Django, dynamic apps support - django

I am about to start a django project, where I need a base deployment, lets say just for admins initially. Later admins can add instances of my main public site.
Now, one instance will, obviously be separated by dynamic sub-domains. I need to capture sub-domains from requests, and compute accordingly. It has its own base templates, static files, etc (easiest part). It would have set of feature apps (common for all instances, but not the data in their models). And I am thinking of using Django1.2's multiple database support, and try to get one db per instance (* adding dynamically :( , if that is feasible, It will include dynamic db/model creations*). Or I can go for adding an instance foreign_key in all feature apps models, to separate them instant-wise.
If my instances were known prior to deployment, I would have used multiple database support easily by capturing the sub-domains and diverting my ORM calls to concerned db. But, that is not the case. Those has to be dynamic (added as need arises).
Now before I give it a try, to get solution/rid of delusions about it, I would want experts of SO to think about it. I would appreciate the suggestions, insights and of-course criticism.
I can make it community wiki, if suggested. Thanks guys.

Shouldn't you just run a separate Django instance in a each their Apache VirtuaHost? Then, you can have a Django settings file for each instance and they can each point at their proper database. This also simplifies your code because you don't need to map subdomain names to databases inside your views. As a real bonus, your code gets re-usable because it doesn't depend on your complex setup.

Ususally you can do instances of your app with the sites framework.


How to run two separate django instances on same server/domain?

To elaborate, we have one server we have setup to run django. Issue is that we need to establish "public" test server that our end-users can test, before we push the changes to the production.
Now, normally we would have and and run them separately. However, due to conditions outside our control we only have access to one domain. We will call it for now.
Is there a way to setup two entirely separete django intances (AKA we do not want admin of production version to be able to access demo data, and vice versa) in such a way we have and enviroments?
I tried to look over Djangos "sites"-framework but as far as I can see, all it can do is separate the domains, not paths, and it has both "sites" able to access same data.
However, as I stated, we want to keep our testing data and our production data separate. Yet, we want to give our end-user testers access to version they can tinker around, keeping separation of production, public test and local development(runserver command) versions.
I would say you use the /production or /development path to select which database to use. You can read more about multitenancy from here

Django multiple Project using same database tables

I've been reading through related articles regarding using same database for multiple django projects however, I have not been able to come up with a fix yet.
I've tried relative and absolute pathing when importing but it gives "attempted relative import beyond top-level package" error when I try to access parent directory.
Project 1 gets the users to write to database by filling in a form and Project 2 retrieves data written in by users from database.
I'm using Postgresql for database. I've tried writing exactly same for both projects but it seems like in database they appear as separate relations/tables. E.g. for table named school in both, it would look like project1_school and project2_school in Postgres database.
Is there a way to write to and read from same tables of same database?
Thank you so much in advance.
I think that you might be confuse with the difference between Projects and Applications.
Projects vs. apps
What’s the difference between a project and an app? An app is a Web application that does something – e.g., a Weblog system, a database of public records or a small poll app. A project is a collection of configuration and apps for a particular website. A project can contain multiple apps. An app can be in multiple projects.
Writing your first Django app, part 1
So in you particular case, I would say that your actual projects, both of them, could be applications of one project. The main reason, why I think this is a better approach, is that both are gonna use the same data, one application writes while the other retrieve it. One could even argue that they actually could be the same application. But this may depend on many factors of your business.
BTW, is really hard for me to imagine a situation where it would be a good idea to have two projects using the same database. Even if both projects need to share data, I would not think in using on database. I would try to solve it at an application level. But I you need for some reason to share information at database level, there are tools to connect both databases.

What is the correct way to use different const data in local dev and production?

There are many things that are different in deployment and production. For example, in case of using Facebook API, I need to change id of application(because there are different id for testing and production) every time I push update to the app.
I update only app, so what do usually django developers do in this case? Possibly saving a variable to and then getting it from there or creating separated file in virtual environment folder, which in my case at least is also separated ?
There is no official way of splitting your Django settings for prod and dev -- developers are encouraged to find a way that works for them. The Django docs list out several good options here:

Two Django projects with common models and business logic

I have two Django Projects that have different use cases. There are reached using different domains. They are hosted in two different servers. Also each Django project has it's own database.
Now, both the projects have some models and some business logic common between them. I don't want to duplicate the code and data which shall be chaotic going forward. Also, I want the models and code (business logic) to be in sync (when models/code is altered).
Can anyone guide me towards a pattern that can help me attain the required architecture: 2 separate projects with common models and business logic.
Thanks in advance.
I've done this before. You will have to move the shared models and business into a new python package (better if you can create a django app that encapsulates these models), in a separate directory.
Add this directory to your python path (the one that contains the package, not the package itself) and you should be able to use this code from within your projects.
The only downside to this is having to configure PYTHON_PATH in your servers or having to copy manually this package into your runtimes

Recommended way to setup Django Fast CGI configuration with multiple domains

I'm creating a Django project that will be used by multiple domains, and the functionality will be slightly different depending on the domain. I'm looking for advice on the proper way to set this up.
sites framework seems like it would be a good fit for doing some of the customizations once processing has reached the point where it's executing the Django code. But I'm trying to determine what the setup should be before we reach that point (relating to the nginx, flup, fastcgi, config).
Here is my current understanding:
It seems like multiple Django settings files are appropriate, each with a different SITE_ID. Then two virtual hosts would be setup in the nginx configuration that would point to two different sockets. Two ' runfastcgi' processes would then be used to listen on those two different sockets and each process would reference a different
./ runfcgi method=prefork socket=/home/user/mysite1.sock
./ runfcgi method=prefork socket=/home/user/mysite2.sock
However, it seems like this could get messy if you add more domains. It would require a new 'manage runfastcgi' process to be run for every domain that would be added. Is there a way to support multiple sites in this way without running a separate process for each?
What are your experiences with hosting multiple domains with Django?
Any advice is much appreciated. Thank you for reading.
If you are going to have a lot of domains running, one process per domain might get quite expensive. The sites framework was originally made with another use case in mind: being able to easily create "duplicate" content on several news sites. When trying to use the sites framework for other uses you run into several difficulties.
one possibility is to move the domain processing to a middleware and have django handle the multidomain part. It's not trivial though, specially if you have to tweak apps to be domain aware, and also urlconfs, templates, etc... A quick google search showed up:
Might help as a starting point.