What is memory fragmentation? - c++

I've heard the term "memory fragmentation" used a few times in the context of C++ dynamic memory allocation. I've found some questions about how to deal with memory fragmentation, but can't find a direct question that deals with it itself. So:
What is memory fragmentation?
How can I tell if memory fragmentation is a problem for my application? What kind of program is most likely to suffer?
What are good common ways to deal with memory fragmentation?
I've heard using dynamic allocations a lot can increase memory fragmentation. Is this true? In the context of C++, I understand all the standard containers (std::string, std::vector, etc) use dynamic memory allocation. If these are used throughout a program (especially std::string), is memory fragmentation more likely to be a problem?
How can memory fragmentation be dealt with in an STL-heavy application?

Imagine that you have a "large" (32 bytes) expanse of free memory:
| |
Now, allocate some of it (5 allocations):
|aaaabbccccccddeeee |
Now, free the first four allocations but not the fifth:
| eeee |
Now, try to allocate 16 bytes. Oops, I can't, even though there's nearly double that much free.
On systems with virtual memory, fragmentation is less of a problem than you might think, because large allocations only need to be contiguous in virtual address space, not in physical address space. So in my example, if I had virtual memory with a page size of 2 bytes then I could make my 16 byte allocation with no problem. Physical memory would look like this:
|ffffffffffffffeeeeff |
whereas virtual memory (being much bigger) could look like this:
| eeeeffffffffffffffff
The classic symptom of memory fragmentation is that you try to allocate a large block and you can't, even though you appear to have enough memory free. Another possible consequence is the inability of the process to release memory back to the OS (because each of the large blocks it has allocated from the OS, for malloc etc. to sub-divide, has something left in it, even though most of each block is now unused).
Tactics to prevent memory fragmentation in C++ work by allocating objects from different areas according to their size and/or their expected lifetime. So if you're going to create a lot of objects and destroy them all together later, allocate them from a memory pool. Any other allocations you do in between them won't be from the pool, hence won't be located in between them in memory, so memory will not be fragmented as a result. Or, if you're going to allocate a lot of objects of the same size then allocate them from the same pool. Then a stretch of free space in the pool can never be smaller than the size you're trying to allocate from that pool.
Generally you don't need to worry about it much, unless your program is long-running and does a lot of allocation and freeing. It's when you have mixtures of short-lived and long-lived objects that you're most at risk, but even then malloc will do its best to help. Basically, ignore it until your program has allocation failures or unexpectedly causes the system to run low on memory (catch this in testing, for preference!).
The standard libraries are no worse than anything else that allocates memory, and standard containers all have an Alloc template parameter which you could use to fine-tune their allocation strategy if absolutely necessary.

What is memory fragmentation?
Memory fragmentation is when most of your memory is allocated in a large number of non-contiguous blocks, or chunks - leaving a good percentage of your total memory unallocated, but unusable for most typical scenarios. This results in out of memory exceptions, or allocation errors (i.e. malloc returns null).
The easiest way to think about this is to imagine you have a big empty wall that you need to put pictures of varying sizes on. Each picture takes up a certain size and you obviously can't split it into smaller pieces to make it fit. You need an empty spot on the wall, the size of the picture, or else you can't put it up. Now, if you start hanging pictures on the wall and you're not careful about how you arrange them, you will soon end up with a wall that's partially covered with pictures and even though you may have empty spots most new pictures won't fit because they're larger than the available spots. You can still hang really small pictures, but most ones won't fit. So you'll have to re-arrange (compact) the ones already on the wall to make room for more..
Now, imagine that the wall is your (heap) memory and the pictures are objects.. That's memory fragmentation..
How can I tell if memory fragmentation is a problem for my application? What kind of program is most likely to suffer?
A telltale sign that you may be dealing with memory fragmentation is if you get many allocation errors, especially when the percentage of used memory is high - but not you haven't yet used up all the memory - so technically you should have plenty of room for the objects you are trying to allocate.
When memory is heavily fragmented, memory allocations will likely take longer because the memory allocator has to do more work to find a suitable space for the new object. If in turn you have many memory allocations (which you probably do since you ended up with memory fragmentation) the allocation time may even cause noticeable delays.
What are good common ways to deal with memory fragmentation?
Use a good algorithm for allocating memory. Instead of allocating memory for a lot of small objects, pre-allocate memory for a contiguous array of those smaller objects. Sometimes being a little wasteful when allocating memory can go along way for performance and may save you the trouble of having to deal with memory fragmentation.

Memory fragmentation is the same concept as disk fragmentation: it refers to space being wasted because the areas in use are not packed closely enough together.
Suppose for a simple toy example that you have ten bytes of memory:
| | | | | | | | | | |
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Now let's allocate three three-byte blocks, name A, B, and C:
| A | A | A | B | B | B | C | C | C | |
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Now deallocate block B:
| A | A | A | | | | C | C | C | |
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Now what happens if we try to allocate a four-byte block D? Well, we have four bytes of memory free, but we don't have four contiguous bytes of memory free, so we can't allocate D! This is inefficient use of memory, because we should have been able to store D, but we were unable to. And we can't move C to make room, because very likely some variables in our program are pointing at C, and we can't automatically find and change all of these values.
How do you know it's a problem? Well, the biggest sign is that your program's virtual memory size is considerably larger than the amount of memory you're actually using. In a real-world example, you would have many more than ten bytes of memory, so D would just get allocated starting a byte 9, and bytes 3-5 would remain unused unless you later allocated something three bytes long or smaller.
In this example, 3 bytes is not a whole lot to waste, but consider a more pathological case where two allocations of a a couple of bytes are, for example, ten megabytes apart in memory, and you need to allocate a block of size 10 megabytes + 1 byte. You have to go ask the OS for over ten megabytes more virtual memory to do that, even though you're just one byte shy of having enough space already.
How do you prevent it? The worst cases tend to arise when you frequently create and destroy small objects, since that tends to produce a "swiss cheese" effect with many small objects separated by many small holes, making it impossible to allocate larger objects in those holes. When you know you're going to be doing this, an effective strategy is to pre-allocate a large block of memory as a pool for your small objects, and then manually manage the creation of the small objects within that block, rather than letting the default allocator handle it.
In general, the fewer allocations you do, the less likely memory is to get fragmented. However, STL deals with this rather effectively. If you have a string which is using the entirety of its current allocation and you append one character to it, it doesn't simply re-allocate to its current length plus one, it doubles its length. This is a variation on the "pool for frequent small allocations" strategy. The string is grabbing a large chunk of memory so that it can deal efficiently with repeated small increases in size without doing repeated small reallocations. All STL containers in fact do this sort of thing, so generally you won't need to worry too much about fragmentation caused by automatically-reallocating STL containers.
Although of course STL containers don't pool memory between each other, so if you're going to create many small containers (rather than a few containers that get resized frequently) you may have to concern yourself with preventing fragmentation in the same way you would for any frequently-created small objects, STL or not.

What is memory fragmentation?
Memory fragmentation is the problem of memory becoming unusable even though it is theoretically available. There are two kinds of fragmentation: internal fragmentation is memory that is allocated but cannot be used (e.g. when memory is allocated in 8 byte chunks but the program repeatedly does single allocations when it needs only 4 bytes). external fragmentation is the problem of free memory becoming divided into many small chunks so that large allocation requests cannot be met although there is enough overall free memory.
How can I tell if memory fragmentation is a problem for my application? What kind of program is most likely to suffer?
memory fragmentation is a problem if your program uses much more system memory than its actual paylod data would require (and you've ruled out memory leaks).
What are good common ways to deal with memory fragmentation?
Use a good memory allocator. IIRC, those that use a "best fit" strategy are generally much superior at avoiding fragmentation, if a little slower. However, it has also been shown that for any allocation strategy, there are pathological worst cases. Fortunately, the typical allocation patterns of most applications are actually relatively benign for the allocators to handle. There's a bunch of papers out there if you're interested in the details:
Paul R. Wilson, Mark S. Johnstone, Michael Neely and David Boles. Dynamic Storage Allocation: A Survey and Critical Review. In Proceedings of the 1995
International Workshop on Memory Management, Springer Verlag LNCS, 1995
Mark S.Johnstone, Paul R. Wilson. The Memory Fragmentation Problem: Solved?
In ACM SIG-PLAN Notices, volume 34 No. 3, pages 26-36, 1999
M.R. Garey, R.L. Graham and J.D. Ullman. Worst-Case analysis of memory allocation algorithms. In Fourth Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing, 1972

Google TCMalloc: Thread-Caching Malloc
It has been found that it is quite good at handling fragmentation in a long running process.
I have been developing a server application that had problems with memory fragmentation on HP-UX 11.23/11.31 ia64.
It looked like this. There was a process that made memory allocations and deallocations and ran for days. And even though there were no memory leaks memory consumption of the process kept increasing.
About my experience. On HP-UX it is very easy to find memory fragmentation using HP-UX gdb. You set a break-point and when you hit it you run this command: info heap and see all memory allocations for the process and the total size of heap. Then your continue your program and then some time later your again hit the break-point. You do again info heap. If the total size of heap is bigger but the number and the size of separate allocations are the same then it is likely that you have memory allocation problems. If necessary do this check few fore times.
My way of improving the situation was this. After I had done some analysis with HP-UX gdb I saw that memory problems were caused by the fact that I used std::vector for storing some types of information from a database. std::vector requires that its data must be kept in one block. I had a few containers based on std::vector. These containers were regularly recreated. There were often situations when new records were added to the database and after that the containers were recreated. And since the recreated containers were bigger their did not fit into available blocks of free memory and the runtime asked for a new bigger block from the OS. As a result even though there were no memory leaks the memory consumption of the process grew. I improved the situation when I changed the containers. Instead of std::vector I started using std::deque which has a different way of allocating memory for data.
I know that one of ways to avoid memory fragmentation on HP-UX is to use either Small Block Allocator or use MallocNextGen. On RedHat Linux the default allocator seems to handle pretty well allocating of a lot of small blocks. On Windows there is Low-fragmentation Heap and it adresses the problem of large number of small allocations.
My understanding is that in an STL-heavy application you have first to identify problems. Memory allocators (like in libc) actually handle the problem of a lot of small allocations, which is typical for std::string (for instance in my server application there are lots of STL strings but as I see from running info heap they are not causing any problems). My impression is that you need to avoid frequent large allocations. Unfortunately there are situations when you can't avoid them and have to change your code. As I say in my case I improved the situation when switched to std::deque. If you identify your memory fragmention it might be possible to talk about it more precisely.

Memory fragmentation is most likely to occur when you allocate and deallocate many objects of varying sizes. Suppose you have the following layout in memory:
obj1 (10kb) | obj2(20kb) | obj3(5kb) | unused space (100kb)
Now, when obj2 is released, you have 120kb of unused memory, but you cannot allocate a full block of 120kb, because the memory is fragmented.
Common techniques to avoid that effect include ring buffers and object pools. In the context of the STL, methods like std::vector::reserve() can help.

A very detailed answer on memory fragmentation can be found here.
This is the culmination of 11 years of memory fragmentation answers I have been providing to people asking me questions about memory fragmentation at softwareverify.com

What is memory fragmentation?
When your app uses dynamic memory, it allocates and frees chunks of memory. In the beginning, the whole memory space of your app is one contiguous block of free memory. However, when you allocate and free blocks of different size, the memory starts to get fragmented, i.e. instead of a big contiguous free block and a number of contiguous allocated blocks, there will be a allocated and free blocks mixed up. Since the free blocks have limited size, it is difficult to reuse them. E.g. you may have 1000 bytes of free memory, but can't allocate memory for a 100 byte block, because all the free blocks are at most 50 bytes long.
Another, unavoidable, but less problematic source of fragmentation is that in most architectures, memory addresses must be aligned to 2, 4, 8 etc. byte boundaries (i.e. the addresses must be multiples of 2, 4, 8 etc.) This means that even if you have e.g. a struct containing 3 char fields, your struct may have a size of 12 instead of 3, due to the fact that each field is aligned to a 4-byte boundary.
How can I tell if memory fragmentation is a problem for my application? What kind of program is most likely to suffer?
The obvious answer is that you get an out of memory exception.
Apparently there is no good portable way to detect memory fragmentation in C++ apps. See this answer for more details.
What are good common ways to deal with memory fragmentation?
It is difficult in C++, since you use direct memory addresses in pointers, and you have no control over who references a specific memory address. So rearranging the allocated memory blocks (the way the Java garbage collector does) is not an option.
A custom allocator may help by managing the allocation of small objects in a bigger chunk of memory, and reusing the free slots within that chunk.

This is a super-simplified version for dummies.
As objects get created in memory, they get added to the end of the used portion in memory.
If an object that is not at the end of the used portion of memory is deleted, meaning this object was in between 2 other objects, it will create a "hole".
This is what's called fragmentation.

When you want to add an item on the heap what happens is that the computer has to do a search for space to fit that item. That's why dynamic allocations when not done on a memory pool or with a pooled allocator can "slow" things down. For a heavy STL application if you're doing multi-threading there is the Hoard allocator or the TBB Intel version.
Now, when memory is fragmented two things can occur:
There will have to be more searches to find a good space to stick "large" objects. That is, with many small objects scattered about finding a nice contigous chunk of memory could under certain conditions be difficult (these are extreme.)
Memory is not some easily read entity. Processors are limited to how much they can hold and where. They do this by swapping pages if an item they need is one place but the current addresses are another. If you are constantly having to swap pages, processing can slow down (again, extreme scenarios where this impacts performance.) See this posting on virtual memory.

Memory fragmentation occurs because memory blocks of different sizes are requested. Consider a buffer of 100 bytes. You request two chars, then an integer. Now you free the two chars, then request a new integer- but that integer can't fit in the space of the two chars. That memory cannot be re-used because it is not in a large enough contiguous block to re-allocate. On top of that, you've invoked a lot of allocator overhead for your chars.
Essentially, memory only comes in blocks of a certain size on most systems. Once you split these blocks up, they cannot be rejoined until the whole block is freed. This can lead to whole blocks in use when actually only a small part of the block is in use.
The primary way to reduce heap fragmentation is to make larger, less frequent allocations. In the extreme, you can use a managed heap that is capable of moving objects, at least, within your own code. This completely eliminates the problem - from a memory perspective, anyway. Obviously moving objects and such has a cost. In reality, you only really have a problem if you are allocating very small amounts off the heap often. Using contiguous containers (vector, string, etc) and allocating on the stack as much as humanly possible (always a good idea for performance) is the best way to reduce it. This also increases cache coherence, which makes your application run faster.
What you should remember is that on a 32bit x86 desktop system, you have an entire 2GB of memory, which is split into 4KB "pages" (pretty sure the page size is the same on all x86 systems). You will have to invoke some omgwtfbbq fragmentation to have a problem. Fragmentation really is an issue of the past, since modern heaps are excessively large for the vast majority of applications, and there's a prevalence of systems that are capable of withstanding it, such as managed heaps.

What kind of program is most likely to suffer?
A nice (=horrifying) example for the problems associated with memory fragmentation was the development and release of "Elemental: War of Magic", a computer game by Stardock.
The game was built for 32bit/2GB Memory and had to do a lot of optimisation in memory management to make the game work within those 2GB of Memory. As the "optimisation" lead to constant allocation and de-allocation, over time heap memory fragmentation occurred and made the game crash every time.
There is a "war story" interview on YouTube.


Is allocating array an expensive operation in fortran?

In a MPI PIC code I am writing, the array size I actually need in storing particles in a processor fluctuates with time, with size changing between [0.5n : 1.5n], where n is an average size.
Presently, I allocate arrays of the largest size, i.e, 1.5*n, in this case, for once in each processor and use them without changing thier size afterward.
I am considering an alternative way: i.e., re-allocating all the arrays each time step with their correct sizes, so that I can save memory. But I worry whether re-allocating arrays is expensive and this overhead will slow the code substantially.
Can this issue be verified only by actually profiling the code, or, there is a simple principle inicating that the allocation operating is cheap enough so that we do not need worry about its overhead?
Someone said:
"ALLOCATE does not imply physical memory allocation. For example, you can ALLOCATE an array up to the size of your virtual memory limit, then use it as a sparse array, using physical memory pages only as the space is addressed."
Is this true in Fortran?
There is no single correct answer to this question. And a complete answer would need to explain how a typical Fortran memory allocator works, AND how typical virtual memory systems work. (That is too broad for a StackOverflow Q&A.)
But here are a couple of salient points.
When you reallocate an array you have the overhead of copying the data in the old array to the new array.
Reallocating an array doesn't necessarily reduce your processes actual memory usage. Memory is requested from the OS in large regions (memory segments) and the Fortran allocator then manages the memory it has been given and responds to the application's allocate and deallocate requests. When an array is deallocated, the memory can't be handed back to the OS because there will most likely be other allocated arrays in the same region.
In fact, repeated allocation and deallocation of variable sized arrays can lead to fragmentation ... which further increases memory usage.
What does this mean for you?
That's not clear. It will depend on exactly what your application's memory usage patterns are. And it will depend on how your Fortran runtime's memory allocator works.
But my gut feeling is that you are probably better off NOT trying to dynamically resize arrays to (just) save memory.
Someone said: "ALLOCATE does not imply physical memory allocation. For example, you can ALLOCATE an array up to the size of your virtual memory limit, then use it as a sparse array, using physical memory pages only as the space is addressed."
That is true, but it is not the complete picture.
You also need to consider what happens when an application's virtual memory usage exceeds the physical memory pages available. In that scenario, when the application tries to access a virtual memory page that is not in physical memory the OS virtual memory system needs to "page" another VM page out of physical RAM and "page" in the VM page that the application wants. This will entail writing the existing page (if it is dirty) to the paging device and then reading in the new one. This is going to take a significant length of time, and it will impact on application performance.
If the ratio of available physical RAM to the application's VM working set is too out of balance, the entire system can go into "virtual memory thrashing" ... which can lead to the machine becoming non-responsive and even crashing.
In short if you don't have enough physical RAM, using virtual memory to implement huge sparse arrays can be disaster prone.
It is worth noting that the compute nodes on a large-scale HPC cluster will often be configured with ZERO backing storage for VM swapping. If an application then attempts to use more RAM than is present on the compute node it will error out. Immediately.
Is this true in Fortran?
Yes. Fortran doesn't have any special magic ...
Fortran is no different than say,C , because Fortran allocate typically does not call any low-level system functions but tends to be implemented using malloc() under the hood.
"Is this true in Fortran?"
The lazy allocation you describe is highly system dependent. It is indeed valid on modern Linux. However, it does not mean that it is a good idea to just allocate several 1 TB arrays and than just using certain sections of them. Even if it works in practice on one computer it may very much fail on a different one or on a different operating system or CPU family.
Re-allocation takes time, but it is the way to go to keep your programs standard conforming and undefined-behaviour free. Reallocating every time step may easily bee too slow. But in your previous answer we have showed you that for continuously growing arrays you typically allocate in a geometric series, e.g. by doubling the size. That means that it will only be re-allocated logarithmically often if it grows linearly.
There may be a concern of exceeding the system memory when allocating to the new size and having two copies at the same size. This is only a concern when your consumption high anyway. C has realloc() (which may not help anyway) but Fortran has nothing similar.
Regarding the title question, not every malloc takes the same time. There are is internal bookkeeping involved and the implementations do differ. Some points are raised at https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/319015/how-efficient-is-malloc-and-how-do-implementations-differ and also to some extent at Minimizing the amount of malloc() calls improves performance?

Can "pragma pack 1" be helpful to avoid heap fragmentation?

In my program I see some resident size increase. I suppose it is because of heap fragmentation.
So I am planning to use #pragma pack 1.
Will it reduce the heap fragmentation?
Will it be having some other overheads?
Shall I go for it or not?
There is a well proved technique called Memory pools. It is designed especially to reduce memory fragmentation and help with memory leaks. And it should be used in case where memory fragmentation became the bottleneck of the program functionality.
'pragma pack 1' isn't helpful to avoid heap fragmentation.
'pragma pack 1' is used to remove the padding bytes from structures to help with transmission of binary structures between programs.
It's simply how the operating system works. When you free some memory you've allocated, it's not unmapped from the process memory map. This is kind of an optimization from the OS in case the process needs to allocate more memory again, because then the OS doesn't have to add a new mapping to the process memory map.
#pragma pack N, tells the compiler to align members of structure in a particular way, with (N-1) bytes padding. For example, if N is 2, each char will occupy 2 bytes, one assigned, one padding. With N being 1, there will be no padding. This will have more fragmentation, as there would be odd number of bytes if the structure has say one char and one int, totaling 5 bytes.
Check: #pragma pack effect
Packing structures probably won't have much affect on heap fragmentation. Heap fragmentation normally occurs when there is a repeating pattern of allocations and freeing of memory. There are two issues here, one issue is that the virtual address space gets fragmented, the other issue is that physical 4k pages end up with unused gaps, consuming increasing amounts of memory over time. Microsoft addresses the 4k page issue with it's .net framework that occasionally repacks memory, but does so by "pausing" a .net application during the repacks. I'm not sure how server apps that run 24 hours a day / 7 days a week deal with this without having to deal with the pauses, unless they occasionally fork off a new process to take over the server side and then close down the old process which would refresh the new process virtual address space with a new set of pages.
If you're specifically concerned about heap fragmentation then you might want to increase the structure packing. This would (occasionally) result in different structures being distributed between fewer different-sized buckets and reducing the likelihood of allocations leaving unusable gaps when they occupy the space of a previously-freed, slightly larger structure.
But this is unlikely to be your real concern. As another answer points out, the OS does not reclaim freed memory right away, and this can affect the apparent memory usage of the process.

Is it ever OK to *not* use free() on allocated memory?

I'm studying computer engineering, and I have some electronics courses. I heard, from two of my professors (of these courses) that it is possible to avoid using the free() function (after malloc(), calloc(), etc.) because the memory spaces allocated likely won't be used again to allocate other memory. That is, for example, if you allocate 4 bytes and then release them you will have 4 bytes of space that likely won't be allocated again: you will have a hole.
I think that's crazy: you can't have a not-toy-program where you allocate memory on the heap without releasing it. But I don't have the knowledge to explain exactly why it's so important that for each malloc() there must be a free().
So: are there ever circumstances in which it might be appropriate to use a malloc() without using free()? And if not, how can I explain this to my professors?
Easy: just read the source of pretty much any half-serious malloc()/free() implementation. By this, I mean the actual memory manager that handles the work of the calls. This might be in the runtime library, virtual machine, or operating system. Of course the code is not equally accessible in all cases.
Making sure memory is not fragmented, by joining adjacent holes into larger holes, is very very common. More serious allocators use more serious techniques to ensure this.
So, let's assume you do three allocations and de-allocations and get blocks layed out in memory in this order:
The sizes of the individual allocations don't matter. then you free the first and last one, A and C:
| |B| |
when you finally free B, you (initially, at least in theory) end up with:
| | | |
which can be de-fragmented into just
| |
i.e. a single larger free block, no fragments left.
References, as requested:
Try reading the code for dlmalloc. I's a lot more advanced, being a full production-quality implementation.
Even in embedded applications, de-fragmenting implementations are available. See for instance these notes on the heap4.c code in FreeRTOS.
The other answers already explain perfectly well that real implementations of malloc() and free() do indeed coalesce (defragmnent) holes into larger free chunks. But even if that wasn't the case, it would still be a bad idea to forego free().
The thing is, your program just allocated (and wants to free) those 4 bytes of memory. If it's going to run for an extended period of time, it's quite likely that it will need to allocate just 4 bytes of memory again. So even if those 4 bytes will never coalesce into a larger contiguous space, they can still be re-used by the program itself.
It's total nonsense, for instance there are many different implementations of malloc, some try to make the heap more efficient like Doug Lea's or this one.
Are your professors working with POSIX, by any chance? If they're used to writing lots of small, minimalistic shell applications, that's a scenario where I can imagine this approach wouldn't be all too bad - freeing the whole heap at once at the leisure of the OS is faster than freeing up a thousand variables. If you expect your application to run for a second or two, you could easily get away with no de-allocation at all.
It's still a bad practice of course (performance improvements should always be based on profiling, not vague gut feeling), and it's not something you should say to students without explaining the other constraints, but I can imagine a lot of tiny-piping-shell-applications to be written this way (if not using static allocation outright). If you're working on something that benefits from not freeing up your variables, you're either working in extreme low-latency conditions (in which case, how can you even afford dynamic allocation and C++? :D), or you're doing something very, very wrong (like allocating an integer array by allocating a thousand integers one after another rather than a single block of memory).
You mentioned they were electronics professors. They may be used to writing firmware/realtime software, were being able to accurately time somethings execution is often needed. In those cases knowing you have enough memory for all allocations and not freeing and reallocating memory may give a more easily computed limit on execution time.
In some schemes hardware memory protection may also be used to make sure the routine completes in its allocated memory or generates a trap in what should be very exceptional cases.
Taking this from a different angle than previous commenters and answers, one possibility is that your professors have had experience with systems where memory was allocated statically(ie: when the program was compiled).
Static allocation comes when you do things like:
define MAX_SIZE 32
int array[MAX_SIZE];
In many real-time and embedded systems(those most likely to be encountered by EEs or CEs), it is usually preferable to avoid dynamic memory allocation altogether. So, uses of malloc, new, and their deletion counterparts are rare. On top of that, memory in computers has exploded in recent years.
If you have 512 MB available to you, and you statically allocate 1 MB, you have roughly 511 MB to trundle through before your software explodes(well, not exactly...but go with me here). Assuming you have 511 MB to abuse, if you malloc 4 bytes every second without freeing them, you will be able to run for nearly 73 hours before you run out of memory. Considering many machines shut off once a day, that means your program will never run out of memory!
In the above example, the leak is 4 bytes per second, or 240 bytes/min. Now imagine that you lower that byte/min ratio. The lower that ratio, the longer your program can run without problems. If your mallocs are infrequent, that is a real possibility.
Heck, if you know you're only going to malloc something once, and that malloc will never be hit again, then it's a lot like static allocation, though you don't need to know the size of what it is you're allocating up-front. Eg: Let's say we have 512 MB again. We need to malloc 32 arrays of integers. These are typical integers - 4 bytes each. We know the sizes of these arrays will never exceed 1024 integers. No other memory allocations occur in our program. Do we have enough memory? 32 * 1024 * 4 = 131,072. 128 KB - so yes. We have plenty of space. If we know we will never allocate any more memory, we can safely malloc those arrays without freeing them. However, this may also mean that you have to restart the machine/device if your program crashes. If you start/stop your program 4,096 times you'll allocate all 512 MB. If you have zombie processes it's possible that memory will never be freed, even after a crash.
Save yourself pain and misery, and consume this mantra as The One Truth: malloc should always be associated with a free. new should always have a delete.
I think the claim stated in the question is nonsense if taken literally from the programmer's standpoint, but it has truth (at least some) from the operating system's view.
malloc() will eventually end up calling either mmap() or sbrk() which will fetch a page from the OS.
In any non-trivial program, the chances that this page is ever given back to the OS during a processes lifetime are very small, even if you free() most of the allocated memory. So free()'d memory will only available to the same process most of the time, but not to others.
Your professors aren't wrong, but also are (they are at least misleading or oversimplifying). Memory fragmentation causes problems for performance and efficient use of memory, so sometimes you do have to consider it and take action to avoid it. One classic trick is, if you allocate a lot of things which are the same size, grabbing a pool of memory at startup which is some multiple of that size and managing its usage entirely internally, thus ensuring you don't have fragmentation happening at the OS level (and the holes in your internal memory mapper will be exactly the right size for the next object of that type which comes along).
There are entire third-party libraries which do nothing but handle that kind of thing for you, and sometimes it's the difference between acceptable performance and something that runs far too slowly. malloc() and free() take a noticeable amount of time to execute, which you'll start to notice if you're calling them a lot.
So by avoiding just naively using malloc() and free() you can avoid both fragmentation and performance problems - but when you get right down to it, you should always make sure you free() everything you malloc() unless you have a very good reason to do otherwise. Even when using an internal memory pool a good application will free() the pool memory before it exits. Yes, the OS will clean it up, but if the application lifecycle is later changed it'd be easy to forget that pool's still hanging around...
Long-running applications of course need to be utterly scrupulous about cleaning up or recycling everything they've allocated, or they end up running out of memory.
Your professors are raising an important point. Unfortunately the English usage is such that I'm not absolutely sure what it is they said. Let me answer the question in terms of non-toy programs that have certain memory usage characteristics, and that I have personally worked with.
Some programs behave nicely. They allocate memory in waves: lots of small or medium-sized allocations followed by lots of frees, in repeating cycles. In these programs typical memory allocators do rather well. They coalesce freed blocks and at the end of a wave most of the free memory is in large contiguous chunks. These programs are quite rare.
Most programs behave badly. They allocate and deallocate memory more or less randomly, in a variety of sizes from very small to very large, and they retain a high usage of allocated blocks. In these programs the ability to coalesce blocks is limited and over time they finish up with the memory highly fragmented and relatively non-contiguous. If the total memory usage exceeds about 1.5GB in a 32-bit memory space, and there are allocations of (say) 10MB or more, eventually one of the large allocations will fail. These programs are common.
Other programs free little or no memory, until they stop. They progressively allocate memory while running, freeing only small quantities, and then stop, at which time all memory is freed. A compiler is like this. So is a VM. For example, the .NET CLR runtime, itself written in C++, probably never frees any memory. Why should it?
And that is the final answer. In those cases where the program is sufficiently heavy in memory usage, then managing memory using malloc and free is not a sufficient answer to the problem. Unless you are lucky enough to be dealing with a well-behaved program, you will need to design one or more custom memory allocators that pre-allocate big chunks of memory and then sub-allocate according to a strategy of your choice. You may not use free at all, except when the program stops.
Without knowing exactly what your professors said, for truly production scale programs I would probably come out on their side.
I'll have one go at answering some of the criticisms. Obviously SO is not a good place for posts of this kind. Just to be clear: I have around 30 years experience writing this kind of software, including a couple of compilers. I have no academic references, just my own bruises. I can't help feeling the criticisms come from people with far narrower and shorter experience.
I'll repeat my key message: balancing malloc and free is not a sufficient solution to large scale memory allocation in real programs. Block coalescing is normal, and buys time, but it's not enough. You need serious, clever memory allocators, which tend to grab memory in chunks (using malloc or whatever) and free rarely. This is probably the message OP's professors had in mind, which he misunderstood.
I'm surprised that nobody had quoted The Book yet:
This may not be true eventually, because memories may get large enough so that it would be impossible to run out of free memory in the lifetime of the computer. For example, there are about 3 ⋅ 1013 microseconds in a year, so if we were to cons once per microsecond we would need about 1015 cells of memory to build a machine that could operate for 30 years without running out of memory. That much memory seems absurdly large by today’s standards, but it is not physically impossible. On the other hand, processors are getting faster and a future computer may have large numbers of processors operating in parallel on a single memory, so it may be possible to use up memory much faster than we have postulated.
So, indeed, many programs can do just fine without ever bothering to free any memory.
I know about one case when explicitly freeing memory is worse than useless. That is, when you need all your data until the end of process lifetime. In other words, when freeing them is only possible right before program termination. Since any modern OS takes care freeing memory when a program dies, calling free() is not necessary in that case. In fact, it may slow down program termination, since it may need to access several pages in memory.

Dealing with fragmentation in a memory pool?

Suppose I have a memory pool object with a constructor that takes a pointer to a large chunk of memory ptr and size N. If I do many random allocations and deallocations of various sizes I can get the memory in such a state that I cannot allocate an M byte object contiguously in memory even though there may be a lot free! At the same time, I can't compact the memory because that would cause a dangling pointer on the consumers. How does one resolve fragmentation in this case?
I wanted to add my 2 cents only because no one else pointed out that from your description it sounds like you are implementing a standard heap allocator (i.e what all of us already use every time when we call malloc() or operator new).
A heap is exactly such an object, that goes to virtual memory manager and asks for large chunk of memory (what you call "a pool"). Then it has all kinds of different algorithms for dealing with most efficient way of allocating various size chunks and freeing them. Furthermore, many people have modified and optimized these algorithms over the years. For long time Windows came with an option called low-fragmentation heap (LFH) which you used to have to enable manually. Starting with Vista LFH is used for all heaps by default.
Heaps are not perfect and they can definitely bog down performance when not used properly. Since OS vendors can't possibly anticipate every scenario in which you will use a heap, their heap managers have to be optimized for the "average" use. But if you have a requirement which is similar to the requirements for a regular heap (i.e. many objects, different size....) you should consider just using a heap and not reinventing it because chances are your implementation will be inferior to what OS already provides for you.
With memory allocation, the only time you can gain performance by not simply using the heap is by giving up some other aspect (allocation overhead, allocation lifetime....) which is not important to your specific application.
For example, in our application we had a requirement for many allocations of less than 1KB but these allocations were used only for very short periods of time (milliseconds). To optimize the app, I used Boost Pool library but extended it so that my "allocator" actually contained a collection of boost pool objects, each responsible for allocating one specific size from 16 bytes up to 1024 (in steps of 4). This provided almost free (O(1) complexity) allocation/free of these objects but the catch is that a) memory usage is always large and never goes down even if we don't have a single object allocated, b) Boost Pool never frees the memory it uses (at least in the mode we are using it in) so we only use this for objects which don't stick around very long.
So which aspect(s) of normal memory allocation are you willing to give up in your app?
Depending on the system there are a couple of ways to do it.
Try to avoid fragmentation in the first place, if you allocate blocks in powers of 2 you have less a chance of causing this kind of fragmentation. There are a couple of other ways around it but if you ever reach this state then you just OOM at that point because there are no delicate ways of handling it other than killing the process that asked for memory, blocking until you can allocate memory, or returning NULL as your allocation area.
Another way is to pass pointers to pointers of your data(ex: int **). Then you can rearrange memory beneath the program (thread safe I hope) and compact the allocations so that you can allocate new blocks and still keep the data from old blocks (once the system gets to this state though that becomes a heavy overhead but should seldom be done).
There are also ways of "binning" memory so that you have contiguous pages for instance dedicate 1 page only to allocations of 512 and less, another for 1024 and less, etc... This makes it easier to make decisions about which bin to use and in the worst case you split from the next highest bin or merge from a lower bin which reduces the chance of fragmenting across multiple pages.
Implementing object pools for the objects that you frequently allocate will drive fragmentation down considerably without the need to change your memory allocator.
It would be helpful to know more exactly what you are actually trying to do, because there are many ways to deal with this.
But, the first question is: is this actually happening, or is it a theoretical concern?
One thing to keep in mind is you normally have a lot more virtual memory address space available than physical memory, so even when physical memory is fragmented, there is still plenty of contiguous virtual memory. (Of course, the physical memory is discontiguous underneath but your code doesn't see that.)
I think there is sometimes unwarranted fear of memory fragmentation, and as a result people write a custom memory allocator (or worse, they concoct a scheme with handles and moveable memory and compaction). I think these are rarely needed in practice, and it can sometimes improve performance to throw this out and go back to using malloc.
write the pool to operate as a list of allocations, you can then extended and destroyed as needed. this can reduce fragmentation.
and/or implement allocation transfer (or move) support so you can compact active allocations. the object/holder may need to assist you, since the pool may not necessarily know how to transfer types itself. if the pool is used with a collection type, then it is far easier to accomplish compacting/transfers.

questions about memory pool

I need some clarifications for the concept & implementation on memory pool.
By memory pool on wiki, it says that
also called fixed-size-blocks allocation, ... ,
as those implementations suffer from fragmentation because of variable
block sizes, it can be impossible to use them in a real time system
due to performance.
How "variable block size causes fragmentation" happens? How fixed sized allocation can solve this? This wiki description sounds a bit misleading to me. I think fragmentation is not avoided by fixed sized allocation or caused by variable size. In memory pool context, fragmentation is avoided by specific designed memory allocators for specific application, or reduced by restrictly using an intended block of memory.
Also by several implementation samples, e.g., Code Sample 1 and Code Sample 2, it seems to me, to use memory pool, the developer has to know the data type very well, then cut, split, or organize the data into the linked memory chunks (if data is close to linked list) or hierarchical linked chunks (if data is more hierarchical organized, like files). Besides, it seems the developer has to predict in prior how much memory he needs.
Well, I could imagine this works well for an array of primitive data. What about C++ non-primitive data classes, in which the memory model is not that evident? Even for primitive data, should the developer consider the data type alignment?
Is there good memory pool library for C and C++?
Thanks for any comments!
Variable block size indeed causes fragmentation. Look at the picture that I am attaching:
The image (from here) shows a situation in which A, B, and C allocates chunks of memory, variable sized chunks.
At some point, B frees all its chunks of memory, and suddenly you have fragmentation. E.g., if C needed to allocate a large chunk of memory, that still would fit into available memory, it could not do because available memory is split in two blocks.
Now, if you think about the case where each chunk of memory would be of the same size, this situation would clearly not arise.
Memory pools, of course, have their own drawbacks, as you yourself point out. So you should not think that a memory pool is a magical wand. It has a cost and it makes sense to pay it under specific circumstances (i.e., embedded system with limited memory, real time constraints and so on).
As to which memory pool is good in C++, I would say that it depends. I have used one under VxWorks that was provided by the OS; in a sense, a good memory pool is effective when it is tightly integrated with the OS. Actually each RTOS offers an implementation of memory pools, I guess.
If you are looking for a generic memory pool implementation, look at this.
From you last comment, it seems to me that possibly you are thinking of memory pools as "the" solution to the problem of fragmentation. Unfortunately, this is not the case. If you want, fragmentation is the manifestation of entropy at the memory level, i.e., it is inevitable. On the other hand, memory pools are a way to manage memory in such a way as to effectively reduce the impact of fragmentation (as I said, and as wikipedia mentioned, mostly on specific systems like real time systems). This comes to a cost, since a memory pool can be less efficient than a "normal" memory allocation technique in that you have a minimum block size. In other words, the entropy reappears under disguise.
Furthermore, that are many parameters that affect the efficiency of a memory pool system, like block size, block allocation policy, or whether you have just one memory pool or you have several memory pools with different block sizes, different lifetimes or different policies.
Memory management is really a complex matter and memory pools are just a technique that, like any other, improves things in comparison to other techniques and exact a cost of its own.
In a scenario where you always allocate fixed-size blocks, you either have enough space for one more block, or you don't. If you have, the block fits in the available space, because all free or used spaces are of the same size. Fragmentation is not a problem.
In a scenario with variable-size blocks, you can end up with multiple separate free blocks with varying sizes. A request for a block of a size that is less than the total memory that is free may be impossible to be satisfied, because there isn't one contiguous block big enough for it. For example, imagine you end up with two separate free blocks of 2KB, and need to satisfy a request for 3KB. Neither of these blocks will be enough to provide for that, even though there is enough memory available.
Both fix-size and variable size memory pools will feature fragmentation, i.e. there will be some free memory chunks between used ones.
For variable size, this might cause problems, since there might not be a free chunk that is big enough for a certain requested size.
For fixed-size pools, on the other hand, this is not a problem, since only portions of the pre-defined size can be requested. If there is free space, it is guaranteed to be large enough for (a multiple of) one portion.
If you do a hard real time system, you might need to know in advance that you can allocate memory within the maximum time allowed. That can be "solved" with fixed size memory pools.
I once worked on a military system, where we had to calculate the maximum possible number of memory blocks of each size that the system could ever possibly use. Then those numbers were added to a grand total, and the system was configured with that amount of memory.
Crazily expensive, but worked for the defence.
When you have several fixed size pools, you can get a secondary fragmentation where your pool is out of blocks even though there is plenty of space in some other pool. How do you share that?
With a memory pool, operations might work like this:
Store a global variable that is a list of available objects (initially empty).
To get a new object, try to return one from the global list of available. If there isn't one, then call operator new to allocate a new object on the heap. Allocation is extremely fast which is important for some applications that might currently be spending a lot of CPU time on memory allocations.
To free an object, simply add it to the global list of available objects. You might place a cap on the number of items allowed in the global list; if the cap is reached then the object would be freed instead of returned to the list. The cap prevents the appearance of a massive memory leak.
Note that this is always done for a single data type of the same size; it doesn't work for larger ones and then you probably need to use the heap as usual.
It's very easy to implement; we use this strategy in our application. This causes a bunch of memory allocations at the beginning of the program, but no more memory freeing/allocating occurs which incurs significant overhead.