Multiple keys Hash Table (unordered_map) - c++

I need to use multiple keys(int type) to store and retrieve a single value from a hash table. I would use multiple key to index a single item. I need fast insertion and look up for the hash table. By the way, I am not allowed to use the Boost library in the implementation.
How could I do that?

If you mean that two ints form a single key then unordered_map<std::pair<int,int>, value_type>. If you want to index the same set of data by multiple keys then look at Boost.MultiIndex.

If the key to your container is comprised of the combination of multiple ints, you could use boost::tuple as your key, to encapsulate the ints without more work on your part. This holds provided your count of key int subcomponents is fixed.

Easiest way is probably to keep a map of pointers/indexes to the elements in a list.
A few more details are needed here though, do you need to support deletion? how are the elements setup? Can you use boost::shared pointers? (rather helpful if you need to support deletion)
I'm assuming that the value object in this case is large, or there is some other reason you can't simply duplicate values in a regular map.

If its always going to be a combination for retrieval.
Then its better to form a single compound key using multiple keys.
You can do this either
Storing the key as a concatenated string of ints like
(int1,int2,int3) => data
Using a higher data type like uint64_t where in u can add individual values to form a key
// Refer comment below for the approach


Why is a set used instead of a map? C++

Sets are used to get information of an object by providing all the information, usually used to check if the data exists. A map is used to get the information of an object by using a key (single data). Correct me if I am wrong. Now the question is why would we need a set in the first place, can't we a map to see if the data exist? why would we need to provide all the information just to see if it exist?
There are many operations where you just need a set. Using a map would be just extra space.
Set operations (Union, Intersection etc.).
Keeping unique elements from a collection of numbers, objects etc.
A set serves to group items of the same type that are different among themselves (i.e., they are not equal). For example, the numbers 1 and 2 are both of int type, but 1!=2.
set containers are useful when you want to keep track of collections of homogeneous things as a group, and perform mathematical operations on such groups (like intersection, union, difference, etc). For example, imagine a set of search results containing all the documents mentioning the words cat and dog. And then another set containing all the documents mentioning the words pet. The union of those two sets would give you the group of documents containing the words cat, dog, and pet. Notice that such group will have no repetitions (i.e., if a document was in the both sets initially, it will be only once in the second set).
maps are most certainly not a set, but they can be seen as an arrangement which allows you to associate a value with every element of a set. They are used to represent relationships. For example, the set of people working for a company have an associated employee_number; in this case a map would be a useful structure to represent such relationship.
Going back to the previous example, if you wanted to know how many times has each page been accessed, you could probably create a map along the lines of std::map<Page, int>, that is, a relationship between the pages, and the number of times each has been visited.
Notice that the keys of a map form a set (probably this is what confuses many people), and an implication of this property is that you can only have a given key once (there are some esoteric containers where a key can be mapped to different values though).
So, if you need to interact with groups and collections as a whole, and with the members of the group itself, probably you want a set. If you need to associate certain things with members of a group or a collection, probably you want a map. If the association spans more than one dimension, probably you want a multi_map.
Important notice that in C++ std::set and std::map are ordered. C++11 offers alternative unordered containers called std::unordered_set and std::unordered_map.
A Set contains a unique list of ordered values, but a Map can contain a non unique set of unordered values accessed using a key.
Either could be used to determine if an object exists, it depends on your use case and how you need to be able to access that object - can you test to see if the Set contains an object that you have a reference to, or do you need to look it up by one or more keys to be able to compare it?

STL Map versus Static Array

I have to store information about contents in a lookup table such that it can be accessed very quickly.I might need to refer some of the elements in look up table recursively to get complete information about contents. What will be better data structure to use:
Map with one of parameter, which will be unique to all the entries in look up table, as key and rest of the information as value
Use static array for each unique entries and access them when needed according to key(which will be same as the one used in MAP).
I want my software to be robust as if we have any crash it will be catastrophic for my product.
It depends on the range of keys that you have.
Usually, when you say lookup table, you mean a smallish table which you can index directly ( O(1) ). As a dumb example, for a substitution cipher, you could have a char cipher[256] and simply index with the ASCII code of a character to get the substitution character. If the keys are complex objects or simply too many, you're probably stuck with a map.
You might also consider a hashtable (see unordered_map).
If the key itself can be any 32-bit number, it wouldn't make sense to store a very sparse 4-billion element array.
If however your keys are themselves between say 0..10000, then you can have a 10000-element array containing pointers to your objects (or the objects themselves), with only 2000-5000 of your elements containing non-null pointers (or meaningful data, respectively). Access will be O(1).
If you can have large keys, then I'd probably go with the unordered_map. With a map of 5000 elements, you'd get O(log n) to mean around ~12 accesses, a hash table should be pretty much one or two accesses tops.
I'm not familiar with perfect hashes, so I can't advise about their implementation. If you do choose that, I'd be grateful for a link or two with ideas to keep in mind.
The lookup times in a std::map should be O=ln(n), with a linear search in a static array in the worst case O=n.
I'd strongly opt for a std::map even if it has a larger memory footprint (which should not matter, in the most cases).
Also you can make "maps of maps" or even deeper structures:
typedef std::map<MyKeyType, std::map<MyKeyType, MyValueType> > MyDoubleMapType;

C++: insert into std::map without knowing a key

I need to insert values into std::map (or it's equivalent) to any free position and then get it's key (to remove/modify later). Something like:
std::map<int, std::string> myMap;
const int key = myMap.insert("hello");
Is it possibly to do so with std::map or is there some appropriate container for that?
Thank you.
In addition to using a set, you can keep a list of allocated (or free)
keys, and find a new key before inserting. For a map indexed by
int, you can simply take the last element, and increment its key. But
I rather think I'd go with a simple std::vector; if deletion isn't
supported, you can do something simple like:
int key = myVector.size();
myVector.push_back( newEntry );
If you need to support deletions, then using a vector of some sort of
"maybe" type (boost::optional, etc.—you probably already have
one in your toolbox, maybe under the name of Fallible or Maybe) might be
appropriate. Depending on use patterns (number of deletions compared to
total entries, etc.), you may want to search the vector in order to
reuse entries. If your really ambitious, you could keep a bitmap of the
free entries, setting a bit each time you delete and entry, and
resetting it whenever you reuse the space.
You can add object to an std::set, and then later put the whole set into a map. But no, you can't put a value into a map without a key.
The closest thing to what you're trying to do is probably
myMap[myMap.size()] = "some string";
The only advantage this has over std::set is that you can pass the integer indexes around to other modules without them needing to know the type of std::set<Foo>::iterator or similar.
It is impossible. Such an operation would require intricate knowledge of the key type to know which keys are available. For example, std::map would have to increment int values for int maps or append to strings for string maps.
You could use a std::set and drop keying altogether.
If you want to achieve something similar to automatically generated primary keys in SQL databases than you can maintain a counter and use it to generate a unique key. But perhaps std::set is what you really need.

QMap::insertMulti or QMultiMap?

What should i use between QMap::insertMulti and QMultiMap to handle :
2 -> abc
2 -> def
3 -> ghi
3 -> jkl
What's the difference enter the 2 solutions ?
Reading Container Classes:
QMap<Key, T>
This provides a dictionary (associative array) that maps keys of type Key to values of type T. Normally each key is associated with a single value. QMap stores its data in Key order; if order doesn't matter QHash is a faster alternative.
QMultiMap<Key, T>
This is a convenience subclass of QMap that provides a nice interface for multi-valued maps, i.e. maps where one key can be associated with multiple values.
it looks like both can do the job. In this document there is also Algorithmic Complexity section where you can see that both classes have the same complexity.
I would choose QMultiMap just to better document the fact I'm going to hold multiple values with the same key.
Both can serve this purpose. QMultiMap is actually a subclass of QMap.
If you are willing to have multiple values for single key, you can use:
QMap : for inserting use insertMulti
QMultiMap : for inserting use insert
If you are willing to have single value for single key, you can use:
QMap : for inserting use insert
QMultiMap : for inserting use replace
You can see that both can server both purpose. But, each have unique default behavior which matches its name. Also, each have some methods or operators which is convenient for single/multi.
It is better to choose type depending on your need. It is a good practice. For example, if you use QMap for storing single key multiple values, some other person who is going through your class members might get the impression that you are willing to save single key value pairs (from the data type)
Similarly, if you use QMultiMap, anyone reading the definition can get the idea that the data will have multiple value for same key.

set map implementation in C++

I find that both set and map are implemented as a tree. set is a binary search tree, map is a self-balancing binary search tree, such as red-black tree? I am confused about the difference about the implementation. The difference I can image are as follow
1) element in set has only one value(key), element in map has two values.
2) set is used to store and fetch elements by itself. map is used to store and fetch elements via key.
What else are important?
Maps and sets have almost identical behavior and it's common for the implementation to use the exact same underlying technique.
The only important difference is map doesn't use the whole value_type to compare, just the key part of it.
Usually you'll know right away which you need: if you just have a bool for the "value" argument to the map, you probably want a set instead.
Set is a discrete mathematics concept that, in my experience, pops up again and again in programming. The stl set class is a relatively efficient way to keep track of sets where the most common opertions are insert/remove/find.
Maps are used where objects have a unique identity that is small compared to their entire set of attributes. For example, a web page can be defined as a URL and a byte stream of contents. You could put that byte stream in a set, but the binary search process would be extremely slow (since the contents are much bigger than the URL) and you wouldn't be able to look up a web page if its contents change. The URL is the identity of the web page, so it is the key of the map.
A map is usually implemented as a set< std::pair<> >.
The set is used when you want an ordered list to quickly search for an item, basically, while a map is used when you want to retrieve a value given its key.
In both cases, the key (for map) or value (for set) must be unique. If you want to store multiple values that are the same, you would use multimap or multiset.