Problems with C++ containers - c++

I have a std::list in a C++ program, which contains objects of a Class A.
Lets say I have 10 objects in it. I have a reference to the 6th object stored, in another data structure say ref_6. Lets say I need to remove the 8th element from my list. To do this, I would use pop_front 8 times and store 8 objects in a vector and use push_front 7 times to insert the first 7 elements back in the list so now my resulting list would have 9 elemnts. Now i when i try to access the object stored in ref_6 , which was the 6th element , I cant do it. There is some garbage value in this reference.
I am assuming that when i do a pop and a push, the memory location of the same object changes . How do I deal with this ?

Why would you erase things in such a manner? D: It's not a stack. The entire point (and only point*) of a list is that you can remove any element in constant time. (Though finding it is linear.)
Just do this:
typedef std::list<T> list_type;
list_type mylist; // populate it
list_type::iterator iter = mylist.begin();
std::advance(iter, 8); // move to 8th item
mylist.erase(iter); // erase it
And no other iterators are invalidated. (Indeed, erasing an element invalidates any references to it.)
*You probably shouldn't even be using a list. Lists are nice when it comes to learning data structures, but they're pretty awful.

The list stores its elements in discontinous chunks of memory that get freed when the element is removed from the list. So the reference ( which is implemented simply as a pointer ) points to an element whose memory has been already freed.
Easier way to remove a given element from the list is to get the iterator pointing to it and use method
std::list::iterator = /*somehow get the iterator to the 8th element*/
The first step ( getting the iterator to the 8th element ) can be done for example by getting the iterator of the begininning of the list and advancing it 7 positions forward:
std::list::iterator first_iter = yourList.begin();
std::list::iterator 8th_iter = std::advance(first_iter, 7);

Something smells fishy here... You are storing object of type T in a std::list<T> by value. You keep references to those objects in other places. Is that correct? If yes, I see several problems... Many manipulations of lists might invalidate stored references, since std::list<T> only guarantees a sequential order of values of elements of type T. If you want to store references to those elements in several places use std::tr1::shared_ptr<T> and std::list<std::shared_ptr<T> >. Then, you can safely remove or add (even reposition) elements in your list and the references kept in other places remain valid. Beware of storing std::list<T>iterators, the problem would be the same.

I am referring to your response. Sorry, I didn't get the account thing right...
Please consider the following:
std::list<A> tList;
A tA;
assert(&tA == &tList.back()); // boom!
A *tAPtr = &tList.front();
// try to access tAPtr:
tAPtr->Foo(); // boom! (probably)
The point is that instances of A are stored by value (= copied), so what you are doing is inherently unsafe. Use std::list<std::tr1::shared_ptr<A> > instead!


How to handle correctly/efficiently pointers to std::vector elements?

Let say we have:
std::vector<Segment*> segments;
Segment* dd = new Segment;
Owner* owner = getOwner();
This will not work because of Iterator invalidation rules.
Any subsequent element addition to the vector segments will render invalid the pointers stored in owner. How to circumvent this problem keeping the access time of std::vector<>? (Assuming that we can't use vector.resize in advance). Is to use std::map<> the only solution?
Thanks in advance
Each owner can use that pointer to access other elements in the vector.
Apart from being a horrible idea, you could realise it with a std::list, though:
First, every owner instance gets an iterator to the list, not a pointer to a segment. std::list has the advantage of not invalidating iterators on insertion/deletion, unless you delete the element an iterator points to.
Via this iterator, you can find the other elements in the list. One problem remains, though: you need to detect safely the begin and end of the list. So you need sentinel values at begin and end, which could be e. g. null pointers, if these do not occur in the list.
One important note: If you need to remove a segment from the list, although an owner still has an iterator to it, you need to find a way to inform the owner about iterator invalidation. There are no means available to get this done automatically!
If you need random access but you need the container to grow without invalidating pointers/references/iterators to the elements then you can use a std::deque. This will let you grow/shrink from the front or back. If you insert/erase from the middle though that can still invalidate iterators.

How can references be valid while iterators become invalidated in a deque

I am having some difficulty grasping this concept. From this thread here it states
A deque requires that any insertion to the front or back shall keep
any reference to a member element valid. It's OK for iterators to be
invalidated, but the members themselves must stay in the same place in
I was under the impression from this thread which states
A pointer is actually a type of iterator. In fact, for some container types, the corresponding iterator can be
implemented simply as a pointer.
If we have a pointer and an iterator that each reference the same
element of a container, then any operation that invalidates one will
invalidate the other.
so if an iterator becomes invalidated then references also become invalidated.
My question is how is that possible. If the iterator which points to a certain memory address becomes invalidated how can a reference to that address be valid ?
I understand that a deque is implemented by random chunks of memory and these chunks of memory are tracked by an independant data structure such as a dynamic array. However i am having difficulty understanding how an iterator could be invalid but a reference could be valid since essentially an iterator is a generalized pointer for the contents of the data structure. This makes me think that an iterator might be pointing to something else while a pointer points to the actual item ? Consider the following diagram of a vector .
From what i understand in the diagram above for a vector its that if content of a pointer changes the iterator also changes. How is that different for a deque .
Think of a deque in terms of the following:
template<typename T>
struct deque_stub {
using Page = std::array<T, 32>; // Note: Not really, rather uninitialised memory of some size;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Page>> pointers_to_pages;
std::size_t end_insert{32};
std::size_t start_elem{0};
// read further
A deque is basically some container, storing pointers to pages which contain some elements. (The start_elem and end_insert members are to keep track of where, in terms of offset into a page, the valid range of elements starts and ends.)
Insertion eventually changes this container, when a new page is needed:
template<typename X>
void push_back(X&& element) {
if (end_insert == 32) {
// get a new page at the end
end_insert = 0;
(*(pointers_to_pages.back()))[end_insert] = std::forward<X>(element);
template<typename X>
void push_front(X&& element) {
if (start_elem == 0) {
pointers_to_pages.begin(), std::make_unique<Page>());
start_elem = 32;
(*(pointers_to_pages.front()))[start_elem] = std::forward<X>(element);
An iterator into that deque needs to be able to "jump" across pages. The easiest way to achieve this is by having it keep an iterator to the current page it is in from the container pointers_to_pages:
struct iterator {
std::size_t pos;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Page>>::iterator page;
// other members to detect page boundaries etc.
But since that page iterator, the iterator into the vector, may get invalidated when the vector gets changed (which happens when a new page is needed), the whole iterator into the deque might get invalidated upon insertion of elements. (This could be "fixed" by not using a vector as container for the pointers, though this would probably have other negative side effects.)
As an example, consider a deque with a single, but full page. The vector holding the pointers to pages thus holds only a single element, let's say at address 0x10, and let's further assume that its current capacity is also only 1 element. The page itself is stored at some address, let's say 0x100.
Thus the first element of the deque is actually stored at 0x100, but using the iterator into the deque means first looking at 0x10 for the address of the page.
Now if we add another element at the end, we need a new page to store that. So we allocate one, and store the pointer to that new page into the vector. Since its capacity is less than the new size (1 < 2), it needs to allocate a new larger area of memory and move its current contents there. Let's say, that new area is at 0x20. The memory where the pointers have been stored previously (0x10) is freed.
Now the very same element from above before the insertion is still at the same address (0x100), but an iterator to it would go via 0x20. The iterator from above, accessing 0x10, is thus invalid.
Since the element is at the same address, pointers and references to it remain valid, tough.
Because the answer you cite is wrong, and because iterators are a lot more than just pointers. For a start, a linked list iterator needs a pointer to the element but also "next" and "previous" pointers. Right there, with that simple example, your notion that "an iterator is a generalized pointer for the contents of the data structure" is completely blown out of the water.
A deque is more complicated than a totally contiguous structure (e.g. vector) and more complicated than a totally non-contiguous structure (i.e. list). When a deque grows, its overall structure moulds to fit, with a minimum of reallocations of the actual elements (often, none).
The result is that even when certain elements don't move, the "control pieces" that allow access to them may need to be updated with fresh metadata about, for example, where neighbouring elements (which maybe did move) now are.
Now, a deque cannot magically update iterators that have already been instantiated somewhere: all it can do is document that your old iterators are invalid and that you shall obtain new ones in the usual way.

insert in C++ vector

I want to insert a bit from a bitset in the beginning of a vector. I am having a hard time understanding how to do that. Here is how I think I can do it:
keyRej.insert(x, inpSeq[0]);
I don't know what to put in the place of x?
I don't know what to put in the place of x?
An iterator to the position you want to insert in:
keyRej.insert(keyRej.begin(), inpSeq[0]);
Semantically, the inserted element goes before the iterator passed as first argument. But this will result in all elements of the vector having to be moved across one position, and may also incur a re-allocation of the vector's internal data storage block. It also means that all iterators or references to the vector's elements are invalidated.
See this reference for std::vector::insert for more information.
Note that there are containers, such as std::deque, for which appending elements to the front is cheap, and reference (but not iterator) validity is maintained.
x is an iterator according to the documentation you probably read here, the new object is insert just before it.
keyRej.insert(keyRej.begin(), inpSeq[0]);

Get pointer to node in std::list or std::forward_list

I am planning to use std::list in my code, I decided not to use std::forward_list, because for deletions (I figured) the whole list will have to traversed, O(N) complexity for std::forward_list (being a single link list). However, when I looked into the documentation I noticed both the stl containers have O(N) complexity to remove an item.
After some thinking I figured out why (I think). It's because in both cases, the whole list has to be scanned to find the node first, and then delete it. Is this right?
I then looked into the "erase" and "erase_after" methods, and their complexity is "Linear in the number of elements erased (destructions).". It's because, I am passing an iterator to the node (which is kind of like a "pointer"). However, I cannot (or prefer not to) pass this iterator around in my code to access the data in the node. I am not sure if this iterator will be valid if the list is modified? Thoughts?
My question is, is there a way I can get a pointer to the node in the list. That way, I know it will be valid throughout the lifetime of my program, pass it around. And I can just look into it to get access to my data.
However, I cannot (or prefer not to) pass this iterator around in my code to access the data in the node.
Why not? Iterators are easy to use and are quite lightweight. A pointer isn't better in any way.
I am not sure if this iterator will be valid if the list is modified?
For list, any iterator will remain valid, even if the list is modified. Except, of course, if you erase the particular element that is the iterator points to. But that's kind of obvious, you can' expect to have an iterator (or pointer) to something that doesn't exist any more.
(vector is more dangerous. One small change to a vector can invalidate all its iterators.)
You can take a pointer to any individual element in the list.
list<int> iterator it = find(l.begin(), l.end(), 7); // get an iterator
int * ptr = &*it; // get a pointer to the same element.
The pointer is similar to the iterator in many respects. But the iterator is a little more powerful. An iterator can be incremented or decremented, to access neighbouring elements in the list. And an iterator can be used to delete an element from the list. A pointer cannot do either of those things.
Both the iterator and pointer remain valid as long as that particular element isn't removed.
I am not sure if this iterator will be valid if the list is modified
Yeah, in the general case, storing iterators is risky unless you keep a close eye on the operations performed on your container.
Problem is, this is just the same for a pointer. In fact, for many containers, iterators are implemented as pointers.
So either store an iterator or a pointer if you like but, either way, keep an eye on the iterator invalidation rules:
Iterator invalidation rules
For lists, an iterator is valid even if other items in the list are erased. It becomes garbage when that item the iterator references in the list is removed.
So, as long as you know the iterator you're passing around isn't being removed by some other piece of code, they're safe to hold onto. This seems fragile though.
Even if there was a construct outside of iterators to reference a node in the list, it would suffer from the same fragility.
However, you can have each node contain an std::shared_ptr to the data it stores instead of the object itself and then pass around std::weak_ptr's to those objects and check for expired before accessing those weak_ptr's.
instead of
std::list<MyClass> foo;
you would have
std::list<std::shared_ptr<MyClass>> foo;
have a look here for info on weak_ptr's
is there a way I can get a pointer to the node in the list
Yes, in your particular implementation.
No, in a standard-compliant way.
If you look at the std::list documentation, there is not a single word about a node. While it is hard to imagine a different way to implement the std::list other than using a doubly linked list, there is nothing that prevents it.
You should almost never come into any contact with undocumented internals of libraries.
Adding, removing and moving the elements within the list or across several lists does not invalidate the iterators or references. An iterator is invalidated only when the corresponding element is deleted.
So a std::list<>::iterator is only invalidated when the corresponding element is deleted. So yes, as long as you make sure that the corresponding element exists (which you will anyway have to do in your scenario of storing/passing around a pointer to anything) you can save and/or pass around the iterator throughout the lifetime of your program.
Now, an iterator is nothing but a pointer in disguise. So, if you prefer to save/pass around the corresponding pointer instead of iterator, you can always first convert the iterator to the pointer as #Aaron McDaid suggested.
int * ptr = &*it; // get a pointer to the same element.

C++ - Deleting a vector element that is referenced by a pointer

Well, I don't know if it is possible, but the thing would be:
struct stPiece
/* some stuff */
stPiece *mother; // pointer to the piece that created this one
vector<stPiece> pieces;
Is it possible to erase the piece referenced by 'mother' from pieces, having just that pointer as a reference? How?
Would it mess with the other references? (i.e. if it is not the last element in the vector, by shifting the next elements to other memory positions, while the other '*mothers' remain constant). Of course, I assuming that all the child pieces will be deleted (so I won't need to update any pointer that goes to the same mother).
If your mother pointers point directly to elements of the pieces vector you will get in all kinds of trouble.
Deleting an element from pieces will shift all the positions of the elements at higher indexes. Even inserting elements can make all the pointers invalid, since the vector might need to reallocate it's internal array which might transfer all the elements to new positions in memory.
To answer your main question: You can't delete the element you have the pointer to directly, you would first need search through the vector to find it, or calculate it's index in the vector.
Not storing pointers into pieces as mother but instead the indexes of the elements would make it a bit more robust, so that at least inserting new elements could not break the existing mothers. But deleting from pieces would still shift elements to new indexes.
Using a std::list for pieces and storing iterators into that as mother might be a solution. Iterators of std::list are not invalidated if other elements are of that list are removed/added. If different elements can have the same mother you still have a problem finding out when to remove the mother elements, than maybe using boost::shared_ptr would be simpler.
It is not exactly clear how the entire data structure is organized and what the consequences are going to be, but it is perfectly possible to erase an element from the vector by having a pointer to that element and the vector itself. You just need to convert the pointer to an iterator first. For example, having a vector
vector<stPiece> pieces;
and a pointer into that vector
stPiece *mother;
you can convert the pointer to an index
vector<stPiece>::size_type i = mother - &pieces[0];
assert(i < pieces.size());
then convert the index to an iterator
vector<stPiece>::iterator it = pieces.begin() + i;
then erase the element
and that's it.
However, it appears that in your data structure you might have multiple long-lived pointers pointing into the same vector. Any attempts to erase elements from such vector will immediately invalidate all these pointers. It theoretically is possible to "restore" their validity, if you do everything carefully, but this is going to a major PITA.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "assuming that all the child pieces will be deleted".
Yes, you can erase the piece referenced by mother.
If you delete the piece referenced by 'mother', the mother pointer in all its children will become dangling, you'll have to take care of this.
About the shifting of elements in the vector, you need not do it, its taken care by the vector class.
Short answer: no.
The pieces are stored in the vector by value. A vector iterator is therefore a pointer to a piece. This means, then, that a pointer to the mother piece is the same as the vector's iterator at the mother. Vector iterators are invalidated on insertion (all iterators) and erasure (all iterators past the erased iterator), which means memory locations will change and it will be nearly impossible to keep all the pointers updated.
You could store dynamically allocated pieces in the vector, i.e.:
vector<stPiece*> pieces
The mother pointers won't change as pieces are added/removed to/from the vector. The downsides are:
you now have to manage memory (new/delete each piece)
it uses more memory per piece (the pointers in pieces)
it may be slower because you lose spatial locality (cache efficiency) because it is no longer a contiguous array of stPiece objects
The latter two points may or may not be important in your application.
What you have coded is a singly-linked tree. You probably don't want an object to contain all your stPieces, because that would get in the way of implementing creation and deletion semantics.
I'm guessing that you want to delete mother after all the children are gone.
set< stPiece * > all_pieces;
struct stPiece {
boost::shared_ptr< stPiece > const mother;
stPiece( boost::shared_ptr< stPiece > &in_mother )
: mother( in_mother ) {
all_pieces.insert( this );
~stPiece() {
all_pieces.erase( this );
The key point is that there's a difference between containing some objects and merely being able to iterate over them. If using the most obvious way to create and delete the objects isn't using the container, they probably shouldn't be in it.