Installing OpenCV on OSX 10.6 using MacPorts - c++

I tried installing OpenCV following the instructions for a MacPorts install on, typing
sudo port install opencv
in the terminal.
The install/compilation seemed to go fine, and the files are in /opt/local subdirectories as they should be. As a first test, I then tried including highgui.h in a C++ source file:
#include <highgui.h>
but when compiling with g++ or gcc, I get error: highgui.h: No such file or directory. I'm new to developing on a Mac, so maybe I'm missing something?
I thought I might have to set some path variable and after reading some posts I found when googling, I tried setting DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/local/lib, but that was wild guess and it didn't seem to help. What should I do to make the compilers find the library?

I couldn't get it to work for quite some time either until I found that there is a pkg-config set.
All you have to do to compile without problems is this:
g++ `pkg-config --libs --cflags opencv` -o helloWorld helloWorld.cpp
or gcc if you are working with C instead of C++.
I hope that helps!

MacPorts installs C/C++ headers in /opt/local/include directory which is not the system default. It means that you have to explicitly tell GCC where to look for headers you are using. You can do that by specifying "-isystem" or "-I" command line options:
-isystem dir
Search dir for header files, after all directories specified
by -I but before the standard system
directories. Mark it as a system
directory, so that it gets the same special treatment as is
applied to the standard system
directories. If dir begins with "=",
the "=" will be replaced by the sysroot prefix; see --sysroot and
Add the directory dir to the head of the list of directories to
be searched for header files. This
can be used to override a system
header file, substituting your own version, since these
directories are searched before the
system header file directories.
you should not use this option to add directories that contain
vendor-supplied system header files
(use -isystem for that). If you
use more than one -I option, the directories are scanned in
left-to-right order; the standard
system directories come after.
If a standard system include directory, or a directory
specified with -isystem, is also
specified with -I, the -I option will
ignored. The directory will still be searched but as a system
directory at its normal position in
the system include chain. This is
to ensure that GCC's procedure to fix buggy system headers
and the ordering for the include_next
directive are not inadvertently
changed. If you really need to change the search order for
system directories, use the -nostdinc
and/or -isystem options.
I recommend using -isystem because it disables some warnings you cannot fix without modifying the code. For example, using std::auto_ptr if you compile your code with -std=c++0x etcetera.
The same goes for libraries. You have to tell GCC where to find them using -L option.

Referenced from the OpenCV wiki page:
Set the environment variables like this:
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/local/lib/pkgconfig
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/local/lib
and compile opencv code like this:
g++ -bind_at_load `pkg-config --cflags opencv` morphology.c -o morphology `pkg-config --libs opencv`
and then run the code like this:

Macports install was working smoothly for me, it is worth to install tbb before installing opencv, massive speedup (and sadly it won't work the other way around).
#include <highgui.h> is not the c++ header.
Use #include<opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp> and its friends in /opt/local/include and avoid anything in /opt/local/include/opencv.


Using c++ library on linux [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to install c++ library on linux
(2 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I'm new to c++ and don't understand how to install a library on Linux (Mint). I want to use the GNU GMP library:
I downloaded the tar.lz file and installed it with
sudo make install
If I try to compile it, I get the error message that the header file "gmpxx.h" wasn't found. Where can I find this file? How do I compile it with the -lgmpxx -lgmp flags? I tried something like:
g++ test.cpp -o test -lgmpxx -lgmp
If the library is using the Autoconf system (which your does) then the default installation prefix is /usr/local.
That means libraries are installed in /usr/local/lib, and header files in /usr/local/include. Unfortunately few Linux systems have those added for the compiler to search by default, you need to explicitly tell the compiler to do it.
Telling the compiler to add a header-file path is done using the -I (upper-case i) option. For libraries the option is -L.
Like so:
g++ test.cpp -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -lgmpxx -lgmp
The above command will allow your program to build, but it's unfortunately not enough as you most likely won't be able to run the program you just built. That's because the run-time linker and program loader doesn't know the path to the (dynamic) libraries either. You need to add another linker-specific flag -rpath telling the build-time linker to embed the path inside your finished program. The front-end program g++ doesn't know this option, so you need to use -Wl,-rpath:
g++ test.cpp -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -lgmpxx -lgmp -Wl,-rpath=/usr/local/lib
The options can be found in the GCC documentation (for the -I and -L and -Wl options), and the documentation for ld (the compile-time linker) for the -rpath option.
If you install a lot of custom-build libraries, you might add the path /usr/local/lib to the file /etc/ and then run the ldconfig command (as root). Then you don't need the -rpath option.
Now with all of that said, almost all libraries you would usually use for development will be available in your distributions standard repository. If you use them the libraries will be installed with paths that means you don't have to add flags.
So I recommend you install your distributions development packages for the libraries instead.

g++ compiler option using `pkg-config...` results in -I(directory) What does the -I mean?

I am familiar with very simple g++ commands that compile and link programs, however when working with GTK+ I found the tutorial indicate that I should use pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0
Now when I type in pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0 to the terminal I get a list of libraries and files like this...
-pthread -I/usr/include/gtk-2.0 -I/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gtk-2.0/include -I/usr/include/atk-1.0 -I/usr/include/cairo -I/usr/include/gdk-pixbuf-2.0 -I/usr/include/pango-1.0 -I/usr/include/gio-unix-2.0/ -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/include/pixman-1 -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/libpng12 -I/usr/include/harfbuzz
So my question is, what does the -I mean in front of a directory? For example -I/usr/include/libpng12
The -I flag is used to add directories to the list of directories to search for finding files in #include <> statements.
In your case, when a file is included by using #include, /usr/include/libpng12 will be one of the directories in which the pre-processor will search for the file.
Please read the manual. All command line options are present there :-)
-I set the search path for libraries.
-I is simply adding to the paths to be searched for header files. Note that these are searched before system paths.
You can find pretty much all the options for gcc/g++ here. In this case, you want the Directory Search options specifically; see here. From that page:
Add the directory dir to the head of the list of directories to be
searched for header files. This can be used to override a system
header file, substituting your own version, since these directories
are searched before the system header file directories. However, you
should not use this option to add directories that contain
vendor-supplied system header files (use -isystem for that).
If you use more than one -I option, the directories are scanned in
left-to-right order; the standard system directories come after. If a
standard system include directory, or a directory specified with
-isystem, is also specified with -I, the -I option is ignored. The directory is still searched but as a system directory at its normal
position in the system include chain. This is to ensure that GCC's
procedure to fix buggy system headers and the ordering for the
include_next directive are not inadvertently changed. If you really
need to change the search order for system directories, use the
-nostdinc and/or -isystem options.
As the answers from #R Sahu #Klaus and #Yuushi explain, the -I dir tells the compiler where to look for the #include header.h file.
When the program is compiled, it will be linked. You will probably also need to tell the linker where to find the programs that support the functions in the #included headers. This is done with the -llibrary flag. That is a lower case l not a one (1).
The pkg-config command references a set of files and will supply the compiler flags --cflags and link flags --ldflags if you supply the package name.
Put the returned -Includes before the source name(s) and the -l's after in your compile command request.
For other than casual, one-off programs, you should use make. The cflag and ldflag info can be put in variables in the Makefile and referenced throughout your make script.
You can get a complete list of packages configured to pkg-config on your Ubuntu system with locate *.pc

Using the c++ Boost regex libraries in Arch Linux

I'm having trouble building a simple c++ program that tests out regex's from the boost library. The problem that I'm having is occurring in the linking stage and I don't know enough to fix the error on my own.
In the .cpp program that uses regexes I used the following include line.
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
I don't know enough to figure out what command I should use to build the program using g++. I tried using the following command line (and variations of it) to build the program.
g++ -I/usr/include/regex -L/usr/lib -llibboost_regex main.cpp -o regex_test
Other information that might be relevant:
Operating system: Arch linux
g++ version: 4.6.2 20120120 (prerelease)
Any help would be appreciated.
Assume you have installed Boost with the boost and boost-libs packages,
The header <boost/regex.hpp> should exist in /usr/include/boost/regex.hpp. You don't need to use any -I flags since /usr/include should be included by default.
You shouldn't need the -L flag either since /usr/lib should also be included by default when linking.
When using the -l flag to link with a library, the leading "lib" part should be removed.
The command line should therefore be:
g++ main.cpp -o regex_test -lboost_regex

Problems compiling gtkmm

OS: Fedora 14
Compiler: g++ (GCC) 4.5.1 20100924 (Red Hat 4.5.1-4)
I installed gtkmm24-devel from repository via yum. To make sure the install went as planned I decided to try one of the examples on the page.
#include <gtkmm.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
Gtk::Main kit(argc, argv);
Gtk::Window window;
return 0;
I ran the example, and, hey! It said it couldn't find gtkmm.h, no problem, I just forgot to link the library. I added /usr/include/gtkmm-2.4 to my library search through Eclipse. No bueno, g++ still can't find it!
fatal error: gtkmm.h: No such file or directory
I then try to include gtkmm by using #include <gtkmm-2.4/gtkmm.h> and recompile, another error! :(
/usr/include/gtkmm-2.4/gtkmm.h:87:20: fatal error: glibmm.h: No such file or directory
Thanks for reading.
Short answer
Use the output of 'pkg-config gtkmm-2.4 --cflags' for include paths and 'pkg-config gtkmm-2.4 --libs' for libraries to link.
Long answer
It said it couldn't find gtkmm.h, no problem, I just forgot to link the library.
Building a C/C++ program is done in two separate steps. First the source files are compiled, outputting object files; and then the object files are linked together. The error you are getting comes from the compiling step.
On Linux, most libraries come with pkgconfig files to make it easier for other programs to use the libraries. gtkmm also comes with its own pkgconfig files.
You are trying to manually specify /usr/include/gtkmm-2.4 for include path; this is wrong. Instead, use the output of pkgconfig to figure out where the header files are located. To get all the include directories needed for gtkmm, use the following command:
pkg-config gtkmm-2.4 --cflags
For linking, use the following pkgconfig command to get the libraries you need to link with:
pkg-config gtkmm-2.4 --libs
You can test it on the command line by invoking g++ directly.
g++ myfirstprogram.cpp -o myfirstprogram `pkg-config gtkmm-2.4 --cflags --libs`
For more information, see the gtkmm docs:
These steps usually help resolving this problem:
Search your computer for glibmm.h
If found - add its directory to the include path list
If not found - Google for glibmm.h and find out which library it is contained in. You will find out in this case it's (surprise!) glibmm. Install it using your package manager.
The problem, as noted in comments, is a compiler error and the compiler is arguing about a missing (header) file. The steps I described above either find the location of the missing file or help you to install a library that the header file belongs to.

eclipse cdt: add include path from pkg-config

i want to add a dynamic configuration path (generated from pkg-config) to my project. (this is basically for third-party dependencies like boost, so workspace includes is not appropiate, and filesystem include neither because that would be hardcoded and every developer would have to change that manually)
i am on project properties->c++ general->paths and symbols->includes tab->add...->add directory path->variables but i can only select among existing variables, how do i create a new variable dynamically generated from a command line program? like pkg-config --cflags boost-1.43?
this is easy to do in netbeans; you just add the pkg-config commandline with the backquotes in the build additional options and it resolves the build include and even in theory it should update the indexer (although truth be said, last time the indexer was correctly updating from pkg-config was on netbeans 6.8, it has been broken on 6.9 and 6.9.1)
i read this StackOverflow post but i still not sure how it helps this specific case
i read somewhere that you can use $(shell pkg-config...) to generate environment variables but not sure where to place the command
if there is no easy out of the box solution i'll try the script in this blog post
btw, i'm using eclipse helios -cdt 7
Pkg-config support is finally coming to CDT and will be finished on August.
you can use $(shell pkg-config --cflags your_libs) in:
Project properties->C/C++ Build->Settings->"Tools Settings" tab->**C Compiler**->Miscellaneous->Other Flags
you can use
$(shell pkg-config **--libs** your_libs)
Project properties->C/C++ Build->Settings->"Tools Settings" tab->**C Linker**->Miscellaneous->Other Flags
if the linker doesn't link, make sure (for example in the build console window) that the pkg-config flags appear after the objects to link.
you can do this in properties->C/C++ Build->Settings->"Tools Settings" tab->C Linker->Command line pattern moving ${FLAGS} to the end :
from this (for example) :
to this :
In eclipse 4.3.2 at least, it looks as though it's possible to simply add
`pkg-config --libs <mylibname>`
Project->Properties->C/C++ Build->Settings->GCC {C|C++} Linker->Miscellaneous->Linker Flags
`pkg-config --cflags <mylibname>`
Project->Properties->C/C++ Build->Settings->GCC {C|C++} Compiler->Miscellaneous->Other Flags
what i found so far is that you can do
project-> properties-> c++ build-> build variables
add a new variable of string type.
Call it whatever you like:
then set as its value:
$(shell pkg-config --cflags unittest-cpp)
the go to project properties-> c++ general -> path and symbols,
Select languages c++, otherwise it defaults to assembly source file.
Click add.
On the add directory path, click variables... (because we want to add the variable we have just created)
type the name of the variable (UNITTEST_CPP_CXXFLAGS), press enter and ok
when you rebuild the result of the shell command is replaced in a -I option (for the gnu gcc toolchain at least), in general pkg-config output might include one or more -I so this won't work. Lets go to c++ build->settings->tool settings->gcc c++ compiler->miscellaneous. In there, add ${UNITTEST_CPP_CXXFLAGS} to the other flags.
now the include will be added, but there is no hope of getting the indexer to browse those include!
Use this link at eclipse help/install new spftware. It installs pkg-config.
I did find this link in this webpage.!topic/pkg-config-support-for-eclipse-cdt/HNblZRTKBQQ