C++ strings, when to use what? - c++

It's been quite some time now that I've been coding in C++ and I think most who actually code in C++, would agree that one of the most trickiest decisions is to choose from an almost dizzying number of string types available. I mostly prefer ATL Cstring for its ease of use and features, but would like a comparative study of the available options.
I've checked out SO and haven't found any content which assists one choosing the right string. There are websites which state conversions from one string to another, but thats not what we want here.
Would love to have a comparison based on specialty, performance, portability (Windows, Mac, Linux/Unix, etc), ease of use/features, multi language support(Unicode/MBCS), cons (if any), and any other special cases.
I'm listing out the strings that I've encountered so far. I believe, there would be more, so we may edit this later to accommodate other options. Mind you, I've worked mostly on Windows, so the list reflects the same:
STL's basic_string
ATL's CString
MFC's CString

Don't mean to put a dampener on your enthusiasm for this, but realistically it's inefficient to mix a lot of string types in the one project, so the larger the project gets the more inevitably it should settle on std::string (which is a typedef to an instantiation of STL's basic_string for type char, not a different entity), given that's the only Standard value-semantic option. char* is ok mainly for fixed sized strings (e.g. string literals, fixed size buffers) or interfacing with C.
Why do I say it's inefficient? You end up with needless template instantiations for the variety of string arguments (permutations even for multiple arguments). You find yourself calling functions that want to load a result into a string&, then have to call .c_str() on that and construct some other type, doing redundant memory allocation. Even const std::string& requires a string temporary if called using an ASCIIZ char* (e.g. to some other string type's buffer). When you want to write a function to handle the type of string a particular caller wants to use, you're pushed towards templates and therefore inline code, longer compile times and recompilation depedencies (there are some ways to mitigate this, but they get complex and to be convenient or automated they tend to require changes to the various string types - e.g. casting operator or member function returning some common interface/proxy object).
Projects may need to use non-Standard string types to interact with libraries they want to use, but you want to minimise that and limit the pervasiveness if possible.

The sorry story of C++ string handling is too depressing for me to write an essay on, but just a couple of points:
ATL and MFC CString are the same thing (same code and everything). They were merged years ago.
If you're using either _bstr_t or CComBstr, you probably wouldn't use BSTR except on calls into other people's APIs which take BSTR.

char* - fast, features include those that are in < cstring > header, error-prone (too low-level)
std::string - this is actually a typedef for std::basic_string<char, char_traits<char> > A beautiful thing - first of all, it's fast too. Second, you can use all the < algorithm >s because basic_string provides iterators. For wide-character support there is another typedef, wstring which is, std::basic_string<wchar_t, char_traits<wchar_t> >. This (basic_string)is a standard type therefore is absolutely portable. I'd go with this one.
ATL's and MFC's CStrings do not even provide iterators, therefore they are an abomination for me, because they are a class-wrapper around c-strings and they are very badly designed. IMHO
don't know about the rest.
HOpe this partial information helps

Obviously, only the first three are portable, so they should be preferred in most cases. If you're doing C++, then you should avoid char * in most instances, as raw pointers and arrays are error-prone. Interfacing with low-level C, such as in system calls or drivers, is the exception. std:string should be preferred by default, IMHO, because it meshes so nicely with the rest of the STL.
Again, IMHO, if you need to work with e.g. MFC, you should work with everything as std::string in your business logic, and translate to and from CString when you hit the WinApi functions.

2 and 3 are the same. 4 and 5 are the same, too. 7 and 8 are wrappers of 6. So, arguably, the list contains just C's strings, standard C++'s strings, Microsoft's C++ strings, and Microsoft's COM strings. That gives you the answer: in standard C++, use standard C++ strings (std::string)


What is std::mbstate_t?

I'm creating a custom locale by deriving from std::codecvt. Most of the methods I'm supposed to implement are pretty straight forward, except for this std::mbstate_t. On my compiler, vs2010, it's declared as an int. But, google tells me it's a POD type, it's sometimes a union (of what I don't know) or a struct (again I can't find it).
As I understand it, std::mbstate_t is a placeholder for partial convertions. And, I think, it comes into play when std::codecvt::on_out() requires more space to write the output, which in turn will call std::codecvt::do_unshift(). Please correct me if my assumptions are wrong.
I've read another post about storing pointers, though the post doesn't have an adequate answer. I've also read this example which presumes it to be a 32bit type although the standard states an int to be no less than 16bits.
My question. What can I safely store in std::mbstate_t? Can I safely replace it with another type? The answer to the above post suggests replacing it, but the following comment says otherwise.
I think that /the/ book concerning these things is C++ IOStreams and Locales by Langer and Kreft, if you seriously want to mess with these things, try to get hold of a copy. Now, coming back to your question, the mbstate_t is used to hold the state of the conversion. Normally, you would store this inside the conversion facet, but since the facets are immutable, you need to store it externally. In practice, that is used when you need more than a sequence of bytes to determine the according character, the Linux manpage of mbsinit() gives ISO-2022 and UTF-7 as examples for such encodings. Note that this does not affect UTF-8, where a single Unicode codepoint is always encoded by a sequence of bytes and without anything before or after that affecting the results. Partial UTF-8 sequences are also not handled by that, do_in() returns partial instead.
Now, what can you store in the mbstate_t? Since the actual type is undefined and the number of functions to manipulate it are very limited, there is nothing you can do with it at first. However, nothing else does anything with that state either, so you can do some ugly hacking on it. This might require a few #ifdef depending on the standard library but then you can simply (ab)use the fact that it's a POD (ints and unions are also PODs) to store pretty much any type of POD that is not larger. This won't win you a beauty price and the code won't work on any system automatically, but I think in this case it's unavoidable and the work for porting is also limited.
Finally, can you replace it? This type is part of std::char_traits which in turn affect really all strings and streams, so you need to replace them throughout your program or convert. Further, if you now create a new char_traits class, you still can't easily instantiate e.g. basic_string with it, because there is no guarantee that a general basic_string template even exists, it is only required that the two specializations for char and wchar_t (and some more for C++11) exist. Ditto for streams. In short, no you can't replace mbstate_t.

What are the bad habits of C programmers starting to write C++? [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 12 years ago.
A discussion recently ended laughing at the bad habits of programmers that have been too exposed to a language when they start programming in another language. The best example would be a Pascal programmer starting to #define begin { and #define end } when starting to write C.
Goal is to try to catch the bad habits of C programmers when they start using C++.
Tell about the big don't that you encountered. One suggestion by answer, please, to try to achieve a kind of best of.
For the ones interested in good habits, have a look at the accepted answer to this question.
Using raw pointers and resources instead of RAII objects.
using char* instead of std::string
using arrays instead of std::vector (or other containers)
not using other STL algorithms or libraries like boost where appropriate
abusing the preprocessor where constants, typedefs or templates would have been better
writing SESE-style (single-entry single exit) code
Declaring all the variables at the top of a function instead of as close as possible to where they are used.
Not using the STL, especially std::string,
using std::strings and reverting to old c string functions in tight corners.
Writing class definitions that are 2000 lines of code.
Copying and pasting that class definition into 12 different places.
Using switch statements when a simple virtual method would do.
Failing to allocate memory in constructor and deallocate in destructor.
Virtual methods that take optional arguments.
Writing while loops to manipulate char* strings.
Writing giant macro's that are a page in length. (Could have used templates instead).
Adding using's into header files so they can avoid names like std::string in type declarations.
using pointers instead of references
Very experienced developers not understanding casting or even object oriented programming:
I started helping out on a project and one of the senior guys was having a problem with some code that used to work and now didn't.
(Class names have been changed to protect the innocent, and I can't remember the exact names)
He had some C++ code that was listening to incoming message classes and reading them. The way it had worked in the past was that a Message class was passed in and he would interogate a variable on it to find out what type of message it was. He would then C-style cast the Message as another specialised class he'd written that inherited from Message. This new class had functions on it that extracted the data how he wanted it. Now, this had been working for him fine but now was not.
After many hours looking through his code he could not see a problem and I had a look over his shoulder. Immediately I told him that it's not a good idea to C-style cast Message to a derived class which it was not. He disagreed with me and said he'd been doing it for years and if that was wrong then everything he does is wrong because he frequently uses this approach. He was further backed up by a contractor who told me I was wrong. They both argued that this always works and the code hasn't changed so it's not this approach but something else that has broken his code.
I looked a bit further and found the difference. The latest version of the Message class had a virtual function and hadn't previously had any use of virtual. I told the pair of them that there was now a virtual table and functions were being looked up, etc, etc.... and this was causing their problem, etc, etc.... They eventually agreed and I was presented with a comment that I will never forget: "Virtual completely screws up polymorphism and object oriented programming".
I forwarded them a copy of a decorator pattern as an example of how to add a function to an existing class but heard nothing back from them. How they fixed the idea I have no idea.
One word: macros. I am not saying macros have no place at all in C++, but former C programmers tend to use them way too much after they switch to C++.
Using C-style casts.
C++ allows you to independently choose whether to allow casts between unrelated types, and whether to allow changes to const and volatile qualifiers, giving considerable improvements to compile-time type safety compared with C. It also offers completely safe casts at the cost of a runtime check.
C-style casts, unchecked conversions between just about any types, allow whole classes of error that could be easily identified by more restrictive casts. Their syntax also makes them very difficult to search for, if you want to audit buggy code for dubious conversions.
Assuming said programmers have already made the mistake of attempting to learn C++:
Not using STL.
Trying to wrap everything in classes.
Trying to use templates for everything.
Not using Boost. (I know Boost can be a real PITA, and a learning curve, but C++ is just C+ without it. Boost gives C++ some batteries).
Not using smart pointers.
Not using RAII.
Overusing exceptions.
Moving to C++. Don't do it.
Try to convert C stdio to iostreams. Iostreams SUX. Don't use it. It's inherently broken. Look here.
Using the following parts of the libstdc++ library:
strings (beyond freeing them for me, go the hell away)
localization (what the hell does this have to do with c++, worse yet, it's awful)
input/output (64 bit file offsets? heard of them?)
Naively believing you can still debug on the command line. Don't use C++ extensively without a code crane (IDE).
Following C++ blogs. C++ blogs carp on about what essentially boils down to metadata and sugar. Beyond a good FAQ, and experience, I've yet to see a useful C++ blog. (Note that's a challenge: I'd love to read a good C++ blog.)
Writing using namespace std because everyone does and then never reflecting on its meaning.
Or knowing what it means but saying "std::cout << "Hello World" << std::endl; looks ugly".
Passing objects with pointers instead of references. Yes, there are still times when you need pointers in C++, but references are safer, so you should use them when you can.
Making everything in a class public. So, data members that should be private aren't.
Not fully understanding the semantics of pointers and references and when to use one or the other. Related to pointers is also the issue of not managing dynamic allocated memory correctly or failing at using "smarter" constructs for that(e.g. smart pointers).
My favourite is the C programmer who writes a single method with multiple, optional, arguments.
Basically, the function would do different things depending on the values and/or nullability of the arguments.
Not using templates when creating algorithms and data structures (example). It makes things either too localized or too generic
I.e. writing
void qsort(MyStruct *begin, size_t length); //too localized
void qsort(void *begin, size_t length,
size_t rec_size, int(compare*)(void*,void*)); //too generic
instead of
template <class RA_Iter>
void qsort(RA_Iter begin, size_t length);
//uses RA_Iter::value_type::operator< for comparison
Well, bad program design transcends languages ( casts, ignoring warnings, unnecessary precompiler magic, unnecessary bit-twiddling, not using the char classification macros ) , and The C language itself doesn't create too many "bad habits" ( Ok, Macros, esp from the stone ages ), and many of the idioms translate directly. But a few that could be considered:
Using a feature just because it's in C++ and so therefore it must be the right way to do something. Some programs just don't need Inheritance, MI, exceptions, RTTI, templates ( great as they are ... the debugging load is steep ), or Virtual class stuff.
Sticking with some code snippet from C, without thinking if C++ has a better way. ( There's a reason you now have class, private, public, const (expanded beyond C89) , static class funcs, references.
Not being familiar with the C++ i/o lib ( its BIG, and you do need to know it) , and mixing C++ i/o and C i/o.
He thinks that C++ is just a little more different language from C. He will continue programming C masked by C++. No advanced use of classes, the structs are considered less powerful than classes, namespace, new headers, templates, nothing of these new elements are used. He will continue declaring integer vars without int, he will not provide functions prototypes. He will use malloc and free, unsafe pointers and preprocessor to define inline functions. This is just a small list ;)
Confused uses of structs vs. classes, overuse of global methods that take object pointers as arguments, and globally-accessible instance pointers, a la:
extern Application* g_pApp;
void RunApplication(Application* app, int flags);
Also (not saying it's totally useless, but still):
const void* buf;
Declaring all the variables at the start of the function itself even if the variable will be used only after 100 lines or so.
Happens especially for local variables declared inside a function.
Solving the problem instead of creating a class-based monstrosity guaranteed to keep you in health insurance and 401K benefits.
Implementing lisp in a single file and doing the design in that.
Writing normal readable functions instead of overriding operators?
Writing in a style which can be understood by the junior programmers which see good practice as "not writing in C++".
Talking to the OS in it's own language.
Not leaving well enough alone, and using C instead.

C++: Should I use strings or char arrays, in general?

I'm a bit fuzzy on the basic ways in which programmers code differently in C and C++. One thing in particular is the usage of strings in C++ over char arrays, or vice versa. So, should I use strings or char arrays, in general, and why?
In C++ you should in almost all cases use std::string instead of a raw char array.
std::string manages the underlying memory for you, which is by itself a good enough reason to prefer it.
It also provides a much easier to use and more readable interface for common string operations, e.g. equality testing, concatenation, substring operations, searching, and iteration.
If you're modifying or returning the string, use std::string. If not, accept your parameter as a const char* unless you absolutely need the std::string member functions. This makes your function usable not only with std::string::c_str() but also string literals. Why make your caller pay the price of constructing a std::string with heap storage just to pass in a literal?
Others have put it. Use the std::string stuff wherever possible. However there are areas where you need char *, e.g if you like to call some system-services.
As is the case with everything what you choose depends on what you're doing with it. std::string has real value if you're dealing with string data that changes. You can't beat char[] for efficiency when dealing with unchanging strings.
Use std::string.
You will have less problems (I think almost none, at least none come to my mind) with buffer sizes.
C has char[] while c++ has std::string too...
I commonly hear that one should "Embrace the language" and, following that rule, you should use std::string...
However, its pretty much up to what library are you using, how does that library want you to express your strings, stuff like that.
std::string is a container class, and inside it, is a char[]
If you use std::string, you have many advantages, such as functions that will help you [compare, substr, as examples]

Uses of std::basic_string

The basic_string class was apparently designed as a general purpose container, as I cannot find any text-specific function in its specification except for the c_str() function. Just out of curiosity, have you ever used the std::basic_string container class for anything else than storing human-readable character data?
The reason I ask this is because one often has to choose between making something general or specific. The designers chose to make the std::basic_string class general, but I doubt it is ever used that way.
It was designed as a string class (hence, for example, length() and all those dozens of find functions), but after the introduction of the STL into the std lib it was outfitted to be an STL container, too (hence size() and the iterators, with <algorithm> making all the find functions redundant).
It's main purpose is to store characters, though. Using anything than PODs isn't guaranteed to work (and doesn't work, for example, when using Dinkumware's std lib). Also, the necessary std::char_traits isn't required to be available for anything else than char and wchar_t (although many implementations come with a reasonable implementation of the base template).
In the original standard, the class wasn't required to store its data in a contiguous piece of memory, but this has changed with C++03.
In short, it's mostly useful as a container of characters (a.k.a. "string"), where "character" has a fairly wide definition.
The "wildest" I have used it for is for storing differently encoded strings by using different character types. That way, strings of different encodings are incompatible even if they use the same character size (ASCII and UTF-8) and, e.g., assignment causes compile-time errors.
yes - I've implemented state machine for 'unsigned int'. To store/compare states basic_string has been used

Shared string in C++?

Which "shared string" implementation for C++ would you recommend?
(Sorry if I missed a similar question. I had a look but could not find any)
I would use the STL: std::string and std::wstring.
ONLY if you need something more fancy you could used the smart pointers to wrap your own implementation. These smart pointers are present in the new C++ STL or boost.
boost::shared_ptr for example if
you use it inside a DLL
boost::intrusive_ptr works over DLL
EDIT: Like remarked in the comments STL strings are not guaranteed to be immutable by nature. If you want them to be so, use the const specifier.
std::(w)string can be shared, but this is not mandated by the standard. QString uses an atomic refcount for sharing.
I recommend starting with the standard strings, std::string and std::wstring.
However, there's one caveat:
Neither of the two string classes enforces a particular encoding. If you want your application to behave well when dealing with other locales or other languages than English, you should either start with std::wstring, or use something like UTF8-CPP which lets you deal with UTF-8 strings.
As Joel Spolsky pointed out, you have to know which encoding your strings are in to handle them correctly.