Embeddable commenting systems comparison? - web-services

I need embeddable commenting system for web site where I can control posts. I want to delete posts I don't want to see and think that you can't do that if you use FB embeddable comments.
There is DISQUS, FB comments and many more solutions. What do you think is best? For me controlling comments, deletion of unwanted ones and banning users is priority n1.
Ideal solutions would be comment management that allows my users to login via numerous systems, like stackoverlow, and allow me to manage them, like stackoverflow does, but embeddable!
Opt out but possibility for posting to parent service is likeable feature
Looking for best solution! thx

I'd probably go with DISQUS, or if 'social' features aren't that important I'd choose IntenseDebate.
DISQUS has all the features you mentioned above (minus posting comments to another service, but 'likes' can be propagated to Facebook and Twitter).
IntenseDebate has probably better spam detection (it's managed by the same guys which run WordPress.com) but it lacks some features - you can login only with IntenseDebate account, WP.com account or by typing in OpenID URL (most of Facebook users probably don't realize they have one without so it's more or less useless without a 'Login with Facebook button'), but it has better customization features than DISQUS (easily modifiable CSS) and some sort of plugins you can install (haven't seen lot of those).
Also, there's Echo - it has all the features you need, but it's not free - price ranges from $10 to $100 per month.


AzDo wiki review/lock to avoid accidental edits

In my project , I have a wiki which has user guides for build contributors in my org. I have given right to contributors to edit it but at the same time I do not want them to edit without my knowledge (to avoid accidental edit) something like a review request. Apart from forcing this manually as a procedure what else can be done? Some wiki policy that I am unaware about? Some tricks?
Is it achievable?
What you want to do is at odds with Wiki's Open and Trust Principles. However, you could achieve it with Azure DevOps Wiki by visiting each page you want to watch and "Following" the page. You would then receive notification of edits and could review them (View Revisions) and make any changes you deemed necessary.
For what it's worth, I find these open feature requests:
Follow Entire Wiki
Follow a tree in a wiki page

Ajax login in Django

I want to do my log in stuff with an ajax request so that the page doesn't reload. So instead of using a form with method="POST", I will just make a post request with the email and password field values.
What are the upsides and downsides to this? How do I ensure security of the credentials? Please let me know if you have any questions.
Normally linking to external resources isn't ideal here, but in this case the broad nature of your question, and the exact fit of a specific external resource, makes me want to recommend that you read:
It's provided by the Django community to answer this sort of question, and contains links to popular AJAX libraries and tutorials. Your question didn't provide much in the way of specifics, but I'd imagine at least one of those tutorials matches your situation.
It doesn't specifically address security, but that's a very broad topic: to get a proper answer here you'd have to ask a more specific question.
However, if you want to take security seriously, I'd highly recommend trying to understand OWASP (Open Web Security Project) top ten attacks: https://owasp.org/www-project-top-ten/
If you simply understand those ten attacks, and how to defend against them, you can protect a Django-based site ... or a site based on any other framework ... because properly protecting your site transcends framework-specific concerns.
Also it's worth noting that some of those attacks can apply to non-AJAX sites also, so it's a great read even if you don't adopt AJAX.

Best Drupal module for facebook Opengraph and Linked in

i wanna create alumni association website using drupal.so user(student,alumni,staff) can sign up/login using facebook/linked in.their details should be fetch from their social network profile.so which module is suitable for this criteria.Thanks in advance.suggest me.
Let me share my experience with Drupal and Facebook and related modules.
Out of all the modules in there, I liked drupal for facebook the most. It is very simple to configure, works nice. The drawback is it is a bit heavy and it still does not support some modern facebook stuff (like opengraph, custom actions etc). But no doubt it is the best module regarding to Facebook, I have ever used.
Now comes the problem of using Drupal modules with Facebook. All of them I found uses PHP-sdk and is slow and not modern stuff friendly (reloads the page once the user is logged in etc.).
Now you have two choices,
1. if you are into programming or can hire one for this small task, create a small module (one javascript file and one php file, that's it) and be done with it. I have done that quite nicely, though it was my first drupal module. If you want I (and a lot of people) can help you with the coding part.
2. If you don't want that, go with drupal for facebook.

Best way Implement "referral links" in Django

I am working on an e-commerce website. And we want to add a feature where a user can refer others via a custom link e.g.:
http://example.com/a1t2312 or http://example.com/?ref=a1t2312 (a1t231 being the referral code).
A user following such a link, will navigate a few pages on the site. And if he reached the 'buy' page and purchases something - the original referrer will get a discount.
The question is:
What is the best method to track the referral code? Put it in the user's cookies? Stick it somehow into the session? Other method?
I would definitely use cookies, as it is the easiest (but not foolproof, though). Sessions are by site, so that won't work, unless the receiving site has some code to handle the user.
All methods mentioned by you are OK. If I were you I would consider using sessions because it is more natural to me.
disclaimer: session has some limitations when you want to build application ready for heavy-load. For complicated demployment scenarios avoiding sessions might be a good choice.

Presentation template framework with pre-built login/session handling?

Just fishing for ideas here.
Do any of the major template presentation frameworks (such as Smarty, Django) have prebuilt login/security handling? I want to save time on the security handling because it will consume a lot of time to worry about that. I want to build a site from ground up but I dont really want to go so far as starting with a completed content management system like Joomla or Drupal... thats way overkill. I prefer Java, C#, or PHP and I want to start from as close to "scratch" as I can.
Yes, Django has a complete authentication/authorization framework - see the docs here.
For registration, James Bennett's add-on project django-registration is excellent and popular.
Edited after comment: Django itself supplies the mechanism for allowing admins to create user credentials, storing them in the db, validating them on login, and restricting access to areas of the site based on privileges.
django-registration provides the mechanism for a user to sign up for a username via the site, via an email with a one-time confirmation URL which sets the login up as valid. There are various other plug-in projects which provide variations on this userflow, which may be useful depending how you want your site to work.