C++ preprocessor concatenation - c++

I have a function build with function pointers. I think it might be faster to try to exchange this function with pre processor macro. At least, I would like to try out the macro so I can measure if it generates faster code.
It's more or less like this:
typedef int (Item::*GetterPtr)(void)const;
typedef void (Item::*SetterPtr)(int);
void doStuff(Item* item, GetterPtr getter, SetterPtr setter, int k)
int value = (item->*getter)();
// .. Do some stuff
And it's called like
// ...
doStuff(&item, &Item::a, &Item::setA, _a);
doStuff(&item, &Item::b, &Item::setB, _b);
doStuff(&item, &Item::c, &Item::setC, _c);
// ...
I think it might be possible to swap this with something like:
#define DO_STUFF(item, getter, setter, k) do { \
int value = item ## -> ## getter ## (); \
//... \
item ## -> ## setter ## (newValue); \
} while(0);
but it gives me errors like:
error: pasting ")" and "setA" does not give a valid preprocessing token
There's a way to concatenate the function names and it's object?

It is better to use inline functions than macros. Using any good compiler, this will give you the same efficiency as the macro, but with added type checking and debug symbols if you need them.

Token-pasting means "combining two tokens to form a single token".
You don't want that. ptr_to_item->a() isn't one token. Assuming ptr_to_item is a variable name, it's 5: ptr_to_item, ->, a, (, ).
Your macro should just be:
#define DO_STUFF(item, getter, setter, k) do { \
int value = (item)->getter(); \
//... \
(item)->setter(newValue); \
} while(0);
By the way, for the macro haters, this avoids macros while also avoiding the use of a pointer-to-member-function as a function parameter. It could be tried if the macro is faster than the questioner's function due to the call through a pointer not being inlined. I don't know if/when it will make a difference:
#include <iostream>
struct A {
int f;
int foo() {return f;}
void setfoo(int a) { f = a; }
template <typename T, typename U, U (T::*GETTER)(), void (T::*SETTER)(U)>
void doit(T &obj, U k) {
U value = (obj.*GETTER)();
value += k;
int main() {
A a = {0};
std::cout << a.foo() << "\n";
doit<A,int,&A::foo, &A::setfoo>(a,1);
std::cout << a.foo() << "\n";
doit<A,int,&A::foo, &A::setfoo>(a,2);
std::cout << a.foo() << "\n";
Because it's there.
There's at least one weakness. U can't be a reference type in the template. But since it's effectively fixed as int in the code in the question, the template parameter U may not be needed at all, so hopefully that isn't too limiting.

Member pointers are generally ungood for efficiency. They're also ungood for safety, because there's a loophole in the C++ type system regarding accessibility.
Instead of your current design for doStuff like ...
typedef int (Item::*GetterPtr)(void)const;
typedef void (Item::*SetterPtr)(int);
void doStuff(Item* item, GetterPtr getter, SetterPtr setter, int k)
int value = (item->*getter)();
// .. Do some stuff
doStuff(&item, &Item::a, &Item::setA, _a);
doStuff(&item, &Item::b, &Item::setB, _b);
doStuff(&item, &Item::c, &Item::setC, _c);
... consider ...
int foo( int value )
// .. Do some stuff
return newValue;
item.setA( foo( item.a() ) );
item.setB( foo( item.b() ) );
item.setC( foo( item.c() ) );
Getting rid of the setter/getter-design for the Item class will probably simplify things even more. Anyway, I recommend that you try re-designing. For that, keep in mind the responsibilites of an Item instance, and what knowledge it needs for that.
Cheers & hth.,
– Alf


Generate argument names from list of types to forward to another function

I would like to generate a function that forwards its arguments to another function. I know that std::function does it somehow, but I cannot seem to find the right syntax myself.
It would be ok for my usecase to use som kind of template magic, but i want
the user to be able to get information on the calling types when they use the function, like std::function does.
My usecase uses class member functions, so a solution that only works in that context is accepted. I tried to created the smallest example code possible.
#include <iostream>
// Macro usage cannot be changed
#define ARGS int, int
void otherFunction(int x, int y) {
std::cout << x << "," << y << "\n";
// This is the behaviour i want
void expectedImplementation(int _1, int _2) {
otherFunction(_1, _2);
// This works, but it prevents the user to view the expected
// types in their IDE
template <typename ...Args>
void templateVersion(Args ... args) {
// This is the version I cannot get to work
// It does not need to look like this, but it needs to get
// its argument types from
//void func(ARGS) {
// otherFunction(/*how?*/);
int main() {
expectedImplementation(1, 2);
templateVersion(1, 2);
//func(1, 2);
How do I accomplish this?
The function that needs to be forwarded to is also different for each instance of the function.
Edit 2:
Ok, It seems like it's hard to specify the context without the context. Here is the actual code that I want to generalize. Here Is the template magick stuff where it should fit in. No memory should be used, otherwise I would just use the solution I have now with template parameter packs.
Edit 3:
A better example:
#include <iostream>
#define ARGS int, int
struct Inner {
void otherFunction(int x, int y) {
std::cout << x << y << std::endl;
struct Wrapper {
Inner inner;
// This works, but it prevents the user to view the expected
// types in their ide
template <typename ...Args>
void templateVersion(Args ... args) {
// The concept I try to figure out
void function(ARGS) { // It does not need to look exactly like this
// , but functionally it needs to be somithing like it
// Forward the arguments to the `ìnner` class
int main() {
auto wrapper = Wrapper{};
wrapper.templateVersion(10, 20);
Your macro ARGS does not define named arguments. You cannot forward the type of unnamed arguments. That's a limitation of the language.
Either forget about using macros, and change your function definiton:
void func(int a, int b) {
otherFunction(a, b);
Or change the definition of the macro:
#define ARGS int a, int b
void func(ARGS) {
otherFunction(a, b);
That said, nothing beats the template solution. Make sure you use perfect forwarding.
template <typename ...Args>
void templateVersion(Args&& ... args) {

Get the name of a std::function

In the following toy-example, I would like to get the name of a function. The function itself was given as an std::function argument. Is it possible in C++ to get name of a std::function object?
void printName(std::function<void()> func){
//Need a function name()
std::cout << func.name();
void magic(){};
//somewhere in the code
output: magic
Otherwise I would have to give the function's name as a second parameter.
No there isn't. Function names (like variable names) are compiled out so they are not visible at run-time.
Your best bet is to pass the name of the function (use a std::string or a const char*) as you've suggested yourself. (Alternatively you could base a solution on __func__ which was introduced in C++11.)
The answer is no, but you could make something like
template<class R, class... Args>
class NamedFunction
std::string name;
std::function<R(Args...)> func;
NamedFunction(std::string pname, std::function<R(Args...)> pfunc) : name(pname), func(pfunc)
R operator()(Args&&... a)
return func(std::forward<Args>(a)...);
And then define a preprocessor
#define NAMED_FUNCTION(var, type, x) NamedFunction<type> var(#x,x)
NAMED_FUNCTION(f, void(), magic);
Given a std::function it has a member function called target_type which returns the typeid of the stored function object. That means you can do
void printName(std::function<void()> func){
//Need a function name()
std::cout << func.target_type().name();
This returns an implementation-defined string that is unique for each type. With Visual Studio, this string is human-readable already. With gcc (or maybe it's glibc? I don't know who takes care of what in detail) you need to use abi::__cxa_demangle after including <cxxabi.h> to get a human-readable version of the type name.
As Matthieu M. pointed out, given a function pointer, the type returned by this will just be the function's signature. For example:
int function(){return 0;}
This will output (assuming you demangled if necessary) int (*)() which is not the function's name.
This method will work with classes though:
struct Function
int operator()(){return 0;}
This will print Function as desired, but then doesn't work for function pointers.
You could also have your function with a string parameter for the name and then use a macro to call it
void _printName(std::function<void()> func, const std::string& funcName){
std::cout << funcName;
#define printName(f) _printName(f, #f)
void magic(){};
//somewhere in the code
See example
Maintain your own map from function pointer to name.
template<class Sig>
std::map<Sig*, const char*>& name_map() {
static std::map<Sig*, const char*> r;
return r;
struct register_name_t {
template<class Sig>
register_name_t( Sig* sig, const char* name ) {
#define TO_STRING(A) #A
register_name_t FUNC ## _register_helper_() { \
static register_name_t _{ FUNC, TO_STRING(FUNC) }; \
return _; \
} \
static auto FUNC ## _registered_ = FUNC ## _register_helper_()
Simply do REGISTER_NAME(magic); to register the name magic to the function magic. This should be done at file scope, either in a header or a cpp file.
Now we check if the std::function has a function pointer matching its signature stored inside of it. If so, we look it up in our name_map, and return the name if we find it:
template<class Sig>
std::string get_function_name( std::function<Sig> const& f ) {
auto* ptr = f.target<Sig*>();
if (!ptr) return {};
auto it = name_map().find(ptr);
if (it == name_map().end()) return {};
return it->second;
this is generally a bad idea.
I think the simplest solution is to use typeid(fun).name() for example like this:
#include <typeinfo>
#include <stdio.h>
void foobar( void )
int main()
printf( "%s\n", typeid( foobar ).name() );
return 0;
Now, it have a lot of drawbacks, and I would not recommend using that.
First of all, IIRC it shows the symbol of the function, not the name you used in source code.
Also, the name will change from compiler to compiler.
And finally, RTTI is slow.
Also, I'm not sure how it works with std::function. Never used that, honestly.

C++ runtime type switching (avoiding switch)

I've been into C++ for some years but I have not found yet the solution to a problem I constantly have. Know how to solve it would be awesome.
What I have at the moment is:
// Client code:
case MyEnum::kValue01:
case MyEnum::kValue02:
LOG("Invalid command");
// Declarations
enum class MyEnum {kValue01, kValue02};
class MyClass
// code
template <MyEnum> void processData(char*); /* Implemented somewhere else */
template <> void MyClass::processData<MyEnum::kValue01>(char* data); /* Implemented somewhere else */
MyClass <> void MyClass::processData<MyEnum::kValue02>(char* data); /* Implemented somewhere else */
I would like to remove the switch because of many reasons. Instead of it I would need something like: processData<runtime-decltype(currentEnumValue)>(data);
I know about typeid and about not mixing compile time and runtime together... but despite this, I would like to find some solution anyway, preferably excluding macros.
This class makes a jump table for a given Enum up to a certain count size based off constructing some template and invoking it with the supplied args. It assumes the enum values start at 0, and go to Count-1.
template<class Enum, Enum Count, template<Enum>class Z>
struct magic_switch {
// return value of a call to magic_switch(Args...)
using R = std::result_of_t<Z<Enum(0)>(Args...)>;
// A function pointer for a jump table:
using F = R<Args...>(*)(Args&&...);
// Produces a single function pointer for index I and args Args...
template<size_t I, class...Args>
F<Args...> f() const {
using ret = R<Args...>;
return +[](Args&&...args)->ret{
using Invoke=Z<Enum(I)>;
return Invoke{}(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
// builds a jump table:
template<class...Args, size_t...Is>
table( std::index_sequence<Is...> ) const {
return {{
f<Is, Args...>()...
R<Args...> operator()(Enum n, Args&&...args) {
// a static jump table for this case of Args...:
static auto jump=table<Args...>(std::make_index_sequence<size_t(Count)>{});
// Look up the nth entry in the jump table, and invoke it:
return jump[size_t(n)](std::forward<Args>(args)...);
then if you have an enum:
enum class abc_enum { a, b, c, count };
and a function object template:
template<abc_enum e>
struct stuff {
void operator()() const {
std::cout << (int)e << '\n';
you can dispatch:
magic_switch<abc_enum, abc_enum::count, stuff>{}(abc_enum::b);
in any case, within the template stuff, you get the enum value as a compile time constant. You call it with a run time constant.
Overhead should be similar to a switch statement, or a vtable call, depending on what the compiler does optimization wise.
live example.
Note that setting Enum to std::size_t is valid.
In C++11 you need make_index_sequence and index_sequence:
struct index_sequence {};
namespace details {
template<size_t Count, size_t...szs>
struct sequence_maker : sequence_maker<Count-1, Count-1, szs...> {};
struct sequence_maker<0,szs...> {
using type = index_sequence<szs...>;
template<size_t Count>
using make_index_sequence=typename details::sequence_maker<Count>::type;
using index_sequence_for=make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Ts)>;
and this alias:
template<class Sig>
using result_of_t=typename std::result_of<Sig>::type;
then strip std:: off their use in the above code.
live example.
Boost variant does something like what you are doing. It lets you replace switch statements with a template based contruct that can check that all cases are defined at compile-time, but then select one at run-time.
using namespace boost;
using Data = variant<int, double>;
struct ProcessDataFn: static_visitor<void>
char* data;
void operator()(int& i)
// do something with data
void operator()(double& d)
// do something else
void processData(char* data, Data& dataOut)
apply_visitor(ProcessDataFn{data}, dataOut);
void example(char * data)
Data d = 0;
processData(data, d); // calls first overload of operator()
Data d = 0.0;
processData(data, d); // calls second overload
To expand on my comment, ideally we'd have compile-time reflection and be able to write a generic dispatch function. In its absence, one option is to unfortunately use macros to do that for you using the X Macro pattern:
#define LIST_OF_CASES \
X_ENUM(kValue0) \
X_ENUM(kValue1) \
enum MyEnum
# define X_ENUM(a) a,
# undef X_ENUM
void dispatch(MyEnum val)
switch (val)
# define X_ENUM(a) case a: processData<a>(); break;
# undef X_ENUM
// something's really wrong here - can't miss cases using this pattern
One benefit of this approach is that it scales to large numbers of enumerations, it gets really hard to omit a case, and that you can attach extra information by using a multi-argument X_ENUM macro.
I know you said you'd like to avoid macros, but the alternative without virtual functions then is to have some sort of a static table of function pointers indexed by the enum, and that is just a virtual function in disguise (with admittedly lower overhead, but still suffering the cost of an indirect function call).

C++ member function pointer with different arguments - or is this bad anyway?

Even though I fear that you will tell me that this topic was covered several time, I dare to ask it, since I was not able to generate a solution. Probably I was just looking for the wrong thing...
Assume that I have a function which receives a "mode" from some external function. Depending on the mode, the function will call different member functions of the same object. This works well for me with member function without any argument, but I did not find out how to extend it to members with arguments. In the real world application, the arguments are not int/float but a more complex classes and the call is nested inside different loops, so I would need to put switch statements several times which I consider ugly.
Question A: Is it possible to easily add support for member functions with arguments based on the existing design? If yes, how does one do that? If possible without external libraries...
Question B: Is this a completely wrong/bad approach? How would I do it better?
Thanks a lot for your help and explanations.
header excerpt:
typedef void (Object::*memberFunction)();
class Object
void memberFnNoArg();
void memberFnWithIntArg(int arg);
void memberFnWithFloatArg(float arg);
cpp excerpt:
void function()
int mode = getModeFromSomewhere();
int intArg = 33;
float floatArg = 66.6;
case 1:
case 2:
process(&Object::memberFnWithIntArg, ???); // how can I pass arg?
case 3:
process(&Object::memberFnWithFlaotArg, ???); // how can I pass arg?
// do nothing;
void process(Object::memberFunction func)
Object object;
// loops, called several times, ...
(object.*func)(); // how do I handle different arguments?
Wrapping the algorithm in a functor is the right approach, and std::function is a nice functor provided by the Standard library.
But using boost::bind or even std::bind, as suggested by Tomek, is really ugly IMO, and rapidly gets out of control when binding multiple arguments.
If you have a recent compiler you can use a lambda instead, which makes Tomek's example look like:
std::function<void(Object*)> f =
[](Object* const that){ that->memberFnNoArg(); };
int int_value = 22;
std::function<void(Object*)> f2 =
[int_value](Object* const that){ that->memberFnIntArg(int_value); };
Object o;
There are a few characters to set up the lambda, but the member access syntax is extremely natural and it's obvious how you make changes.
Of course, you can make the parameter a reference to the object if you really want, but I prefer pointers here.
Have a look at std::function and std::bind, they seem to fit perfectly what you need.
std::function<void(Object &)> f = &Object::memberFnNoArg;
std::function<void(Object &)> f2 = std::bind(&Object::memberFnWithIntArg, _1, 22);
Object o;
should work out of a box as far as I remember.
Is this what you need?
You could use a varadic template function:
template <typename... Args>
void process(void (Object::*func)(Args...),Args... args)
Object object;
// loops, called several times, ...
Here is a full example:
#include <iostream>
struct Object
void memberFnNoArg()
std::cout << "Object::memberFnNoArg()\n";
void memberFnWithIntArg(int arg)
std::cout << "Object::memberFnWithIntArg(" << arg << ")\n";
void memberFnWithFloatArg(float arg)
std::cout << "Object::memberFnWithFloatArg(" << arg << ")\n";
template <typename... Args>
void process(void (Object::*func)(Args...),Args... args)
Object object;
// loops, called several times, ...
int main()
return 0;
One way I see around this would be to use a variable arguments (pretty much like printf, sprintf does it). (Or maybe with stdc libraries, passing a list of different types.)
The reason is, that the argument list is part of the function pointer type, so you'd essentially need a process function with variable arguments and then the memberFunction probably needs to be one of that type too.
Below is a plain (non member) sample of how to pick up variable arguments (member functions would essentially work the same). See stdarg.h.
typedef void (*var_function)(int typearg, ...);
void print_arg(int typearg, ...)
va_list ap;
int i;
va_start(ap, typearg);
if (typearg==1) { // int
int i= va_arg(ap, int);
printf("%d ", i);
if (typearg==2) { // float
float f= va_arg(ap, float);
printf("%f ", f);
if (typearg==3) { // char *
char *s= va_arg(ap, char *);
printf("%s ", s);
// calling function with different types
int main()
print_arg(1, 999);
print_arg(2, 3.1415926);
print_arg(3, "Hello");
process(print_arg, 3, "via pointer);
Sounds like packaged_task. Also check out Tomek's suggestion.
Though IRL I'd go ahead asking lots of questions on why you need it in the first place. Possibly your work could be better covered using std::future or other higher level facility,
Can't each function (memberFn**) be a member of argument classes ?
class BaseArg
virtual void Fn() = 0;
class IntArg : public BaseArg
void Fn();
class FloatArg : public BaseArg
void Fn();
void function()
int mode = getModeFromSomewhere();
BaseArg* pArg;
if ( mode ... ){
pArg = new IntArg( 33 );
else {
pArg = new FloatArg( 66.6 );
pArg->Fn(); // Call the right function without a switch
// and without knowing the arguments
Same as other answers, but to show for member methods:
#include <iostream>
class Object
void memberFnNoArg()
std::cout << "Object::memberFnNoArg()\n";
void memberFnWithIntArg(int arg)
std::cout << "Object::memberFnWithIntArg(" << arg << ")\n";
void memberFnWithFloatArg(float arg)
std::cout << "Object::memberFnWithFloatArg(" << arg << ")\n";
bool memberFnWithBoolReturn(int)
return true;
template <typename... Args>
void process(void (Object::*func)(Args...),Args... args);
// overload process
template <typename... Args>
bool process(bool (Object::*func)(Args...),Args... args);
template <typename... Args>
void process( void (Object::*func)(Args...),class Object* obj,Args... args)
template <typename... Args>
bool process( bool (Object::*func)(Args...),class Object* obj,Args... args)
return ((obj->*func)(args...)) ;
int main()
Object object;
// overloaded process
return 0;

C++ class member variable knowing its own offset

Is it possible to have a member variable, that would be able to calculate pointer to the containing object from pointer to itself (in it's method)?
Let's have a foreign call interface wrapped in API like this:
template <typename Class, MethodId Id, typename Signature>
class MethodProxy;
template <typename Class, MethodId Id, typename ReturnT, typename Arg1T>
class MethodProxy<Class, Id, ReturnT ()(Arg1T) {
ReturnT operator()(Class &invocant, Arg1T arg1);
and similarly for other numbers of arguments from 0 to N. For each class on the foreign side, one C++ class is declared with some traits and this template uses those traits (and more traits for argument types) to find and invoke the foreign method. This can be used like:
Foo foo;
MethodProxy<Foo, barId, void ()(int)> bar;
bar(foo, 5);
Now what I would like to do is define Foo in such way, that I can call like:
Foo foo;
without repeating the signature multiple times. (obviously creating a static member and wrapping the call in a method is simple, right). Well, in fact, that's still easy:
template <typename Class, MethodId Id, typename Signature>
class MethodMember;
template <typename Class, MethodId Id, typename ReturnT, typename Arg1T>
class MethodMember<Class, Id, ReturnT ()(Arg1T) {
MethodProxy<Class, Id, Signature> method;
Class &owner;
MethodMember(Class &owner) : owner(owner) {}
ReturnT operator()(Arg1T arg1) { return method(owner, arg1); }
That however means the object will end up containing many copies of pointer to itself. So I am looking for a way to make these instances being able to calculate the owner pointer from this and some additional template arguments.
I was thinking along the lines of
template <typename Class, size_t Offset, ...>
class Member {
Class *owner() {
return reinterpret_cast<Class *>(
reinterpret_cast<char *>(this) - Offset);
class Foo {
Member<Foo, offsetof(Foo, member), ...> member;
but this complains that Foo is incomplete type at the point.
Yes, I know offsetof is supposed to only work for "POD" types, but in practice for any non-virtual member, which this will be, works. I have similarly tried to pass pointer-to-(that)-member (using dummy base-class) in that argument, but that does not work either.
Note, that if this worked, it could also be used to implement C#-like properties delegating to methods of the containing class.
I know how to do the wrapper methods mentioned above with boost.preprocessor, but the argument lists would have to be specified in a weird form. I know how to write macro to generate generic wrappers via templates, but that would probably give poor diagnostics. It would also be trivial if the calls could look like foo.bar()(5). But I'd like to know whether some clever trick would be possible (plus only such clever trick would probably be usable for properties too).
Note: The member type can't be actually specialized on either member pointer to it nor it's offset, because the type must be known before that offset can be assigned. That's because the type can affect required alignment (consider explicit/parcial specialization).
Asking a question is the best way to realize the answer, so this is where I've got:
The offset can't be a template argument, because the type has to be known before the offset can be calculated. So it has to be returned by a function of the argument. Let's add a tag type (dummy struct) and either a put an overloaded function into Owner or directly into the tag. That way we can define everything we need on one place (using a macro). The following code compiles fine with gcc 4.4.5 and prints correct pointer for all members:
#include <cstddef>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
(just preamble to make it really compile)
template <typename Owner, typename Tag>
struct offset_aware
Owner *owner()
return reinterpret_cast<Owner *>(
reinterpret_cast<char *>(this) - Tag::offset());
This is what's needed to make the object aware of it's own offset. Property or functor or some other code can be added freely to make it useful. Now we need to declare some extra stuff along with the member itself, so let's define this macro:
#define OFFSET_AWARE(Owner, name) \
struct name ## _tag { \
static ptrdiff_t offset() { \
return offsetof(Owner, name); \
} \
}; \
offset_aware<Owner, name ## _tag> name
This defines structure as the tag and puts in a function returning the required offset. Than it defines the data member itself.
Note, that the member needs to be public as defined here, but we could easily add a 'friend' declaration for the tag support protected and private properties. Now let's use it.
struct foo
int x;
int y;
Simple, isn't it?
int main()
foo f;
cout << "foo f = " << &f << endl
<< "f.a: owner = " << f.a.owner() << endl
<< "f.b: owner = " << f.b.owner() << endl
<< "f.c: owner = " << f.c.owner() << endl;
return 0;
This prints the same pointer value on all lines. C++ standard does not allow members to have 0 size, but they will only have the size of their actual content or 1 byte if they are otherwise empty compared to 4 or 8 (depending on platform) bytes for a pointer.
1) There's a gcc extension which seemed fitting:
enum{ d_y = __builtin_choose_expr(N,offsetof(X,y),0) };
But it didn't work as expected, even though manual says
"the built-in function does not evaluate the expression that was not chosen"
2) member pointers seemed interesting, eg. offsetof can be defined like this:
template< class C, class T >
int f( T C::*q ) {
return (int)&((*(C*)0).*q);
But I still didn't find a way to turn this into constexpr.
3) For now, here's another version:
#include <stdio.h>
#pragma pack(1)
template <class A, int x>
struct B {
int z;
void f( void ) {
printf( "x=%i\n", x );
#define STRUCT( A ) template< int N=0 > struct A {
#define CHILD( A, N, B, y ) }; template<> struct A<N> : A<N-1> \
{ B<A<N>,sizeof(A<N-1>)> y;
#define STREND };
int x0;
int x1;
CHILD( A,1, B, y );
short x2;
CHILD( A,2, B, z );
char x3;
typedef A<2> A1;
int main( void ) {
A1 a;
For now, here's one MS-specific solution, still thinking how to make it more general
#include <stdio.h>
#define offs(s,m) (size_t)&(((s *)0)->m)
#define Child(A,B,y) \
__if_exists(X::y) { enum{ d_##y=offs(X,y) }; } \
__if_not_exists(X::y) { enum{ d_##y=0 }; } \
B<A,d_##y> y;
template <class A, int x>
struct B {
int z;
void f( void ) {
printf( "x=%i\n", x );
template< class X >
struct A {
int x0;
int x1;
typedef A<int> A0;
typedef A<A0> A1;
int main( void ) {
A1 a;
Assuming the calls actually need a reference to the containing object, just store the reference to the owner. Unless you have specific memory profiling evidence that it's causing a significant memory increase to store the extra references, just do it the obvious way.