operator as template parameter - c++

Is it possible?
template<operator Op> int Calc(int a, b)
{ return a Op b; }
int main()
{ cout << Calc<+>(5,3); }
If not, is way to achieve this without ifs and switches?

You could use functors for this:
template<typename Op> int Calc(int a, int b)
Op o;
return o(a, b);
Calc<std::plus<int>>(5, 3);

No - templates are about types or primitive values.
You can nontheless pass so called function objects that can be called like functions and carry the desired operator functionality (despite having a nice syntax).
The standard library defines several ones, e.g. std::plus for addition ...
#include <functional>
template<typename Op>
int Calc(int a, int b, Op f) {
return f(a, b);
int main() {
cout << Calc(5,3, std::plus());
cout << Calc(5,3, std::minus());

You can do this using polymorphism:
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Operator
virtual int operator()(int a, int b) const = 0;
class Add : public Operator
int operator()(int a, int b) const
return a+b;
class Sub : public Operator
int operator()(int a, int b) const
return a-b;
class Mul : public Operator
int operator()(int a, int b) const
return a*b;
int main()
Add adder;
cout << adder(1,2) << endl;
Sub suber;
cout << suber(1,2) << endl;
Mul muler;
cout << muler(1,2) << endl;
return 0;

If you refer to global operators, you have already received some answers. In some particular cases, though, it might also be helpful to use overloaded operator functions.
This might be trivial; nevertheless it might be helpful in some cases which is why I post one example:
#include <iostream>
template<typename opType, typename T>
int operation(opType op, T a, T b)
return (a.*op)(1) + (b.*op)(1);
struct linear
int operator()(int n) const {return n;}
int operator[](int n) const {return n * 10;}
int main()
linear a, b;
std::cout << operation(&linear::operator(), a, b) << std::endl
<< operation(&linear::operator[], a, b);
return 0;

template<typename Op>
int Calc(int a, int b, Op f) {
return f(a, b);
main() {
cout << Calc(5, 3, std::plus{});
cout << Calc(5, 3, std::minus{});
if Dario answer fails with error: cannot deduce template arguments for ‘plus’ from ()


How to properly pass member function as a parameter

How do I properly pass member function as a parameter?
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Test
int add(int a, int b)
return a + b;
int sub(int a, int b)
return a - b;
typedef int (*funcPtr)(int a, int b);
int myFunc(funcPtr func, int a, int b)
return func(a, b);
void setup()
cout << myFunc(&Test::add, 5, 3) << endl;
cout << myFunc(&Test::sub, 5, 3) << endl;
int main()
Test test;
Error: Cannot initialize a parameter of type 'Test::funcPtr' (aka 'int
()(int, int)') with an rvalue of type 'int (Test::)(int, int)'
Expected Result:
Your methods should be "regular" functions. add static to them to allow to use them with function pointers:
class Test
static int add(int a, int b)
return a + b;
static int sub(int a, int b)
return a - b;
// ...
If you really pointer on method, you should replace int (*funcPtr)(int a, int b) by int (Test::*funcPtr)(int a, int b) and use something like that instead:
class Test
int add(int a, int b)
return a + b;
int sub(int a, int b)
return a - b;
typedef int (Test::*funcPtr)(int a, int b);
int myFunc(funcPtr func, int a, int b)
return (this->*func)(a, b);
void setup()
cout << myFunc(&Test::add, 5, 3) << endl;
cout << myFunc(&Test::sub, 5, 3) << endl;
You should read about std:: function and std::bind. The first thing will allow you to store a function pointer with multiple form (Functor, lamda, binded), and the second will allow you to bind parameters to your function call (In your case, you want to bind the instance of the class that is needed to call your function).
std:: function<int(int, int)> func = std::bind(&Class::Method, instancePtr, std::placeholders::_1, std:: placeholders::_2);
int result = func(a, b);
However, in your context, your methods should be marked as static (They are not using any non-static member of your class), but the example and the explanation I provided answer to your base question
Firstly, based on your question the best solution here will be without using the pointer instead declare your methods as static and call them directly as given below.
That solution will generate the right results without using the complexity of pointers.
Simple is better if you do not need to use pointers it is better to not use them. code will be more readable as well.
Following code works i tested it:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Test
static int add(int a, int b)
return a + b;
static int sub(int a, int b)
return a - b;
void setup()
cout << add( 5, 3) << endl;
cout << sub(5, 3) << endl;
int main()
Test test;

Function passed as a class argument

In C++, we can pass a function/functor to a function like so:
template <typename F>
void doOperation(int a, int b, F f){
std::cout << "Result: " << f(a,b) << std::endl;
we can then use both functions and functors:
int add(const int &a, const int &b){ return a+b; }
struct subtract(){
void operator() (const int &a, const int &b) { return a-b; }
and use it in the following manner:
My question is, can I do something similar with a class and pass a function as an argument to a class, store it and use it later? E.g.
template <typename F>
class doOperation{
doOperation(int &a, int &b, F f) : a(a), b(b), f(f) {};
void setOperands(int &a, int &b) { this->a = a; this->b = b };
void performCalculation(){
std::cout << "Result: " << f(a,b) << std::endl;
int a,b;
F f;
So that we may assign it a function once and then later use it:
doOperation summing(1,2,add);
doOperation subtraction(7,3,subtract());
If my examples are valid, I would appreciate the explanation for the mechanics here as I seem to be getting a bit lost. In case I missed something, I am looking for hints on whether this can be achieved.
Lastly, how would I then use such a class doOperation in other functions and classes. For example, would defining something like this inside a member function require me to template the new class, its member function, and how would it be declared and used:
class higherFunctionality{
higherFunctionality() {...}
void coolThings(){
doOperation *myOperation = operationFactory( ... );
Yes, but you have to supply the type when you instantiate template classes. The usual way to deal with this is to create a helper function:
template < typename Fun > struct operation_class
operation_class(Fun f) : fun{f} {}
Fun fun;
template < typename Fun >
operation_class<Fun> operation(Fun fun) { return operation_class<Fun>{fun}; }
int main()
auto op0 = operation(some_fun);
auto op1 = operation(some_functor{});
Frankly though, you are better off just using lambda:
auto op0 = [a,b]() { return sum(a,b); };
auto op1 = [a,b]() { return subtract{a,b}(); }
// C++17:
auto op2 = [op=subtract{a,b}] { return op(); };

Overloading an operator through friend function and returning a type different from the rhs parameters

I am attaching the code here and explaining the problem below:
Here is the class Bitop:
#ifndef _Bitop_H
#define _Bitop_H
# include <iostream>
double num2fxp(double v, int bits=9, int intbits=5){
return -0.5;
template<int bits = 8, int intbits = 6>
class Bitop
template<int rhsbits, int rhsintbits> friend class Bitop;
double value; // data value
Bitop(const double& v=0):
value(num2fxp(v, bits, intbits))
template<int rhsbits, int rhsintbits>
const Bitop<bits, intbits>& operator = (const Bitop<rhsbits, rhsintbits>& v){
value = num2fxp(v.value, bits, intbits);
return *this;
template<int rhsbits, int rhsintbits>
Bitop<bits, intbits>& operator += (const Bitop<rhsbits, rhsintbits>& v) {
value = num2fxp(value+v.value, bits, intbits);
return *this;
template<int lhsbits, int lhsintbits, int rhsbits, int rhsintbits>
friend Bitop<lhsintbits+rhsintbits+2, lhsintbits+rhsintbits+1> operator + (const Bitop<lhsbits, lhsintbits>& x, const Bitop<rhsbits, rhsintbits>& y){
return Bitop<lhsintbits+rhsintbits+2, lhsintbits+rhsintbits+1> (num2fxp(x.value+y.value));
friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream & out, const Bitop& y){return out << y.value ;}
void Print(){
std::cout << value<< "<"
<< bits << ","
<< intbits << ">";
And the Test function:
# include <iostream>
# include "Bitop.H"
using namespace std;
int main (int argc, char** argv) {
Bitop<4,1> a = 0.8;
Bitop<5,2> b(3.57);
Bitop<7,3> c;
c = b;
cout << "See all attributes of c \n";
c.Print();cout << "\n";
c = 7.86;
cout << "reassign c to a new value\n";
c.Print();cout << "\n";
cout << "set b = c \n";
b = c;
cout << "set b+=a \n";
b += a;
cout << "set b=c+a \n";
b = c+a;
return 0;
I have a templated class Bitop. I want to overload "+" to add 2 objects with different template parameters and return a third object with parameters different from the rhs and lhs objects, i.e. I want to do the following:
Bitop<5,3> + Bitop<4,2> should return Bitop<10,6>. I declared Bitop to be a friend class of itself so I can access the private members of rhs and lhs objects. But I am getting compilation error (due to redefinition) regardless of whether I call the "+" function.
I am not clear about what I am doing wrong here. Any help is appreciated.
Please note that I left a couple of functions and function calls in the code to ensure that other overloads such as = and += work correctly.
Here's a simplified example that shows the same problem:
template<int i>
struct X {
template<int a, int b>
friend void foo(X<a>, X<b>) { }
int main()
X<1> x1;
X<4> x2; // error: redefinition of foo
Every time a new specialization of X gets instantiated, the definition of foo is inserted in the scope sorounding the template class X. I hope it's clear where the error is coming from.
Things would be different if the declaration depended on template parameter of the class, like:
template<int i>
struct X {
template<int a, int b>
friend void foo(X<a+i>, X<b+i>) { } // different definiton
// for each specialization of X
The solution is to define the friend function outside of class:
template<int i>
struct X {
template<int a, int b>
friend void foo(X<a>, X<b>);
template<int a, int b>
void foo(X<a>, X<b>) { }
int main()
X<1> x1;
X<4> x2;
You don't really need to define operator+ as friend:
template<int I>
class A
double X;
template<int> friend class A;
A(A const&) = default;
A(double x)
: X(x) {}
template<int J>
A(A<J> const&a)
: X(a.X) {}
template<int J>
A<I+J> operator+ (A<J> const&a)
{ return A<I+J>(X+a.X); }
int main()
A<0> a0(3);
A<1> a1(4);
auto ax = a0+a1;
Moreover, the result returned by operator+(a,b) should really be identical to that obtained by operator=(a) followed by operator+=(b).

How to generate a std::get like function for my class?

For example, I have a class
struct A {int a; bool b;};
And I want to generate a template function to get its elements (like the std::get to get a tuple element)
template<unsigned i, class T>
auto Get(T& t);
int& Get<0, A>(A& a)
return a.a;
bool& Get<1, A>(A& a)
return a.b;
int main()
A a;
Get<0>(a) = 10;
Get<1>(a) = true;
return 0;
The above code doesn't work. The challenge is that I don't know the returned type of Get for arbitrary class. Any way to implement it? Thanks.
Assuming you wouldn't mind making this in a "manual manner" you can do this really simply.
#include <tuple>
struct A {
int a; bool b;
template<size_t N>
auto get(A& a) -> decltype(std::get<N>(std::tie(a.a, a.b))) {
return std::get<N>(std::tie(a.a, a.b));
#include <iostream>
int main() {
A a;
get<0>(a) = 10;
get<1>(a) = true;
std::cout << a.a << '\n' << a.b;

How to best pass methods into methods of the same class

I have this C++ class that one big complicated method compute that I would like to feed with a "compute kernel", a method of the same class. I figure I would do something along the lines of
class test {
int classVar_ = 42;
int compute_add(int a, int b)
compute(int a, int b, this->add_())
int compute_mult(int a, int b)
compute(int a, int b, this->mult_())
int compute_(int a, int b, "pass in add or multiply as f()")
int c=0;
// Some complex loops {
c += f(a,b)
// }
return c;
int add_(int a, int b){a+b+classVar_;}
int multiply_(int a, int b){a*b+classVar_;}
but I'm not sure how I would pass in add or multiply.
An alternative to this approach would be to pass in an ENUM of some sort to specify add() or multiply(), but I wanted to avoid a switch or if inside the loops.
What's best practice here?
As you suspected, passing a member function pointer is acceptable practice.
If you need to know the syntax, it is:
int compute_(int a, int b, int (test::*f)(int,int))
int c=0;
// Some complex loops {
c += (this->*f)(a,b)
// }
return c;
Representing member functions using integers, and switching, introduces programmer overhead to keep things up to date when the list of available operations changes. So you don't want that unless there's some important reason in a particular case.
One alternative is to make compute even more general -- instead of taking a member function, write a function template that takes any callable type:
template <typename BinaryFunction>
int compute_(int a, int b, BinaryFunction f) {
// body as before but `f(a,b)` instead of `(this->*f)(a,b)`
This more general template is great if someone wants to use it with some operator of their own invention, that isn't a member function of test. It's more difficult to use in the case of the member function, though, because someone needs to capture this. There are a few ways to do that -- a C++11 lambda, boost::bind, or writing out a functor longhand. For example:
template <typename BinaryFunction>
int compute_(int a, int b, BinaryFunction f) {
// body as before with `f(a,b)`
int compute_(int a, int b, int (test::*f)(int,int))
return compute_(a, b, bind_this(f, this));
Defining bind_this is a bit of a pain: it's like std::bind1st except that we'd like to work with a 3-arg functor whereas bind1st only takes a binary functor. boost::bind, and std::bind in C++11, are more flexible, and will handle the extra arguments. The following will do for this case, but doesn't work in general to bind 2-arg member functions:
struct bind_this {
int (test::*f)(int,int);
test *t;
int operator(int a, int b) const {
return (t->*f)(a,b);
bind_this(int (test::*f)(int,int), test *t) : f(f), t(t) {}
In C++11 you can just use a lambda:
int compute_(int a, int b, int (test::*f)(int,int))
return compute_(a, b, [=](int c, int d){ return (this->*f)(c,d) });
Use pointers to functions.
int compute(int a, int b, int (test::*f) (int, int) )
int c=0;
// Some complex loops {
c += (this->*f)(a,b)
// }
return c;
You have two alternatives :
using pointer to member function
using lambda functions
Example using pointer to member function :
#include <iostream>
class D
D(int v ) : classVar_(v){}
int add_(int a, int b){return (a+b+classVar_);}
int multiply_(int a, int b){return (a*b+classVar_);}
int classVar_;
class test {
int compute_(int a, int b, D &d, int (D::*f)(int a, int b))
int c=0;
// Some complex loops {
c += (d.*f)(a,b);
// }
return c;
int main()
test test;
D d(1);
std::cout<<"add : " << test.compute_( 5, 4, d, &D::add_ ) << std::endl;
std::cout<<"add : " << test.compute_( 5, 4, d, &D::multiply_ ) << std::endl;
Example using lambda :
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
class D
D(int v ) : classVar_(v){}
int add_(int a, int b){return (a+b+classVar_);}
int multiply_(int a, int b){return (a*b+classVar_);}
int classVar_;
class test {
int compute_(int a, int b, std::function< int(int,int) > f)
int c=0;
// Some complex loops {
c += f(a,b);
// }
return c;
int main()
test test;
D d(1);
std::cout<<"add : " << test.compute_( 5, 4, [&d](int a, int b){ return d.add_(a,b); } ) << std::endl;
std::cout<<"add : " << test.compute_( 5, 4, [&d](int a, int b){ return d.multiply_(a,b); } ) << std::endl;