I want to make my own source code editor, what are the good choices to make? [closed] - c++

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I've had it of those dozens of editors which never provides simple things like:
distinguish type keywords and instruction keywords so I can put different colors on them.
being cross platform using a standard GUI lib like qt gtk etc (notepad++, yes, I almost hate you).
enough keyboard shortcut like duplicate line, comment selection, and a decent find-replace.
Decent task-easing features like single-click-on-the-number-line-margin to select the entire line.
Scintilla or another good-enough lexer that highlights enough different things, because brain-compiling code is one thing, quickly identify with the eyes what is what is something I find important.
I just want to support very basic languages like C, C++, maybe Python, not HTML or CSS.
Is Scintilla a good choice to just highlight those languages, and is a lexer really necessary ?
Isn't QT enough to program a text editor such as the one I want to do ? I know there is QScintilla, but is there a reason I shouldn't use a lib that integrates a lexer ? Why is Scintilla such a good lib ?
Is QT a good choice for such an editor ? (I also want to hard embed ProFont in the editor to kill any reluctant font problem between OSes).
In short, I want to make an editor, only with the same syntax highlight features of notepad++. That's my main goal, and the use of QScintilla might be a little harder than I thought...
Well I found textadept, it's not so known but is quite awesome. I didn't manage to make my lexer, since I have other to do which I do under windows, unfortunately it's slow on the mac. Apparently there isn't any Scite official build for the mac.

C++ is not a "very basic language" by any stretch of the imagination.
Why do you really want to do this? There are SOOO many open source code editors out there.

If you must write your own editor, I suggest looking at the other open source editors and examine which pieces you port to your editor.
Porting pieces of existing working and tested code is usually much better than writing your own code and debugging it.
After perusing a couple serious open source editors: Emacs, Eclips, CodeBlocks, CodeLight, etc., I believe you will start changing your mind about writing an editor from scratch.
-- Thomas Matthews
My Info

If you really want to do this (and it sounds like a lot of work) I would look at ANTLR for parsing the code. You may get some ideas from their ANTLRWorks display.
To link the parse tree to a display could be a fair amount of work so I'd see what an IDE platform such as Eclipse has to offer

Are you OK with Java?
If so, go for Eclipse technologies: SWT and JFace. The latter provides you with org.eclipse.jface.text package with a lot of features. Then you can roll own editor easily basing on that. (I prefer Eclipse-based editors to Scintilla-based, I believe they tend to be more advanced and feature-rich, but that's my personal opinion.)
But then, you might want to go a step further and use the Eclipse RCP framework for you application... But then why not use the Eclipse IDE itself and just add whatever you want as plug-ins.
The Eclipse codebase is huge and it's up to you how much you want to reuse.

I would expend some effort experimenting with the emacs colour theme package and the various langauge modes; see if you can bend the lisp to do what you want. You almost certainly can. to my mind emacs and a bit of effort on your part will get you your ultimate editor (remember emacs is really just a DIY editor toolkit). If you cant bend emacs into the shape you want you will be well placed to expend the effort in writing your own.

I have tried to do something similar myself for a project I'm working on at the moment, I looked into the QScintilla and had to remove it from my project because when you embedded inside a QGraphicsView I can't control the resolution of the widgets image, it seems to paint the text as an image and that's what we see, I played with increasing the smoothness of the QFont and that improved it but still a no-go.
So I found a simple code editor inside QT's code base it comes with every installation of QT if you look
If you go to the source code of OpenShapeFactory where I'm trying to embed a Code Editor: check how I got the syntax Highlighter and the autocomplete :
this widget uses the qscriptedit widget that ships with qt, you can add your own keywords to the syntax hightlighter from a file as well as for the auto-complete dropdownlist.
this is the header, scriptwidget.h and the implementation scriptwidget.cpp are available as part of the whole project code.
the next stage is to look into the QTCreator and see the code they already have all if not most of these features after you get to compile their version, just find where to add your little mods and you might be getting closer to the simple code editor.
I wish you the best of luck on this direction and if you find a solution please send it over, :)
heads-up keep a lookout for the repository link above, if I find a way of making it first, I might chase you to the answer.

Like everyone else is saying, it's probably more trouble than it's worth, but if you really want to do it, Qt's a good choice since it's cross platform. Use QSyntaxHighlighter to do your keyword/type highlighting, and take full advantage Qt's support for keyboard shortcuts.

use something like C, QT and Lua for the scripting engine.


C++ Code Autoformatting [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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After years of using Visual Studio for C++ programming, I am just now making the switch to linux for work. Everything is going great so far with one minor exception - gedit. After writing some code in a basic text editor, I am really starting to miss the auto formatting features that I have grown accustomed to.
Is there some type of "programmer's notepad" which would help with on-the-fly auto formatting or would I have to use a standard IDE for this functionality? Do most linux developers format their code manually using a basic text editor?
I am not looking for a full blown IDE, just something that will automatically format my C++ code as I type.
There is a pretty wide spectrum of text editors to IDEs on Linux. Here are a few that come to mind, from most "notepad-like" to most "VS-like".
In the "text editor" department (meaning no integrated compilation, build configs, debugger, etc.. just editing text / code):
gedit (most basic notepad-like app, IMO)
Kate (enhanced notepad but without "commands", and with nice auto-formatting and highlighting)
Emacs (enhanced notepad, with commands and advanced options, can be hard to use)
VIM (same category as emacs, can be hard to use, I don't like it)
Sublime-text (cool enhanced text editor, lots of neat features, but also a bit hard to master)
In the IDE department (meaning some build tools integration, and usually some code-completion and semantics analysis of code (detect variables, classes, etc.., can link to dox for them)):
Geany (lightweight IDE, not much more than an enhanced text editor with a "build" button)
NetBeans (average-sized IDE, quality is so-so, IMO)
Eclipse (average-sized IDE, easy to use, i.e., good for small projects, e.g., school assignments)
Qt Creator (average-to-large IDE, mainly aimed at working with Qt)
Code::Blocks (average-sized IDE, quality is so-so but OK, IMO)
KDevelop (an IDE a bit on the heavy side, but great features overall, and has the best code completion I have ever seen, beats Intellisense for C++ like a rented mule)
Of course, this is just a partial list, including only those I've been exposed to or have heard a lot about. There are probably many others out there.
Is there some type of "programmer's notepad" which would help with on-the-fly auto formatting or would I have to use a standard IDE for this functionality?
All the applications I've listed above in the "text editor" department all support this kind of feature (but I'm not 100% sure on Gedit, because it's kind of basic and I don't use it much, cause I don't like it). The only main jump you get as far as writing code from a text editor to an IDE is the code-completion / background-parser, i.e., the "Intellisense" type of features, including tooltip documentation on classes or functions. You cannot get that in a text editor because it would have to be aware of your build configuration (e.g., your cmake files or equivalent) to know where to pull headers from to be able to "understand" your code beyond trivial syntax rules, keywords and indentation.
Do most linux developers format their code manually using a basic text editor?
No. But it's a diverse world. Some like basic text editors where auto-indentation is about as much as you get, while others prefer feature-rich IDEs, and then, there are those who choose their text editor by how cool-looking the color themes are. ;)
And btw, there are also pretty powerful command-line code formatters, like clang-format, which can re-format your code in a much smarter way because it has an actual full-blown C++ compiler front-end parsing your code.
As far as I know, gedit have auto indent support, Try Edit -> Preferences -> Editor and check "Enable automatic indentation".
However, personally, I recommend you to use VIM, a professional text editor, although is not for everybody. Vim is not an IDE, just a text editor, but it's very powerful.
If vim seems too much by the moment, I think that kate is better than gedit.

Code editor skins?

This is a kind of unorthodox question. Frankly, I won't lie to you. I am new to programming and am planning to improve myself. I enjoy coding but I need something to keep me going during the down times, so my question is:
Is there such a thing as a code editor skin? A compiler skin?
For example, you have the Command Prompt, it has a black background with white writing, it seems geeky, exactly what I want.
I want a compiler that looks like command prompt...black with white writing (or green) or still has color coding (some compilers change color of text based on command). Yes, this is mainly for boasting, but I don't want to show someone something that basically looks like a text editor, I just want something that looks a little cooler.
P.S (This question may seem a little unnecessary, it is because it is my first question, I'd like to warm up to this community before I start asking some real questions about code.)
Visual Studio is an editor/compiler etc that you can use to do C++ development, and it is highly themeable. You might be interested in http://www.phpvs.net/vs-themes/ and http://techietweaks.blogspot.com/2008/11/visual-studio-themes-gallery.html .
A text editor with a black background still looks like a text editor.
If you want a console-esque editor, look into vim and emacs - though they take some getting used to, once you're proficient with either they are pretty damn awesome.
I think you're confusing Compiler with IDE, the compiler is the program that converts your code into machine code/byte-code/etc.
The IDE is the editor itself, which usually works alongside the compiler.
For just text-editing you can use Notepad++. Then you can use the Style Configurator to change to default skins or make your own.
For a complete IDE, I recommend Code::Blocks especially if you're just starting out. You can change themes on Preferences.

Text Editor API. Scintilla for experimental IDE. Do you use something else?

I have discovered Scintilla/Notepad++ API this week end.
As there is a nice Template vcproj for Notepad++ Plugins available on line then I could start to play with some pseudo code-source really really fastly.
I have just looked briefly at the Scintilla documentation which expose the API which looks promising. Sometimes it is still hazy for me, sometimes not as feature-full as I expect/dream, but that's really meaningless details for now.
So now it is time I experiment with a language of my fancy, for the moment I nickname it "Entity". And what best to do than design a light IDE for it.
So I am going to invest much time in Notepad++/Scintilla environement.
I have have not thought about using Emacs because I never got accustomed to it.
But if you use another type of Text Editor API than Scintilla, preferably in C++ since it is my language experience... what other Text Editor API would you use/have you used ?
Just want to be sure of my choice before diving deeper.
I found Scintilla to be very feature-packed, and covered everything I needed. You have to do a bit of work to get all the functionality out of it (ensuring that keyboard short-cuts perform the desired effect, etceteras), but it was incredibly easy to compile, include and get working, though as I said you have to do a bit of legwork to get everything out of it, but this is better than having to tear your hair out getting an "all-purpose" control to stop doing something you don't want to. It is as if the authors have given you a toolbox to work with.

how to write a text editor in c++ [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I learned c++ on and off for several times but never write a real apps using it .
long time I've been thinking that writing a text editor will be something very interesting , now I am looking for a simple but decent text editor written in c or c++ from which I can get inspiration and learn how to write a text editor by myself.
Could you guys recommend a "simple but decent" text editor written in c or c++ to me ?
You might want to look at Zile or nvi. Both are fairly simple; Zile is Emacs-like, and nvi is the Berkeley vi. Another to look at would be Nano, a simple text editor that is designed to be easy for new users. I don't know how clean the code is on any of these, though.
I would also recommend reading The Craft of Text Editing: Emacs for the Modern World. This book surveys many of the specific problems that have to be dealt with in writing a text editor along with approaches, strategies, and algorithms for solving them. Its content should be relevant and useful even if your editor isn't going to look much like Emacs at all.
Well what you want to see sounds more like a tutorial than an actual application (I think applications like Notepad++ will be a lot to dive into in the beginning). Since you don't mention any environment you want to program in, you could check out the QT Text Editor Demo. QT is a cross platform GUI Toolkit so you are not bound to a specific operating system but probably harder to setup then a Visual Studio environment in Windows.
For Windows only you might want to think about digging more into the .NET platform (e.g. C#) as suggested in this question. It doesn't help learning C++ but it makes GUI development a hell of a lot easier.
Get the vi.
There is a big lack of true editors like vi/vim ;)
I mean there is a plenty of editors like notepad/notepad++,
but few editors which have separate command/control mode.
So You could look at the vi sources to inspire yourself and introduce something revolutionary.
Notepad++ is an excellent open source editor written in C++.
Notepad++ for some definitions of "simple".
You may also check out Scintilla editing component.
JuffEd. It is written in C++, cross platform due to usage of Qt and QScintilla. Notepad++ uses also Scintilla text editor component, but its limited only to Windows platform.
What sort of text editor would you like to make?
First question is will this be GUI or Console based?
GUI based, do you want to make something like Notepad? And on what platform? If it's MS Windows based, might I recommend picking up on MFC?
If it's text based, there are many open source solutions you can get into. My recommendation is to look at the simplest of editors like ed or something.
loot to the QT this is cross platform,HAVE RICHTEXT COMPONENT(widget).Writing first app in QT will give you actual knowledge.I recommend to learn QT by book

Hand Coded GUI Versus Qt Designer GUI [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm spending these holidays learning to write Qt applications. I was reading about Qt Designer just a few hours ago, which made me wonder : what do people writing real world applications in Qt use to design their GUIs? In fact, how do people design GUIs in general?
I, for one, found that writing the code by hand was conceptually simpler than using Qt Designer, although for complex GUIs Designer might make sense. Large GUIs might be possible using Designer, but with time they might become very difficult to manage as complexity increases (this is just my opinion). I also downloaded the AmaroK source code to take a peek at what those guys were doing, and found many calls to addWidget() and friends, but none of those XML files created by Designer (aside: AmaroK has to be my favorite application ever on any platform).
What, then, is the "right" way to create a GUI? Designer or code? Let us, for this discussion, consider the following types of GUIs :
Simple dialogs that just need to take input, show some result and exit. Let's assume an application that takes a YouTube URL and downloads the video to the user's hard disk. The sort of applications a newbie is likely to start out with.
Intermediate level GUIs like, say, a sticky notes editor with a few toolbar/menu items. Let's take xPad for example (http://getxpad.com/). I'd say most applications falling in the category of "utilities".
Very complex GUIs, like AmaroK or OpenOffice. You know 'em when you see 'em because they make your eyes bleed.
Our experience with Designer started in Qt3.
At that point, Designer was useful mainly to generate code that you would then compile into your application. We started using for that purpose but with all generated code, once you edit it, you can no longer go back and regenerate it without losing your edits. We ended up just taking the generated code and doing everything by hand henceforth.
Qt4 has improved on Designer significantly. No longer does it only generate code, but you can dynamically load in your Designer files (in xml) and dynamically connect them to the running objects in your program -- no generated code however, you do have to name the items in Designer and stick with the names to not break your code.
My assessment is that it's nowhere near as useful as Interface Builder on Mac OS X, but at this point, I could see using the Designer files directly in a program.
We haven't moved back to Designer since Qt3, but still use it to prototype, and debug layouts.
For your problems:
You could probably get away with using the standard dialogs that Qt offers.
QInputDialog or if you subclass QDialog, make sure to use QButtonDialogBox
to make sure your buttons have the proper platform-layout.
You could probably do something more limited like xPad with limited Designer functionality.
I wouldn't think you could write something like OpenOffice solely with Designer but maybe that's not the point.
I'd use Designer as another tool, just like your text editor. Once you find the limitations, try a different tool for that new problem. I totally agree with Steve S that one advantage of Designer is that someone else who's not a programmer can do the layout.
In my experience with Qt Designer and other toolkits/UI-tools:
UI tools speed up the work.
UI tools make it easier to tweak the layout later.
UI tools make it easier/possible for non-programmers to work on the UI design.
Complexity can often be dealt with in a UI tool by breaking the design into multiple UI files. Include small logical groups of components in each file and treat each group as a single widget that is used to build the complete UI. Qt Designer's concept of promoted widgets can help with this.
I haven't found that the scale of the project makes any difference. Your experience may vary.
The files created with UI tools (I guess you could write them by hand if you really wanted to) can often be dynamically loaded at run-time (Qt and GTK+ both provide this feature). This means that you can make layout changes and test them without recompiling.
Ultimately, I think both raw code and UI tools can be effective. It probably depends a lot on the environment, the toolkit/UI-tool, and of course personal preference. I like UI tools because they get me up and running fast and allow easy changes later.
The organisation I work for has ported its GUI application to Qt several years ago.
I think there are several aspects that are worth mentioning:
Working with Qt Designer, at least at that point, was not a realistic option: there were too many features that couldn't be done with Qt Designer;
Conventions and structure that had to be preserved prevented the use of Qt Designer;
Once you've started without Designer, it is probably difficult to return to it;
the most important aspect, though, was that the programmers were very much used to programming using vi or emacs, rather than using a GUI IDE.
My own experience, which goes back approx. 4 years, using Qt3.3, is that dynamic behavior in dialogs was not possible to realise in Designer.
Just to say I've written and maintained complex GUIs in Qt without using Qt Designer -- not because I don't like Qt Designer, but because I never got around to working that way.
It's partly a matter of style and where you're coming from: when I started on Qt, I'd had horrible experiences of Dreamweaver and Frontpage and other visual HTML tools,and far preferred writing code with HomeSite and resorting to Photoshop for tricky layout problems.
There's a danger with visual code IDEs that you try to keep within the visual tools, but end up having to tweak code as well -- in ways that aren't well understood.
Learning iPhone development, for example, I've found it frustrating to hit 'magic' visual stuff ('drag from the empty circle in the Connections inspector to the object in the Interface Builder window...') that would be simpler (for me) to understand in plain old code.
Good luck with Qt -- it's a great toolkit, however you use it, and Qt Creator looks like being a great IDE.
I'd add that one of the reasons for using graphical designer was the lack of layout managers in Win32, for instance. Only absolute positioning was possible, and doing that by hand would have just sucked.
Since I switched from Delphi to Java for GUI apps (back in 2002), I've never used designers any more. I like layout managers much more. And yeah, you get boilerplate code, but moving objects on a UI designer may take as much time as changing the boilerplate. Plus, I would be stuck with a slow IDE; that's for the Java/C# case, OK, while for Qt (especially Qt4) it doesn't apply. For Qt3, I wonder why one should edit the generated code - wasn't it possible to add code in other files? For which reason?
About the discussed cases:
1) Hand Coded GUI is likely faster to write, at least if you know your libraries. If you're a newbie and you don't know them, you may save time and learn less with a designer, since you don't need to learn the APIs you use. But "learn less" is the key factor, so in both cases I'd say Hand Coded GUI.
2) Menu bars are quite annoying to write code for. Also, think to details like accelerators and so on. Still, it depends on what you're used to. After some time, it may be faster to type that boilerplate than to point-and-click into designer to fix all those properties, but just if you can really type like into a typewriter (like those admins for which typing Unix commands is faster than using any GUI).
3) I'd extend the answer for case #2 to this one. Note that, for Win32 platforms, it may be possible that using designers which generate Win32 resources might be faster to load (no idea about that).
However, I'd like to mention a potential problem with using Qt Designer there. Real world case: it took some seconds (say 10) to load a complex Java dialog (the Preferences dialog box for a programmer's text editor) with a lot of options. The correct fix would have been to load each of the tabs only when the programmer wanted to see them (I realized that after), by adding a separate method to each preference set to build its GUI.
If you design all the tabs and the tab switcher together with a designer, can you do that as easily? I guess there might be a similar example where a hand coded GUI gives you more flexibility, and in such a big app, you're likely to need that, even if just for optimization purposes.
One of the main benefits of using designer to create GUIs is that other programmers can change or maintain forms and widgets easily without the need to delve in to a complex code.
Its strange that you're saying the writing code is simpler than manipulating objects in a graphical environment. It's a no-brainer.
The designer is there to make your life easier and in the long term it makes your code more maintainable. It's easier looking in the designer to see what the your UI looks like then reading the code and trying to imagine what it might look like.
With current Qt you can do almost everything from within the designer and the very few things you can't do, you can fix with very few lines of code in the constructor.
Take for instance the simplest example - adding a signal-slot connection. Using the designer it's as simple as a double click. Without the designer you need to go lookup the correct signature of the signal, edit the .h file and then edit write your code in the .cpp file. The designer allows you to be above these details and focus on what really matters - the functionality of your application.
I like to first turn to the designer to develop GUI widgets. As mentioned in the other posts, its faster. You also get immediate feedback to see if it "looks right" and isn't confusing to the user. The designer is a major reason I choose Qt over other toolkits.
I mostly use the designer to make the one-off dialogs.
Having said that, I do the main window and any complex widgets by hand.
I think this is the way Trolltech intended. QFormLayout is a class they provide to easily programatically create an input dialog.
By the way, the designer in Qt 4 is not an IDE like the one they had in Qt 3. It's just an editor for editing .ui files. I like it that way. The new cross platform IDE is going to be called Qt Creator.
It's an old post but I would advise you to look at Clementine - a music player which (I think) derives from Amarok. They use Qt4 and from what I can see there is a ui folder in the src folder of the project. In the ui folder as one might expect they have all sorts of .ui files. If you compile and start Clementine you will see that the GUI is fairly complex and quite nice.
For me, it depends how much logic is encapsulated in the widget/GUI. If it's just about simple forms, I prefer to use QtDesigner.
If it contains complex checks or interaction, I tend to program it.
We're using the Qt Designer if anyone needs to create a Gui.
The thing is to create just little Widgets for certain tasks (like you would do in a class-design) and then get them together into a "parent-gui".
This way your widgets are highly reusable and could be used for Guis in a modular way. You just have to specify which signals each Widget is sending and which slots they provide.
We additionally are creating .ui-Files which than could be generated during build-process. Until now there was no need to edit those files by hand.
Build different parts of your UI
in different .ui files using QtDesigner,
then bring them together (and add complications) in code.
There are things you can't do in Qt Designer, you can only do in code,
so Qt Designer is just one (great) part of the tool chain.