How can I update an in-use COM DLL? - c++

One part of some software I have written is a COM dll.
Other software uses this COM dll.
My software has an update function where it will download a newer version of the dll, but the update will fail if the dll is in use because the file cannot be deleted or written to.
The question is, how can I update a COM dll that is in use?
I have considered popping up a message asking the user to close any applications that are using the DLL if it is in use, if this is the best solution how would I go about detecting if the COM dll was in use before popping up the message?
Thanks in advance.

You cannot update it in place for existing applications, but one way to do this would be to save it with a different file name or different folder and call DllRegisterServer on the DLL to register it under the new name. New applications which begin using your object should now use the new version.

If this is just a matter of detecting whether you can replace the file then it is easy. Just try to open it with a share flag that denies reading. That's going to fail if the DLL is loaded in another process. Use _fsopen() or CreateFile(). Beware of the race condition.
Detecting which processes have the file loaded is a harder problem, CreateToolhelp32Snapshot() and Process32First/Next plus Module32First/Next to enumerate processes and the DLLs they have loaded. Still tough to generate a good diagnostic for the user, the process name isn't that helpful.

When you have downloaded the update, you must launch a third program (which you write) that does not have any dependancies on your COM component, or any other piece that is to be updated. This launcher, or bootstrapper, must shut down all your pieces, uninstall them, and install the update. When the update is installed you may then re-launch your application.
If you need also to download updates to the updater itself, your main program can do that.

Here is a simple solution for you. Create a wrapper DLL, which will be used by the other processes. Inside that DLL you explicitly load/unload your DLL, which is subject to updates. Of course you will have to suspend all callers when an update process kicks in.


Loading custom DLLs instead of original DLLs

The question below is for educational purposes only and the discussed featured are not meant to alter registered DLLs or develop a malware but for learning and experiencing.
Recently I've been exploring few methods to load my own custom DLLs instead of an application's original DLLs.
One of the methods that came up was the <exe>.local method.
After experiencing with this method a little bit and after I removed the KnownDlls entry from the registry I managed to replace some system DLLs with my patched DLLs successfully.
These are the DLLs:
However, the DLLs are IN the local folder:
However, there are still some DLLs that insist loading from the system32 directory, although they are present in the local folder.
Is there any way I can force the DLL's to load from the local folder instead of the system32 folder?
This is not an answer so much as a rambling, unsourced, brain dump.
It does serve to explain why I am not surprised at your result. This boils down, for me, to the crucial difference between CreateProcess and LoadLibrary, and how Win32 processes work.
Normally, when using LoadLibrary, you are using it from within the process you want the dll to be loaded into. As such, it can take advantage of a whole bunch of in-process context information about activation contexts, dll search paths etc. including knowledge of things like the app.local flag.
All these values are specific to the current process and it is not the job of any other process (or even the Kernel) to track stuff like this.
But, if we look at CreateProcess we can see some problems. When it is initially called, it is called in the context of the launching, not destination, process, so it knows nothing of the destination processes activation context. In fact, the destination process does not exist yet.
The CreateProcess implementation needs to create a NT process, and execute some code in it asap to perform the process load as it doesn't make any sense to instantiate all that per process context stuff in the current process.
But, to do that, there needs to be at least some code in the destination process: The kernel code responsible for parsing the EXE files header, extracting the headers and building the activation contexts that will be used to load the remaining dlls.
This means that, unfortunately for you, kernel32.dll and some dependencies need to be mapped into a process long before that process is capable of building a dll search context, noticing the app.local flag etc.
You should look at how the Windows loader works. This is OS version dependent, but some of those DLLs load before your program and the loader always looks for them on a path provided by the system. Look at the sequence by starting your program with WinDbg.

DLL injection prior to process execution

I am trying to use dll injection to intercept a call to Direct3DCreate8 from my application to acquire a handle to the Direct3d device and draw an overlay on the screen that it projects. The call to this API happens right after the application's execution which, if I understand correctly, renders useless the dll injection into running process technique as the API call I was after has already happened when I inject the dll.
Is this assumption correct? If yes, how can one inject the dll during process execution to catch a desired API call?
EDIT: I am aware of system-wide api hooks but would be nice to hear a 'local' solution to this problem.
EDIT 2: Forgot to mention, replacing the .dll in the application's folder is of no use, as the application looks for the .dll (d3d8.dll in my case) in System32/SysWOW64 directories.
Being a bit late for the party I wanted to offer you a solution of using Microsoft Detours (which is free for non-commercial use on x86 platforms and costs tremendous money otherwise). They have a DetourCreateProcessWithDllEx function that might suit your needs.
Quoting Detours documentation:
The process is created in a suspended state with the CREATE_SUSPENDED flag to CreateProcess. Detours then modifies the image of the application binary in the new process to include the specified DLL as its first import. Execution in the process is then resumed. When execution resumes, the Windows process loader will first load the target DLL and then any other DLLs in the application's import table, before calling the application entry point.

Require specific event completion before application launch

I'm working on an application (DLL) that logs specific WIN32 calls using Detours. It is injected into a target application that passes the filter. It has to absolutely log every call that the application makes, starting from the first instruction in the application's entry point.
I now am looking for a way to make my application (the one that always runs) inject the DLL as fast as possible, preferably without the target application making any other calls.
Is there any way to achieve this?
You could use the AppInit_DLLs registry key to load a dll into a process. The dll is loaded during DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH of User32.dll. For regular applications this should happen prior to running any application code.
Keep in mind though that AppInit_DLLs should be renamed Deadlock_Or_Crash_Randomly_DLLs.
As far as I know, there's no straightforward way of doing this in Windows.
Your options are:
Hooking the CreateProcess (or lower) function in all processes. When a new process is created, change the arguments to create it as suspended, inject, and resume if needed.
Using a driver.

Prevent McAfee Dlls injection

I have a process that doing some inline hooks on WinSock module (Send and Receive functions).
On a machine with McAfee I can see that two dlls are being injected into my process:
Both are also doing probably inline hooking on those functions and I get collisions and unwanted behaviors. Is there an option to prevent/unload those dlls so they will not interfere?
There are many scenario to achieve DLL injection(Hooking), BTW, you must learn more about how stuff works behind every method, the most common one is by using CreateRemoteThread() API function, then you must to inject your security DLL on every process and hook/redirect/deny any call to CreateRemoteThread() or any "dangerous" API call.
PS: BUT keep in your mind:
user-mode hooking can NEVER be an option to apply additional security
checks in any safe manner. If you only want
to “sandbox” a dedicated process, you know well about, and the process in fact doesn’t know about
EasyHook, this might succeed! But don’t ever attempt to write any security software based on user
mode hooking. It won’t work, I promise you…
You have 2 options.
Add an exclusion for your process so that McAfee doesn't attempt to scan it. I don't use McAfee's products, but I would assume that this would be a relatively straightforward process.
Uninstall McAfee
The easiest solution is to just unhook the affected functions. I had to do the same to work around some Dell crapware. It's not excessively hard, even though it requires some understanding of x86 assembly. You have to disable DEP, make the patched code writeable, find the original instructions, and copy them back. Finding the original instructions probably means disassembling the patch.
Another alternative is simply to hook it at a different place. For example, hook the IAT instead and then when you are done with whatever you want, forward execution back to the real function where it will then go through McAfee's hook.
I've had to deal with something similar once. Read their own hook assembly stub, so you can figure out how to hook in a way you chain to their hook after yours.
I'd imagine that McAfee are performing DLL injection from kernel-mode. They are likely finding the address of the KeServiceDescriptorTable (exported by NTOSKRNL on 32-bit systems and the address to it is leaked on 64-bit environments by KiSystemServiceRepeat -> close to KiSystemCall64 found by the IA32_LSTAR Model Specific Register) and then locating NtCreateThreadEx from the service table, or they're using KeInitializeApc and KeInsertQueueApc (both exported by NTOSKRNL) for APC injection (custom NtQueueApcThread wrapper). That would be logical considering they are a security vendor with a lot of resources, I doubt they'd be injecting from user-mode.
The likelihood is they are abusing PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutineEx or PsSetLoadImageNotifyRoutineEx to detect new process creation. The first one is not as good as the latter, the latter is better for filtering of NTDLL.DLL since it is the first module loaded into every single process, and signifies the process has actually started up properly and is just about ready to execute its own code (after the Windows module loads, and because McAfee will need to wait for Win32 modules like kernel32.dll to be loaded otherwise they'll crash the process if they use the Win32 API at all in their injected modules).
You can try intercepting LdrInitializeThunk or KiUserApcDispatcher, but honestly, there's not much you can do. McAfee will find a way to inject into your process no matter what you do, because they have control from kernel-mode. If you develop process protection via a variety of kernel-mode callbacks from a driver, they'll bypass it using non-exported routines located via pattern match scanning of ntoskrnl.exe, or exported routines which don't invoke the callback notification APIs. If you locally patch routines invoked for thread creation/APC locally in your own process when performed by a remote attacker, they'll find ways to prevent this and bypass it (e.g. patch the patched routines in the address space of your process back to the original, inject, then re-patch the bytes back).
You're playing with fire if you want to stop security software with the privileges McAfee has. It is similar to how Anti-Cheat cannot stop game hackers who have kernel-mode access, and go do drastic measures of even flagging Debug Mode/Test Mode enabled nowadays.

C++ hook process and show status

Ok so I am learning C++ slowly. I am familiar with all the console syntax and everything, but now I'm moving on to windows programming. Now what im trying to do, is create a DLL that I inject into a process, so it's hooked in. All I want the C++ application to do, is have text in it, that says "Hooked" if it's successfully injected, and an error if something wrong happened. Or even if I can do it without a DLL, Just open an executable, and when the certain process I'm trying to hook is opened, the status is changed to "Hooked". Also I have a account so if there is any good reads you would recommend, just write it down. thanks
I think you might be looking at this backwards. In C/C++ an application 'pulls' a DLL in rather than having a DLL 'injected' into an application. Typically for plugins/hooks, there is some mechanism to inform an application of a DLL's availability (often just its presence in a specific directory) and a configuration file or some other logic is used to instruct the application to explicitly load the library, extract a function or two, and call them.
For Windows programming, I'd suggest doing a search for examples of the LoadLibrary() API call. You'll likely find a tutorial or two on how to do it.
If by "hooked" you mean, "have my DLL run in that processes' address space", you want CreateRemoteThread(). This is fairly advanced and difficult to debug, because your bugs make the other program crash. It's how a lot of malware works, by the way.
If you mean "have my DLL get notified of activity in the other process", you want SetWindowsHookEx().
Sounds like you want to inject as soon as the application starts? You can do that with Microsoft's Detours DetourCreateProcessWithDll(). Example here.