Link error using Cygwin toolchain - c++

I need to use Cygwin to compile C++ code for an Android project. I'm having trouble compiling even a basic "hello world" program. The console gives me this message:
/usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/4.3.4/../../../../i686-pc-cygwin/bin/ld: unrecognized -a option `ware'
I've googled the error and the only result I've found was an issue with one of the programs (I think it was binutils) being out of date, and was resolved when that program was updated. I downloaded the entirety of the Cygwin package at once, so I don't think that's the problem. The compiler and linker aren't communicating properly. How do I fix it without changing compilers?

I figured it out - Android doesn't support the standard C++ library. Fixed by downloading
Which basically reimplements that for Android.


VScode says there are include errors when I try to write c++ programs

I haven't been able to compile c++ programs on vscode (or any IDE for that matter) and I can not for the life of my figure out why. This happened after I factory reset my computer due to other issues. Everything was working fine until then. I re-installed gcc through MinGW and checked that it is installed by typing gcc in command prompt. I can even compile programs through command prompt, which proves that gcc is installed. I would much prefer to use code though, and I was wondering if anyone knew why code is complaining about include paths.
Here's an image of the relevant file with the paths
Install C++ extension, you can find more information here:

First time using SFML-2.5.1 in NetBeans IDE 8.2 I ran into the problem

After the setup I've done in the properties of the project: at C++Compiler and Linker in both Release and Debug configurations I tried to build the project, which went successful.
Then I decided to run it and had some difficulties: using External Terminal, that did absolutely nothing, Standard output, that showed some text related to dll files I've clue about, Internal Terminal, that showed the very same text.
After that didn't work I went for cmd execution and what I saw was this.
Could you explain what that means and what I'm supposed to do. I'm new to all that kind of stuff, so I apologise if I did something stupid.
EDIT: If not seen, I'm using Windows 10 and the version of SFML is GCC 7.3.0 MinGW (DW2) - 32-bit

Eclipse Oxygen C++ Hello World Cross GCC error

so I've been wanting to learn C++ and I just got a new computer. I downloaded Eclipse Oxygen, had some trouble getting it running, but it all works fine now. I tried to write a hello world right off the bat, and there was a gcc and g++ error. I looked it up and got MinGW GCC and it shows up in C++ Project tool paths, but if I hit the 'Hello World' project the box where the different toolpaths show up is completely white and when I continue to the project there is the same gcc error as before. I know this wouldn't happen if I chose MinGW GCC, but I don't have that option when I pick the 'Hello World' project. ANy help would be greatly appreciated.
Check whether you have added MINGW To the Path Environment Variable
When your creating a eclipse project - disable the show project types and toolchains only if they are supported on the platform.

Installing / Running "Hello World" in C++ with Windows

I'm having a problem with C++. Specifically, I am just trying to start out and well I am having little to no luck. So far I have downloaded and tried two compilers. I've tried to use:
Clang - I've tried to install it and it failed to install. I got two
error messages when I tried that:
Failed to find MSBuild toolsets directory
Failed to open files while installing
Then I tried to install Dev C++ and had a bit more luck, yet still
ran into problems. I just couldn't get the "Hello World!" file to
compile and run. I got the following error messages with that:
[linker error] undefined reference to '__dyn_tls_init_callback'
[linker error] undefined reference to '__cpu_features_init'
[linker error] undefined reference to '__setargv'
There are many different compilers and other tools that can be used for developing and debugging. Setting up a development environment can be a challenge especially if you are learning.
An IDE - Integrated Development Environment consists of an editor, a build tool, compiler and linker, debugger and probably more tools. Compiler takes your code + system header files and produces object files. Linker takes object files + system lib files and produces executable.
You need to get a C++ IDE installed and working so you can learn some C++ without worrying too much (yet) about building compiling linking. But you will need to learn about each component!
I do not know of an IDE that comes with a very simple install! In the old days of TurboC++ and BorlandC we had it good, kindof! Google for Eclipse and Netbeans are big and need some setup (install language compilers and libs) before you get productive. But they are very popular. E.g. instructions steps to get up and running with Eclipse and C++
If you are learning can you start with an interpreted language like python first? Before diving into C++. Learning c before C++ might be a good idea.

Issue with eclipse juno for c,c++ in windows

I am using MinGW for running c programs in eclipse juno in windows. My programs runs fine most of the times. But sometimes even though i dont have any errors in project, I get an error saying "There are errors in the project, do you want to continue". The problem gets resolved when I restart the eclipse and clean and build the project.
How can I resolve this issue. Pls help
Thanks in advance!!
Make shure you have ...
no missing includes
set proper C / C++ standard (if required)
Current Eclipse Version (maybe yours doesn't support current C / C++ standard)
no marker in error/warning view
no old compiled files in your output dir (use clean command)