Reusing interfaces throughout your application - c++

I am currently busy refactoring big parts in my application. The main purpose is to remove as much as possible dependencies between the different modules. I now stumble on the following problem:
In my application I have a GUI module that has defined an interface IDataProvider. The interface needs to be implemented by the application and is used to 'provide data' to the GUI module. E.g. a data grid can be given this IDataProvider and use it to loop over all the instances that should be shown in the data grid, and getting their data.
Now have another module (in fact quite some more modules) that all need something similar (like a reporting module, a database integration module, a mathematical solver module, ...). At this moment I can see 2 things I can do:
I could move IDataProvider from the GUI layer to a much lower-level layer and reuse this same interface in all the other modules.
This has the advantage that it becomes easier for the application to use all the modules (it only has to implement a data provider once).
The disadvantage is that I introduce a dependency between the modules and the central IDataProvider. If someone starts to extend IDataProvider with additional methods needed for one module, it also starts to pollute the other modules.
The other alternative is to give every module its own data provider, and force the application to implement all of them if it wants to use all the modules.
The advantage is that the modules are not dependent on a common part
The disadvantage is that I end up with IGridDataProvider, IReportDataProvider, IDatabaseDataProvider, ISolverDataProvider.
What's the best approach to use? Is it acceptible to make all modules dependent on the same common interface if they require [almost or completely] the same kind of interface?
If I use the same IDataProvider interface, can this give nasty problems in the future (which I am not aware of at this moment)?

Why don't you do an intermediate implementation? Have some class implement recurring parts of IDataProvider (as in the 1st case) in a factored-out library (or other layer). Also, everyone is required to "implement" their own IDataProvider (as in the 2nd case). Then, you can re-use your IDataProvider implementation all over the place and add specific methods in custom classes by creating a derived class...
// Common module.
class BasicDataProvider : IDataProvider
// common overrides...
// For modules requiring no specific methods...
typedef BasicDataProvider ReportDataProvider;
// Database module requires "special" handling.
class DatabaseDataProvider : BasicDataProvider
// custom overrides...

There is an alternative to the disadvantage you cite for moving IDataProvider to a lower-level layer.
A module that wants an extended interface could put those extensions in its own sub-interface of IDataProvider. You could encourage this by pro-actively creating those sub-interfaces.

I wouldn't mind having multiple module depending on one interface even if it doesn't use all of the methods the interface publishes. You could also think more in a meaning for part of the interface instead of for what module is it intended. Most of the module you mention only need read access. So you could separate in this way and have another for write, etc.
The data layer doesn't need to know what the data is used for(which is the job of the presentation layer). It only needs to know how to return it and how to modify it.
Moreover, there's absolutely no problem into moving the data provider(which could also be labeled as a controller) to a lower level because it's probably already implementing some business logic(like data consistency) which has nothing to do with the UI.

If you're worried that additional methods would be applied to an interface you can use an Adaptor pattern. That is:
class myFoo{
Bar getBar() =0;
and in the other module:
class myBaz{
Bar getBar() =0;
Then to use one with the other:
class MyAdaptor: public myBaz{
MyAdaptor(myFoo *_input){
m_Foo = _input;
Bar getBar(){ return m_Foo->getBar(); }
myFoo* m_Foo;
That way you implement everything in your myBaz interface and only need to supply the glue in one place. The myFoo can have as many additional methods added to it as they want, the rest of your application need not know or care about it.


Runtime interfaces and object composition in C++

I am searching for a simple, light-weight solution for interface-based runtime object composition in C++. I want to be able to specify interfaces (methods declarations), and objects (creatable through factory pattern) implementing these. At runtime I want mechanisms to instantiate these objects and interconnect these based on interface-connectors. The method calls at runtime should remain fairly cheap, i.e. only several more instructions per call, comparable to functor patterns.
The whole thing needs to be platform independent (at least MS Windows and Linux). And the solution needs to be licensed liberally, like open source LGPL or (even better) BSD or something, especially allowing use commercial products.
What I do not want are heavy things like networking, inter-process-communication, extra compiler steps (one-time code generation is ok though), or dependencies to some heavy libraries (like Qt).
The concrete scenario is: I have such a mechanism in a larger software, but the mechanism is not very well implemented. Interfaces are realized by base classes exported by Dlls. These Dlls also export factory functions to instantiate the implementing objects, based on hand-written class ids.
Before I now start to redesign and implement something better myself, I want to know if there is something out there which would be even better.
Edit: The solution also needs to support multi-threading environments. Additionally, as everything will happen inside the same process, I do not need data serialization mechanisms of any kind.
Edit: I know how such mechanisms work, and I know that several teaching books contain corresponding examples. I do not want to write it myself. The aim of my question is: Is there some sort of "industry standard" lib for this? It is a small problem (within a single process) and I am really only searching for a small solution.
Edit: I got the suggestion to add a pseudo-code example of what I really want to do. So here it is:
Somewhere I want to define interfaces. I do not care if it's C-Headers or some language and code generation.
class interface1 {
virtual void do_stuff(void) = 0;
class interface2 {
virtual void do_more_stuff(void) = 0;
Then I want to provide (multiple) implementations. These may even be placed in Dll-based plugins. Especially, these two classes my be implemented in two different Dlls not knowing each other at compile time.
class A : public interface1 {
virtual void do_stuff(void) {
// I even need to call further interfaces here
// This call should, however, not require anything heavy, like data serialization or something.
// Interface connectors of some kind. Here I use something like a template
some_connector<interface2> con;
class B : public interface2 {
virtual void do_more_stuff() {
// finally doing some stuff
Finally, I may application main code I want to be able to compose my application logic at runtime (e.g. based on user input):
void main(void) {
// first I create my objects through a factory
some_object a = some_factory::create(some_guid<A>);
some_object b = some_factory::create(some_guid<B>);
// Then I want to connect the interface-connector 'con' of object 'a' to the instance of object 'b'
some_thing::connect(a, some_guid<A::con>, b);
// finally I want to call an interface-method.
interface1 *ia = a.some_cast<interface1>();
I am perfectly able to write such a solution myself (including all pitfalls). What I am searching for is a solution (e.g. a library) which is used and maintained by a wide user base.
While not widely used, I wrote a library several years ago that does this.
You can see it on GitHub zen-core library, and it's also available on Google Code
The GitHub version only contains the core libraries, which is really all the you need. The Google Code version contains a LOT of extra libraries, primarily for game development, but it does provide a lot of good examples on how to use it.
The implementation was inspired by Eclipse's plugin system, using a plugin.xml file that indicates a list of available plugins, and a config.xml file that indicates which plugins you would like to load. I'd also like to change it so that it doesn't depend on libxml2 and allow you to be able to specify plugins using other methods.
The documentation has been destroyed thanks to some hackers, but if you think this would be useful then I can write enough documentation to get you started.
A co-worker gave me two further tips:
The loki library (originating from the modern c++ book):
A boost-like library:
I still have not looked at all the ideas I got.

Dependency inversion and pervasive dependencies

I'm trying to get dependency inversion, or at least understand how to apply it, but the problem I have at the moment is how to deal with dependencies that are pervasive. The classic example of this is trace logging, but in my application I have many services that most if not all code will depend on (trace logging, string manipulation, user message logging etc).
None of the solutions to this would appear to be particularly palatable:
Using constructor dependency injection would mean that most of the constructors would have several, many, standard injected dependencies because most classes explicitly require those dependencies (they are not just passing them down to objects that they construct).
Service locator pattern just drives the dependencies underground, removing them from the constructor but hiding them so that it's not even explicit that the dependencies are required
Singleton services are, well, Singletons, and also serve to hide the dependencies
Lumping all those common services together into a single CommonServices interface and injecting that aswell a) violates the Law of Demeter and b) is really just another name for a Service Locator, albeit a specific rather than a generic one.
Does anyone have any other suggestions for how to structure these kinds of dependencies, or indeed any experience of any of the above solutions?
Note that I don't have a particular DI framework in mind, in fact we're programming in C++ and would be doing any injection manually (if indeed dependencies are injected).
Service locator pattern just drives the dependencies underground,
Singleton services are, well, Singletons, and also serve to hide the
This is a good observation. Hiding the dependencies doesn't remove them. Instead you should address the number of dependencies a class needs.
Using constructor dependency injection would mean that most of the
constructors would have several, many, standard injected dependencies
because most classes explicitly require those dependencies
If this is the case, you are probably violating the Single Responsibility Principle. In other words, those classes are probably too big and do too much. Since you are talking about logging and tracing, you should ask yourself if you aren't logging too much. But in general, logging and tracing are cross-cutting concerns and you should not have to add them to many classes in the system. If you correctly apply the SOLID principles, this problem goes away (as explained here).
The Dependency Inversion principle is part of the SOLID Principles and is an important principle for among other things, to promote testability and reuse of the higher-level algorithm.
As indicated on Uncle Bob's web page, Dependency Inversion is about depend on abstractions, not on concretions.
In practice, what happens is that some places where your class instantiates another class directly, need to be changed such that the implementation of the inner class can be specified by the caller.
For instance, if I have a Model class, I should not hard code it to use a specific database class. If I do that, I cannot use the Model class to use a different database implementation. This might be useful if you have a different database provider, or you may want to replace the database provider with a fake database for testing purposes.
Rather than the Model doing a "new" on the Database class, it will simply use an IDatabase interface that the Database class implements. The Model never refers to a concrete Database class. But then who instantiates the Database class? One solution is Constructor Injection (part of Dependency Injection). For this example, the Model class is given a new constructor that takes an IDatabase instance which it is to use, rather than instantiate one itself.
This solves the original problem of the Model no longer references the concrete Database class and uses the database through the IDatabase abstraction. But it introduces the problem mentioned in the Question, which is that it goes against Law of Demeter. That is, in this case, the caller of Model now has to know about IDatabase, when previously it did not. The Model is now exposing to its clients some detail about how it gets its job done.
Even if you were okay with this, there's another issue that seems to confuse a lot of people, including some trainers. There's as an assumption that any time a class, such as Model, instantiates another class concretely, then it's breaking the Dependency Inversion principle and therefore it is bad. But in practice, you can't follow these types of hard-and-fast rules. There are times when you need to use concrete classes. For instance, if you're going to throw an exception you have to "new it up" (eg. threw new BadArgumentException(...)). Or use classes from the base system such as strings, dictionaries, etc.
There's no simple rule that works in all cases. You have to understand what it is that you're trying to accomplish. If you're after testability, then the fact that the Model classes references the Database class directly is not itself a problem. The problem is the fact that the Model class has no other means of using another Database class. You solve this problem by implementing the Model class such that it uses IDatabase, and allows a client to specify an IDatabase implementation. If one is not specified by the client, the Model can then use a concrete implementation.
This is similar to the design of the many libraries, including C++ Standard Library. For instance, looking at the declaration std::set container:
template < class T, // set::key_type/value_type
class Compare = less<T>, // set::key_compare/value_compare
class Alloc = allocator<T> > // set::allocator_type
> class set;
You can see that it allows you to specify a comparer and an allocator, but most of the time, you take the default, especially the allocator. The STL has many such facets, especially in the IO library where detailed aspects of streaming can be augmented for localization, endianness, locales, etc.
In addition to testability, this allows the reuse of the higher-level algorithm with entirely different implementation of the classes that the algorithm internally uses.
And finally, back to the assertion I made previously with regard to scenarios where you would not want to invert the dependency. That is, there are times when you need to instantiate a concrete class, such as when instantiating the exception class, BadArgumentException. But, if you're after testability, you can also make the argument that you do, in fact, want to invert dependency of this as well. You may want to design the Model class such that all instantiations of exceptions are delegated to a class and invoked through an abstract interface. That way, code that tests the Model class can provide its own exception class whose usage the test can then monitor.
I've had colleagues give me examples where they abstract instantiation of even system calls, such as "getsystemtime" simply so they can test daylight savings and time-zone scenarios through their unit-testing.
Follow the YAGNI principle -- don't add abstractions simply because you think you might need it. If you're practicing test-first development, the right abstractions becomes apparent and only just enough abstraction is implemented to pass the test.
class Base {
void doX() {
virtual void doA() {/*does A*/}
virtual void doB() {/*does B*/}
class LoggedBase public : Base {
LoggedBase(Logger& logger) : l(logger) {}
virtual void doA() {l.log("start A"); Base::doA(); l.log("Stop A");}
virtual void doB() {l.log("start B"); Base::doB(); l.log("Stop B");}
Logger& l;
Now you can create the LoggedBase using an abstract factory that knows about the logger. Nobody else has to know about the logger, nor do they need to know about LoggedBase.
class BaseFactory {
virtual Base& makeBase() = 0;
class BaseFactoryImp public : BaseFactory {
BaseFactoryImp(Logger& logger) : l(logger) {}
virtual Base& makeBase() {return *(new LoggedBase(l));}
The factory implementation is held in a global variable:
BaseFactory* baseFactory;
And is initialized to an instance of BaseFactoryImp by 'main' or some function close to main. Only that function knows about BaseFactoryImp and LoggedBase. Everyone else is blissfully ignorant of them all.

Module and classes handling (dynamic linking)

Run into a bit of an issue, and I'm looking for the best solution concept/theory.
I have a system that needs to use objects. Each object that the system uses has a known interface, likely implemented as an abstract class. The interfaces are known at build time, and will not change. The exact implementation to be used will vary and I have no idea ahead of time what module will be providing it. The only guarantee is that they will provide the interface. The class name and module (DLL) come from a config file or may be changed programmatically.
Now, I have all that set up at the moment using a relatively simple system, set up something like so (rewritten pseudo-code, just to show the basics):
struct ClassID
Module * module;
int number;
class Module
HMODULE module;
function<void * (int)> * createfunc;
static Module * Load(String filename);
IObject * CreateClass(int number)
return createfunc(number);
class ModuleManager
bool LoadModule(String filename);
IObject * CreateClass(String classname)
ClassID class = AvailableClasses.find(classname);
return class.module->CreateObject(class.number);
vector<Module*> LoadedModules;
map<String, ClassID> AvailableClasses;
Modules have a few exported functions to give the number of classes they provide and the names/IDs of those, which are then stored. All classes derive from IObject, which has a virtual destructor, stores the source module and has some methods to get the class' ID, what interface it implements and such.
The only issue with this is each module has to be manually loaded somewhere (listed in the config file, at the moment). I would like to avoid doing this explicitly (outside of the ModuleManager, inside that I'm not really concerned as to how it's implemented).
I would like to have a similar system without having to handle loading the modules, just create an object and (once it's all set up) it magically appears.
I believe this is similar to what COM is intended to do, in some ways. I looked into the COM system briefly, but it appears to be overkill beyond belief. I only need the classes known within my system and don't need all the other features it handles, just implementations of interfaces coming from somewhere.
My other idea is to use the registry and keep a key with all the known/registered classes and their source modules and numbers, so I can just look them up and it will appear that Manager::CreateClass finds and makes the object magically. This seems like a viable solution, but I'm not sure if it's optimal or if I'm reinventing something.
So, after all that, my question is: How to handle this? Is there an existing technology, if not, how best to set it up myself? Are there any gotchas that I should be looking out for?
COM very likely is what you want. It is very broad but you don't need to use all the functionality. For example, you don't need to require participants to register GUIDs, you can define your own mechanism for creating instances of interfaces. There are a number of templates and other mechanisms to make it easy to create COM interfaces. What's more, since it is a standard, it is easy to document the requirements.
One very important thing to bear in mind is that importing/exporting C++ objects requires all participants to be using the same compiler. If you think that ever could be a problem to you then you should use COM. If you are happy to accept that restriction then you can carry on as you are.
I don't know if any technology exists to do this.
I do know that I worked with a system very similar to this. We used XML files to describe the various classes that different modules made available. Our equivalent of ModuleManager would parse the xml files to determine what to create for the user at run time based on the class name they provided and the configuration of the system. (Requesting an object that implemented interface 'I' could give back any of objects 'A', 'B' or 'C' depending on how the system was configured.)
The big gotcha we found was that the system was very brittle and at times hard to debug/understand. Just reading through the code, it was often near impossible to see what concrete class was being instantiated. We also found that maintaining the XML created more bugs and overhead than expected.
If I was to do this again, I would keep the design pattern of exposing classes from DLL's through interfaces, but I would not try to build a central registry of classes, nor would I derive everything from a base class such as IObject.
I would instead make each module responsible for exposing its own factory functions(s) to instantiate objects.

Overriding / modifying C++ classes using DLLs

I have a project with a large codebase (>200,000 lines of code) I maintain ("The core").
Currently, this core has a scripting engine that consists of hooks and a script manager class that calls all hooked functions (that registered via DLL) as they occur. To be quite honest I don't know how exactly it works, since the core is mostly undocumented and spans several years and a magnitude of developers (who are, of course, absent). An example of the current scripting engine is:
void OnMapLoad(uint32 MapID)
if (MapID == 1234)
printf("Map 1234 has been loaded");
void SetupOnMapLoad(ScriptMgr *mgr)
mgr->register_hook(HOOK_ON_MAP_LOAD, (void*)&OnMapLoad);
A supplemental file named setup.cpp calls SetupOnMapLoad with the core's ScriptMgr.
This method is not what I'm looking for. To me, the perfect scripting engine would be one that will allow me to override core class methods. I want to be able to create classes that inherit from core classes and extend on them, like so:
// In the core:
class Map
uint32 m_mapid;
void Load();
// In the script:
class ExtendedMap : Map
void Load()
if (m_mapid == 1234)
printf("Map 1234 has been loaded");
And then I want every instance of Map in both the core and scripts to actually be an instance of ExtendedMap.
Is that possible? How?
The inheritance is possible. I don't see a solution for replacing the instances of Map with instances of ExtendedMap.
Normally, you could do that if you had a factory class or function, that is always used to create a Map object, but this is a matter of existing (or inexistent) design.
The only solution I see is to search in the code for instantiations and try to replace them by hand. This is a risky one, because you might miss some of them, and it might be that some of the instantiations are not in the source code available to you (e.g. in that old DLL).
Later edit
This method overriding also has a side effect in case of using it in a polymorphic way.
Map* pMyMap = new ExtendedMap;
pMyMap->Load(); // This will call Map::Load, and not ExtendedMap::Load.
This sounds like a textbook case for the "Decorator" design pattern.
Although it's possible, it's quite dangerous: the system should be open for extension (i.e. hooks), but closed for change (i.e. overriding/redefining). When inheriting like that, you can't anticipate the behaviour your client code is going to show. As you see in your example, client code must remember to call the superclass' method, which it won't :)
An option would be to create a non-virtual interface: an abstract base class that has some template methods that call pure virtual functions. These must be defined by subclasses.
If you want no core Map's to be created, the script should give the core a factory to create Map descendants.
If my experience with similar systems is applicable to your situation, there are several hooks registered. So basing a solution on the pattern abstract factory will not really work. Your system is near of the pattern observer, and that's what I'd use. You create one base class with all the possible hooks as virtual members (or several one with related hooks if the hooks are numerous). Instead of registering hooks one by one, you register one object, of a type descendant of the class with the needed override. The object can have state, and replace advantageously the void* user data fields that such callbacks system have commonly.

How Do You Create Test Objects For Third Party Legacy Code

I have a code base where many of the classes I implement derive from classes that are provided by other divisions of my company. Working with these other devisions often have the working relationship as though they are third party middle ware vendors.
I'm trying to write test code without modifying these base classes. However, there are issues with creating meaningful test
objects due to the lack of interfaces:
#include "globalthermonuclearwar.h" //which contains deep #include dependencies...
#include "tictactoe.h" //...and need to exist at compile time to get into test...
class Something //which may or may not inherit from another class similar to this...
virtual void fxn1(void); //which often calls into many other classes, similar to this
int data1; //will be the only thing I can test against, but is often meaningless without fxn1 implemented
I'd normally extract an interface and work from there, but as these are "Third Party", I can't commit these changes.
Currently, I've created a separate file that holds fake implementations for functions that are defined in the third-party supplied base class headers on a need to know basis, as has been described in the book "Working with Legacy Code".
My plan was to continue to use these definitions and provide alternative test implementations for each third party class that I needed:
#include "ACommonClass.h"
void CGlobalThermoNuclearWar::Simulate(void) {}; // fake this and all other required functions...
// fake implementations for otherwise undefined functions in globalthermonuclearwar.h's #include files...
void Something::fxn1(void) { data1 = blah(); } //test specific functionality.
But before I start doing that I was wondering if any one has tried providing actual objects on a code base similar to mine, which would allow creating new test specific classes to use in place of actual third-party classes.
Note all code bases in question are written in C++.
Mock objects are suitable for this kind of task. They allow you to simulate the existence of other components without needing them to be present. You simply define the expected input and output in your tests.
Google have a good mocking framework for C++.
I'm running into a very similar problem at the moment. I don't want to add a bunch of interfaces that are only there for the purpose of testing, so I can't use any of the existing mock object libraries. To get around this I do the same thing, creating a different file with fake implementations, and having my tests link the fake behaviour, and production code links the real behaviour.
What I wish I could do at this point, is take the internals of another mock framework, and use it inside my fake objects. It would look a little something like this:
class ConcreteProductionClass { // regular everyday class
ConcreteProductionClass(); // I've found the 0 arg constructor useful
void regularFunction(); // regular function that I want to mock
class MockProductionClass
: public ConcreteProductionClass
, public ClassThatLetsMeSetExpectations
friend class ConcreteProductionClass;
MockTypes membersNeededToSetExpectations;
MockClass() : ConcreteProductionClass() {}
ConcreteProductionClass::regularFunction() {
void doSomething(ConcreteProductionClass c) {
TEST(myTest) {
MockProductionClass m;
The most painful part of all this is that the other mock frameworks are so close to this, but don't do it exactly, and the macros are so convoluted that it's not trivial to adapt them. I've begun looking into this on my spare time, but it's not moving along very quickly. Even if I got my method working the way I want, and had the expectation setting code in place, this method still has a couple drawbacks, one of them being that your build commands can get to be kind of long if you have to link against a lot of .o files rather than one .a, but that's manageable. It's also impossible to fall through to the default implementation, since we're not linking it. Anyway, I know this doesn't answer the question, or really even tell you anything you don't already know, but it shows how close the C++ community is to being able to mock classes that don't have a pure virtual interface.
You might want to consider mocking instead of faking as a potential solution. In some cases you may need to write wrapper classes that are mockable if the original classes aren't. I've done this with framework classes in C#/.Net, but not C++ so YMMV.
If I have a class that I need under test that derives from something I can't (or don't want to) run under test I'll:
Make a new logic-only class.
Move the code-i-wanna-test to the logic class.
Use an interface to talk back to the real class to interact with the base class and/or things I can't or won't put in the logic.
Define a test class using that same interface. This test class could have nothing but noops or fancy code that simulates the real classes.
If I have a class that I just need to use in testing, but using the real class is a problem (dependencies or unwanted behaviors):
I'll define a new interface that looks like all of the public methods I need to call.
I'll create a mock version of the object that supports that interface for testing.
I'll create another class that is constructed with a "real" version of that class. It also supports that interface. All interface calls a forwarded to the real object methods.
I'll only do this for methods I actually call - not ALL the public methods. I'll add to these classes as I write more tests.
For example, I wrap MFC's GDI classes like this to test Windows GDI drawing code. Templates can make some of this easier - but we often end up not doing that for various technical reasons (stuff with Windows DLL class exporting...).
I'm sure all this is in Feather's Working with Legacy Code book - and what I'm describing has actual terms. Just don't make me pull the book off the shelf...
One thing you did not indicate in your question is the reason why your classes derive from base classes from the other division. Is the relationship really a IS-A relationshiop ?
Unless your classes needs to be used by a framework, you could consider favoring delegation over inheritance. Then you can use dependency injection to provide your class with a mock of their class in the unit tests.
Otherwise, an idea would be to write a script to extract and create the interface your need from the header they provide, and integrate this to the compilation process so your unit test can ve checked in.