ArrayOfAnyType issues when calling the method:GetRangeA1 excel web services in the silverlight 4.0 - web-services

I create a simple silverlight 4.0 application used to read the excel file data in the share point 2010 server. I try to use the "Excel Web Services" but I get an error here when calling the GetRangeA1 method:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.NetDispatcherFaultException' occurred in mscorlib.dll
Additional information: The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: There was an error while trying to deserialize parameter The InnerException message was 'Error in line 1 position 361. Element '' contains data from a type that maps to the name ''. The deserializer has no knowledge of any type that maps to this name. Consider using a DataContractResolver or add the type corresponding to 'ArrayOfAnyType' to the list of known types - for example, by using the KnownTypeAttribute attribute or by adding it to the list of known types passed to DataContractSerializer.'. Please see InnerException for more details.
the source code is like:
namespace SampleApplication
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
ExcelServiceSoapClient xlservice = new ExcelServiceSoapClient();
xlservice.ClientCredentials.Windows.AllowedImpersonationLevel = System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel.Impersonation;
Status[] outStatus;
string targetWorkbookPath = "http://phc/Shared%20Documents/sample.xlsx";
// Call open workbook, and point to the trusted location of the workbook to open.
string sessionId = xlservice.OpenWorkbook(targetWorkbookPath, "en-US", "en-US", out outStatus);
Console.WriteLine("sessionID : {0}", sessionId);
//1. works fines.
object res = xlservice.GetCellA1(sessionId, "CER by Feature", "B1", true, out outStatus);
//2. exception
xlservice.GetRangeA1(sessionId, "CER by Feature", "H19:H21", true, out outStatus);
// Close workbook. This also closes session.
catch (SoapException e)
Console.WriteLine("SOAP Exception Message: {0}", e.Message);
I am totally new to the silverlight and sharepoint developping, I search around but didn't get any luck, just found another post here, any one could help me?

This appears to be an oustanding issue, but two workarounds I found so far:
1) Requiring a change in App.config.
2) Indicating to rebuild service reference with svcutil instead of using Add Service Reference:


WinRT | C++ - HTTP Post File - The certificate authority is invalid or incorrect

Basically I have two concerns, however the focus is on how to get around the certification.
I am having a hard time understanding how to make an HTTP post request in WinRT|C++. I have an ASP.Net-6-Web-Api-Project, which I have already been able to communicate with via a Python project and a C++ project (via Curl). I also tested the api via Postman. Every time doing so I had to ignore the validation of certification and it worked fine.
But now I have a WinRT/C++ project and have thrown together the following code. I want to be able to upload a file. In my case it is a point cloud in a .ply syntax as a string.
My Concerns:
In WinRT I got the expected error for invalid/untrusted certification, so I looked up what to do and ended up using IgnorableServerCertificateErrors from HttpBaseProtocolFilter, like you can see at the end of my code. But that did not fix my error. What am I missing? I still get the errors:
WinRT originate error - 0x80072F0D : 'The certificate authority is invalid or incorrect'.
WinRT originate error - 0x80190190 : 'The response status code does not indicate success: 400 ().'.
From the point of view of a developer familiar with WinRT, is the implementation correct in terms of an HTTP post request? Especially the lines
binaryContent.Headers().Append(L"Content-Type", L"image/jpeg"); andHttpContentDispositionHeaderValue disposition{ L"form-data" }; And what are the follow lines for? Is this just about assigning arbitrary names?
void HL2ResearchMode::SendPLY(std::wstring const& pointCloud)
OutputDebugString(L"--- SendPLY()\n");
if (pointCloud.size() == 0)
auto buffer{
winrt::Windows::Web::Http::HttpBufferContent binaryContent{ buffer };
// binaryContent.Headers().Append(L"Content-Type", L"text/plain;charset=utf8");
binaryContent.Headers().Append(L"Content-Type", L"image/jpeg");
winrt::Windows::Web::Http::Headers::HttpContentDispositionHeaderValue disposition{ L"form-data" };
//winrt::Windows::Web::Http::Headers::HttpContentDispositionHeaderValue disposition{ L"multipart/form-data" };
winrt::Windows::Web::Http::HttpMultipartFormDataContent postContent;
winrt::Windows::Web::Http::HttpResponseMessage httpResponseMessage;
std::wstring httpResponseBody;
// Send the POST request.
winrt::Windows::Foundation::Uri requestUri{ L"" };
winrt::Windows::Web::Http::Filters::HttpBaseProtocolFilter myFilter;
auto fu = myFilter.IgnorableServerCertificateErrors();
winrt::Windows::Web::Http::HttpClient httpClient(myFilter);
httpResponseMessage = httpClient.PostAsync(requestUri, postContent).get();
httpResponseBody = httpResponseMessage.Content().ReadAsStringAsync().get();
catch (winrt::hresult_error const& ex)
httpResponseBody = ex.message();
std::wcout << httpResponseBody;

Testing camel-sql route with in-memory database not fetching results

I have written the code using camel-sql which is working fine. Now I have to write test cases for the same. I have used in-memory database H2. I have initialized the database and assigned the datasource to sqlComponent.
// Setup code
protected JndiRegistry createRegistry() throws Exception {
JndiRegistry jndi = super.createRegistry();
// this is the database we create with some initial data for our unit test
database = new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder()
jndi.bind("myDataSource", database);
return jndi;
// Testcase code
public void testRoute() throws Exception {
Exchange receivedExchange = template.send("direct:myRoute", ExchangePattern.InOut ,exchange -> {
exchange.getIn().setHeader("ID", new Integer(1));
MyClass updatedEntity = (MyClass)jdbcTemplate.queryForObject("select * from MY_TABLE where id=?", new Long[] { 1l } ,
new RouteTest.CustomerRowMapper() );
// Here I can get the updatedEntity from jdbcTemplate
// Main code
.to("sql:select * from MY_TABLE msg where = :#"+ID+"?dataSource=#myDataSource&outputType=SelectOne&outputClass=com.entity.MyClass")
.log(LoggingLevel.INFO,"Polled message from DB");
The problem is, as soon as the test case starts, it is saying
No bean could be found in the registry for: myDataSource of type: javax.sql.DataSource
I looked into camel-SQL component test cases and doing the same thing but the code is not able to find dataSource. Please help. Thanks in advance.
After spending a lot of time on this issue, I identified that H2 database was using JDBCUtils to fetch records and It was throwing ClassNotFoundException. I was getting it nowhere in Camel exception hierarchy because this exception was being suppressed and all I was getting a generic exception message. Here is the exception:
ClassNotFoundException: com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry
After searching for the issue I found out that It requires one more dependency. So I added it and it resolved the issue.
Issue URL:
Dependency: or .posttaskasync() with .net sdk returns invalid parameter when trying to post a link

I've had this working in a previous version of my application and I tried using the old code, but I think the new sdk has something different going on. I'm simply trying to post a link (that includes an image) to my wall and receiving an "Invalid Parameter" response.
Here is the relevant code (I've also tried PostTaskAsync()...same result):
var client = new FacebookClient(accessToken);
var postParams = new
name = "the name",
caption = "the caption",
description = "the description",
link = "",
picture = ""
client.Post("me/feed", postParams);
I've tried substituting the object with a Dictionary with the same result. I've tried substituting object with dynamic parameters = new ExpandoObject(); with the same result.
If I post the object with just { message = "this is a test message" } it posts fine so I know that I have permissions to post on my wall. Something just isn't jiving when I try to post the link with the image. I also tried urlencoding the link and the image url and received a different error indicating that the "link/picture URL is not properly formatted".
I stripped out all of the parameters thinking one of them was no longer supported, but still no dice.
Here is the exact exception being thrown:
Facebook.FacebookApiException: (FacebookApiException - #100) Invalid
parameter at Facebook.FacebookClient.ProcessResponse(HttpHelper
httpHelper, String responseString, Type resultType, Boolean
containsEtag, IList`1 batchEtags) at
Facebook.FacebookClient.Api(HttpMethod httpMethod, String path, Object
parameters, Type resultType) at Facebook.FacebookClient.Post(String
path, Object parameters)
I got this sorted out. It turns out the link and the image url have to be in the same domain as the app you're using to post.
EDIT: just to clarify. The domain has to be included in your app's config section (on Facebook) in the "App domains" section at the top.

Getting the "no type was found that matches the controller named" error message during Ajax Request

I've seen a lot of topics about this, but unfortunately I believe that each case is a different case (or most of them), and I really would love some experts opinion about my case in particular since I cannot make my code work even after reading through some of the other topics.
Situation: I am using an Ajax Request call in jQuery to a WebService method I have created in an WebApi project together with a MVC 4 Application.
My WebService controller class looks like the default, like this:
public class AdditionalInfoController : ApiController
//GET api/AdditionalInfo
public IEnumerable<string> Get()
return new string[] { "value1", "value2" };
//GET api/AdditionalInfo/5
public string Get(int id)
return "value";
//PUT api/AdditionalInfo/5
public void Put(int id)
string test = "";
My Ajax Request from jQuery looks like this:
function GetAdditionalInfo(obj)
var request = jQuery.ajax({
url: "/api/AdditionalInfo/Get",
type: "GET",
data: { id: },
datatype: "json",
async: false,
beforeSend: function () {
complete: function () {
.done(function (a,b,c) {
alert("Additional info was retrieved successfully!");
.fail(function (a,b,c) {
alert("An error happened while trying to get the additional info!");
My WebAPIConfig file looks like this:
public static class WebApiConfig
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
name: "DefaultApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }
And last but not least, this is my problem: this error message keeps appearing when I browse the returned data variable in .fail and this is what is written:
"Message":"No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI 'http://localhost:59096/api/AdditionalInfo/Get?id=1'.",
"MessageDetail":"No type was found that matches the controller named 'AdditionalInfo'."
I would really appreciate it if someone could help me as soon as possible. Thanks in advance!
Best regards,
Looking at the error looks like Web API is unable to find the controller 'type' AdditionalInfo. Web API uses assemblies resolver to scan through the assemblies and finds out the controller types. In your case for some reason its unable to find your 'AdditionalInfo' controller probably because it has some problem loading the assembly having this controller.
Try the following and see if there are any errors logged in your EventLog. If you notice any errors then probably you should check if your controllers are present in those assemblies.
Make the following change in Web.config to view errors in EventLog
<trace autoflush="false" indentsize="4">
<add name="myListener"
initializeData="WebApiDiagnostics" />
In your WebApiConfig.cs, you can do the following:
IAssembliesResolver assembliesResolver = config.Services.GetAssembliesResolver();
ICollection<Assembly> assemblies = assembliesResolver.GetAssemblies();
StringBuilder errorsBuilder = new StringBuilder();
foreach (Assembly assembly in assemblies)
Type[] exportedTypes = null;
if (assembly == null || assembly.IsDynamic)
// can't call GetExportedTypes on a dynamic assembly
exportedTypes = assembly.GetExportedTypes();
catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException ex)
exportedTypes = ex.Types;
catch (Exception ex)
if (errorsBuilder.Length > 0)
//Log errors into Event Log
BTW, some of the above code is actually from the DefaultHttpControllerTypesResolver which Web API uses to resolve the controller types.
One more scenario where you could hit this problem is if your controller is nested inside another class. This was a bug which was fixed later though.
Ok, so I believe I found out what was going on. I am not entirely certain, but at least my problem got fixed.
Simply by changing what was inside of the "data" field in the Ajax call and I have created a class for an object in the application to hold the whole data. It seems that for some reason the method could not have the syntax "Get(int ID)".
Instead, I did something like "Get( object)" and in the Ajax Request something like "data: obj.ID" and voila, it worked.
Also, since the framework is picky about the names of the REST methods (Get, Post, Put and Delete), I changed the name of the method to something else (like Retrieve or something).
Hopefully this will help someone in the future as well.
Best regards,
Be sure that you have the same parameter names in your methods (int id) as well as in your WebApiConfig/RouteConfig. Try it by changing
public string Get(int id)
return "hello";
public string Get(int? id = null)
return "hello";
I had the same problem. with me it happens due to a crush in the visual studio (2012). I had the controller file open in visual studio but it wasn't a part of my solution - I couldn't find him in the controllers directory in the solution explorer.
I just added the file to the solution by right clicking on controllers directory => add => existing item.
that fixed the problem for me.
if that doesn't work maybe try to delete the controller and add a new one with the same code . . .

SharePoint SoapServerException calling GetListItems web service

I have the following statement in my code:
System.Xml.XmlNode items = lstWebs.GetListItems(
"Tasks", string.Empty, listQuery, listViewFields,
string.Empty, listQueryOptions, WorkspaceId);
When executing this, the following exception occurs:
Exception of type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer.SoapServerException' was thrown.
Exception Source is:
Stack Trace:
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
at ImpersonationConsoleApp.MossLists.Lists.GetListItems(String listName, String viewName, XmlNode query, XmlNode viewFields, String rowLimit, XmlNode queryOptions, String webID) in C:\Documents and Settings\david\My Documents\_Dew02SiteCreator\DeWProjectStarter\ImpersonationConsoleApp\Web References\MossLists\Reference.cs:line 435
at ImpersonationConsoleApp.Program.DeleteTasksIfNotExist(DataRow[] drTasksdel, String siteURL) in C:\Documents and Settings\david\My Documents\_Dew02SiteCreator\DeWProjectStarter\ImpersonationConsoleApp\Program.cs:line 1384
I have confirmed the site URL and it is fine.
Could you please help on why the exception is occurring? Do I need to reset IIS?
please find the detail.
SoapException.InnerException is Null.
However the soapExcetion.Detail.InnerText is showing: The system cannot find the file specified. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070002)
Is the name tasks also the actual listname in the url? i.e. http://siteurl/lists/tasks? is the list in a subsite and are you using the service under the site-collection?
IF the list is in a subsite the use http://sitecollectionurl/subsite/_vti_bin/lists.asmx as the Service url, otherwise the lists.asmx will try to find the tasks list in the rootweb instead of the subsite.
The signature for GetListItems is
GetListItems(ListID, "", queryNode, viewFieldsNode, Nothing, queryOptionsNode, Nothing)
Try simplifying queryNode, viewFieldsNode and queryOptionsNode to the minimal.
Dim caml = New XmlDocument
Dim queryNode = caml.CreateElement("Query")
Dim viewFieldsNode = caml.CreateElement("ViewFields")
Dim queryOptionsNode = caml.CreateElement("QueryOptions")
queryOptionsNode.InnerXml = "<ViewAttributes Scope=""Recursive"" /><IncludeMandatoryColumns>FALSE</IncludeMandatoryColumns>"
In C#
var caml = new XmlDocument();
var queryNode = caml.CreateElement("Query");
var viewFieldsNode = caml.CreateElement("ViewFields");
var queryOptionsNode = caml.CreateElement("QueryOptions");
queryOptionsNode.InnerXml = "<ViewAttributes Scope=\"Recursive\" /><IncludeMandatoryColumns>FALSE</IncludeMandatoryColumns>";
If it works, then the web service setup is correct.
When I had the mentioned problem, it was my invalid XML that caused it. There is a missing 'type' attribute on the 'Value' element of the 'Where' element in queryNode. I found it here from Microsoft.
Type | Required Text. Specifies the data type for the value contained by this element.
It works after adding the Type attribute. Check if any missing requirements for the xml in one of the nodes mentioned above?
Have you tried running with elevated permissions, it looks like the running user does not hav sufficient privileges to query the data...