new version of c++ - c++

Is there going to be a new version of C++ and when?

The creator of C++ C++0X FAQ:
Question: When will C++0x be a formal standard?
But C++ 0X does exists in some degree in various compilers. See both:
Question: When will compilers implement C++0x?
GCC C++ 0X support
To see what C++ 0X will be like, look at the wiki:
Wiki C++ 0X

The C++0x is the unofficial name for the new C++ Standard which is intended to replace C++03 standard (published in 2003). The final draft of the international standard is due in March of 2011. However this does not mean you will be able to use the new features straight away as the standards will have to be implemented by compilers and the completeness of these implementations will vary.
You can find a draft of the new standard here:
However you can use the Technical Release 1 libraries which include a fair deal of functionality that will appear in the new standard which you can find here:
If you are looking for the status of the C++ox implementation in GCC (which is a free compiler) see this link:
Here is a link to a really detailed FAQ that provides a lot of additional information:

However, the experience shows that the complete implementation of a freshly released standard, takes years... If one considers the complexity of the recent additions, I am very pessimistic about getting cross-platform compliant implementations soon.


c++ proposal for new mathematical special functions [duplicate]

When the C++ committee publish a new feature that will be part of the standard library in the next standard of the language, do they also release some source code or some kind of guidance on how to implement that feature?
Let's take unique_ptr as an example. The language committee just defines an interface for that class template and let the compiler vendor implement it as it wants? How exactly does this process of implementation of the standard library features occur?
Can anyone implement parts of the standard library for a platform that doesn't have support for them yet? Let say I would like to implement some cool features of the C++ standard library to use it on a microcontroller environment. How could I do that? Where should I look for information? If I decide to open source my project, can I do that? Will I need to follow exactly what the standard says, or I can write a non-compliant version?
every new library feature goes through a proposal.
If the proposal makes it to the C++ committee's Library Evolution Working Group, it goes through a series of iterations (a "tough ground" as I am aware).
It undergoes a series of refinement process as described here
Should it require a (TS) Technical Specification (since C++11), it goes there to be baked. Take for example, the #include <filesystem> was in a Filesystem TS prior to C++17.
One thing I believe the committee likes, is an implementation experience.
More information can be found on the ISOCpp site
Well, as to the implementation:
There are quite a number of "library features" that cannot be implemented purely as a library. they require compiler support. And in these case, compilers provides "intrinsic" that you could hook on to. Take for example, clang provides intrinsics for certain type_traits
Most library features have some implementation experience, mostly from the Boost libraries.
You could actually look into the source code for the default standard library that ships with your compiler:
libc++ for Clang
libstdc++ for GCC
Sadly most of the implementations use a whole bunch of underscores. Mostly because they are reserved for use by the "Standard Library".
Can anyone implement parts of the standard library for a platform that doesn't have support for it yet?
Yes, you can, so far your compiler supports that platform, and the platform or Operating System provides usable API. For example. std::cout, elements of std::ifstream, and so much more requires platform specific support.
Let say I would like to implement some cool features of the C++ standard library to use it on a microcontroller environment. How could I do that?
You can look into the code of others and start from there. We learn from giants. Some Open Source Examples:
How could I do that? Where should I look for information?
You could check the paper that introduced the feature into the C++ library. For example, std::optional has a stand-alone implementation here which was used as a reference implementation during the proposal stages.
You could check the standard library, and do a laborious study. :-)
Search the internet. :-)
Or write it from scratch as specified by the standard
Will I need to follow exactly what the standard say or I can write a non-compliant version?
There's is no compulsion to follow what the C++ standard library specifies. That would be your "own" library.
Formally, no. As with all standards out there, C++ Standard sets the rules, and does not gives implementation. However, from the practical standpoint, it is nearly impossible to introduce a new feature into Standard Library without proposed implementation, so you often can find those attached to proposals.
As for your questions on "can you write non-compliant version", you can do whatever you want. Adoption might depend on your compliance, or might not - a super-widely adopted MSVC is known to violate C++ standard.
Typically, a new feature is not standardized, unless the committee has some solid evidence that it can be implemented, and will be useful. This very often consists of a prototype implementation in boost, a GNU library, or one of the commercial compiler vendors.
The standard itself does not contain any implementation guidance - it is purely a specification. The compiler vendors (or their subcontractors) choose how to implement that specification.
In the specific case of unique_ptr, it was adopted into the standard from boost::unique_ptr - and you can still use the latter. If you have a compiler that will compile for your microcontroller, it is almost certain that it will be able to build enough of boost to make unique_ptr work.
There is nothing stopping you from writing a non-conforming implementation (apart from the trivial point that if you sold it as being standards-conforming, and it wasn't you might get your local equivalent of Trading Standards come knocking.)
The committee does not release any reference implementations. In the early days, things got standardized and then the tool developers went away and implemented the standard. This has changed, and now the committee looks for features that have been implemented and tested before standardization.
Also major developments usually don't go directly into the standard. First they become experimental features called a Technical Specification or TS. These TS may then be incorporated into the main standard at a later date.
You are free to write you own implementation of the C++ standard library. Plum Hall has a test suite (commercial, I have no connection, but Plum Hall are very involved with C++ standardization).
I don't see any issue with not being conformant. Almost all implementations have some extensions. Just don't make any false claims, especially if you want to sell your product.
If you're interested in getting involved, this can be done via your 'National Body' (ANSI for the USA, BSI for the UK etc.). The isocpp web site has a section on standardization which would be a good starting place.

Is it safe to use a C++ Technical Specifications approved for a future standard in a earlier standard?

The Filesystem Technical Specification (TS) has recently been merged into the C++17 standard.
The same TS is also available for C++14, but in this case it's technically only "experimental". However the fact that it's been approved for C++17 makes me think it's mature enough and that it can be used safely.
When working on a C++14 project that will most likely be upgraded to C++ 17 in the future, and assuming the compiler I use supports it on both versions, would you advise against using the "experimental" TS, considering that it will officially be part of the next standard?
My question of course extends to any TS that has been accepted in a future C++ version and that is available for earlier standards.
The real question is whether or not somebody's implemented it, not whether or not it's been approved/merged/whatever of some arbitrary document. Features can be excised, added or modified at any point in time of the standardization process. We've seen things get cut from C++14 right before release and also things that couldn't make it that were later amended. Vendors rely on specific versions of documents when implementing features and so the only surefire way is to consult the documentation of whatever compiler you're using.
Actual implementations can contains features that are not in the current standard, and can have flaws in other features that are defined in the standard or even can fail to implement specific parts - Microsoft was know to let parts of the standard unimplemented.
But if a compiler supports a feature, and if that feature is part of next standard, there is little risk if any that it will disappear in a future version of that particular compiler.
Simply, some other compiler may not implement it as soon as it is approved in standard, but you know whether it is a problem in you specific use case.
Is it safe to use a C++ Technical Specifications approved for a future standard in a earlier standard?
It depends on what you mean by "safe"
Is it portable?
Does it work?
You need to check the release notes of your toolset's version, and the release notes of your standard library's version (they may be different).
Will it work tomorrow?
Who knows?
Should I invest time in code that assumes it works?
probably not.
In summary, the answer is "no".
Use the boost version until the standard is published and your compiler and standard library conforms to it.

What is the difference between -std=c++0x and -std=c++11

I know those flags are for C++11 in Eclipse.
But I don't know what is difference and which one is more preferred.
It seems that they both are working with C++11 normally.
You should prefer -std=c++11.
(Note: I assume -std=c++11x is a typo in your question)
The old -std=c++0x is only needed for older compiler versions that did not support -std=c++11 and they chose that name to express the preliminary and unstable nature of features (and the ABI) of the then upcoming C++11 (and when it was still unclear whether that would eventually become C++10 or C++12). They changes some of the details adapting to the changing working drafts of the standard at the time before the C++11 standard was officially released.
If your compiler supports -std=c++11, there is no reason to use -std=c++0x. Concerning compatibility: There might even be differences and incompatibilities, but these are not just bound to the use of -std=c++0x, but to specific versions of the compiler. When the compiler supports both, they should be identical.
C++ and C Standards are usually named after the year they are published in, which makes it easier to remember by.
For example, in C++, the original Standard was published in 1998, so we talk about C++98, and when we refer to its first correction, published in 2003, we talk about C++03.
It had been purported that the next Standard after would be done for 2008, but since it was uncertain, it was dubbed C++0x, where the x stood for either 8 or 9. In practice though, as we all know, the planning shifted and so we end-up with C++11.
Still, for the next version (C++1x), Bjarne Stroustrup stated his intent to do it in 5 years (so about 2016). For now, there are changes envisionned to the core language (concepts, modules and garbage collection), and the focus seems to be more on extending the library (filesystem for example), but it's still early so who knows!

Looking for C/C++ language and standard libraries specifications [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Where do I find the current C or C++ standard documents?
I have several C books, and one of them, C by Discovery, explains the language very well. But so far I don't seem to have been able to find the full C/C++ language and library standards and lists of functions, types, etc., in whole detail.
Where is exactly a full standard for C99 and also the older, supposedly more commonly used and accepted, C language standards, the C++ language standards, and their libraries?
Is there some of them I must pay for, or should I just follow what Wikipedia and documentation like that of GCC cite?
Where else should I go to download or get them fully?
The Wikipedia article C99 has a link at the bottom to a draft of the C99 language specification. It is a draft because the final published version you have to pay for. But the draft is basically accurate, so it's a good reference. This is an extremely long specification of the entire language including the library, but possibly not what you are after. To just see the standard library, simply consult the man pages. Consult the Wikipedia article C standard library for a list and summary of the various functions.
For C++, the same deal. The Wikipedia article C++ has links to various drafts of the complete specification, notably the most recent draft of C++ from 2010 (the old C++, before C++0x comes into effect). The Wikipedia article C++0x has similar links to drafts of the soon-to-be-named C++ 2011 standard. But if you are just looking for a reference on the standard library, you can't go past's reference section, which includes full documentation for the C library (in C++ mode), the IO library, and the STL (containers and other misc utilities). That's what I use as a day-to-day library reference.
The best online copy of C99 I've found is here:
If you want the actual standard, I don't think you can just download it. I believe you have to buy a copy from the American National Standards Institute. The GCC documents don't provide all the detail you need for the base language that GCC extended.

C++0X when? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
When will C++0x be finished? [closed]
(3 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
When will C++0x be finished?
What are the latest news about C++0X? (or should I say C++1X) Any release date decided yet?
UPDATE : years later...
The last Draft have been officially finalized few weeks ago, in Mars 2011 and will be officially out around July 2011. The name of the new standard would be C++2011 :
Microsoft C++ compiler (VC10) provide C++0x features (lambda, decltype, auto, r-value reference and nullptr). GCC provide a work in progress version that already implements a lot of features (see
Comeau C++ seems to be more advanced. CLang started to provide some features but not much for the moment (see )
So, most of the features are be availables for the main c++ compilers at the time the ISO administration officially validate the draft. Some advanced features are still not be available before some years I guess.
It's unlikely that this committee draft will become the FCD. I would say there will be at least 2 more meetings of the standard committee before it goes to FCD.
I think there is something like a 1 year lag between the FCD and the actual standard, so it could be 2011 (or even later!!!)
A number of free and commercial compilers already include support for certain C++0X features.
gcc: static_assert, strongly typed enums, variadic templates...
Codegear C++Builder 2009: static_assert, strongly typed enums...
Visual C++ 2008: mostly TR1 support
As for when the standards committee actually publish, well...
A new draft came out recently, so things are progressing. From this draft to the finalized version, it should be no more than a year before things are finalized. I should note that this draft is the feature-complete version; from here on it should only be revisions. I was just made aware, however, that the path from draft to actual, published, standard is a very long road. I'll push my estimate of a published, accepted standard out to 2010.
How long until we have full compiler compliance? That is a different story. GCC is making good progress on the language features that aren't libraries (see list of features they have implemented), but has no mention of progress on the concurrency features. I can't say anything for when MSVC/dinkumware/whatever other compilers you may use will start implementing things like lambda.
Boost already has much of TR1 implemented, and dinkumware has it all, so you can start using the new libraries already (maybe not in their final form, however).
The committee recently issued a Committee Draft, which will become a Final Committee Draft, which will become a Final Draft International Standard, which will become ISO 14882:20xx, giving an expected publication date of sometime at the end of 2010.
However, GCC 4.3 and later implement increasingly larger subsets of C++0x, and other compiler developers are already working on implementations (none are available yet that I know of).