CFWheels Unit Testing? - coldfusion

I have searched Google and abroad and I cannot find anything about CFWheels Unit Testing. Does anyone know if it exists and if so can you point me in the right direction?

This will more than likely be an "experimental" feature in 1.1 and refined in maintenance releases like 1.1.1 (though the functionality is there supposedly).
Unfortunately, our priorities have been in other areas, and we haven't been able to put unit testing of Wheels apps themselves through its paces and get it documented. I'll be sure to update this page as I get more info.


Need suggestion for unit testing in Vapor using Swift 3.0

Do we have any unit testing frameworks in Vapor?
I am looking dependencies/framework which will help to do the Unit testing some of my web services and methods in easyway.
I've tried following solutions.
Regarding testing frameworks, I'm quite happy with Apple's XCTest, but if you're looking for something different, I recommend Quick.
If you also want to test the front-end, there are several solutions out there, and choosing one, in my opinion, depends on what front-end framework you pick, if any.
Anyway, I see you found articles on how to configure Vapor for testing. In this post I do something similar, but also I made a template to create new apps already set for testing. You can find it here.

Accessible Continuous Integration

I am looking for a continuous integration suite that is accessible to blind users. I cannot seem to find one. TeamCity looks really nice but has no accessibility support. Is there a blind-accessible continuous integration solution?
Going from my own experience here, CruiseControl seems pretty good. I've only used the .NET version, which comes with a task tray icon for Windows, so I'm not sure whether the other versions have that. But the web interface, which I assume is universal, is accessible. I've been using it with NVDA (Non-Visual Desktop Access) v2012.3.1. That's the only one I've tried so far, I'm afraid. But I hope this helps.

Has CodeIgniter 2.0 / PHPUnit happened yet?

So i've just had a pretty disappointing morning/weekend. It came in the form of setting up PHPUnit, Integrating Eclipse etc
Now i've just discovered that there's no straightforward way to test CodeIgniter 2.0 applications directly from PHPUnit.
I've spent a lot of time researching libraries (FooStack and CIUnit) but the development of these has ceased and aren't compatible with CI 2.0
Before I jump in the inlcuded 2.0 Unit Testing class I need to ask, have I missed out on any major developments around CI 2.0 and PHPUnit.
Any guidance greatly appreciated.
A quick note to anybody interested in this. Ellis Labs are currently baking support for PHPUnit in CodeIgniter Reactor. The next release should have it.. Ref:
I found a few resources you may find useful.
A class written to integrate PHPunit and Codeigniter. Not a very interesting forum post, but it lead me to the next link.
However, the repository found in the link above doesn't look very active. This fork of it seems to be a little more active:

Is csUnit dead? If so, what are the living alternatives?

I'm trying to find out how to get csUnit and VS2010/.NET 4 to play nice together. There's no mention of .NET 4 in the csUnit FAQ, which also seems very much out of date. I checked out the Yahoo user group, but can't find any user posts past March 2008 there.
Am I correct in assuming that csUnit is dead? In that case, what test framework have the users moved on to?
In addition to Matthew Vines answer (NUnit and MbUnit), I think xUnit.Net is the 3rd active open source UnitTesting solution.
Consider Moq, Rhino.Mocks and FakeItEasy as active Open Source Mocking frameworks.
I would think that nUnit and MbUnit would be the big ones right now.
But here is a reasonably extensive list of options:

How should I approach to fix a DNN web application?

Myself and my team is taking over a DNN web application done by a software development vendor.
There are some issues like
1. redundant non-standard data / API to access to tab and configuration of a module, and
2. some other architecture related issues.
My goal is to remove things we don't need and steer the application back to DNN best practice. I also need to implement a work flow engine with DNN because at the moment the work flow process is "semi-hard-coded".
I am wondering if there are any design pattern / best practice material (especially to do with work flow) that we can follow to ease our pain and help us to prioritize work?
EDIT: the application is not designed with unit testing in mind, but I do not mind changing it as long as I can creating unit test, please help me with something about unit testing with DNN too.
Thanks in advance.
Best case would be to make a copy of the directory, clone the db, and put it separately so you can play around with it. First and foremost, upgrade to the newest version and see what happens with the bought and built modules. I had some problems with old modules that were central to operations not having or not being compatible with the newest dnn version. In all cases, a quick look on snowcovered found me alternates which turned out to be better anyway.
We're not a huge development team, but I found writing out test cases to ensure that functionality is not lost in the upgrade process helped immeasurably.
As I mentioned before, if it's homegrown code that you might not want to bring up to speed or even take over, there are a lot of modules out there that do a lot of cool stuff. Might be worth looking at a fresh install of DNN and migrating what you have to have and going from there.