Selecting the pixels with highest intensity in OpenCV - c++

Can anyone help me to find out the top 1% (or say top 100 pixels)brightest pixels with their locations of a gray image in opencv. because cvMinMaxLoc() gives only brightest pixel location.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

this is a simple yet unneficient/stupid way to do it:
for i=1:100
get brightest pixel using cvMinMaxLoc
store location
set it to a value of zero
if you don't mind about efficiency this should work.
you should also check cvInRangeS to find other pixels of similar values defining low and high thresholds.

You need to calculate the brightness threshold from the histogram. Then you iterate through the pixels to get those positions that are bright enough to satisfy the threshold. The program below instead applies the threshold to the image and displays the result for demonstration purposes:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) != 2 or any(s in sys.argv for s in ['-h', '--help', '-?']):
print('usage: {} <img>'.format(sys.argv[0]))
img = cv2.imread(sys.argv[1], cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
hi_percentage = 0.01 # we want we the hi_percentage brightest pixels
# * histogram
hist = cv2.calcHist([img], [0], None, [256], [0, 256]).flatten()
# * find brightness threshold
# here: highest thresh for including at least hi_percentage image pixels,
# maybe you want to modify it for lowest threshold with for including
# at most hi_percentage pixels
total_count = img.shape[0] * img.shape[1] # height * width
target_count = hi_percentage * total_count # bright pixels we look for
summed = 0
for i in range(255, 0, -1):
summed += int(hist[i])
if target_count <= summed:
hi_thresh = i
hi_thresh = 0
# * apply threshold & display result for demonstration purposes:
filtered_img = cv2.threshold(img, hi_thresh, 0, cv2.THRESH_TOZERO)[1]
plt.imshow(img, cmap='gray')
plt.imshow(filtered_img, cmap='gray')

C++ version based upon some of the other ideas posted:
// filter the brightest n pixels from a grayscale img, return a new mat
cv::Mat filter_brightest( const cv::Mat& src, int n ) {
CV_Assert( src.channels() == 1 );
CV_Assert( src.type() == CV_8UC1 );
cv::Mat result={};
// simple histogram
std::vector<int> histogram(256,0);
for(int i=0; i< int(src.rows*src.cols); ++i)
// find max threshold value (pixels from [0-max_threshold] will be removed)
int max_threshold = (int)histogram.size() - 1;
for ( ; max_threshold >= 0 && n > 0; --max_threshold ) {
n -= histogram[max_threshold];
if ( max_threshold < 0 ) // nothing to do
cv::threshold(src, result, max_threshold, 0., cv::THRESH_TOZERO);
return result;
Usage example: get top 1%
auto top1 = filter_brightest( img, int((img.rows*img.cols) * .01) );

Try using cvThreshold instead.

Well the most logical way is to iterate the whole picture, then get the max and min value of the pixels.
Then chose a threshold which will give you the desired percent(1% in your case).
After that iterate again and save the i and j coordinates of each pixel above the given threshold.
This way you'll iterate the matrix only two times instead of 100(or 1% of the pixels times) and choosing the brightest and deleting it.
OpenCV mats are multidimensional arrays. Gray image is two dimensional array with values from 0 to 255.
You can iterate trough the matrix like this.
for(int i=0;i < mat.height();i++)
for(int j=0;j < mat.width();j++)


opencv how to get middle line of a contour

I have an image from which I get the contour of using findContours. This products something that looks like the following: (showing the "inner and outer contour").
Is there a way for me to get the "midpoint" of these two contours? ie some kind of polyline that would fit exactly in between the two lines seen in the image, such that the distance at any point on the resultant time is the same from it to the top contour as is from it to the bottom contour?
More complicated example would be something as follows:
Please note, that it doesnt matter too much what happens at intersections, so long as nothing traces back on itself, so the result of the more complicated example would need multiple lines.
There is a way to get the "midpoint" of the two contours, but I don't think there is an existing OpenCV solution.
You may use the following stages:
Convert image to Grayscale, and apply binary threshold.
You may use cvtColor(... COLOR_BGR2GRAY) and threshold(...) OpenCV functions.
Fill the pixels outsize the area between lines with white color.
You may use floodFill OpenCV function.
Apply "distance transform" to the binary image.
You may use distanceTransform OpenCV function.
Use CV_DIST_L2 for euclidean distance.
Apply Dijkstra's algorithm for finding the shortest paths between most left and most right nodes.
Representing "distance transform" result (image) as weighted graph and applying Dijkstra's algorithm is the most challenging stage.
I implemented the solution in MATLAB.
The MATLAB implemented is used as a "proof of concept".
I know you were expecting C++ implementation, but it requires a lot of work.
The MATLAB implementation uses im2graph function, I downloaded from here.
Here is the MATLAB implementation:
origI = imread('two_contours.png'); % Read input image
I = rgb2gray(origI); % Convert RGB to Grayscale.
BW = imbinarize(I); % Convert from Grayscale to binary image.
% Fill pixels outsize the area between lines.
BW2 = imfill(BW, ([1, size(I,2)/2; size(I,1), size(I,2)/2]));
% Apply "distance transform" (find compute euclidean distance from closest white pixel)
D = bwdist(BW2);
% Mark all pixels outsize the area between lines with zero.
D(BW2 == 1) = 0;
figure;imshow(D, []);impixelinfo % Display D matrix as image
[M, N] = size(D);
% Find starting point and end point - assume we need to find a path from left side to right side.
x0 = 1;
[~, y0] = max(D(:, x0));
x1 = N;
[~, y1] = max(D(:, x1));
StartNode = y0;
EndNode = M*N - (M-y1-1);
conn = 8;%4 or 8 - connected neighborhood for linking pixels
% Use 100 - D, because graphshortestpath searches for minimum weight (and we are looking for maximum weight path).
CostMat = 100 - D;
G = im2graph(CostMat, conn);
%Find "shortest" path from StartNode to EndNode
[dist, path, pred] = graphshortestpath(G, StartNode, EndNode);
% Mark white path in image J image
J = origI;R = J(:,:,1);G = J(:,:,2);B = J(:,:,3);
R(path) = 255;G(path) = 255;B(path) = 255;
J = cat(3, R, G, B);
figure;imshow(J);impixelinfo % Display J image
D - Result of distance transform:
J - Original image with "path" marked with white color:
For the new example you can define three paths.
The solution becomes more complicated.
The example is not generalized to solve all the cases.
There must be a simpler solution, I just can't think of one.
tmpI = imread('three_contours.png'); % Read input image
origI = permute(tmpI, [2, 1, 3]); % Transpose image
I = rgb2gray(origI); % Convert RGB to Grayscale.
BW = imbinarize(I); % Convert from Grayscale to binary image.
% Fill pixels outsize the area between lines.
%BW2 = imfill(BW, ([1, size(I,2)/2; size(I,1), size(I,2)/2]));
BW2 = imfill(BW, ([1, 1; size(I,1), size(I,2); size(I,2)/2, 1]));
% Apply "distance transform" (find compute euclidean distance from closest white pixel)
D = bwdist(BW2);
% Mark all pixels outsize the area between lines with zero.
D(BW2 == 1) = 0;
figure;imshow(D, []);impixelinfo % Display D matrix as image
[M, N] = size(D);
% Find starting point and end point - assume we need to find a path from left side to right side.
x0 = 1;
[~, y0a] = max(D(1:M/2, x0));
% Y coordinate of second point
[~, y0b] = max(D(M/2:M, x0));
y0b = y0b + M/2;
x1 = N;
[~, y1] = max(D(:, x1));
StartNodeA = y0a;
StartNodeB = y0b;
EndNode = M*N - (M-y1-1);
conn = 8;%4 or 8 - connected neighborhood for linking pixels
% Use 100 - D, because graphshortestpath searches for minimum weight (and we are looking for maximum weight path).
D(D==0) = -10000; % Increase the "cost" where D is zero
CostMat = 1000 - D;
G = im2graph(CostMat, conn);
%Find "shortest" path from StartNode to EndNode
[dist, pathA, pred] = graphshortestpath(G, StartNodeA, EndNode);
[dist, pathB, pred] = graphshortestpath(G, StartNodeB, EndNode);
[dist, pathC, pred] = graphshortestpath(G, StartNodeA, StartNodeB);
% Mark white path in image J image
J = origI;R = J(:,:,1);G = J(:,:,2);B = J(:,:,3);
R(pathA) = 255;
G(pathB) = 255;
B(pathC) = 255;
J = cat(3, R, G, B);
J = permute(J, [2, 1, 3]); % Transpose image
figure;imshow(J);impixelinfo % Display J image
Three lines:

algorithm that finds the "mean positioned" white pixel in a column and repeats the process for each column

I am attempting to create an algorithm that locates the white pixels in a column of a binary image, and then adds the y co-ordinates/column number of each white pixel and divides this value by the number of white pixels in the column, in order to get the "mean/middle positioned" white pixel in the column. And this returns an (x,y) co-ordinate that can be plotted. This process repeats for each column in the image and each time sy sets back to 0.
The end goal is instead of having a lines that are multiple pixels thick/wide, as shown in the image's numpy arraycurrent line multiple thicks wide array, I have lines that are just one pixel wide, whilst mantaining the original shape. I planned on doing this by selecting the "mean positioned white pixel in each column". I will then use these pixels to obtain x and y co-ordinates to plot.
Here is what I have
sx = x = img.shape[1]
sy = 0
whitec = cv2.countNonZero(img.shape[1])
arrayOfMeanY = [] #array to place (x,y) co-ordinate in
#Select column to iterate
for x in range(img.shape[1]):
# iterating through individual items in the column
for y in range(img.shape[0]):
# Checking for white pixels
pixel = img[x,y]
if pixel == 255:
# Then we check the y values of the white pixels in the column and add them all up
sy = sy+y
whitec +=1
# Doing the calculation for the mean and putting it into the meanY list
sy = sy/whitec
y = sy
print img[x,y]
# reset sy to 0 for the next column
sy = 0
My issue is I recieve this error when I run the code:
File "<ipython-input-6-e4c2225ff632>", line 27, in <module>
whitec = cv2.countNonZero(img.shape[1]) #n= number of white pixels
in the column
TypeError: src is not a numpy array, neither a scalar
How do I rectify this issue, and once once this issue is rectified will my coding do what I described above.
No need for loops here. With numpy you hardly ever need to loop over individual pixels.
Instead, create a function which takes the mean of the locations of the non-zero pixels for each column (I converted to np.intp to index the image; you could just cast with int() but np.intp is what Numpy uses for indexing arrays so, it's slightly more appropriate).
def avgWhiteLocOverCol(col):
return np.intp(np.mean(np.where(col)))
Then you can simply apply the function along all columns with np.apply_along_axis().
avgRows = np.apply_along_axis(avgWhiteLocOverCol, 0, img)
For example, let's create an image with white pixels on the middle row and on the diagonal:
import numpy as np
import cv2
img = np.eye(500)*255
img[249,:] = 255
Then we can apply the function over each column, which should give a line with half the slope:
def avgWhiteLocOverCol(col):
return int(np.mean(np.where(col)))
avgRows = np.apply_along_axis(avgWhiteLocOverCol, 0, img)
avgIndImg = np.zeros_like(img)
avgIndImg[avgRows,range(img.shape[1])] = 255

Draw all lines obtained with HoughLines in OpenCV

I'm using OpenCV 3.2.
I'd like to extract and draw all lines in this image.
For this, I first obtain the contours of the image. For example, I'm using the Canny algorithm, with a double threshold 100 (low) and 200 (high).
Mat image = cv::imread(<image_path>, cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
cv::Mat contours;
cv::Canny(image, contours, 100, 200);
Then, I call the HoughLines function with a resolution of 1 pixel and π / 45 radians. I just want those lines which have a length of at least 60 pixels.
std::vector<cv::Vec2f> lines;
cv::HoughLines(canny, lines, 1, CV_PI/45, 60);
This returns me a vector lines with the rho p and theta θ parameters in the Hough space of the desired lines. As we know, the line going through a contour pixel (x_i, y_i) is:
p = x_i cos(θ) + y_i sin(θ)
We know p and θ, so we know all the pixels in this line. Two easy points to calculate are A with x_i = 0 and B with y_i = 0.
A = (0, p / sin(θ))
B = (p / cos(θ), 0)
Let's draw them with the line function in blue color.
cv::cvtColor(image, image, CV_GRAY2BGR);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i) {
float p = lines[i][0];
float theta = lines[i][1];
cv::Point a(0, static_cast<int>(p / std::sin(theta)));
cv::Point b(static_cast<int>(p / std::cos(theta)), 0);
cv::line(image, a, b, cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0));
The result is that it only draws me 6 lines, of a total of 14 obtained. As you can see, only those lines that intersect the row 0 and column 0 of the image are drawn. What is the same, those lines which have A and B points in the image boundary. The rest of the lines have these points outside the image.
How can I achieve to draw all the lines in an easy way? I can calculate all the pixels of the obtained lines and draw them (we know them), but I'd like to draw them by minimizing lines of code and using OpenCV api.

How i can take the average of 100 image using opencv?

i have 100 image, each one is 598 * 598 pixels, and i want to remove the pictorial and noise by taking the average of pixels, but if i want to use Adding for "pixel by pixel"then dividing i will write a loop until 596*598 repetitions for one image, and 598*598*100 for hundred of image.
is there a method to help me in this operation?
You need to loop over each image, and accumulate the results. Since this is likely to cause overflow, you can convert each image to a CV_64FC3 image, and accumualate on a CV_64FC3 image. You can use also CV_32FC3 or CV_32SC3 for this, i.e. using float or integer instead of double.
Once you have accumulated all values, you can use convertTo to both:
make the image a CV_8UC3
divide each value by the number of image, to get the actual mean.
This is a sample code that creates 100 random images, and computes and shows the
#include <opencv2\opencv.hpp>
using namespace cv;
Mat3b getMean(const vector<Mat3b>& images)
if (images.empty()) return Mat3b();
// Create a 0 initialized image to use as accumulator
Mat m(images[0].rows, images[0].cols, CV_64FC3);
// Use a temp image to hold the conversion of each input image to CV_64FC3
// This will be allocated just the first time, since all your images have
// the same size.
Mat temp;
for (int i = 0; i < images.size(); ++i)
// Convert the input images to CV_64FC3 ...
images[i].convertTo(temp, CV_64FC3);
// ... so you can accumulate
m += temp;
// Convert back to CV_8UC3 type, applying the division to get the actual mean
m.convertTo(m, CV_8U, 1. / images.size());
return m;
int main()
// Create a vector of 100 random images
vector<Mat3b> images;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
Mat3b img(598, 598);
randu(img, Scalar(0), Scalar(256));
// Compute the mean
Mat3b meanImage = getMean(images);
// Show result
imshow("Mean image", meanImage);
return 0;
Suppose that the images will not need to undergo transformations (gamma, color space, or alignment). The numpy package lets you do this quickly and succinctly.
# List of images, all must be the same size and data type.
images=[img0, img1, ...]
avg_img = np.mean(images, axis=0)
This will auto-promote the elements to float. If you want the as BGR888, then:
avg_img = avg_img.astype(np.uint8)
Could also do uint16 for 16 bits per channel. If you are dealing with 8 bits per channel, you almost certainly won't need 100 images.
Firstly- convert images to floats. You have N=100 images. Imagine that a single image is an array of average pixel values of 1 image. You need to calculate an array of average pixel values of N images.
Let A- array of average pixel values of X images, B - array of average pixel values of Y images. Then C = (A * X + B * Y) / (X + Y) - array of average pixel values of X + Y images. To get better accuracy in floating point operations X and Y should be approximately equal
You may merge all you images like subarrays in merge sort. In you case merge operation is C = (A * X + B * Y) / (X + Y) where A and B are arrays of average pixel values of X and Y images

OpenCV detect if points lie along line/plane

I am working on a form of autocalibration for an optics device which is currently performed manually. The first part of the calibration is to determine whether a light beam has illuminated the set of 'calibration' points.
I am using OpenCV and have thresholded and cropped the image to leave only the possible relevant points. I know want to determine if these points lie along a stright (horizontal) line; if they a sufficient number do the beam is in the correct position! (The points lie in a straight line but the beam is often bent so hitting most of the points suffices, there are 21 points which show up as white circles when thresholded).
I have tried using a histogram but on the thresholded image the results are not correct and am now looking at Hough lines, but this detects straight lines from edges wwhere as I want to establish if detected points lie on a line.
This is the threshold code I use:
cvThreshold(output, output, 150, 256, CV_THRESH_BINARY);
The histogram results with anywhere from 1 to 640 bins (image width) is two lines at 0 and about 2/3rds through of near max value. Not the distribution expected or obtained without thresholding.
Some pictures to try to illistrate the point (note the 'noisy' light spots which are a feature of the system setup and cannot be overcome):
12 points in a stright line next to one another (beam in correct position)
The sort of output wanted (for illistration, if the points are on the line this is all I need to know!)
Any help would be greatly appreciated. One thought was to extract the co-ordinates of the points and compare them but I don't know how to do this.
Incase it helps anyone here is a very basic (the first draft) of some simple linaear regression code I used.
// Calculate the averages of arrays x and y
double xa = 0, ya = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
xa += x[i];
ya += y[i];
xa /= n;
ya /= n;
// Summation of all X and Y values
double sumX = 0;
double sumY = 0;
// Summation of all X*Y values
double sumXY = 0;
// Summation of all X^2 and Y^2 values
double sumXs = 0;
double sumYs = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
sumX = sumX + x[i];
sumY = sumY + y[i];
sumXY = sumXY + (x[i] * y[i]);
sumXs = sumXs + (x[i] * x[i]);
sumYs = sumYs + (y[i] * y[i]);
// (X^2) and (Y^2) sqaured
double Xs = sumX * sumX;
double Ys = sumY * sumY;
// Calculate slope, m
slope = (n * sumXY - sumX * sumY) / (n* sumXs - Xs);
// Calculate intercept
intercept = ceil((sumY - slope * sumX) / n);
// Calculate regression index, r^2
double r_top = (n * sumXY - sumX * sumY);
double r_bottom = sqrt((n* sumXs - Xs) * (n* sumYs - Ys));
double r = 0;
// Check line is not perfectly vertical or horizontal
if(r_top == 0 || r_bottom == 0)
r = 0;
r = r_top/ r_bottom;
There are more efficeint ways of doing this (see CodeCogs or AGLIB) but as quick fix this code seems to work.
To detect Circles in OpenCV I dropped the Hough Transform and adapeted codee from this post:
Detection of coins (and fit ellipses) on an image
It is then a case of refining the co-ordinates (removing any outliers etc) to determine if the circles lie on a horizontal line from the slope and intercept values of the regression.
Obtain the x,y coordinates of the thresholded points, then perform a linear regression to find a best-fit line. With that line, you can determine the r^2 value which effectively gives you the quality of fit. Based on that fitness measure, you can determine your calibration success.
Here is a good discussion.
you could do something like this, altough it is an aproximation:
var dw = decide a medium dot width in pixels
maxdots = 0;
for each line of the image {
var dots = 0;
scan by incrementing x by dw {
if (color==dotcolor) dots++;
if (dots>maxdots) maxdots=dots;
maxdots would be the best result...