Django action after file upload - django

We have an extensive existing codebase and we've added load-balanced servers with a single master server to the equation now. There are various apps that contain models with uploaded files and images which all work fine... However, this raises the obvious problem of the rsync delay. Rsync is in the crontab and set to run every minute but this still means there's a potential 59 second wait between content being created and it actually existing on the webservers.
What I would like, is to be able to register some kind of 'post file changed' handler that triggers rsync whenever a new file is uploaded. I can't find anything of the sort though! Django has file upload handlers, but these appear to only deal with the actual upload stream, not the file as it is saved to the filesystem thereafter.
The best approach I can see is to create simple extensions to FileField, FieldFile, ImageField and ImageFieldFile as part of my project and hook into the save and delete methods in the FileField. Essentially, to create custom File and Image fields with this behaviour added. This isn't massively complicated to do but it doesn't seem like the most elegant solution to me. I'll need to teach South about my new fields, update every model that is affected and then create hordes of south migrations (which I'm pretty sure will clash with some code we have pending).
I'm also looking into creating a custom Storage class for the project, but I'm nervous about this having far-reaching effects on other pieces of code.
I can't believe no-one has come across this issue before, is there a canonical approach?
Thanks very much!

If you want to tackle this problem from the server-side (eg. similar solution to rsync) and you're running Linux, you might want to check out lsyncd:
lsyncd uses inotify in the Linux kernel to watch directories and invoke an rsync as soon as files are modified. Fairly simple to drop in.


About Sitecore Backup

I am trying to backup a whole Sitecore website.
I know that the package designer can do part of the job, but not entirely.
Having a backup is always a good way when the site is broken accidently.
Is there a way or a tool to backup the whole Sitecore website?
I am new to the Sitecore, so any advise is welcome.
Thank you!
We've got a SQL job running to back-up the databases nightly.
Apart from that, when I deploy code and it's a small bit I usually end up backing up only the parts I'm going to replace. If it's a big code deploy I just back up the whole website (code-wise anyway) before deploying the code package.
Apart from that we also run scheduled backups of the code (although I don't know the intervals), and of course we've got source control if everything else fails.
If you've got an automated deployment tool you could also automate the above of course.
Before a major deploy of content or code, I typically backup the master database and zip everything in the website directory minus the App_Data and temp directories. That way if the deploy goes wrong, I can restore the code and database fairly quickly and be back to the previous state.
I have no knowledge of a tool that can do this for you, but there are a few ways you can handle this in an easy way:
1) you can create a database backup of the master database, but this only contains content and no files like media files that are saved on disk or your complete and build solution. It is always a good idea to schedule your database backup every night and save the backups for at least a week or more.
2) When you use the package designer, you can create dynamic pacakges that can contain all your content, media files and solution files on disk. This is an easy way to deploy the site onto a new Sitecore installation all at once, but it requires a manual backup every time.
3) Another way you can use is to serialize your entire content-tree to an xml-format on disk from the Developer tab. Once serialized, you can revert them back into the content tree.
I'd suggest thinking of this in two parts, the first part is backing up the application which is a simple as making sure your application is in some SCM system.
For that you can use Team Development for Sitecore. One of it's features allows you to connect a Visual Studio project to your Sitecore instance.
You can select Sitecore items that you want to be stored in your solution and it will serialize them and place them into your solution.
You can then check them into your SCM system and sleep easier.
The thing to note is deciding which item to place in source control, generally you can think of Sitecore items has developer owned and Content Editor owned. The items you will place in your solution are the items that are developer owned; templates, sublayouts, layouts, and content items that you need for the site to function are good examples.
This way if something goes bad a base restoration is quick and easy.
The second part is the backup of the content in Sitecore that has been added since your deployment. For that like Trayek said above use a SQL job to do the back-ups at whatever interval your are comfortable with.
If you're bored I have a post on using TDS (Team Development for Sitecore) you can check out at Working with Sitecore, Part Nine: TDS
Expanding bit more on what Trayek said, my suggestion would be to have a Continuous Integration (CI) and have automated deploy using Team City.
A good answer is also given here on Stack Overflow.
Basically in your case Teamcity would automatically
1. take back up of the current website (i.e. code) and deploy the new code on top of it.
2. Scripts can also be written to take a differential backup of the SQL databases, if need be.
Hope this helps.
Take a look at Sitecore Instance Manager module. Works really well for packaging entire Sitecore instance.

On Heroku, is there danger in a Django syncdb / South migrate after the instance has already restarted with changed model code?

On Heroku, as soon as you push new code, the web-serving instances restart... even if the underlying database schema additions/changes (via syncdb or south migrate) haven't yet been applied.
In many cases, this might just cause harmless errors undtil the syncdb/migrate is run soon afterward. But I'm concerned that in some cases, new code might half-work making unexpected changes in the pre-migration database.
What's the right way to be safe against this risk?
One technique might be to add the syncdb/migrate to the Procfile so it's run before web restart. But, in the case of multiple instances, or maybe even a case where the one old-code-instance is left running until the moment the one new-code-instance is known-up, there's still a variant of the issue where code is talking to a DB with a mismatched schema.
Is there a 'hold all web instances' feature (or common best practice) for letting the migrate complete without web traffic?
Or am I being overly concerned about a risk that is negligible in practice?
The safest way to handle migrations of this nature, Heroku or no, is to strictly adopt a compatibility approach with your schema and code:
Every additive or transformative schema change must be backwards-compatible;
Every destructive schema change must be performed after the code that depends on it has been removed;
Every code change must either be:
durable against the possibility that associated schema changes have not yet been made (for instance, removing a model or a field on a model) or
made only after the associated schema change has been performed (adding a model or a field on a model)
If you need to make a significant transformation of a model, this approach might require the following steps:
Create a new database table to hold your new model structure, and deploy that migration
Create a new model with the new structure, and code to copy changes from the old model to the new model when the old model changes, and deploy that code
Execute a migration or code action to copy all old model data to the new model
Update your codebase to use the new model rather than the old model, deleting the old model, and deploy that code
Execute a migration to delete the old model structure from the database
With some thought and planning, it can be used for more drastic changes as well:
Deploy code that completely removes dependence on a section of the database, presumably replacing those sections of the site with maintenance pages
Deploy a migration that makes drastic changes that would not for whatever reason work with the above dual-model workflow
Deploy code that brings the affected sections back with the new model structure supported
This can be hard to organize and requires strict discipline and firm understanding of your code's interaction with your database, but in practice, it does allow for most changes to be made with no more downtime than the server restart itself imposes.
Looks like fast-database changeovers are the way to go, but it requires a dedicated database.
Alternatively, here's a tutorial for copying the data from one database (e.g., production) to another database (e.g., staging), doing the schema/data migration (e.g., using django/south), then switching the app to use the newly-updated database instance.
Seems reasonable, but potentially slow if there's a large amount of data.
The recommended method is this:
Add database changes for your new features to your existing code
Make the existing code compatible with the new schema
Add the new features to your codebase
This means that your database changes are already in place when the code starts to require them.
There's a couple of issues with this. First that I know of no development shop that is organised enough to be able to handle this, as features just get built ad-hoc, and secondly that you're not really saving anything.
Generally speaking, unless your making big changes to a massive database your changes won't take long to apply and are usually over in a couple of seconds which a developer can work around quite happily issuing restarts etc when needed. The risk being that a user might get an error page. If the changes are larger, you have some alternatives. One is using maintenance mode to turn the site off for a few seconds.
To be honest, there is no clear cut way for how to handle this nicely as by definition your code needs to be in place for your database changes to start. The best way I've found to approach the problem is to look at each change individually and work out the smoothest path for each on a case by case basis.
Rehearsing deployments on a staging environment will mitigate the risk of a deploy going bad, and give you an idea of the impact.
Heroku recently released "buildpacks" which are the scripts they use to set up an environment for your application, from managing dependencies to restarting the instances. Essentially it's a more comprehensive Procfile which you can customize.
You can fork the Python buildpack and modify the script to run in the sequence you want. Append the command you run to syncdb to the end of bin/steps/django. Commit and put this repo on Github.
Unfortunately as of now it's not possible to modify the buildpack of an existing Heroku app, so you'll have to delete it and recreate one that points to your buildpack repo:
heroku create --stack cedar --buildpack
This is the best solution because it
Doesn't cost anything at all
Doesn't require you to adapt your code to Heroku
Only syncs the db once per deployment
Hope this helps.

MySQL replication and Django FileField

I have MySQL replication setup, and it replicates nicely the database data. However, I also use FileField and ImageField, and have file loaded onto the FS. I probably will just use rsync to manually replicate this, but is there a better way?
I know of key value storage. But for this project, I am looking to minimize the number of technologies involved and stick with simple options. I've successfully used rsync for this before, but I was wondering if others who have done this have any new cool tools (or even rsync wrappers) that work better.
Your experiences are appreciated.
I haven't searched to see if anyone has already done this, but you can write your own code in Django to remotely copy the file to your goal server (i.e. SFTP).
Option 1 on this front: create your own Form Field that extends the Image and File field that does this uploading.
Option 2: in your form/view, call some additional function that does the uploading. Option 3: override something in Django code to handle this automatically for Image and File fields (probably not recommended, unless there is some slick way I'm not thinking of).
Here's info on using SFTP in Python: SFTP in Python? (platform independent)
If you're using something like Amazon's CloudFront or Buckets, then you can use Boto to handle the uploading (I believe): (if not, there are probably other python libraries to help).

Rather than using crontab, can Django execute something automatically at a predefined time

How to make Django execute something automatically at a particular time.?
For example, my django application has to ftp upload to remote servers at pre defined times. The ftp server addresses, usernames, passwords, time, day and frequency has been defined in a django model.
I want to run a file upload automatically based on the values stored in the model.
One way to do is to write a python script and add it to the crontab. This script runs every minute and keeps an eye on the time values defined in the model.
Other thing that I can roughly think of is maybe django signals. I'm not sure if they can handle this issue. Is there a way to generate signals at predefined times (Haven't read indepth about them yet).
Just for the record - there is also celery which allows to schedule messages for the future dispatch. It's, however, a different beast than cron, as it requires/uses RabbitMQ and is meant for message queues.
I have been thinking about this recently and have found django-cron which seems as though it would do what you want.
Edit: Also if you are not specifically looking for Django based solution, I have recently used, which is a small single file script which works well and is simple to use.
I've had really good experiences with django-chronograph.
You need to set one crontab task: to call the chronograph python management command, which then runs other custom management commands, based on an admin-tweakable schedule
The problem you're describing is best solved using cron, not Django directly. Since it seems that you need to store data about your ftp uploads in your database (using Django to access it for logs or graphs or whatever), you can make a python script that uses Django which runs via cron.
James Bennett wrote a great article on how to do this which you can read in full here:
The main gist of it is that, you can write standalone django scripts that cron can launch and run periodically, and these scripts can fully utilize your Django database, models, and anything else they want to. This gives you the flexibility to run whatever code you need and populate your database, while not trying to make Django do something it wasn't meant to do (Django is a web framework, and is event-driven, not time-driven).
Best of luck!

How do I run one version of a web app while developing the next version?

I just finished a Django app that I want to get some outside user feedback on. I'd like to launch one version and then fork a private version so I can incorporate feedback and add more features. I'm planning to do lots of small iterations of this process. I'm new to web development; how do websites typically do this? Is it simply a matter of copying my Django project folder to another directory, launching the server there, and continuing my dev work in the original directory? Or would I want to use a version control system instead? My intuition is that it's the latter, but if so, it seems like a huge topic with many uses (e.g. collaboration, which doesn't apply here) and I don't really know where to start.
1) Seperate URLs vs you can also do and, etc.. You could also create a /beta or /staging..
2) Keep seperate databases, one for production, and one for development. Write a script that will copy your live database into a dev database. Keep one database for each type of site you create. (You may want to create a beta or staging database for your tester).. Do your own work in the dev database. If you change the database structure, save the changes as a .sql file that can be loaded and run on the live site database when you turn those changes live.
3) Merge features into your different sites with version control. I am currently playing with a subversion setup for web apps that has my stable (trunk), one for staging, and one for development. Development tags + branches get merged into staging, and then staging tags/branches get merged into stable. Version control will let you manage your source code in any way you want. You will have to find a methodology that works for you and use it.
4) Consider build automation. It will publish your site for you automatically. Take a look at It can drive a lot of automatically checking out your code and uploading it to each specific site as you might need.
5) Toy of the month: There is a utility called cUrl that you may find valuable. It does a lot from the command line. This might be okay for you to do in case you don't want to use all or any of Ant.
Good luck!
You would typically use version control, and have two domains: and Then would always update to trunk which is the current latest, shipping version. You would do your development in a branch of trunk and would update to that. Then you periodically merge changes from your development branch to trunk.
Jas Panesar has the best answer if you are asking this from a development standpoint, certainly. That is, if you're just asking how to easily keep your new developments separate from the site that is already running. However, if your question was actually asking how to run both versions simultaniously, then here's my two cents.
Your setup has a lot to do with this, but I always recommend running process-based web servers in the first place. That is, not to use threaded servers (less relevant to this question) and not embedding in the web server (that is, not using mod_python, which is the relevant part here). So, you have one or more processes getting HTTP requests from your web server (Apache, Nginx, Lighttpd, etc.). Now, when you want to try something out live, without affecting your normal running site, you can bring up a process serving requests that never gets the regular requests proxied to it like the others do. That is, normal users don't see it.
You can setup a subdomain that points to this one, and you can install middleware that redirects "special" user to the beta version. This allows you to unroll new features to some users, but not others.
Now, the biggest issues come with database changes. Schema migration is a big deal and something most of us never pay attention to. I think that running side-by-side is great, because it forces you to do schema migrations correctly. That is, you can't just shut everything down and run lengthy schema changes before bringing it back up. You'd never see any remotely important site doing that.
The key is those small steps. You need to always have two versions of your code able to access the same database, so changes you make for the new code need to not break the old code. This breaks down into a few steps you can always make:
You can add a column with a default value, or that is optional. The new code can use it, and the old code can ignore it.
You can update the live version with code that knows to use a new column, at which point you can make it required.
You can make the new version ignore a column, and when it becomes the main version, you can delete that column.
You can make these small steps to migrate between any schemas. You can iteratively add a new column that replaces an old one, roll out the new code, and remove the old column, all without interrupting service.
That said, its your first web app? You can probably break it. You probably have few users :-) But, it is fantastic you're even asking this question. Many "professionals" fair to ever ask it, and even then fewer answer it.
What I do is have an export a copy of my SVN repository and put the files on the live production server, and then keep a virtual machine with a development working copy, and submit the changes to the repo when Im done.