Avoiding glBindTexture() calls? - c++

My game renders lots of cubes which randomly have 1 of 12 textures. I already Z order the geometry so therefore I cant just render all the cubes with texture1 then 2 then 3 etc... because that would defeat z ordering. I already keep track of the previous texture and in they are == then I do not call glbindtexture, but its still way too many calls to this. What else can I do?

Ultimate and fastest way would be to have an array of textures (normal ones or cubemaps). Then dynamically fetch the texture slice according to an id stored in each cube instance data/ or cube face data (if you want a different texture on a per cube face basis) using GLSL built-in gl_InstanceID or gl_PrimitiveID.
With this implementation you would bind your texture array just once.
This would of course required used of gpu_shader4 and texture_array extensions:
I have used this mechanism (using D3D10, but principle applies too) and it worked very well.
I had to map on sprites (3D points of a constant screen size of 9x9 or 15x15 pixels IIRC) differents textures indicating each a different meaning for the user.
If you don't feel comfy with all shader stuff, I would simply sort cubes by textures, and don't Z order the geometry. Then measure performances gains.
Also I would try to add a pre-Z pass where you render all your cubes in Z buffer only, then render normal scene, and see if it speed up things (if fragments bound, it could help).

You can pack your textures into one texture and offset the texture coordinates accordingly
glMatrixMode(GL_TEXTURE) will also allow you to perform transformations on the texture space (to avoid changing all the texture coords)

Also from NVIDIA:
Bindless Graphics


(Modern) OpenGL Different Colored Faces on a Cube - Using Shaders

A cube with different colored faces in intermediate mode is very simple. But doing this same thing with shaders seems to be quite a challenge.
I have read that in order to create a cube with different coloured faces, I should create 24 vertices instead of 8 vertices for the cube - in other words, (I visualies this as 6 squares that don't quite touch).
Is perhaps another (better?) solution to texture the faces of the cube using a real simple texture a flat color - perhaps a 1x1 pixel texture?
My texturing idea seems simpler to me - from a coder's point of view.. but which method would be the most efficient from a GPU/graphic card perspective?
I'm not sure what your overall goal is (e.g. what you're learning to do in the long term), but generally for high performance applications (e.g. games) your goal is to reduce GPU load. Every time you switch certain states (e.g. change textures, render targets, shader uniform values, etc..) the GPU stalls reconfiguring itself to meet your demands.
So, you can pass in a 1x1 pixel texture for each face, but then you'd need six draw calls (usually not so bad, but there is some prep work and potential cache misses) and six texture sets (can be very bad, often as bad as changing shader uniform values).
Suppose you wanted to pass in one texture and use that as a texture map for the cube. This is a little less trivial than it sounds -- you need to express each texture face on the texture in a way that maps to the vertices. Often you need to pass in a texture coordinate for each vertex, and due to the spacial configuration of the texture this normally doesn't end up meaning one texture coordinate for one spatial vertex.
However, if you use an environmental/reflection map, the complexities of mapping are handled for you. In this way, you could draw a single texture on all sides of your cube. (Or on your sphere, or whatever sphere-mapped shape you wanted.) I'm not sure I'd call this easier since you have to form the environmental texture carefully, and you still have to set a different texture for each new colors you want to represent -- or change the texture either via the GPU or in step with the GPU, and that's tricky and usually not performant.
Which brings us back to the canonical way of doing as you mentioned: use vertex values -- they're fast, you can draw many, many cubes very quickly by only specifying different vertex data, and it's easy to understand. It really is the best way, and how GPUs are designed to run quickly.
And yes, you can do this with just shaders... But it'd be ugly and slow, and the GPU would end up computing it per each pixel.. Pass the object space coordinates to the fragment shader, and in the fragment shader test which side you're on and output the corresponding color. Highly not recommended, it's not particularly easier, and it's definitely not faster for the GPU -- to change colors you'd again end up changing uniform values for the shaders.

Initializing a cubemap with existing 2D textures and glTextureView

I am trying to create a cubemap from six existing textures. Texture views seem to be made for this sort of thing, also updating the cubemap when the original textures change. However, cubemaps can only be views of texture arrays (or other cubemaps) and i can't find any way to fill an array with several already existing 2D textures using glTextureView since glTextureView can only be used with uninitialized textures.
Is there a way to do this or is drawing into the cubemap via an FBO the only way?
No, I do not believe this is supported. You can't "merge" multiple textures into a single texture without any copying.
I can think of a few options you have:
The ideal solution is of course that you place the data into cube map faces in the first place, instead of using separate textures. Note that gTextureView() supports the opposite direction. If you partly want to use a texture as a regular GL_TEXTURE_2D, and partly as the face of a cube map, you can store it in a cube map face, and create a texture view to treat the face as a 2D texture where that's needed.
You copy the textures into the cube map faces. The most efficient approach should be using glBlitFramebuffer(). Of course copying data is always undesirable, but sometimes it's necessary.
This may be somewhat unconventional, but you could... not use a cube map. You could use 6 separate samplers in the shader, and bind the 6 textures you want to use as cube faces to those samplers. Then you can decide which of the six textures to sample, and what texture coordinates to use, in your shader code. This shouldn't be too difficult if you look up the logic/math that is used under the hood when you sample cube maps.

Draw multiple shapes in one vbo

I want to render multiple 3D cubes from one vbo. Each cube has a uniform color.
At this time, I create a vbo where each vertex has a color information.
Is it posible to upload only one color for a one shape (list of verticies)?
I'm also want to mix GL_TRIANGLES and GL_LINES in the glDrawElements-method of the same shader. Is it posible?
//Edit : I only have OpenGL 2.1. Later I want to build this project on Android.
//Edit 2:
I want to render a large count of cubes (up to 150.000). One cube has 24 verticies of geometry and color and 34 indices. Now my idea is to create some vbo's (maybe 50) and share out the cubes to the vbo's. I hope that this minimizes the overhead.
Drawing lots of cubes
Yes, if you want to draw a bunch of cubes, you can specify the color for each cube once.
Create a VBO containing the vertexes for one cube.
// cube = 36 vertexes with glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES)
vbo1 = [v1] [v2] [v3] ... [v36]
Create another VBO with the view matrix and color for each cube, and use an attribute divisor of 1. (You can use the same vbo, but I would use a separate one.)
vbo2 = [cube 1 mat, color] [cube 2 mat, color] ... [cube N mat, color]
Call glDrawElementsInstanced() or glDrawArraysInstanced(). This will draw the cube over and over again.
Alternatively, you can use glUniform() for each cube, but this will limit the number of cubes you can draw. The above method will let you draw thousands, easily.
You will have to call glDraw????() once for each type of primitive. You can use the same shader for both times, if you like.
Regarding your questions :
Is it possible to upload only one color for one shape ?
Yes , you can use a uniform instead of a vertex attribute(ofc this means changes in more places). However, you will need to set the uniform for each shape, and have a different drawcall for each differently colored shape .
Is it possible to mix GL_TRIANGLES and GL_LINES in the glDrawElements ?
Yes and no. Yes , but you will need a new drawcall (which is obvious). You cannot do on the same drawcall some shapes with GL_TRIANGLES and some shapes with GL_LINES.
In pseudocode this will look like this :
draw shapes 1,2,10 from the vbo using color red and GL_TRIANGLES
draw shapes 3,4,6 from the vbo using color blue and GL_LINES
draw shapes 7,8,9 from the vb using color blue and GL_TRIANGLES
With OpenGL 2.1, I don't think there's a reasonable way of specifying the color only once per cube, and still draw everything in a single draw call.
The most direct approach is that, instead of having the color attribute in a VBO, you specify it directly before the draw call. Assuming that you're using generic vertex attributes, where you would currently have:
glVertexAttripPointer(colorLoc, ...);
you do this:
glVertexAttrib3f(colorLoc, r, g, b);
where glDisableVertexAttribArray() is only needed if the array was previously enabled for the location.
The big disadvantage is that you can only draw cubes with the same color in one draw call. In the extreme case, that's one draw call per cube. Of course if you have multiple cubes with the same color, you could still batch those into a single draw call.
You wonder whether this is more efficient than having a color for each vertex in the VBO? Impossible to say in general. You'll always get the same answer in cases like this: Try both, and benchmark. I'm skeptical that you will find it beneficial. In my experience, it's fairly rare for fetching vertex data to be a major performance bottleneck. So cutting out one attribute will likely no give you much of a gain. On the other hand, making many small draw calls absolutely can (and often will) hurt performance.
There is one option you can use that is sort of a hybrid. I'm not necessarily recommending it, but just in the interest of brainstorming. If you use a fairly limited number of colors, you can use a single scalar attribute in the VBO that encodes a "color index". Then in the vertex shader, you can use a texture lookup to translate the "color index" to the actual color.
The really good options are beyond OpenGL 2.1. #DietrichEpp nicely explained instanced rendering, which is an elegant solution for cases like this.
And no, you can not have lines and triangles in the same draw call. Even the most flexible draw calls in OpenGL 4.x, like glDrawElementsIndirect(), still take only one primitive type.

How many depthtextures can i bind to a framebuffer?

I am trying to create shadow maps of many objects in a sceneRoom with their shadows being projected on the sceneRoom. Untill now i've been able to project the shadows of the sceneRoom on itself, but i want to project the shadows of other Objects in the sceneRoom on the sceneRoom's floor.
is it possible to create multiple depth textures in one framebuffer? or should i use several Framebuffers where each has one depth texture?
There is only one GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT point, so you can only have at most one attached depth buffer at any time. So you have to use some other method.
No, there is only one attachment point (well, technically two if you count GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT) for depth in an FBO. You can only attach one thing to the depth, but that does not mean you are limited to a single image.
You can use an array texture to store multiple depth images and then attach this array texture to GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT.
However, the only way to draw into an explicit array level in this texture would be to use a Geometry Shader to do layered rendering. Since it sounds like each one of these depth images you are interested in are actually completely different sets of geometry, this does not sound like the approach you want. If you used a Geometry Shader to do this, you would process the same set of geometry for each layer.
One thing you could consider is actually using a single depth buffer, but packing your shadow maps into an atlas. If each of your shadow maps is 512x512, you could store 4 of them in a single texture with dimensions 1024x1024 and adjust texture coordinates (and viewport when you draw into the atlas) appropriately. The reason you might consider doing this is because changing the render target (FBO state) tends to be the most expensive thing you would do between draw calls in a series of depth-only draws. You might change a few uniforms or vertex pointers, but those are dirt cheap to change.

Using Vertex Buffer Objects for a tile-based game and texture atlases

I'm creating a tile-based game in C# with OpenGL and I'm trying to optimize my code as best as possible.
I've read several articles and sections in books and all come to the same conclusion (as you may know) that use of VBOs greatly increases performance.
I'm not quite sure, however, how they work exactly.
My game will have tiles on the screen, some will change and some will stay the same. To use a VBO for this, I would need to add the coordinates of each tile to an array, correct?
Also, to texture these tiles, I would have to create a separate VBO for this?
I'm not quite sure what the code would look like for tiling these coordinates if I've got tiles that are animated and tiles that will be static on the screen.
Could anyone give me a quick rundown of this?
I plan on using a texture atlas of all of my tiles. I'm not sure where to begin to use this atlas for the textured tiles.
Would I need to compute the coordinates of the tile in the atlas to be applied? Is there any way I could simply use the coordinates of the atlas to apply a texture?
If anyone could clear up these questions it would be greatly appreciated. I could even possibly reimburse someone for their time & help if wanted.
OK, so let's split this into parts. You didn't specify which version of OpenGL you want to use - I'll assume GL 3.3.
Vertex buffer objects, when considered as an alternative to client vertex arrays, mostly save the GPU bandwidth. A tile map is not really a lot of geometry. However, in recent GL versions the vertex buffer objects are the only way of specifying the vertices (which makes a lot of sense), so we cannot really talked about "increasing performance" here. If you mean "compared to deprecated vertex specification methods like immediate mode or client-side arrays", then yes, you'll get a performance boost, but you'd probably only feel it with 10k+ vertices per frame, I suppose.
Texture atlases
The texture atlases are indeed a nice feature to save on texture switching. However, on GL3 (and DX10)-enabled GPUs you can save yourself a LOT of trouble characteristic to this technique, because a more modern and convenient approach is available. Check the GL reference docs for TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY - you'll like it. If GL3 cards are your target, forget texture atlases. If not, have a google which older cards support texture arrays as an extension, I'm not familiar with the details.
So how to draw a tile map efficiently? Let's focus on the data. There are lots of tiles and each tile has the following infromation:
grid position (x,y)
material (let's call it "material" not "texture" because as you said the image might be animated and change in time; the "material" would then be interpreted as "one texture or set of textures which change in time" or anything you want).
That should be all the "per-tile" data you'd need to send to the GPU. You want to render each tile as a quad or triangle strip, so you have two alternatives:
send 4 vertices (x,y),(x+w,y),(x+w,y+h),(x,y+h) instead of (x,y) per tile,
use a geometry shader to calculate the 4 points along with texture coords for every 1 point sent.
Pick your favourite. Also note that directly corresponds to what your VBO is going to contain - the latter solution would make it 4x smaller.
For the material, you can pass it as a symbolic integer, and in your fragment shader - basing on current time (passed as an uniform variable) and the material ID for a given tile - you can decide on the texture ID from the texture array to use. In this way you can make a simple texture animation.