blog post on the 2.0-rc1 release: http://www.cocos2d-iphone.org/archives/1885
Just to clarify we're on the same page... I'm going to do a mini outline of the steps:
Download and extract 2.0-rc1
Go into Terminal, navigate to 2.0-rc1's extracted root folder
Fully Quit all instances of Xcode
Type this into console and press enter: ./install-templates.sh -f
The results in Terminal look like this: http://pastebin.com/AVWKv3w1
Re-open Xcode, click New Project -> click iOS or Mac OSX -> click "cocos2d v2.x" -> click "cocos2d iOS" or "cocos2d Mac" -> click Next
Here is where I'm confused: My templates show no options for ARC enabling the project.
Regardless of ARC, enter a project name -> click Next -> select directory -> click Create
After project finishes indexing, select "iPad 5.1 Simulator" or "My Mac 64-bit" as target, and Build (CMD + B) the project, and it complains about FontManager.h?
Just wondering, are you creating a Mac or an iOS project?
Anyway let me know how it goes. =( This is odd!