comparison operator - c++

It may be silly question.
Is there any way to give comparison operator at runtime using string variable.
Suppose i have a data of salaries in vector.
vector < int > salary;
salary[i] != /* ==,>,<,>=,<= (any comparison operator)) */ 9000.
The input given like above. I store the comparison operator in string str. str = (any comparison operator). Is there any way to check like this without if and switch.
salary str 9000

You can create a map with operator-strings as keys and function objects for corresponding comparison operations as values.
Creating a map:
std::map<std::string, boost::function<bool(int, int)> > ops;
ops["=="] = std::equal_to<int>();
ops["!="] = std::not_equal_to<int>();
ops[">"] = std::greater<int>();
ops["<"] = std::less<int>();
ops[">="] = std::greater_equal<int>();
ops["<="] = std::less_equal<int>();
Using it:
bool resultOfComparison = ops[str](salary[i], 9000);
(See this link for a complete working example.)
As #sbi said in the comments below, accessing a map using map[key] will create an entry if the key didn't exist. So use it = map.find(key) instead. If the result is equal to map.end() the key wasn't found, otherwise value is it->second. Take note of this while adapting this solution to your needs.

Still, you might have a std::map with a mapping between contents of your strings and pointers to your operators.

No. Not possible. Unless you parse the given input and call the corresponding operation. In any case, you would need a if - else statement.

You need to have something of sort of EVAL in your programming language, which evaluates your strings.
EDIT: C++ does not have EVAL to support your cause.

No, compiled languages like C++ don't work like that. There has to be code in the final executable that does the comparison, and by design C++ doesn't generate that code unless it's actually in the source program.

You can also create a functor which will take string as a constructor or factory which will produce different functors (depending on flexibility you need).
So something like:
Comp cmp = Comp(str);
if (cpm(salary[i], 9000))
cout << "wow";

You'd have to "hack" in this required eval! ;) i.e.
template <typename T>
bool eval_op(const string& op, const T& lhs, const T& rhs)
case 2:
case '=':
case '=': return lhs == rhs;
case '!': return lhs != rhs;
case '>': return lhs >= rhs;
case '<': return lhs <= rhs;
default: throw("crazy fool!");
case 1:
case '>': return lhs > rhs;
case '<': return lhs < rhs;
default: throw ("crazy fool!");
default: throw ("crazy fool!");
return false;
DISCLAIMER: I've not tested this... but it's an idea...

In this particular situation an if-else branch is your simplest solution. This is simply because there are only so many comparison alternatives, and you can be sure none others will ever exist. In essence your code should be along the lines of
if( in == "==" )
cond = salary[i] == 9000;
else if( in == "!=" )
cond = salary[i] != 9000;
// ...
// throw, return -1, raise a flag or burst out in laughter
This is in fact safer than a dynamic eval() because here you sanitize the input. You make sure there is no malicious code in there, along the lines of a Little Bobby Tables attack.
Granted, you could use polymorphism here, but the point of polymorphism is support open-ended type alternatives. When you wish to add a case, polymorphism allows you to do that with ease. But you'd need to do some work to get foundations up, and here there are exactly 6 comparison alternatives. Or 7, if you want to add support for an arbitrary predicate.


Is it defined behaviour to assign to function call in or in if (C++17)

During a codebase refactor I found code like this:
void myFunction (std::map<int, int> my_map)
int linked_element;
if (my_map[linked_element = firstIndex] != 0
|| my_map[linked_element = secondIndex] != 0)
// do some stuff with linked_element
void myFunction (std::set<int> my_set)
int linked_element;
if (my_set.find(linked_element = firstIndex) != my_set.end()
|| my_set.find(linked_element = secondIndex) != my_set.end())
// do some stuff with linked_element
From what I understood the aim of that was to avoid checking 2 times (first when entering in the if, second when assigning the variable).
I can understand that depending on which side of the || is true linked_element will be assigned to the right value but this still feels kind of bad to me.
Is this kind of behaviour defined?
This behavior is well defined by the order of evaluation.
First, the linked_element = firstIndex assignment happens. This expression returns the value of firstIndex, that is then used as an argument for the subscript operator on my_map (i.e., my_map[linked_element = firstIndex]). The return value from that expression is checked against the != 0 condition. If it's true, the other side of the || operator is not evaluated due to short-circuit logic. If it's false, the same story happens on the other side of the operator.
Whether or not it's a good practice to write code in such a style is a different question though. Personally speaking, I'd prioritize readability and maintainability over this micro-optimization unless it's a super-critical piece of the program, but it's a matter of opinion, I guess.
In original code behavior is well defined, since operator || evaluates first argument and if this is evaluated to false evaluates second argument.
BUT: Assignment there is confusing and many (probably all) static analyzes tools will complain about this. So I would reflector this code in this way, so it would require less brain power to read:
void doSomeStuff(const std::set<int>& my_set, int linked_element)
void myFunction (const std::set<int>& my_set)
if (my_set.find(firstIndex) != my_set.end())
doSomeStuff(my_set, firstIndex);
} else if (my_set.find(secondIndex) != my_set.end()) {
doSomeStuff(my_set, secondIndex);
Since you had to ask question about this code this proves that original version is bad from maintainer point of view. Code which requires lots of focus to understand is costly in maintenance.
BTW this fragment of code:
if (my_map[linked_element = firstIndex] != 0
looks suspicious. I have even more suspensions seeing set-version.
This looks like that someone do not understand how operator[] works for maps. If value for key do not exist, default value is introduced to map. So checking for default value 0 seem like attempt to adders this issue. Possibly my_map.count(firstIndex) should be used.
An alternate version, assuming firstIndex and secondIndex are literal values (like 2 and 7), or are otherwise known relative to some invalid third index value:
void myFunction (std::set<int> & my_set)
int linked_element =
my_set.contains (firstIndex) ? firstIndex :
my_set.contains (secondIndex) ? secondIndex :
if (linked_element != thirdIndex)
// do some stuff with linked_element
If the indices are not known then a std::optional<int> can step in here too.
If pre-C++20, replace .contains() with .count().
Bigger concerns with the original code are:
the pass-by-value of a potentially large container (never assume COW)
map[index] silently adds the index to the map if not present

Sorting a string with std::sort so that capital letters come after lower case

I'd like to sort a vector so that the capital letters follow the lower case letter. If I have something like
This is a test
this is a test
this thing
I would like the output to be
this is a test
This is a test
this thing
The standard library sort will output
This is a test
this is a test
this thing
I want to pass a predicate to std::sort so that it compares the lowercase version of the strings that I pass as arguments.
bool compare(std::string x, std::string y)
return lowercase(x) < lowercase(y);
I tried lowering each character within the function and then making the comparison but it didn't work. I would like to test this approach by converting the string to lowercase by some other method. How do I convert strings into lowercase?
Actually I figured out the problem. This works. When I first wrote the function, instead of ref = tolower(ref) I had tolower(ref) without reassigning to ref so it wasn't doing anything.
bool compare(std::string x, std::string y)
for(auto &ref:x)
ref = tolower(ref);
for(auto &ref:y)
ref = tolower(ref);
return x < y;
This code actually sorts with the capital letter first sometimes and the capital letter second in other times so it doesn't solve the problem completely.
The usual way to do this would be to build a collation table. That's just a table giving the relative ordering of every character. In your case, you want each upper-case letter immediately following the corresponding lower-case letter.
We can do that something like this:
class comp_char {
std::vector<int> collation_table;
comp_char() : collation_table(std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::max()) {
std::iota(collation_table.begin(), collation_table.end(), 0);
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
collation_table['a' + i] = i * 2;
collation_table['A' + i] = i * 2 + 1;
bool operator()(unsigned char a, unsigned char b) {
return collation_table[a] < collation_table[b];
For the moment, I've ignored the (possibly knotty) problem of the relative ordering of letters to other characters. As it's written, everything else sorts before letters, but it would be pretty easy to change that so (for example) letters sorted before anything else instead. It probably doesn't make a huge difference either way though -- most people don't have strong expectations about whether 'a' < ';' or not.
In any case, once the collation table is built and usable, you want to use it to compare strings:
struct cmp_str {
bool operator()(std::string const &a, std::string const &b) {
comp_char cmp;
size_t i = 0;
while (a[i] == b[i] && i < a.size())
return cmp(a[i], b[i]);
...which we can use to do sorting, something like this:
int main(){
std::vector<std::string> inputs {
"This is a test",
"this is a test",
"this thing"
std::sort(inputs.begin(), inputs.end(), cmp_str());
std::copy(inputs.begin(), inputs.end(),
std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(std::cout, "\n"));
For the moment, I've only written the collation table to handle the basic US-ASCII letters. For real use, you'd typically want to have things like letters with accents and such sort next to their corresponding un-accented equivalents. For that, you typically end up pre-building the table to (partially) match things like the Unicode specification for how things should be ordered.
Note that this output doesn't quite match what the original question says is desired, but I think in this case the question has a mistake. I can't see any way it would be even marginally reasonable to produce an order like:
this is a test
This is a test
this thing
This has "T" sorting both after and before "t", which doesn't seem to make sense (or at least doesn't fit with a lexical sort, which is what people nearly always want for strings).
The simplest solution is to use the collation-aware sorting provided by the standard locale object.
A locale's operator()(std::string, std::string) is exactly the locale's collation-aware comparison operator, so you can just insert it directly into your call to std::sort:
// Adjust to the locale you actually want to use
std::sort(strings.begin(), strings.end(), std::locale("en_US.UTF-8"));
Example on ideone
Your solution is almost there, you just need to make a special case if the lower case version of the strings are equal:
std::string to_lower(std::string s)
for (auto & c : s)
c = std::tolower(c);
return s;
bool string_comp(std::string const & lhs, std::string const & rhs)
auto lhs_lower = to_lower(lhs);
auto rhs_lower = to_lower(rhs);
if (lhs_lower == rhs_lower)
return rhs < lhs;
return lhs_lower < rhs_lower;
This could use some optimization. Copying the string is not necessary. You can, of course, do a case insensitive comparison in place. But that is feature is not conveniently available in the standard library, so I'll leave that exercise up to you.
To be clear, I was aiming at the usual lexicographic type comparison but somehow make uppercase follow the lowercase if the strings were identical otherwise.
This requires a two-steps comparison then:
compare the strings in case-insensitive mode
if two strings are equal in case-insensitive mode, we want the reverse result of a case sensitive comparison (which puts upper-case first)
So, the comparator gives:
class Comparator {
bool operator()(std::string const& left, std::string const& right) {
size_t const size = std::min(left.size(), right.size());
// case-insensitive comparison
for (size_t i = 0; i != size; ++i) {
if (std::tolower(left[i]) < std::tolower(right[i])) { return true; }
if (left.size() != right.size()) { return size == left.size(); }
// and now, case-sensitive (reversed)
return right < left;
}; // class Comparator
You need to do the comparison one char at a time, stopping at the first different char and then returning the result depending on the case conversion first, and on original char otherwise:
bool mylt(const std::string& a, const std::string& b) {
int i=0, na=a.size(), nb=b.size();
while (i<na && i<nb && a[i]==b[i]) i++;
if (i==na || i==nb) return i<nb;
char la=std::tolower(a[i]), lb=std::tolower(b[i]);
return la<lb || (la==lb && a[i]<b[i]);
Warning: untested breakfast code
Either use locals that already have the ordering you want, or write a character by character comparison function then use std::lexicographical_compare to turn it into a string comparison function.
I would try locals first, but if that proved frustrating the lexicographic is not horrible.
To compare chqracters, create two tuples or pairs of lower_case_letter, unchanged_letter, and call < on it. This will first order by lower case, then if that fails by the unchanged. I forget what order the upper vs lower will sort in: but if the order is backwards, just swap which lower case letter gets paired with which upper case letter, and you'll reverse the order!

Comparing a char to chars in a list in C++

Is there a way to compare a char to each element in a list of chars?
char ch;
if(ch == 'a' || ch == 'b' || ch == 'c')
Is there some way to just do
if(ch is one of {a, b, c})
Why would you write lambdas or use a throwaway string object when you can just:
if (strchr("abc", ch))
Use : std::any_of
With C++11 :
std::string str="abc";
if(std::any_of(str.cbegin(), str.cend(),
[ch](const char& x){return x==ch; } ))
Or use a functor:
struct comp
comp(char x) :ch(x){}
bool operator()(const char& x) const
return x == ch;
char ch;
And then,
if(std::any_of(str.cbegin(), str.cend(),comp(ch) ))
Edit : std::any_of might not be efficient enough, just for sake of C++'s <algorithm> one can try this out too .
You could use std::find. Assuming chars is your character array and you need to find ch.
if(std::find(std::begin(chars), std::end(chars), ch) != std::end(chars))
One way to do it is searching a string, like this:
string abc("abc");
if (abc.find(ch) != string::npos) {
(This answer really only applies if you don't want to use C++ std lib constructs.)
In your specific case, you should be able to do:
if(ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'c')
I also have employed fall-through switch for this case:
case 'a':
case 'b':
case 'c':
case 'e':
Some people don't like fall-through switch/case statements, but I think its less error prone than a massive piece of boolean logic and will perform better than using a data structure for this purpose. The compiler is really good with dealing with switch statements.
If you can use variadic template arguments, which were introduced in C++11, then you can do something like this:
template <typename Key, typename Value>
inline bool in(const Key& key, const Value& value) {
return key == value;
template <typename Key, typename Value0, typename ...ValueN>
inline bool in(const Key& key, const Value0& value, ValueN &&...args) {
return (key == value ? true : in(key, std::forward<ValueN>(args)...));
I use it for strings like this:
if (in(some_string, "base", "os", "io", "coroutine", "debug")) ...
But other types that support comparison (char is one of them) should also work.
Hope it helps. Good Luck!
Just as another option, create a set with the characters, and check if it's contained there;
std::set<char> mySet = {'a','b','c'}; // C++11 initializer list
if(mySet.find('d') != mySet.end()) {
I'm sort of surprised that nobody suggested find_first_of.
char c('e');
// we can check if c is undesirable
const std::string unwanted("abc");
bool undesirable = (unwanted.find_first_of(c) != std::string::npos);
// OR we can check if c is desirable
const std::string wanted("def");
bool desirable = (wanted.find_first_of(c) != std::string::npos); //..or check if it's desirable.
I use this (maybe I shouldn't? folks?) for ignoring unwanted characters from a string iterator...
/** in and out are string iterators.
* skip over any undesirable characters by matching
* against desirable and looking for npos.
const std::string ok("!+-./0123456789:^ABFIORmn");
while (ok.find_first_of(*in) == string::npos && in < out) {
A nice benefit of this is that by putting more frequent characters at the front of the string, there's a little bit of saving in time.

C++ std::set Find function overloading == operator

I am using sets. I use a custom struct as the key. I am inserting a value and trying to find the inserted value. But it never seems to find the element.
I have overridden both the == operator and the < operator.
Here is the code of the structure:
struct distance_t
int id;
double distance;
bool operator<(const distance_t& rhs) const
if(distance < rhs.distance)
return true;
return false;
bool operator==( const distance_t& rhs)
if(id ==
return true;
return false;
And this is the code of main
int main()
set<distance_t> currentSet;
distance_t insertDistance; =1;
insertDistance.distance = 0.5;
distance_t findDistance; = 1;
assert(currentSet.find(findDistance) != currentSet.end());
It always fails in the assert statement. What am I doing wrong?
Edit -Ok now I understand that it does not use the == operator at all. Here is what I want. I need the data structure to be ordered by distance. But I should be able to remove it using the id. Is there any clean way or already existing datastructure to do this?
It fails because your less-than comparison uses distance_t::distance, which you are not setting in findDistance:
distance_t findDistance; = 1;
std::set does not use operator== for anything. It only uses operator<. So you would have to change it's logic to use distance_t::id.
If you want to search by id without changing the set's ordering, you can use std::find:
set<distance_t>::iterator it = std::find(currentSet.begin(),
This will use your operator==. Bear in mind that this has linear time complexity.
Because operator== is not invoked at all. Comparing elements is like:
!(a < b) && !(b < a)
In other words, it uses operator<.
As you haven't assigned a value to findDistance.distance the result of the less then comparison is undefined.
Note that your definitions of the equality and less then comparison operators is dangerous, because it is easy to define instances of distance_t where their result is inconsistent. One example is two instances with the same distance but different id's.

Using std::map inside switch case

I have this:
map<string,int> a;
int b;
And i'd like to make this:
case a["someStr1"]:
case a["someStr2"]:
But it doesn't compiles. How to implement this correctly?
switch conditions need to be constants, so what you want to do here is not possible.
You're better off using some if statements.
switch/case are meant for constants (e.g., enum, ints etc.).
You can use the map<>::iterator to run through the values and compare with b.
for(map<string,int>::const_iterator it = a.begin(), end = a.end(); it != end; it++)
if(it->second == b)
This way you can avoid the code duplication for comparison, if your a is large enough.
Also, you can explore the option of replacing for loop with for_each.
You can't.
Expression after case in a switch statement must be integral compile-time constant. So a literal (42), const int variable initialized with a literal (const int x = 66 ... case x:) or enum value. And thats about it.
The reason this is so strict is efficiency. Compilers usually create labels for each case and if you know the value for each label at compile time, you can make some nice optimizations that avoid most of the overhead a normal code branching has.
In your case just go with if-else:
if(b == a["someStr1"]) {
} else if(b == a["someStr2"]) {
} // and so on