Adding an extra button to one object in django admin - django

I hope this hasn't been asked and I just missed it, but I searched a bunch and couldn't find anything.
I'm adding an extra save button to the django admin when adding or changing an object. Doing that is fairly easy. I just overrode the submit_line.html to add the extra button and then overrode the save_model function to check for the name of that button. It works great.
My problem is that I only need this button to appear for one particular object... not all of them. I looked in change_form.html to see how it knows what object it is dealing with and found {{ opts.module_name }}, but it doesn't seem to be accessible in submit_line.html. I tried printing it out and nothing showed up.
I also thought about hacking save_as (not very graceful, but I don't really care for this particular project), but that button only shows up on change.. not on add, so that won't work.
Does anyone know how to detect what object I'm working with in submit_line.html? Or any other way of doing this?

You can do it using javascript like this:
$(document).ready(function ($) {
$('input[name="_addanother"]').before('<input type="submit" name="_use" value="Useful functionality"/>');
and in your ModelAdmin add:
class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
class Media:
js = ('/static/js/useful.js',)

You should be able to access the original object in change_view's context through original. For example {{ }} should print its id!


Delete rows set to be deleted in a formset and duplicates issues

I know this question has been asked before (e.g. Django modelformset_factory delete modelforms marked for deletion) but I've tried all the possible solutions, including doing what the official documentation says (, and I still cannot delete the forms from my formset.
I have a form which correctly sends POST data with everything I need (including the DELETE instruction).
[print(form_links_event.cleaned_data) for form in form_links_event.deleted_forms]
[{'description': 'asdasd', 'link': '', 'id': <linksEvent: linksEvent object (25)>, 'DELETE': True}
Nevertheless, I need to process the formset before saving all the instances (I need to attach the id of a related model), so I need to call save(commit=False):
instances_links_event =
for link in instances_links_event:
link.event = instance_event
Doing so, though, strips the .deleted_forms list. In fact:
[print(instances_links_event.cleaned_data) for form in instances_links_event.deleted_forms]
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'deleted_forms'
Therefore I'm stuck in a loop: I cannot save my form directly because I need to attach more data to it first, and in its raw state it has the 'deleted_forms' list. Once I save it with commit=False and process with the processing, though, the 'deleted_forms' is not there any more so that I cannot delete those rows set for deletion. Ideally, I'd like to do this:
instances_links_event =
for link in instances_links_event:
if (link.delete = True):
link.event = instance_event
I'm using Django 3.0.6 with Python 3.7.
Even without the commit=False, saving the form with, I keep having issues: when I save the form in my 'edit page' (i.e. bound form) save() saves the existing records again, even if I didn't edit anything, which means I end up with a lot of duplicates. Is something wrong with Django formset or is it just me?
My form:
<tbody id='linksEvent_body'>
{% for formLink in form_links_event.forms %}
{{ }}
{% endfor %}
I've been battling with this and working for days on end, trying all sorts of possible parameters and code. I found out that the first time the form is loaded/bound after having saved it, it is not loading the form_management data correctly (i.e. the -INITIAL value is not correct and the extra blank form is not there) and also the bound data is not always updated. If I try to fix it via JavaScript, for example counting the number of forms displayed and put that number in the -CURRENT parameter and that number -1 in the -INITIAL or things like that, Django wouldn't like it (the documentation itself says that it is discouraged to tamper with the form management data anyway, which I understand). Once I'd manually refresh the page (by placing the cursor on the address bar and hit enter, not by hitting ctrl/cmd + R, which would ask me to send the POST data again), then the form loads correctly and any further edit would nicely save correctly. So, the only way I could find to solve this issue, which looks and sound like a Django inline forms bug to me, is by placing this code in the page containing the form:
<script type='text/javascript'>
if( window.localStorage )
if( !localStorage.getItem('firstLoad') )
localStorage['firstLoad'] = true;
With this code in place everything works like a charm. I hope this will help others who'll face this frustrating issue like myself.
PS: the issue is independent from the commit=False instruction. And yes, I declared #never_cache in my view.

Trigger view function with bootstrap button

I don't really get how to make a button click trigger my view function... I already googled, but nothing really helps me understand...
In my html, I have:
<a class="btn btn-large btn-info" href="{% url "device-detail" %}" name = 'rotateleft'>Rotate Left</a>
And in my
class DeviceDetail(DetailView):
def rotate_left(request, self):
if request.GET.get('rotateleft') == 'rotateleft':
print 'TEST!!!!'
If I click the button, the page seems to be reloaded as planned, but as 'TEST' is not printed (and the image is not rotated, but it might be that the code that is supposed to rotate it doesn't work yet, I wanted to call the function to see if it works), I'm guessing that this function is never called.
I am relatively new to Django and very new to the web interface side of Django, so help would be really appreciated!
You seem to be confusing a few things here. Clicking the link will "refresh" the DeviceDetail page as you noticed. Adding a name attribute on your HTML link won't however affect the request made to the server.
Based on what you are trying to accomplish it seems you should use a simple view function and perhaps read in a a GET parameter for deciding which way to rotate your image. Note that the parameters you pass to your view needs to be within the link URL, like:
href="{% url "device-detail" %}?rotate=right"

adding line breaks and headers in django's admin interface

EDIT: If you are going to give a downvote, at least explain why -.-
Also, read comments if my post is still unclear. I tried to explain it a bit more in the comments but if it is still unclear about what I'm saying, let me know and I will take printscreens and explain using images.
I have created a model like so
class Post(models.Model):
title_of_post = models.CharField(max_length=100)
actual_post = models.TextField()
and I put this model in the admin interface and enabled the admin interface. Now, when I go to and sign in, I can add this model. The posts created in the Post model can be seen on the homepage ( so say my "title_of_post" is "title" and my "actual_post" is "the actual post", if I go to I can see both the title and actual post on the homepage. The problem is, when I am in the admin interface and in the actual_post text box / TextField section, suppose I write this.
It would not recognize that I pushed the enter key after the period. I tried
Something. <br>
but that also didn't work. It does not go on a new line after the period. Is there any way to go to the next line when inputting information from the text box / TextField in the django admin interface? Is there any way to put headers from the admin interface, not from the template? Essentially, I want to be able to create this html from the admin interface.
<h1>Something.</h1> <br>
in order to show html inside a property, you need to place like this in your template:
{{ post.actual_post|safe }}
the safe template filter its good for not escaping html tags inside your template.
And this will print as:
intead of:
Something <br /> else

Customizing Django.contrib.comments honeypot

I'm using Django's standard comment system and I would like to extend its anti-spam honeypot capability.
I thought of changing the default "name" and "id" of the field to something more alluring for spam-bots such as "website". I checked the html and this looks like this:
<p style="display:none;">
<label for="id_honeypot">Never send a human to do a machine's job</label>
<input type="text" name="honeypot" id="id_honeypot" />
Am I correct in thinking that changing the defaults of this element would boost its anti-spam capabilities? I tried modifying it in the django/contrib/comments/ like this:
class CommentForm(CommentDetailsForm):
#use to be honeypot = forms.CharField(...
website = forms.CharField(required=False,
label=_('Never send a human to do a machines job')
def clean_honeypot(self):
"""Check that nothing's been entered into the honeypot."""
value = self.cleaned_data["website"]
if value:
raise forms.ValidationError(self.fields["website"].label)
return value
And this successfully changes the name and id in the html generated by django BUT then the whole mechanism stops working - I tried populating this invisible field, submitted and the comment was added.
I have a few other ideas as well, but first I'd really like to get this working - is it possible to modify the default honeypot name and id AND have it working like it should?
P.S I believe a more elegent way of doing this would be to extend django.contrib.comments and code the modification there instead of working on actual django code - what would be the best way of accomplishing this?
Given a bit more time to tinker around I found the answer to both of my questions:
In order to modify the standard honeypot or to create your own, you have to extend the CommentForm class by adding a clean_NAME_OF_HONEYPOT function as well as a NAME_OF_HONEYPOT variable both of which look similar to the standard ones and you also have to override the security_errors function to include the name of your new/modified honeypot in the dictionary.
The best way to do this is to create your custom comments app as described here: .
I hope this answer helps anyone else in my situation.

Putting links in list_detail.object_list to list_detail.object_detail

I've started using Django and am going right to generic views. Great architecture! Well, the documents are great, but for the absolute beginner it is a bit like unix docs, where they make the most sense when you already know what you're doing. I've looked about and cannot find this specifically, which is, how do you set up an object_list template so that you can click on an entry in the rendered screen and get the object_detail?
The following is working. The reason I'm asking is to see if I am taking a reasonable route or is there some better, more Djangoish way to do this?
I've got a model which has a unicode defined so that I can identify my database entries in a human readable form. I want to click on a link in the object_list generated page to get to the object_detail page. I understand that a good way to do this is to create a system where the url for the detail looks like which would call up the detail page for row 5 in the database. So, I just came up with the following, and my question is am I on the right track?
I made a template page for the list view that contains the following:
{% for aninpatient in object_list %}
<li><a href='/inpatient-detail/{{ }}/'>{{ aninpatient }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
Here, object_list comes from the list_detail.object_list generic view. The for loop steps through the object list object_list. In each line I create an anchor in html that references the desired href, "/inpatient-detail/nn/", where nn is the id field of each of the rows in the database table. The displayed link is the unicode string which is therefore a clickable link. I've set up templates and this works just fine.
So, am I going in the right direction? It looks like it will be straightforward to extend this to be able to put edit and delete links in the template as well.
Is there a generic view that takes advantage of the model to create the detail page? I used ModelForm helper from django.forms to make the form object, which was great for creating the input form (with automatic validation! wow that was cool!), so is there something like that for creating the detail view page?
If you're on django < 1.3 then what you are doing is basically perfect. Those generic views are quite good for quickly creating pages. If you're on django 1.3 you'll want to use the class based generic views. Once you get a handle on those they are are crazy good.
Only note I have is that you should use {% url %} tags in your templates instead of hardcoding urls. In your urls.conf file(s) define named urls like:
url('inpatient-detail/(?P<inpatient_id>\d+)/$', 'your_view', name='inpatient_detail')
and in your template (for django < 1.3):
In 1.3 a new url tag is available that improves life even more.