pthreads - previously created thread uses new value (updated after thread creation) - c++

So here's my scenario. First, I have a structure -
struct interval
double lower;
double higher;
Now my thread function -
void* thread_function(void* i)
interval* in = (interval*)i;
double a = in->lower;
cout << a;
In main, let's say I create these 2 threads -
pthread_t one,two;
interval i;
i.lower = 0; i.higher = 5;
i.lower=10; i.higher = 20;
pthread_create(&two,NULL,thread_function, &i);
Here's the problem. Ideally, thread "one" should print out 0 and thread "two" should print out 10. However, this doesn't happen. Occasionally, I end up getting two 10s.
Is this by design? In other words, by the time the thread is created, the value in i.lower has been changed already in main, therefore both threads end up using the same value?

Is this by design?
Yes. It's unspecified when exactly the threads start and when they will access that value. You need to give each one of them their own copy of the data.

Your application is non-deterministic.
There is no telling when a thread will be scheduled to run.
Note: By creating a thread does not mean it will start executing immediately (or even first). The second thread created may actually start running before the first (it is all dependant on the OS and hardware).
To get deterministic behavior each thread must be given its own data (that is not modified by the main thread).
pthread_t one,two;
interval oneData,twoData
oneData.lower = 0; oneData.higher = 5;
twoData.lower=10; twoData.higher = 20;
pthread_create(&two,NULL,thread_function, &twoData);
I would not call it by design.
I would rather refer to it as a side-effect of scheduling policy. But the observed behavior is what I would expect.

This is the classic 'race condition'; where the results vary depending on which thread wins the 'race'. You have no way of knowing which thread will 'win' each time.

Your analysis of the problem is correct; you simply don't have any guarantees that the first thread created will be able to read i.lower before the data is changed on the next line of your main function. This is in some sense the heart of why it can be hard to think about multithreaded programming at first.
The straight forward solution to your immediate problem is to keep different intervals with different data, and pass a separate one to each thread, i.e.
interval i, j;
i.lower = 0; j.lower = 10;
This will of course solve your immediate problem. But soon you'll probably wonder what to do if you want multiple threads actually using the same data. What if thread 1 wants to make changes to i and thread 2 wants to take these into account? It would hardly be much point in doing multithreaded programming if each thread would have to keep its memory separate from the others (well, leaving message passing out of the picture for now). Enter mutex locks! I thought I'd give you a heads up that you'll want to look into this topic sooner rather than later, as it'll also help you understand the basics of threads in general and the required change in mentality that goes along with multithreaded programming.
I seem to recall that this is a decent short introduction to pthreads, including getting started with understanding locking etc.


How does atomic synchronization work on a single thread when it gets migrated to another core

Asking this question as a pseudo code, and also targeting both rust and c++ as memory model concepts are ditto
x = counter.load(Ordering::Relaxed) //#1, Ordering::Relaxed) //#2
y = counter.load(Ordering::Relaxed) //#3
Question: Imagine SomeFunc is being executed by a thread and between #2 and #3 the thread gets interrupted and now #3 executes on different core, in this case does counter variable get synchronized with the last updated value (core 1) when it runs on another core2 (there is no explicit release/acquire). I suppose the entire cache line+thread local storage gets shelved and loaded when the thread briefly goes to sleep and comes back running on different core?
First of all, it should be noted that atomic instructions add synchronization, and do not remove it.
Would you expect:
unsigned func(unsigned* counter) {
auto x = *counter;
*counter = x + 1;
auto y = *counter;
return y;
To return anything else than the original value of *counter + 1?
Yet, similarly, the thread could be moved between cores in-between two statements!
The above code executes fine even when the core is moved because the OS takes care during the switch to appropriately synchronize between cores to preserve user-space program order.
So, what happens when using atomics on a single thread?
Well, you add a bit of processing overhead -- more synchronization -- and the OS still takes care during the switch to appropriately synchronize.
Hence the effect is strictly the same.

Why my std::atomic<int> variable isn't thread-safe?

I don't know why my code isn't thread-safe, as it outputs some inconsistent results.
value 48
value 49
value 50
value 54
value 51
value 52
value 53
My understanding of an atomic object is it prevents its intermediate state from exposing, so it should solve the problem when one thread is reading it and the other thread is writing it.
I used to think I could use std::atomic without a mutex to solve the multi-threading counter increment problem, and it didn't look like the case.
I probably misunderstood what an atomic object is, Can someone explain?
inc(std::atomic<int>& a)
while (true) {
a = a + 1;
printf("value %d\n", a.load());
std::atomic<int> a(0);
std::thread t1(inc, std::ref(a));
std::thread t2(inc, std::ref(a));
std::thread t3(inc, std::ref(a));
std::thread t4(inc, std::ref(a));
std::thread t5(inc, std::ref(a));
std::thread t6(inc, std::ref(a));
return 0;
I used to think I could use std::atomic without a mutex to solve the multi-threading counter increment problem, and it didn't look like the case.
You can, just not the way you have coded it. You have to think about where the atomic accesses occur. Consider this line of code …
a = a + 1;
First the value of a is fetched atomically. Let's say the value fetched is 50.
We add one to that value getting 51.
Finally we atomically store that value into a using the = operator
a ends up being 51
We atomically load the value of a by calling a.load()
We print the value we just loaded by calling printf()
So far so good. But between steps 1 and 3 some other threads may have changed the value of a - for example to the value 54. So, when step 3 stores 51 into a it overwrites the value 54 giving you the output you see.
As #Sopel and #Shawn suggest in the comments, you can atomically increment the value in a using one of the appropriate functions (like fetch_add) or operator overloads (like operator ++ or operator +=. See the std::atomic documentation for details
I added steps 5 and 6 above. Those steps can also lead to results that may not look correct.
Between the store at step 3. and the call tp a.load() at step 5. other threads can modify the contents of a. After our thread stores 51 in a at step 3 it may find that a.load() returns some different number at step 5. Thus the thread that set a to the value 51 may not pass the value 51 to printf().
Another source of problems is that nothing coordinates the execution of steps 5. and 6. between two threads. So, for example, imagine two threads X and Y running on a single processor. One possible execution order might be this …
Thread X executes steps 1 through 5 above incrementing a from 50 to 51 and getting the value 51 back from a.load()
Thread Y executes steps 1 through 5 above incrementing a from 51 to 52 and getting the value 52 back from a.load()
Thread Y executes printf() sending 52 to the console
Thread X executes printf() sending 51 to the console
We've now printed 52 on the console, followed by 51.
Finally, there's another problem lurking at step 6. because printf() doesn't make any promises about what happens if two threads call printf() at the same time (at least I don't think it does).
On a multiprocessor system threads X and Y above might call printf() at exactly the same moment (or within a few ticks of exactly the same moment) on two different processors. We can't make any prediction about which printf() output will appear first on the console.
Note The documentation for printf mentions a lock introduced in C++17 "… used to prevent data races when multiple threads read, write, position, or query the position of a stream." In the case of two threads simultaneously contending for that lock we still can't tell which one will win.
Besides the increment of a being done non-atomically, the fetch of the value to display after the increment is non-atomic with respect to the increment. It is possible that one of the other threads increments a after the current thread has incremented it but before the fetch of the value to display. This would possibly result in the same value being shown twice, with the previous value skipped.
Another issue here is that the threads do not necessarily run in the order they have been created. Thread 7 could execute its output before threads 4, 5, and 6, but after all four threads have incremented a. Since the thread that did the last increment displays its output earlier, you end up with the output not being sequential. This is more likely to happen on a system with fewer than six hardware threads available to run on.
Adding a small sleep between the various thread creates (e.g., sleep_for(10)) would make this less likely to occur, but would still not eliminate the possibility. The only sure way to keep the output ordered is to use some sort of exclusion (like a mutex) to ensure only one thread has access to the increment and output code, and treat both the increment and output code as a single transaction that must run together before another thread tries to do an increment.
The other answers point out the non-atomic increment and various problems. I mostly want to point out some interesting practical details about exactly what we see when running this code on a real system. (x86-64 Arch Linux, gcc9.1 -O3, i7-6700k 4c8t Skylake).
It can be useful to understand why certain bugs or design choices lead to certain behaviours, for troubleshooting / debugging.
Use int tmp = ++a; to capture the fetch_add result in a local variable instead of reloading it from the shared variable. (And as 1202ProgramAlarm says, you might want to treat the whole increment and print as an atomic transaction if you insist on having your counts printed in order as well as being done properly.)
Or you might want to have each thread record the values it saw in a private data structure to be printed later, instead of also serializing threads with printf during the increments. (In practice all trying to increment the same atomic variable will serialize them waiting for access to the cache line; ++a will go in order so you can tell from the modification order which thread went in which order.)
Fun fact: + a.load(std:memory_order_relaxed), std::memory_order_release) is what you might do for a variable that was only written by 1 thread, but read by multiple threads. You don't need an atomic RMW because no other thread ever modifies it. You just need a thread-safe way to publish updates. (Or better, in a loop keep a local counter and just .store() it without loading from the shared variable.)
If you used the default a = ... for a sequentially-consistent store, you might as well have done an atomic RMW on x86. One good way to compile that is with an atomic xchg, or mov+mfence is as expensive (or more).
What's interesting is that despite the massive problems with your code, no counts were lost or stepped on (no duplicate counts), merely printing reordered. So in practice the danger wasn't encountered because of other effects going on.
I tried it on my own machine and did lose some counts. But after removing the sleep, I just got reordering. (I copy-pasted about 1000 lines of the output into a file, and sort -u to uniquify the output didn't change the line count. It did move some late prints around though; presumably one thread got stalled for a while.) My testing didn't check for the possibility of lost counts, skipped by not saving the value being stored into a, and instead reloading it. I'm not sure there's a plausible way for that to happen here without multiple threads reading the same count, which would be detected.
Store + reload, even a seq-cst store which has to flush the store buffer before it can reload, is very fast compared to printf making a write() system call. (The format string includes a newline and I didn't redirect output to a file so stdout is line-buffered and can't just append the string to a buffer.)
(write() system calls on the same file descriptor are serializing in POSIX: write(2) is atomic. Also, printf(3) itself is thread-safe on GNU/Linux, as required by C++17, and probably by POSIX long before that.)
Stdio locking in printf happens to be enough serialization in almost all cases: the thread that just unlocked stdout and left printf can do the atomic increment and then try to take the stdout lock again.
The other threads were all blocked trying to take the lock on stdout. One (other?) thread can wake up and take the lock on stdout, but for its increment to race with the other thread it would have to enter and leave printf and load a the first time before that other thread commits its a = ... seq-cst store.
This does not mean it's actually safe
Just that testing this specific version of the program (at least on x86) doesn't easily reveal the lack of safety. Interrupts or scheduling variations, including competition from other things running on the same machine, certainly could block a thread at just the wrong time.
My desktop has 8 logical cores so there were enough for every thread to get one, not having to get descheduled. (Although normally that would tend to happen on I/O or when waiting on a lock anyway).
With the sleep there, it is not unlikely for multiple threads to wake up at nearly the same time and race with each other in practice on real x86 hardware. It's so long that timer granularity becomes a factor, I think. Or something like that.
Redirecting output to a file
With stdout open on a non-TTY file, it's full-buffered instead of line-buffered, and doesn't always make a system call while holding the stdout lock.
(I got a 17MiB file in /tmp from hitting control-C a fraction of a second after running ./a.out > output.)
This makes it fast enough for threads to actually race with each other in practice, showing the expected bugs of duplicate values. (A thread reads a but loses ownership of the cache line before it stores (tmp)+1, resulting in two or more threads doing the same increment. And/or multiple threads reading the same value when they reload a after flushing their store buffer.)
1228589 unique lines (sort -u | wc) but total output of
1291035 total lines. So ~5% of the output lines were duplicates.
I didn't check if it was usually one value duplicated multiple times or if it was usually only one duplicate. Or how far backward the value ever jumped. If a thread happened to be stalled by an interrupt handler after loading but before storing val+1, it could be quite far. Or if it actually slept or blocked for some reason, it could rewind indefinitely far.

What does prevent DOMTimerCoordinator::NextID from entering a endless loop?

I had a look into the Blink codebase to answer this question about the maximum possible number of timers in JavaScript.
New timers are created by DOMTimerCoordinator::InstallNewTimeout(). It calls NextID() to retrieve an available integer key. Then, it inserts the new timer and the corresponding key into timers_.
int timeout_id = NextID();
timers_.insert(timeout_id, DOMTimer::Create(context, action, timeout,
single_shot, timeout_id));
NextID() gets the next id in a circular sequence from 1 to 231-1:
int DOMTimerCoordinator::NextID() {
while (true) {
if (circular_sequential_id_ <= 0)
circular_sequential_id_ = 1;
if (!timers_.Contains(circular_sequential_id_))
return circular_sequential_id_;
What happen if all the IDs are in use?
What does prevent NextID() from entering in a endless loop?
The whole process is explained with more detail in my answer to that question.
I needed a bit to understand this but I believe I got it.
These are the steps which turned it into sense for me.
circular_sequential_id_ is used as unique identifier. It's not exposed but from the other info I suspect it's an int with 32 bit (e.g. std::int32_t).
I suspect circular_sequential_id_ is a member variable of class (or struct) DOMTimerCoordinator. Hence, after each call of NextID() it “remembers” the last returned value. When NextID() is entered circular_sequential_id_ is incremented first:
The increment ++circular_sequential_id_; may sooner or later cause an overflow (Uuuh. If I remember right this is considered as Undefined Behavior but in real world it mostly simply wraps around.) and becomes negative. To handle this, the next line is good for:
if (circular_sequential_id_ <= 0)
circular_sequential_id_ = 1;
The last statement in loop checks whether the generated ID is still in use in any timer:
if (!timers_.Contains(circular_sequential_id_))
return circular_sequential_id_;
If not used the ID is returned. Otherwise, “Play it again, Sam.”
This brings me to the most reasonable answer:
Yes, this can become an endless loop...
...if 231 - 1 timers have been occupied and, hence, all IDs have been consumed.
I assume with 231 - 1 timers you have much more essential other problems. (Alone, imaging the storage that those timers may need and the time to handle all of them...)
Even if 231 - 1 timers are not a fatal problem, the function may cycle further until one of the timers releases it's ID and it can be occupied again. So, NextID() would be blocking if a resource (a free ID for a timer) is temporarily not available.
Thinking twice, the 2. option is rather theoretically. I cannot believe that somebody would manage limited resources this way.
I guess, this code works under assumption that there will never be 231 - 1 timers concurrently and hence it will find a free ID with a few iterations.

Odd thread behaviors

The next code normally prints BA but sometimes it can print BBAA, BAAB, ... How is it possible to get two A or B with it?! However this code never prints three A or B. Both functions (produce and consume) run a lot of threads. Many thanks in advance.
int permission;
void set_permission(int v) {
permission = v;
printf("%c", v + 'A');fflush(stdin);
void* produce(void*) {
for (;;) {
while (permission == 1);
void* consume(void*) {
for (;;) {
while (permission == 0);
Your threads are not synchronized, as they are not using the same mutex.
The other thread can by chance only mange to set permission to 1 or 0, but not manage to produce output yet. In which case it appears as if the first thread ran two full rounds.
The write by the corresponding thread can also get entirely lost, when the memory content is synchronized between cores and both threads wrote. The mutex also prevents this from happening, because it establishes a strict memory access order, which, to put it simple, guarantees that everything which has happened under the protection of one mutex is fully visible to the next user of the same mutex.
Printing the same character 3 or more times would be very unlikely, as there is at most one write happening in between, so at most one lost write, or one out of order output. That's not guaranteed though.
If you are working on a system with no implicit memory synchronisation at all, your code could also just straight out deadlock, as the writes done under one mutex never propagate to the users of the other one. ( Doesn't actually happen because there is still some synchronisation introduced by the IO operations. )

C++ multiple threads and processes in vector

While going through a c++ tutorial book(it's in Spanish so I apologize if my translation to English is not as proper as it should be) I have come across a particular code snippet that I do not fully understand in terms of the different processes that are happening in the background. For example, in terms of multiple address spaces, how would I determine if these are all withing the context of a single process(being that multiple threads are being added over each push to the vector)? How would I determine if each thread is different from the other if they have the exact same computation being made?)
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <thread>
using namespace std;
int addthreads = 0;
void squarenum(int x) {
addthreads += x * x * x;
int main() {
vector<thread> septhread;
for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++){
septhread.push_back(thread(&squarenum, i));
for (auto& th : septhread){
cout << "Your answer = " << addthreads << endl;
return 0;
Every answer defaults to 2025, that much I understand. My basic issue is understanding the first part of my question.
By the way, the compiler required(if you are on Linux):
g++ -std=gnu++ -pthread threadExample.cpp -o threadExample
A thread is a "thread of execution" within a process, sharing the same address space, resources, etc. Depending on the operating system, hardware, etc, they may or may not run on the same CPU or CPU Thread.
A major issue with thread programming, as a result, is managing access to resources. If two threads access the same resource at the same time, Undefined Behavior can occur. If they are both reading, it may be fine, but if one is writing at the same moment the other is reading, numerous outcomes ensue. The simplest is that both threads are running on separate CPUs or cores and so the reader does not see the change made by the writer due to cache. Another is that the reader sees only a portion of the write (if it's a 64-bit value they might only see 32-bits changed).
Your code performs a read-modify-store operation, so the first thread to come along sees the value '0', calculates the result of x*x*x, adds it to 0 and stores the result.
Meanwhile the next thread comes along and does the same thing, it also sees 0 before performing its calculation, so it writes 0 + x*x*x to the value, overwriting the first thread.
These threads might not be in the order that you launched them; it's possible for thread #30 to get the first execution cycle rather than thread #1.
You may need to consider looking at std::atomic or std::mutex.