Moving from C++ to C - c++

After a few years coding in C++, I was recently offered a job coding in C, in the embedded field.
Putting aside the question of whether it's right or wrong to dismiss C++ in the embedded field, there are some features/idioms in C++ I would miss a lot. Just to name a few:
Generic, type-safe data structures (using templates).
RAII. Especially in functions with multiple return points, e.g. not having to remember to release the mutex on each return point.
Destructors in general. I.e. you write a d'tor once for MyClass, then if a MyClass instance is a member of MyOtherClass, MyOtherClass doesn't have to explicitly deinitialize the MyClass instance - its d'tor is called automatically.
What are your experiences moving from C++ to C?
What C substitutes did you find for your favorite C++ features/idioms? Did you discover any C features you wish C++ had?

Working on an embedded project, I tried working in all C once, and just couldn't stand it. It was just so verbose that it made it hard to read anything. Also, I liked the optimized-for-embedded containers I had written, which had to turn into much less safe and harder to fix #define blocks.
Code that in C++ looked like:
if(uart[0]->Send(pktQueue.Top(), sizeof(Packet)))
turns into:
if(UART_uchar_SendBlock(uart[0], Queue_Packet_Top(pktQueue), sizeof(Packet)))
Queue_Packet_Dequeue(pktQueue, 1);
which many people will probably say is fine but gets ridiculous if you have to do more than a couple "method" calls in a line. Two lines of C++ would turn into five of C (due to 80-char line length limits). Both would generate the same code, so it's not like the target processor cared!
One time (back in 1995), I tried writing a lot of C for a multiprocessor data-processing program. The kind where each processor has its own memory and program. The vendor-supplied compiler was a C compiler (some kind of HighC derivative), their libraries were closed source so I couldn't use GCC to build, and their APIs were designed with the mindset that your programs would primarily be the initialize/process/terminate variety, so inter-processor communication was rudimentary at best.
I got about a month in before I gave up, found a copy of cfront, and hacked it into the makefiles so I could use C++. Cfront didn't even support templates, but the C++ code was much, much clearer.
Generic, type-safe data structures (using templates).
The closest thing C has to templates is to declare a header file with a lot of code that looks like:
TYPE * Queue_##TYPE##_Top(Queue_##TYPE##* const this)
{ /* ... */ }
then pull it in with something like:
#define TYPE Packet
#include "Queue.h"
#undef TYPE
Note that this won't work for compound types (e.g. no queues of unsigned char) unless you make a typedef first.
Oh, and remember, if this code isn't actually used anywhere, then you don't even know if it's syntactically correct.
EDIT: One more thing: you'll need to manually manage instantiation of code. If your "template" code isn't all inline functions, then you'll have to put in some control to make sure that things get instantiated only once so your linker doesn't spit out a pile of "multiple instances of Foo" errors.
To do this, you'll have to put the non-inlined stuff in an "implementation" section in your header file:
#ifdef implementation_##TYPE
/* Non-inlines, "static members", global definitions, etc. go here. */
And then, in one place in all your code per template variant, you have to:
#define TYPE Packet
#define implementation_Packet
#include "Queue.h"
#undef TYPE
Also, this implementation section needs to be outside the standard #ifndef/#define/#endif litany, because you may include the template header file in another header file, but need to instantiate afterward in a .c file.
Yep, it gets ugly fast. Which is why most C programmers don't even try.
Especially in functions with multiple return points, e.g. not having to remember to release the mutex on each return point.
Well, forget your pretty code and get used to all your return points (except the end of the function) being gotos:
TYPE * Queue_##TYPE##_Top(Queue_##TYPE##* const this)
TYPE * result;
if(this->head == this->tail)
result = 0;
goto Queue_##TYPE##_Top_exit:;
/* Figure out `result` for real, then fall through to... */
return result;
Destructors in general.
I.e. you write a d'tor once for MyClass, then if a MyClass instance is a member of MyOtherClass, MyOtherClass doesn't have to explicitly deinitialize the MyClass instance - its d'tor is called automatically.
Object construction has to be explicitly handled the same way.
That's actually a simple one to fix: just tack a prefix onto every symbol. This is the primary cause of the source bloat that I talked about earlier (since classes are implicit namespaces). The C folks have been living this, well, forever, and probably won't see what the big deal is.

I moved from C++ to C for a different reason (some sort of allergic reaction ;) and there are only a few thing that I miss and some things that I gained. If you stick to C99, if you may, there are constructs that let you program quite nicely and safely, in particular
designated initializers (eventually
combined with macros) make
initialization of simple classes as
painless as constructors
compound literals for temporary variables
for-scope variable may help you to do scope bound resource management, in particular to ensure to unlock of mutexes or free of arrays, even under preliminary function returns
__VA_ARGS__ macros can be used to have default arguments to functions and to do code unrolling
inline functions and macros that combine well to replace (sort of) overloaded functions

The difference between C and C++ is the predictability of the code's behavior.
It is a easier to predict with great accuracy what your code will do in C, in C++ it might become a bit more difficult to come up with an exact prediction.
The predictability in C gives you better control of what your code is doing, but that also means you have to do more stuff.
In C++ you can write less code to get the same thing done, but (at leas for me) I have trouble occasionally knowing how the object code is laid out in memory and it's expected behavior.

Nothing like the STL exists for C.
There are libs available which provide similar functionality, but it isn't builtin anymore.
Think that would be one of my biggest problems... Knowing with which tool I could solve the problem, but not having the tools available in the language I have to use.

In my line of work - which is embedded, by the way - I am constantly switching back & forth between C and C++.
When I'm in C, I miss from C++:
templates (including but not limited to STL containers). I use them for things like special counters, buffer pools, etc. (built up my own library of class templates & function templates that I use in different embedded projects)
very powerful standard library
destructors, which of course make RAII possible (mutexes, interrupt disable, tracing, etc.)
access specifiers, to better enforce who can use (not see) what
I use inheritance on larger projects, and C++'s built-in support for it is much cleaner & nicer than the C "hack" of embedding the base class as the first member (not to mention automatic invocation of constructors, init. lists, etc.) but the items listed above are the ones I miss the most.
Also, probably only about a third of the embedded C++ projects I work on use exceptions, so I've become accustomed to living without them, so I don't miss them too much when I move back to C.
On the flip side, when I move back to a C project with a significant number of developers, there are whole classes of C++ problems that I'm used to explaining to people which go away. Mostly problems due to the complexity of C++, and people who think they know what's going on, but they're really at the "C with classes" part of the C++ confidence curve.
Given the choice, I'd prefer using C++ on a project, but only if the team is pretty solid on the language. Also of course assuming it's not an 8K ÎĽC project where I'm effectively writing "C" anyway.

Couple of observations
Unless you plan to use your c++ compiler to build your C (which is possible if you stick to a well define subset of C++) you will soon discover things that your compiler allows in C that would be a compile error in C++.
No more cryptic template errors (yay!)
No (language supported) object oriented programming

Pretty much the same reasons I have for using C++ or a mix of C/C++ rather than pure C. I can live without namespaces but I use them all the time if the code standard allows it. The reasons is that you can write much more compact code in C++. This is very usefull for me, I write servers in C++ which tend to crash now and then. At that point it helps a lot if the code you are looking at is short and consist. For example consider the following code:
uint32_t p_PlayerId)
MutexLock lock(m_Lock);
uint32_t highScore = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < m_Players.Size(); i++)
Player& player = m_Players[i];
if(player.m_Score > highScore)
highScore = player.m_Score;
return highScore;
In C that looks like:
ScoreList* p_ScoreList)
uint32_t highScore = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < Array_GetSize(p_ScoreList->m_Players); i++)
Player* player = p_ScoreList->m_Players[i];
if(player->m_Score > highScore)
highScore = player->m_Score;
return highScore;
Not a world of difference. One more line of code, but that tends to add up. Nomally you try your best to keep it clean and lean but sometimes you have to do something more complex. And in those situations you value your line count. One more line is one more thing to look at when you try to figure out why your broadcast network suddenly stops delivering messages.
Anyway I find that C++ allows me to do more complex things in a safe fashion.

yes! i have experienced both of these languages and what i found is C++ is more friendly language. It facilitates with more features. It is better to say that C++ is superset of C language as it provide additional features like polymorphism, interitance, operator and function overloading, user defined data types which is not really supported in C. The thousand lines of code is reduce to few lines with the help of object oriented programming that's the main reason of moving from C to C++.

I think the main problem why c++ is harder to be accepted in embedded environment is because of the lack of engineers that understand how to use c++ properly.
Yes, the same reasoning can be applied to C as well, but luckily there aren't that many pitfalls in C that can shoot yourself in the foot. C++ on the other hand, you need to know when not to use certain features in c++.
All in all, I like c++. I use that on the O/S services layer, driver, management code, etc.
But if your team doesn't have enough experience with it, it's gonna be a tough challenge.
I had experience with both. When the rest of the team wasn't ready for it, it was a total disaster. On the other hand, it was good experience.

Certainly, the desire to escape complex/messy syntax is understandable. Sometimes C can appear to be the solution. However, C++ is where the industry support is, including tooling and libraries, so that is hard to work around.
C++ has so many features today including lambdas.
A good approach is to leverage C++ itself to make your code simpler. Objects are good for isolating things under the hood so that at a higher level, the code is simpler. The core guidelines recommend concrete (simple) objects, so that approach can help.
The level of complexity is under the engineer's control. If multiple inheritance (MI) is useful in a scenario and one prefers that option, then one may use MI.
Alternatively, one can define interfaces, inherit from the interface(s), and contain implementing objects (composition/aggregation) and expose the objects through the interface using inline wrappers. The inline wrappers compile down to nothing, i.e., compile down to simple use of the internal (contained) object, yet the container object appears to have that functionality as if multiple inheritance was used.
C++ also has namespaces, so one should leverage namespaces even if coding in a C-like style.
One can use the language itself to create simpler patterns and the STL is full of examples: array, vector, map, queue, string, unique_ptr,... And one can control (to a reasonable extent) how complex their code is.
So, going back to C is not the way, nor is it necessary. One may use C++ in a C-like way, or use C++ multiple inheritance, or use any option in-between.


C++ vs. D , Ada and Eiffel (horrible error messages with templates)

One of the problems of C++ are horrible error messages that we are getting from code which intensively uses templates and template metaprogramming. The concepts are designed to solve this problem, but unfortunately they will not be in the next standard.
I'm wondering, is this problem common for all languages, which are supporting generic programming? Or something is wrong with C++ templates?
Unfortunately I don't know any other language, that supports generic programming (Java and C# generics are too simplified and not as powerful as C++ templates).
So I'm asking you guys: are D,Ada,Eiffel templates (generics) producing such ugly error messages too? And Is it possible to have language with powerful generic programming paradigm, but without ugly error messages? And if yes, how these languages are solving this problem ?
Edit: for downvoters. I really love C++ and templates. I'm not saying that templates are bad. Actually I'm a big fan of generic programming and template metaprogramming. I'm just asking why I'm getting such ugly error messages from compilers.
In general I found Ada compiler error messages for generics really not significantly more difficult to read than any other Ada compiler error messages.
C++ template error messages, on the other hand, are notorious for being error novels. The main difference I think is the way C++ does template instantiation. The thing is, C++ templates are much more flexible than Ada generics. It is so flexible, it is almost like a macro preprocessor. The clever folks in Boost have used this to implement things like lambdas and even whole other languages.
Because of that flexibility, the entire template hierarchy basically has to be compiled anew every time its particular permutation of template parameters is first encountered. Thus issues that resolve down to incompatibilities several layers down a API end up being presented to the poor API client to decipher.
In Ada, Generics are actually strongly typed, and provide full information hiding to the client, just like normal packages and subroutines do. So if you do get an error message, it is typically just referencing the one generic you are trying to instatiate, not the entire hierarchy used to implement it.
So yes, C++ template error messages are way worse than Ada's.
Now debugging is a different story entirely...
The problem, at heart, is that error recovery is difficult, whatever the context.
And when you factor in C and C++ horrid grammars, you can only wonder that error messages are not worse than that! I am afraid that the C grammar has been designed by people who didn't have a clue about the essential properties of a grammar, one of them being that the less reliance on the context the better and the other being that you should strive to make it as unambiguous as possible.
Let us illustrate a common error: forgetting a semi-colon.
struct CType {
int a;
char b;
bar() { /**/ }
Okay so this is wrong, where should the missing semi-colon go ? Well unfortunately it's ambiguous, it can go either before or after foo because:
C considers it normal to declare a variable in stride after defining a struct
C considers it normal not to specify a return type for a function (in which case it defaults to int)
If we reason about, we could see that:
if foo names a type, then it belongs to the function declaration
if not, it probably denotes a variable... unless of course we made a typo and it was meant to be written fool, which happens to be a type :/
As you can see, error recovery is downright difficult, because we need to infer what the writer meant, and the grammar is far from being receptive. It is not impossible though, and most errors can indeed be diagnosed more or less correctly, and even recovered from... it just takes considerable effort.
It seems that people working on gcc are more interested in producing fast code (and I mean fast, search for the latest benchmarks on gcc 4.6) and adding interesting features (gcc already implement most - if not all - of C++0x) than producing easy to read error messages. Can you blame them ? I can't.
Fortunately there are people who think that accurate error reporting and good error recovery are a very worthy goal, and some of those have been working on CLang for quite a bit, and they are continuing to do so.
Some nice features, off the top of my head:
Terse but complete error messages, which include the source ranges to expose exactly where the error emanated from
Fix-It notes when it's obvious what was meant
In which case the compiler parses the rest of the file as if the fix had been there already, instead of spewing lines upon lines of gibberish
(recent) avoid including the include stack for notes, to cut out on the cruft
(recent) trying only to expose the template parameter types that the developper actually wrote, and preserving typedefs (thus talking about std::vector<Name> instead of std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::allocator<char>>, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::allocator<char>> > which makes all the difference)
(recent) recovering correctly in case of a missing template in case it's missing in a call to a template method from within another template method
But each of those has required several hours to days of work.
They certainly didn't come for free.
Now, concepts should have (normally) made our lives easier. But they were mostly untested and so it was deemed preferable to remove them from the draft. I must say I am glad for this. Given C++ relative inertia, it's better not to include features that haven't been thoroughly revised, and the concept maps didn't really thrilled me. Neither did they thrilled Bjarne or Herb it seems, as they said that they would be rethinking Concepts from scratch for the next standard.
The article Generic Programming outlines many of the pros and cons of generics in several languages, including Ada in particular. Although lacking template specialization, all Ada generic instances are "equivalent to the instance declaration…immediately followed by the instance body". As a practical matter, error messages tend to occur at compile-time, and they typically represent familiar violations of type-safety.
D has two features to improve the quality of template error messages: Constraints and static assert.
// Use constraints to only allow a function to operate on random access
// ranges as defined in std.range. If something that doesn't satisfy this
// is passed, the compiler will error before even trying to instantiate
// fun().
void fun(R)(R range) if(isRandomAccessRange!(R)) {
// Do stuff.
// Use static assert to check a high level invariant. If
// the predicate is false, the error message will be
// printed and compilation will stop before a screen
// worth of more confusing errors are encountered.
// This function takes any number of ranges to merge sort
// and the same number of temporary buffers to merge into.
void mergeSort(R...)(R ranges) {
static assert(R.length % 2 == 0,
"Must have equal number of ranges to be sorted and temporary buffers.");
static assert(allSatisfy!(isRandomAccessRange, R),
"All arguments to mergeSort must be random access ranges.");
// Implementation
Eiffel has the best of all error messages because it is has the best of all template systems. It is fully integrated into the language and works well because it is the only language which is using covarianz in arguments.
Therefore it is much more then a simple compiler copy and paste. Unfortunately explaining the difference in a few lines is impossible. Just go and have a look at EiffelStudio.
There are some efforts to improve the error messages. Clang, for example, has put quite a lot of emphasis on generating more easily readable compiler error messages. I've only been using it for a short while, but my experience of it so far has been quite positive compared to GCC's equivalent errors.

C-like procedures in C++?

Does the C++ correct programming style demand writing all your code with classes or are C-like procedures allowed ? If I were to give some code to someone else, would it be accepted as C++ just because it has std::vector and std::string (instead of char *) inside, or everything has to be a class?
int number = 204;
std::string result = my_procedure(number);
MyClass machine;
std::string result = machine.get(number);
Are there cases where the programmer, will have to, or is allowed to have C-like procedures in some of his source code ? Did you ever had to do something like that?
In the context of this question where does the margin between C and C++ exist (if any)?
I hope my question is clear and inline with the rules.
It's certainly OK to have free functions in your code -- this is a matter of architecture, not of "++ness". For small programs it doesn't even make sense to go all-in with classes, as OO is really a tool to manage complexity. If the complexity isn't there to begin with, why bother?
Your second question, where is the line drawn, doesn't have a short answer. The obvious one is that the line is drawn in all places where the C standard differs from the one for C++. But if you are looking for a list of high-level language features that C++ has and C does not, here are some of them:
Class types and OO (of course)
Function/operator overloading
new/delete to manage memory
C++ is a multi-paradigm language, where OO, procedural, generic/generative and - to a lesser (but increasing with C++0x) extent functional - are among the paradigms. You should use whichever is the best fit for the problem: you want the code to be easy to get and keep right, and hard to stuff up.
The utility of classes is in packaging data (state) along with the related functions. If your wordify function doesn't need to retain any state between calls, then there's no need to use a class/object. That said, if you can predict that you will soon want to have state, then it may be useful to start with a class so that the client code doesn't need to change as much.
For example, imagine adding a parameter to the function to specify whether the output should be "first", "second" instead of "one", "two". You want the behaviour to be set once and remembered, but somewhere else in the application some other code may also use the functionality but prefer the other setting. It's a good idea to use an object to hold the state and arrange it so each object's lifetime and accessibility aligns with the code that will use it.
In the context of this question where does the margin between C and C++ exist (if any)?
C++ just gives you a richer set of ways to tackle your programming tasks, each with their necessary pros and cons. There are plenty of times when the best way is still the same way it would have been done in C. It would be perverse for a C++ programmer to choose a worse way simply because it was only possible in C++. Still, such choices exist at myriad levels, so it's common to have say a non-[class-]member function that takes a const std::string& parameter, combining the procedural function call with object-oriented data that's been generated by a template: it all works well together.
C++ allows a variety of programming styles, procedural code being one of them.
Which style to use depends on the problem you are trying to solve. The margin between C and C++ is are you compiling your code with a C++ compiler.
I do at times use procedural functions in my code. Sometimes it best solves the problem.
C++ code can still be valid C++ code even without classes. Classes are more of a feature, and are not required in every piece of code.
C++ is basically C with more features, so there isn't really a "margin" between the two languages.
If you read Stroustrup's Design and Evolution, you'll see that C++ was intended to support multiple programming styles. Use whichever one is most appropriate the problem (not the same as always just usnig the one you know.)
In legacy real world applications, there is often very little distinction. Some C++ code was originally C code nad then recompilied. Slowly it migrates to use C++ features to improve its quality.
In short, Yes, C++ code can be procedural. But you'll find it does differ from C code if you use C++ features where appropriate.
What is good practice needs to consider things like encapsulation, testability, and the comprehensibility of the client API.
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
string wordify(int n)
stringstream ss;
ss << n; // put the integer into the stream
return ss.str(); // return the string
int main()
string s1 = wordify(42);
string s2 = wordify(45678);
string s3 = wordify(-99);
cout << s1 << ' ' << s2 << ' ' << s3 << '\n';

What is the cost of compiling a C program with a C++ compiler?

I want to use C with templates on a embedded environment and I wanted to know what is the cost of compiling a C program with a C++ compiler?
I'm interested in knowing if there will be more code than the one the C compiler will generate.
Note that as the program is a C program, is expect to call the C++ compiler without exception and RTTI support.
The C++ compiler may take longer to compile the code (since it has to build data structures for overload resolution, it can't know ahead of time that the program doesn't use overloads), but the resulting binary should be quite similar.
Actually, one important optimization difference is that C++ follows strict aliasing rules by default, while C requires the restrict keyword to enable aliasing optimizations. This isn't likely to affect code size much, but it could affect correctness and performance significantly.
There's probably no 'cost', assuming that the two compilers are of equivalent quality. The traditional objection to this is that C++ is much more complex and so it's more likely that a C++ compiler will have bugs in it.
Realistically, this is much less of a problem that it used to be, and I tend to do most of my embedded stuff now as a sort of horrible C/C++ hybrid - taking advantage of stronger typing and easier variable declaration rules, without incurring RTTI or exception handling overheads. If you're taking a given compiler (GCC, etc) and switching it from C to C++ mode, then much of what you have to worry about is common to the two languages anyway.
The only way to really know is for you to try it with the compilers you care about. A quick experiment here on a trivial program shows that the output is the same.
Your program will be linked to the C++ runtime library, not the C one. The C++ is larger as well.
Also, there are a couple of differences between C and C++ (aliases were already pointed out) so it may happen that your C code just does not compile in C++.
If it's C, then you can expect it will be exactly the same.
To elaborate: both C and C++ will forward their parse tree into the same backend that generates code (possibly via another intermediate representation), which means that if the code is functionally identical, the output will look the same (or nearly so).
Templates do "inflate" code, but you would otherwise have to write the same code or use macros to the same effect, so this is no "extra cost". Contrarily, the compiler may be able to optimize templates better in some cases.
A C++ compiler cannot compile C code. It can only compile C++, including a very ugly language which is the intersection of C and C++ and the worst of both worlds. Some C code will fail to compile at all on a C++ compiler, for example:
char *s = malloc(len+1);
While other C code will be compiled to the wrong thing, for example:
sizeof 'a'
I have found this extra-ordinary document Technical Report on C++ Performance. I have found there all the answers i was looking for.
Thanks to all that have answered this question.
There will be more code because that is what templates do. They are a stencil for generating (more) code.
Otherwise, you should see no differences between compiling a C program with a C compiler versus compiling with a C++ compiler.
If you don't use any of the extra "features" there should be no difference in size or behavior of the end result.
Although the C code will likely compile to something very similar (assuming there's no exception support enabled), using templates can very rapidly result in large binaries - you have to be careful, because every template instantiation can recursively result in other templates being implicitly instantiated as well.
There was a time when the C++ compiler linked in a bunch of C++ stuff even if the program didnt use it and you would see binaries that were 10 to 100 times larger than the C compiler would produce. I think a lot of that has gone away.
Since this is tagged "embedded", I assume its for embedded systems?
In that case, the major difference between C and C++ is the way C++ treats structs. All structs will be treated like classes, meaning they will have constructors.
All instances of structs/classes declared at file scope or as static will then have their constructors called before main() is executed, in a similar manner to static initialization, which you already have there no matter C or C++.
All these constructor calls at bootup is a major disadvantage in efficiency for embedded systems, where the code resides in NVM and not in RAM. Just like static initialization, it will create an ugly, undesired workload peak at the start of the program, where values from NVM are copied into the RAM.
There are ways around the static initialization in C/C++: most embedded compilers have an option to disable it. But since that is a non-standard setup, all code using statics would then have to be written so that it never uses any initialization values, but instead sets all static variables in runtime.
But as far as I know, there is no way around calling constructors, without violating the standard.
Here is source code executed in one such C++ system, Freescale HCS08 Codewarrior 6.3. This code is injected in the user program after static initialization, but before main() is executed:
static void Call_Constructors(void) {
int i;
i = (int)(_startupData.nofInitBodies - 1);
while (i >= 0) {
(&_startupData.initBodies->initFunc)[i](); /* call C++ constructors */
At the very least, this overhead code must be executed at program startup, no matter how efficient the compiler is at converting constructors into static initializtion.
C++ runtime start-up differs slightly from C start-up because it must invoke the constructors for global static objects before main() is called. This call loop is trivial and should not add much.
In the case of C++ code that is also entirely C compilable no static constructors will be present so the loop will not iterate.
In most cases apart from that, you will normally see no significant difference, in C++ you only pay for what you use.

Strange Pattern: all functions/methods return error-code using the same type in C++

In my last two projects I've seen the strange guideline, "All Methods/Functions should return error-code using some common ERROR_CODE type". In both projects ERROR_CODE is an int typedef.
Is there any good reason doing it in C++? Some MISRA requirement or something like that?
I can see only disadvantages:
If a function should return a value, it is done by argument reference. e.g.:
string s;
ERROR_CODE err = getString(s);
The importance of a function is not obvious. All looks the same. The list of errors conntains hundreds of errors from low level errors to some domain specific errors.
Have you experienced this programming style? Are there good arguments against it or for it?
I think it's a very bad style for several reasons.
Like you've said, it forces you to pass pointers/references to store the actual result of a function.
Like you've said, the unified error code is ugly because it's trying to unify all sorts of errors from all sorts of domains.
It creates an artificial dependency of all the program's modules on the error code system, making it awkward to reuse a single module or small subset of modules in other programs.
Further, since some of the error codes are domain-specific, it's actually introducing dependencies between unrelated object types/modules, since they're all dependent upon a component that's dependent upon the union of all of their possible error types.
My view is that any function/method which has more than a small manageable number of ways it can fail is either overly complex or poorly factored, probably both.
If you really want to return error codes, I would swap things around and pass the pointer to the error code as an argument to the function, and make the actual result the return value. Then I would choose one of these two approaches for implementing the error codes:
The simple way: throw away all abstraction of the error code and simply use int with a few universal error classes.
The heavy object oriented way: Provide a pointer to an internal "error object" where the base class is very abstract and can be shared between all components without introducing any dependency, and where each component defines its own component-specific error objects if needed.
A better approach if you're using C++ would probably be using exceptions...
I've seen it.
kernel programming is that way, except when only one error is possible.
It doesn't sound like a great idea, but neither all that bad of one.
It's not unusual for teams to agree on a common means of returning errors, since this helps in creating a common 'look and feel' to the project's code, just like any other team-wide coding convention. This could help new team members to understand the overall picture quicker, and make maintenance within the team of other peoples' code a little more intuitive.
It's surprising to me that a C++ project is unifying behind errors rather than exceptions, however. There's a discussion of the pros and cons of using exceptions vs error codes here.
I guess one argument in favour of error code handling is if you are using a C-style API that leads you into this approach (cough... Win32... cough).
This idiom is quite common, especially in the C world.
Even though I don't use it myself and I think it makes more harm than good (more on that in the other answers), I do find an advantage of it: a consistent way to report unexpected errors to the call site. Something like the errno variable, but easier to use.
For instance, consider a set of functions:
int a();
std::string b();
double c();
std::list<long> d();
Each of the above functions would indicate the failure in a different way: a() could return an -1, b() an empty string, c() a 0.0 and d() an empty list. That's inconsistent and not quite intuitive. Now imagine a function, whose range covers the entire possible range of the type it returns. That's even worse.
Some APIs also do:
int x(bool* ok);
But that also pollutes each function with an additional argument.
In C, there aren't many possibilities to do in a nice way, unfortunately, if you really need to design such an API that would indicate the different types of failure. In the C++ world, however, you can just use exceptions.
I've seen the argument that when linking to a C++ library compiled by another compiler than is used to compile your binaries, exceptions might not work. While this non-working may totally be true, in actuality, even the linking process need not work (although everyone may be sticking to the standards), so, theoretically, this argument is void. In practice however, it may be (I don't have experience here, sorry), that name mangling conflicts rarely arise, alignment conflicts rarely arise, and, well, all other implementation specific stuff is widely agreed upon, except for exceptions.
Second argument I've seen is run-time performance. While stack unwinding in case of an exception is expensive, I've not yet seen a fair benchmark that compared exceptions to a realistic amount of return code checking.
In my typical C++ I use a mix. I use the slower exceptions for stuff that I really don't expect to happen frequently or code paths that are measured to be rarely executed, but return codes for stuff that is more likely to break and probably called frequently.
Throwing exceptions in a tight loop because some funny condition holds true in every iteration is not cheap (assuming the loop body handles it).

Why doesn't anyone upgrade their C compiler with advanced features?

struct elem
int i;
char k;
elem user; // compile error!
struct elem user; // this is correct
In the above piece of code we are getting an error for the first declaration. But this error doesn't occur with a C++ compiler. In C++ we don't need to use the keyword struct again and again.
So why doesn't anyone update their C compiler, so that we can use structure without the keyword as in C++ ?
Why doesn't the C compiler developer remove some of the glitches of C, like the one above, and update with some advanced features without damaging the original concept of C?
Why it is the same old compiler not updated from 1970's ?
Look at visual studio etc.. It is frequently updated with new releases and for every new release we have to learn some new function usage (even though it is a problem we can cope up with it). We will also get updated with the new compiler if there is any.
Don't take this as a silly question. Why it is not possible? It could be developed without any incompatibility issues (without affecting the code that was developed on the present / old compiler)
Ok, lets develop the new C language, C+, which is in between C and C++ which removes all glitches of C and adds some advanced features from C++ while keeping it useful for specific applications like system level applications, embedded systems etc.
Because it takes years for a new Standard to evolve.
They are working on a new C++ Standard (C++0x), and also on a new C standard (C1x), but if you remember that it usually takes between 5 and 10 years for each iteration, i don't expect to see it before 2010 or so.
Also, just like in any democracy, there are compromises in a Standard. You got the hardliners who say "If you want all that fancy syntactic sugar, go for a toy language like Java or C# that takes you by the hand and even buys you a lollipop", whereas others say "The language needs to be easier and less error-prone to survive in these days or rapidly reducing development cycles".
Both sides are partially right, so standardization is a very long battle that takes years and will lead to many compromises. That applies to everything where multiple big parties are involved, it's not just limited to C/C++.
typedef struct
int i;
char k;
} elem;
elem user;
will work nicely. as other said, it's about standard -- when you implement this in VS2008, you can't use it in GCC and when you implement this even in GCC, you certainly not compile in something else. Method above will work everywhere.
On the other side -- when we have C99 standard with bool type, declarations in a for() cycle and in the middle of blocks -- why not this feature as well?
First and foremost, compilers need to support the standard. That's true even if the standard seems awkward in hindsight. Second, compiler vendors do add extensions. For example, many compilers support this:
(char *) p += 100;
to move a pointer by 100 bytes instead of 100 of whatever type p is a pointer to. Strictly speaking that's non-standard because the cast removes the lvalue-ness of p.
The problem with non-standard extensions is that you can't count on them. That's a big problem if you ever want to switch compilers, make your code portable, or use third-party tools.
C is largely a victim of its own success. One of the main reasons to use C is portability. There are C compilers for virtually every hardware platform and OS in existence. If you want to be able to run your code anywhere you write it in C. This creates enormous inertia. It's almost impossible to change anything without sacrificing one of the best things about using the language in the first place.
The result for software developers is that you may need to write to the lowest common denominator, typically ANSI C (C89). For example: Parrot, the virtual machine that will run the next version of Perl, is being written in ANSI C. Perl6 will have an enormously powerful and expressive syntax with some mind-bending concepts baked right into the language. The implementation, though, is being built using a language that is almost the complete opposite. The reason is that this will make it possible for perl to run anywhere: PCs, Macs, Windows, Linux, Unix, VAX, BSD...
This "feature" will never be adopted by future C standards for one reason only: it would badly break backward compatibility. In C, struct tags have separate namespaces to normal identifiers, and this may or may not be considered a feature. Thus, this fragment:
struct elem
int foo;
int elem;
Is perfectly fine in C, because these two elems are in separate namespaces. If a future standard allowed you to declare a struct elem without a struct qualifier or appropriate typedef, the above program would fail because elem is being used as an identifier for an int.
An example where a future C standard does in fact break backward compatibiity is when C99 disallowed a function without an explicit return type, ie:
foo(void); /* declare a function foo that takes no parameters and returns an int */
This is illegal in C99. However, it is trivial to make this C99 compliant just by adding an int return type. It is not so trivial to "fix" C programs if suddenly struct tags didn't have a separate namespace.
I've found that when I've implemented non-standard extensions to C and C++, even when people request them, they do not get used. The C and C++ world definitely revolves around strict standard compliance. Many of these extensions and improvements have found fertile ground in the D programming language.
Walter Bright, Digital Mars
Most people still using C use it because they're either:
Targeting a very specific platform (ie, embedded) and therefore must use the compiler provided by that platform vendor
Concerned about portability, in which case a non-standard compiler would defeat the purpose
Very comfortable with plain C and see no reason to change, in which case they just don't want to.
As already mentioned, C has a standard that needs to be adhered to. But can't you just write your code using slightly modified C syntax, but use a C++ compiler so that things like
struct elem
int i;
char k;
elem user;
will compile?
Actually, many C compilers do add features - doesn't pretty much every C compiler support C++ style // comments?
Most of the features added to updates of the C standard (C99 being the most recent) come from extensions that 'caught on'.
For example, even though the compiler I'm using right now on an embedded platform does not claim to conform to the C99 standard (and it is missing quite a bit from it), it does add the following extensions (all of which are borrowed from C++ or C99) to it's 'C90' support:
declarations mixed with statements
anonymous structs and unions
declaration in the for loop initialization expression
and, of course, C++ style // comments
The problem I run into with this is that when I try to compile those files using MSVC (either for testing or because the code is useful on more than just the embedded platform), it'll choke on most of them (I'm honestly not sure about anonymous structs/unions).
So, extensions do get added to C compilers, it's just that they're done at different rates and in different ways (so code using them becomes more difficult to port) and the process of moving them into a standard occurs at a near glacial pace.
We have a typedef for exactly this purpose.
And please do not change the standard we have enough compatibility problems already....
# Manoj Doubts comment
I have no problem with you or somebody else to define C+ or C- or Cwhatever unless you don't touch C :)
I still need a language that capable to complete my task - have a same piece of code (not a small one) to be able to run on tens of Operating system compiled by significant number of different compilers and be able to run on tens of different hardware platform at the moment there is only one language that allow me complete my task and i prefer not to experiment with this ability :) Especially for reason you provided. Do you really think that ability to write
foo test;
struct foo test;
will make you code better from any point of view ?
The following program outputs "1" when compiled as standard C or something else, probably 2, when compiled as C++ or your suggested syntax. That's why the C language can't make this change, it would give new meaning to existing code. And that's bad!
#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct
int a;
int b;
} X;
int main(void)
union X
int a;
int b;
X x;
x.a = 1;
x.b = 2;
printf("%d\n", x.a);
return 0;
Because C is Standardized. Compiler could offer that feature and some do, but using it means that the source code doesn't follow the standard and could only be compiled on that vendor's compiler.
1 - None of the compilers that are in use today are from the 70s...
2 - There are standarts for both C and C++ languages and compilers are developed according to those standarts. They can't just change some behaviour !
3 - What happens if you develop on VS2008 and then try to compile that code by another compiler whose last version was released 10 years ago ?
4 - What happens when you play with the options on the C/C++ / Language tab ?
5 - Why don't Microsoft compilers target all the possible processors ? They only target x86, x86_64 and Itanium, that's all...
6 - Believe me , this is not even considered as a problem !!!
You don't need to develop a new language if you want to use C with C++ typedefs and the like (but without classes, templates etc).
Just write your C-like code and use the C++ compiler.
As far as new functionality in new releases go, Visual C++ is not completely standard-conforming (see, By the time Visual Studio 2010 is out, the next C++ standard will likely have been approved, giving the VC++ team more functionality to change.
There are also changes to the Microsoft libraries (which have little or nothing to do with the standard), and to what the compiler puts out (C++/CLI). There's plenty of room for changes without trying to deviate from the standard.
Nor do you need anything like C+. Just write in C, use whatever C++ features you like, and compile as C++. One of the Bjarne Stroustrup's original design goals for C++ was to make it unnecessary to write anything in C. It should compile perfectly efficiently provided you limit the C++ features you use (and even then will compile very efficiently; modern C++ compilers do a very good job).
And the unanswered question: Why would you want to use non-standard C, when you could write standard C or standard C++ with almost equal facility?
This sounds like the embrace and extend concept.
Life under your scenario.
I develop code using a C compiler that has the C "glitches" removed.
I move to a different platform with another C compiler that has the C "glitches" removed, but in a slightly different way.
My code doesn't compile or runs differently on the new platform, I waste time "porting" my code to the new platform.
Some vendors actually like to fix "glitches" because this tends to lock people into a single platform.
If you want to write in standard C, follow the standards. That's it.
If you want more freedom use C# or C++.NET or anything else your hardware supports.