I have a Visual Studio 2008 C++ project for Windows Mobile 6 with two processes. Both of which I would like to have access to the same function which is contained in process1.
That function is Buzz:
int bar;
WCHAR foo[ 20 ];
typedef int( *pfn_Buzz )( TEST_STRUCT* );
int Buzz( TEST_STRUCT* info );
Process1 contains the definition for Buzz and creates a function pointer for it in a memory-mapped file:
int Buzz( TEST_STRUCT* info )
info->bar = 1;
wsprintf( info->foo, L"Hello!" );
return 100;
int _tmain( int argc, _TCHAR* argv[] )
// create a memory-mapped file shared memory space that can be read by any process
HANDLE mapping = ::CreateFileMapping( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, sizeof( pfn_Buzz ) , NULL );
LPVOID buzz_addr = ::MapViewOfFile( mapping, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, sizeof( pfn_Buzz ) );
// find our process' memory offset
DWORD offset = ::GetCurrentProcessIndex() + 0x02000000;
// copy the complete function address to the shared memory space
buzz_addr = ( LPVOID )( ( DWORD )&Buzz + offset );
// convert the function address to a string to send to process2.exe
WCHAR address[ 9 ] = { 0 };
wsprintf( address, L"%x", ( ( DWORD )buzz_addr ) );
// start process2.exe and wait for it to finish
::CreateProcess( L"\\test_user.exe", address, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &pi );
::WaitForSingleObject( pi.hProcess, INFINITE );
::UnmapViewOfFile( buzz_addr );
::CloseHandle( mapping );
return 0;
Process2 receives the address for Buzz from Process1, casts it to the pfn_Buzz function pointer, and executes it.
// process2.exe
int _tmain( int argc, _TCHAR* argv[] )
// get the address of the Buzz() function pointer
WCHAR* wszAddr = argv[ 1 ];
WCHAR* wszAddrEnd = &argv[ 1 ][ 8 ];
DWORD address = wcstol( wszAddr, &wszAddrEnd, 16 );
pfn_Buzz PFNBuzz = ( pfn_Buzz )address;
// execute buzz
TEST_STRUCT test = { 0 };
PFNBuzz( &test );
return 0;
Unfortunately, I get an Illegal Instruction exception in process2 when I try to execute the PFNBuzz function.
Can anybody suggest what I could change to get the functionality I'm after?
Your problem arises from the fact that Process A (Which starts Process B) have 2 totally different virtual address spaces. You can pass a function pointer to Process A but seeeing as their address spaces are different any pointer you pass will be meaining less to another process. this is one of the huge bonuses of processes.
If you wish to communicate between processes then you will need to use some form of Inter-Process Communication (IPC).
There are several ways of doing IPC under windows. In my opinion the most versatile method is by using sockets. Sockets give you the advantage that you can seperate the machines running Process A and Process B and still get the functionality you want. Equally there is nothing stopping both processes running on the same machine. The flexibility it provides is very useful though.
So assuming you choose a socket based method of IPC then what you are effectively doing is a Remote Procedure Call (RPC).
There are, as you can probably imagine, loads of different ways of doing RPC. You could use DCOM or Corba. Raknet is a third party library that supports RPC. There are numerous other solutions as well. I strongly recommend doing a load of research into the matter. The links and keywords I've provided you with should give you a good starting point :)
You can simply export the function using __declspec(dllexport) and then load it using GetProcAddress() using it's name. If in C++, just remember to extern "C" the declaration to disable name mangling. Consider:
extern "C" int __declspec(dllexport) Buzz( TEST_STRUCT* info ) { ... }
int main ( int, char ** )
pfn_Buzz buzz = GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(NULL), "Buzz");
// ...
Then, pass the function name using the IPC method of your choice.
If you want both processes to use the same function, put the function into a DLL and link that DLL to both processes. Each process has its own address space, so an address in one process may not work at all in another process, and even if it "works" it'll be pointing to something completely different.
Although you're taking/passing the offset into the memory mapped region on the parent side, I don't see any matching code to map the same region and add its base to the pointer when you try to access it on the client side.
Visual C++ has a __based pointer type that can simplify this a bit.
I am trying to pool the list of all processes in Qt.For this purpose i am using Windows API.
the following code demonstrates my effort so far:
QList<QString> frmProcess::GetAllRunningProcesses()
HANDLE hSysSnapshot = NULL;
HANDLE processHandle;
proc.dwSize = sizeof(proc);
hSysSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot ( TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0 );
proc.dwSize = sizeof(proc);
LPWSTR processPath;
//This block of code is to get each process's path and store it in a list
//PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS is commented out since it fails the program on start-up
FALSE, proc.th32ProcessID );
} while(Process32Next(hSysSnapshot,&proc));
CloseHandle( hSysSnapshot );
return list;
In the code posted above, I am trying to get as much as information i can get on a process, for this i am pooling the process names with the help of CreateToolhelp32Snapshot and then get their path with GetProcessImageFileName. And all of this happen in a timer tick event each milliseconds.
If i run the program , after couple of seconds it crashes, I get segmentation fault.
I also tried debugging since i couldn't get any path relating to any process!
And to my surprise i only get empty strings for path of each process!
What am i doing wrong?
Your GetProcessImageFileName does not receive a proper argument. processPath has to point to valid buffer.
TCHAR processPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
GetProcessImageFileName(processHandle, processPath, _countof(processPath));
Also, you want to check returned value to see if you succeeded or not.
I'm trying to use the STK from Stanford to do some realtime wavetable synthesis. I'm using the FMVoices instrument class https://ccrma.stanford.edu/software/stk/classstk_1_1FMVoices.html
and trying to use it in a callback routine defined below.
int tick( void *outputBuffer, void *inputBuffer, unsigned int nBufferFrames,
double streamTime, RtAudioStreamStatus status, void *dataPointer )
FMVoices *FM = (FMVoices *) dataPointer;
register StkFloat *samples = (StkFloat *) outputBuffer;
for ( unsigned int i=0; i<nBufferFrames; i++ )
*samples++ = FM->tick();
return 0;
The issue, I think, is with the type of that last parameter. I'm getting a runtime error : "0xC0000005: Access violation executing location 0x000000001." Now, this is the way that the callback is supposed to be written for other STK instruments like Clarinet or even the FileLoop class, but there's something funky about FMVoices. The object is passed to openStream (which handles platform specific realtime output) as a pointer to void. The callback is called automatically when the system's audio buffer is full. A code snippet that implements this and DOES work for other instruments is shown below:
int main()
// Set the global sample rate before creating class instances.
Stk::setSampleRate( 44100.0 );
RtAudio dac;
Instrmnt * instrument_FM;
int nFrames = 10000;
try {
instrument_FM = new FMVoices;
catch ( StkError & ) {
goto cleanup;
// Figure out how many bytes in an StkFloat and setup the RtAudio stream.
RtAudio::StreamParameters parameters;
parameters.deviceId = dac.getDefaultOutputDevice();
parameters.nChannels = 1;
RtAudioFormat format = ( sizeof(StkFloat) == 8 ) ? RTAUDIO_FLOAT64 : RTAUDIO_FLOAT32;
unsigned int bufferFrames = RT_BUFFER_SIZE;
try {
dac.openStream( ¶meters, NULL, format, (unsigned int)Stk::sampleRate(), &bufferFrames, &tick, (void *)&instrument_FM);
catch ( RtError &error ) {
goto cleanup;
The size of nFrames does not seem to have an effect. It just seemed to me that these types of errors usually come from referencing a pointer to void.
The problem is you are taking the address of a pointer, and passing it into openStream.
// pointer to instrument
Instrmnt * instrument_FM;
// snip ...
// &instrument_FM is a pointer to a pointer! i.e. Instrmnt **
dac.openStream( ¶meters, /* other params */, (void *)&instrument_FM)
The quickest solution is to just get rid of the & in that line.
Now some comments on C++, and some more fixes to your code. The code looks like a mixture of C and Java, and opens up a lot of pitfalls to fall into, one of which led to your problem.
There is no need for dynamically allocating FMVoices . Use the stack just like you did for RtAudio dac.
No need to worry about pointers, and deleteing the memory you allocated
Therefore no memory leaks.
Just write FMVoices instrument_FM;
There is no need to do try/catch in most cases for cleanup since C++ has destructors that trigger at the end of scope, and propagate the error.
If you only use the stack, there is no need to worry about delete and having cleanup operations
Don't ever use goto in C++, it's really not needed. (unlike in C, where it could be used for cleanup).
There are destructors and RAII for that.
Use C++ casts which are more fine-grained, such as static_cast<> and reinterpret_cast<>, instead of C-style casts
See this article for an explanation.
Here's the revised code:
int main()
// Set the global sample rate before creating class instances.
Stk::setSampleRate( 44100.0 );
RtAudio dac;
FMVoices instrument_FM;
// Figure out how many bytes in an StkFloat and setup the RtAudio stream.
RtAudio::StreamParameters parameters;
parameters.deviceId = dac.getDefaultOutputDevice();
parameters.nChannels = 1;
RtAudioFormat format = ( sizeof(StkFloat) == 8 ) ? RTAUDIO_FLOAT64 : RTAUDIO_FLOAT32;
unsigned int bufferFrames = RT_BUFFER_SIZE;
// didn't get rid of this try since you want to print the error message.
try {
// note here i need the ampersand &, because instrument_FM is on the stack
dac.openStream( ¶meters, NULL, format, static_cast<unsigned int>(Stk::sampleRate()), &bufferFrames, &tick, reinterpret_cast<void*>(&instrument_FM));
catch ( RtError& error ) {
I need the base Address of the exe "tibia.exe". This is what I got so far but it doesn't work. It always returns 0.
What's wrong?
DWORD MainWindow::getBaseAddress(DWORD dwProcessIdentifier)
TCHAR lpszModuleName[] = {'t','i','b','i','a','.','e','x','e','\0'}; //tibia.exe
HANDLE hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPMODULE,
DWORD dwModuleBaseAddress = 0;
MODULEENTRY32 ModuleEntry32;
ModuleEntry32.dwSize = sizeof(MODULEENTRY32);
if(Module32First(hSnapshot, &ModuleEntry32))
if( wcscmp(ModuleEntry32.szModule, lpszModuleName) == 0)
dwModuleBaseAddress = (DWORD)ModuleEntry32.modBaseAddr;
while(Module32Next(hSnapshot, &ModuleEntry32));
return dwModuleBaseAddress;
//Call it here
tibiaWindow = FindWindow( L"TibiaClient", NULL);
GetWindowThreadProcessId( tibiaWindow, &PID );
DWORD baseAddress = getBaseAddress( PID );
if( baseAddress == 0 )
return false ;
Perhaps it's just because I was using them before ToolHelp32 was available (at least on the NT-based operating systems), but I tend to use the PSAPI functions for this kind of task. Using them, the code would look like this:
#include <windows.h>
#include <string>
#include <psapi.h>
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
HANDLE process = GetCurrentProcess();
if (argc != 1)
process = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ, false, atoi(argv[1]));
HMODULE handles[2048];
DWORD needed;
EnumProcessModules(process, handles, sizeof(handles), &needed);
for (int i = 0; i < needed / sizeof(handles[0]); i++) {
char name[1024];
GetModuleBaseName(process, handles[i], name, sizeof(name));
if (std::string(name).find(".exe") != std::string::npos) {
GetModuleInformation(process, handles[i], &info, sizeof(info));
std::cout << name << ": " << info.lpBaseOfDll << "\n";
As it stands right now, this will let you enter a process ID on the command line, and show the load address of the first module it finds in that process with a name that includes ".exe". If you don't specify a process ID, it'll search through its own process (demos how the functions work, but otherwise pretty much useless).
Using either ToolHelp32 or PSAPI, you end up with a similar limitation: you need to compile this into a 64-bit executable for it to be able to "see" other 64-bit processes (i.e., when compiled as 32-bit code, they see only other 32-bit processes).
There are also some processes (e.g., CSRSS.exe) that neither will be able to open/enumerate successfully. As far as I know, the same processes will succeed/fail with PSAPI vs. ToolHelp32.
PSAPI does have one bit of clumsiness compared to ToolHelp32: dealing (well) with processes that have lots of modules is clumsy (at best). You call EnumProcessModules, and if you haven't given room for enough modules, the "Needed" parameter will be set to the space needed for the number of modules it contains. There's a race condition though: between the time that returns and the time you call EnumProcessModules again, the process could have loaded more DLLs, so that second call could fail the same way.
For the moment, I've just assumed that no process will use more than 2048 modules. To be really correct, you should have a while loop (or maybe a do/while loop) that starts with zero space, calls EnumProcessModules to find out how much space is needed, allocate that (perhaps with a little extra in case it loads more DLLs) and repeat until it succeeds.
I am writing a program where one process A reads the data appended to file by another process B.I am using ReadDirectoryChangesW for the notification.The problem is that the notification is not being generated until I close the handle in B although I am flushing contents to file using fflush.The code is a given below
File Writer:
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
FILE *fp;
fp=_fsopen("log.txt", "a", _SH_DENYNO);
char str[4096];
for(int i=1;i<4096;i++)
return 0;
File Reader:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <share.h>
void _tmain(int argc, TCHAR *argv[])
FILE *fp;
fp=_fsopen("C:\\Users\\dell\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2012\\Projects\\FileWriter\\FileWriter\\log.txt", "r", _SH_DENYNO);
int last_size=0,new_size=0;
return ;
HANDLE m_hMonitoredDir = CreateFile(TEXT("C:\\Users\\dell\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2012\\Projects\\FileWriter\\FileWriter"), FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY,
if ( m_hMonitoredDir == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
DWORD dwErr = GetLastError();
char szBuf[ MAX_PATH ];
DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
int flag=0;
char *buffer;
while ( ReadDirectoryChangesW( m_hMonitoredDir, szBuf, MAX_PATH, FALSE, FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE,&dwBytesRead, NULL, NULL ))
if ( pstFileNotif->Action == FILE_ACTION_MODIFIED )
char szNotifFilename[ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 };
if ( int iNotifFilenameLen = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_OEMCP, NULL,
pstFileNotif->FileNameLength / sizeof( WCHAR ),
szNotifFilename, sizeof( szNotifFilename ) / sizeof( char ),
if ( strcmp("log.txt", szNotifFilename ) == 0 )
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
new_size = ftell(fp);
int size=new_size-last_size;
buffer=new char[size+1];
Can anyone help me get notifications as soon as I use fflush in B ?
I don't think this is possible. According to the documentation on FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE (emphasis mine):
Any change to the last write-time of files in the watched directory or subtree causes a change notification wait operation to return. The operating system detects a change to the last write-time only when the file is written to the disk. For operating systems that use extensive caching, detection occurs only when the cache is sufficiently flushed.
fflush() ensures that the file data is passed back to the operating system, but it does not guarantee that the data gets written to the disk, since typically a lot of caching is involved:
Buffers are normally maintained by the operating system, which determines the optimal time to write the data automatically to disk: when a buffer is full, when a stream is closed, or when a program terminates normally without closing the stream. The commit-to-disk feature of the run-time library lets you ensure that critical data is written directly to disk rather than to the operating-system buffers.
As others have said in the comments, you may be better of using named pipes for your goals, since you're only dealing with a single known file.
You can force a commit-to-disk by calling _flushall ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/s9xk9ehd.aspx )
or see this article ( http://support.microsoft.com/kb/148505 ) on how to force a commit-to-disk. You need to link with commode.obj to force fflush to commit-to-disk automatically.
The alternative might be to fclose the file each time, and reopen the file in append mode, if you are only doing it every 2 seconds (the overhead is small).
See here: https://jeffpar.github.io/kbarchive/kb/066/Q66052/
For us, linking with commode.obj didn't work.
However, this approach did:
When we opened our file using fopen, we included the "c" mode option as the LAST OPTION:
fopen( path, "wc") // w - write mode, c - allow immediate commit to disk
Then when you want to force a flush to disk, call
We made this call before calling
We experienced the exact issue you described and this approach fixed it.
From that above site:
"Microsoft C/C++ version 7.0 introduces the "c" mode option for the fopen()
function. When an application opens a file and specifies the "c" mode, the
run-time library writes the contents of the file buffer to disk when the
application calls the fflush() or _flushall() function. "
I'm writing a Windows program using C++ and the Windows API, and, am trying to queue MIDI messages in a MIDI stream, but am receiving a strange error when I try to do so. If I use midiOutShortMsg to send a non-queued MIDI message to the stream, it works correctly. However, midiStreamOut always returns error code 68, which is #defined to MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTUNSPECIFIED. midiOutGetErrorText gives the following description of the error:
The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup.
I am using Windows 7 (64-bit) and have tried opening the MIDI stream with device IDs of both MIDI_MAPPER and all four MIDI output devices on my system, and still receive the exact same error message.
Here is the code to open the MIDI stream:
UINT device_id = MIDI_MAPPER; //Also tried 0, 1, 2 and 3
midiStreamOpen( &midi, &device_id, 1, ( DWORD_PTR )hwnd, 0, CALLBACK_WINDOW );
Here is the code to send the MIDI message:
MIDIHDR header;
event = ( MIDIEVENT * )malloc( sizeof( *event ) );
event->dwDeltaTime = delta_time;
event->dwStreamID = 0;
event->dwEvent = ( MEVT_F_SHORT | MEVT_SHORTMSG ) << 24 | ( msg & 0x00FFFFFF );
header.lpData = ( LPSTR )event;
header.dwBufferLength = sizeof( *event );
header.dwBytesRecorded = sizeof( *event );
header.dwUser = 0;
header.dwFlags = 0;
header.dwOffset = 0;
midiOutPrepareHeader( ( HMIDIOUT )midi, &header, sizeof( header ) );
midiStreamOut( midi, &header, sizeof( header ) );
How can I resolve this problem?
The problem was that I was using the entire event structure as the buffer for the MIDI stream. It turns out that the fourth member of the structure, dwParms, should actually be omitted from short messages. To correct the code in the posted question, two of the lines of code could be changed to the following:
header.dwBufferLength = sizeof( *event ) - sizeof( event->dwParms );
header.dwBytesRecorded = sizeof( *event ) - sizeof( event->dwParms );
When adding multiple events to the stream, it's actually a lot easier to just use an array of DWORDs rather than even bothering with the MIDIEVENT structures.
For anyone else doing MIDI programming using the Windows API, beware that some of the MSDN documentation is misleading, inadequate or completely wrong.
The documentation for the MIDIEVENT structure says the following:
If dwEvent specifies MEVT_F_SHORT, do not use this member in the stream buffer.
This is ambiguous because it is not clear that "use" is intended to mean "include" rather than "specify".
Here are two other flaws in the documentation that programmers need to be aware of:
Event code and event parameters or length. [...] The high byte of this member contains flags and an event code. Either the MEVT_F_LONG or MEVT_F_SHORT flag must be specified. The MEVT_F_CALLBACK flag is optional.
When the header files are checked, the MEVT_F_ preprocessor definitions actually specify complete DWORDs rather than just the individual flags, so in my code in the question, the line specifying this member should have been as follows:
event->dwEvent = MEVT_F_SHORT | MEVT_SHORTMSG << 24 | ( msg & 0x00FFFFFF );
In addition to this, it has also turned out that the memory containing the MIDIHDR structure should be retained until the buffer has finished playing, so it should be allocated on the heap rather than the stack for most implementations.